Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1854: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (58)

Chapter 1854 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (58)

I was afraid that it was just to bring Kate out of the deck to breathe, but when Rogan saw the father and son of Paramitis on the deck, he smiled and smacked it with a smug look: "Hey, this is not SEGed and him. Father? Mr. Paramitis, right? What is the wind that brought you here?"

"No, but I want to ask you, why are you squatting on Mr. Bedyville's boat?" Seglad looked at Rogan with a look of discomfort.

"I? Biddeville is my stupid apprentice. He solved a warehouse for my research. Is it a matter of course that I am in this ship?" Rogan grinned, and the unshaven old man grinned. It’s extraordinarily weird: "Is it you, have you ever come to see the ship? Is it like a brother who takes up a warehouse and puts equipment? It really wastes space resources in the ship."

"I just want to borrow this green area and plant some trees." Segrad replied.

"I guess it is a pine tree?" The old Master narrowed his eyes and asked meticulously.

"Yeah, the devil pine tree." The leopard youth replied truthfully. In fact, he did not intend to conceal anything. After all, a group of orcs used the magic rosin on a large scale in the previous game. The game is live on TV, and Rogan has estimated it.

"I plan to mass produce turpentine here. It’s a clever idea." Rogan blinked again. "I have a lot of magic medicines that can increase the production of turpentine. Maybe we can cooperate with the premise. Of course, give me a little rosin. ""

"This, let's talk about it later, and Mr. Bedieville agrees to plant trees and say it again." Segrad sneaked. Even if he knew that there was nothing wrong with winning and cooperating with Rogan, he still didn't want to agree to the old Master immediately. Although Rogan has lost to Bedieville in the knockout, there is no chance to play again, but this does not mean that Rogan has lost the qualification for roundtable trials. In the round-the-clock trial that has not yet been completed, Archmage Rogan is still a competitor of SGLADE and a strong competitor.

"That said, this little devil is your little grandson?" Paramitis is holding Kate's face and playing: "Ah, hahaha, so cute~"

"Hey! Uncle Black Panther don't pinch me! It hurts!" Kate struggled as he reluctantly struggled, but grinned as if he was not reluctant.

"How could I just bring my grandson to Egypt?" Rogan replied in disapproval. "This is the person brought by His Majesty King Arthur. He is entrusted to Bedieville to take care of him. He has something to go out, so let me take care of it first." Hey, you don't know how annoying this little devil is, just staying indoors for ten minutes and squatting out to see the scenery."

"Oh, huh~" Paramitis licked Kate’s slightly thin but full-bodied face: "I’m here to wait for Little Betti to come back. I’m still quite busy before I see him. Can help. Take a look."

"Daddy" Slaged glanced at his father and seemed to be blaming his father for his nosy.

"What's wrong? This just happens to sell personal love to Betdy, isn't it?" Paramitis smiled slyly: "And the child's face is really fun, feels great, hahaha."

Segrad shook his head in a bad mood.

"Right, this is for you." Rogan took a golden hammer-like little thing from his arms and handed it to Segred: "My stupid brother told me to give it to you when I saw you." ""

"How come this thing has another flaw?" Segrad couldn't help but wonder when he saw the golden hammer. He certainly knows what this is. This is the token of the dragon hunter, a universal tool, which is usually the shape of a hammer, but can be changed into other tools according to the user's will, even if it is turned into a welding torch. There is such a token in Segrad's hand. It is the old man of Odin who gave the leopard youth. But I don't know how, but Bedieville got exactly the same token from somewhere, so he handed it to Segrad's hand through Rogan's hand.

"What special artifact is this? I can feel the magic inside, but no matter how you test it, it doesn't have a little reaction." Logan asked.

"There is nothing, just a small tool." Slaged put away the tokens, and a few words were perfunctory.

"It's stingy. I don't want to tell me about this little thing." Seeing that he couldn't find any information from the Leopard youth, Big, Master Rogan was a little unhappy.

"So," the Leopard youth pulled out a communicator from his arms. "Everyone, I have to go first. I have to contact the delivery person and let them take the pine tree seedlings on the shores of the Red Sea. Wait until you get Brady." With the consent of Mr. Weir, I can ship the seedlings to this ship."

"Oh, let's do what you should do." Palamidis is still teasing Kate and seems to have no idea to take care of his son.

"Ha ha ha." Seglad smiled a little bit, and opened the portal and returned to the warships of Great Britain.

"Call," looked at Segrad, who disappeared after entering the portal. Rogan snorted and said to Paramitis: "It seems that your son does not know how to respect the elders."

"He is just in the um, rebellious period." The big cat replied casually: "Because of various reasons, I don't have much time to accompany my two sons as a father. I can't take care of them and grow up. Communication produces There are a few obstacles, and there is no way to do it."

"You don't need to explain to me, I have heard of your deeds, Mr. Paramitis." Rogan said: "I also heard that you are a leopard with a few speeds that can run on the water. I have always been very good at how the magic of the Leopard people rely on magic to move at high speed, which is mysterious. Unfortunately, now you have been sealed by the magic bracelet, and you can't display that stunt. For the time being."

"What? Uncle Panther can run on the water? So powerful?" Kate interjected.

"It's not okay now." Paramitis pinched Kate's face in a joke. "If you make enough money and find someone in Great Britain to unblock my strength, it's another matter."

"So, how much does it cost to unblock your strength?" Rogan asked tentatively.

"I have explored it and it seems that I need at least one million Egyptian dollars." Palamidis smiled: "After all, it is a very powerful ability. If there is that speed, I can basically win in the knockout."

"Yeah." The old master touched his head and thought for a while, then said, "Do you know? I still have a way to make money in a short time. Your power is sealed, but your speed is still very fast. Right? Maybe we can cooperate and make a big ticket. I can't guarantee that I can make a million, but I can guarantee that I can make a lot of money."

"Oh?" Paramitis's leopard ears moved: "Interesting. Tell your plan?"

"Come to my workshop, the detailed work content we will talk about there." Rogan smiled mysteriously.

After a few minutes.

"Wow. You must be joking with me." Palamidis looked at Rogan's smoky workshop and couldn't help but spit. The smog of smog here is not a derogatory term, but a smog in the literal sense. The instruments in the workshop are constantly auto-manufacturing all kinds of magic potions. The smoke from the steaming of the workshops makes the entire workshop filled with wonderful smoke and even the burnt smell after the fire burns. Fortunately, the studio was well ventilated, and Paramitis was able to clearly see that the chemical fumes were constantly being pumped away from the exhaust and fresh air was coming in on the other side.

"What's wrong, have you ever been in a magician's workshop before?" Rogan shrugged and shook a test tube with a dark green potion on the test tube rack: "This level of distiller It’s just a very basic level. I can’t use magic now, probably only to keep the size of the workshop at this level.”

"It’s really the first time that I don’t count Vivian’s research.” Paramitis whispered: "And Vivienne never let me go to the core of the lab." Probably afraid that I would tamper with her research."

"Hehehehehehe, which magician is not like this?" Rogan laughed happily, took a test tube with golden liquid, and walked to Paramitis: "Come on, drink this." "

"When you come up, will I drink the potion you made?" Paramitis frowned.

"Afraid? This is not poisonous. What is the drug power? I will not say it first, you will understand it yourself." The old master still sells the secret in a mysterious way, that is, does not explain everything to the big cat.

"I want to drink too." Kate looked at the golden liquid, thinking it was a kind of syrup.

"Then drink." Rogan actually gave the potion to Kate.

"Wait!" Paramitis just wanted to stop, and Kate’s daring little devil had already sipped the potion.

"How can you drink?"

"It tastes good!" The thin teenager wiped his mouth with his hand and looked at his satisfied look. He seemed to have tasted the sweetness of the potion.

Is this really not ordinary syrup?

"Oh oh oh, I suddenly feel so cool!" The boy then said, "This cool! What is it?"

"What have you added to the potion?" Paramitis looked at Rogan in confusion.

"Nothing, just a potion that creates a slight illusion of coolness. Just like mint, it doesn't actually cool the body, but it makes people feel the cool illusion," Rogan said.

Paramitis seems to understand what Rogan wants to do. Egypt was originally a hot country, and at least half of the day was shrouded in heat. A good means of cooling is that the people of Limin are eagerly demanding all the time, but in this country with severe water shortage, there are actually not many people who can cool down with water all day long, not to mention ice. It is a luxury.

If you use this medicine as a kind of refreshing drink, Paramitis can already see a lot of business opportunities.

"But, is there really no problem? After all, what is it to drink into your stomach, you need to go through strict quarantine before you can sell it?"

"It’s okay to sell it in the black market in Cairo," Rogan said. "Mr. Paramitis, I have completely imagined the sales channel of this potion. You don't need to worry. But it's not very raw. It’s easy to do, even if it’s in the black market, it’s hard to buy. And this is where I want you to help.”

"what do you mean?"

"Yes, I want to rely on your ability to go somewhere to help me collect the raw materials for this medicine." Rogan squinted halfway: "This may be a dangerous task, but if we can get a lot of Material, I guarantee that this business can make a big profit."

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