Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1855: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (59)

Chapter 1855 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (59)

At the same time (?), Africa's Angola, the stadium of the 51st military base.

The last five minutes of the game, the score is 33 to 16, the Sandstorm Sphinx is ahead of the Angola Giants.

Of course, the Sphinx team just completed the bonus game after the touchdown, and now the offensive opportunity fell to the hands of Angola.

"In the last five minutes, everyone will stick to it!" Captain Hiloma called the players, which was a kind of encouragement. But the Sphinxs know clearly that they can't resist the offense of this round, because the only person who has the chance to stop the phantom-like attack of Angola is the Leopard Phileos. Phileos was injured in the attack, even if he has amazing regenerative ability, it is impossible to play for a while.

Sure enough, just less than three seconds after the kick-off, the Angolan players caught the ball in midair, and then a beautiful far-reacher, their guards rushed to the Sphinx's position with the ball. The Sphinx players are still trying to prevent opponents from sprinting, but they have no effect at all. The fortified human soldiers who can turn themselves into Bose condensate are like ghosts passing through the players' bodies, and they are easy to pass. Complete the touchdown. What you can't catch is that you can't catch it. If you want to catch them, you have to pay a huge price. There are not a few people in the Sphinx's guard who have the courage to stop to stop such opponents.

After all, the current Sphinx team is still ahead. It seems that there is no need for this "death to block the opponent."

The Angolan team only took less than half a minute to complete the touchdown, and then madly grabbed the two points of the bonus game.

The last four and a half minutes of the game, the score is 33 to 24, the Sandstorm Sphinx is still ahead of the Angola Giants, it should be said that it is temporarily "leading a round".

"It is said that we only have to drag the time in this offensive round until the end of the game, isn't it?" Albert could not help but curiously ask.

"Be careful." The sight of Siloma became more serious: "At the last minute, they will use more extreme means. There are still four minutes, and the battle can change countless times."

The tiger youth nodded and there was a nervous cold sweat in the forehead. This is indeed the case, because once the Angolan giant squad has the right to control the ball, it takes only a minute or so from the start of the sprint to the real touchdown. If the four minutes are completely used by the enemy, the enemy can attack four times, which is enough. Reverse the score. Even if the Sphinx wants to drag the time in this offensive round, the Angolan team, which is increasingly rushed, will certainly not let the Sphinxes do this.

They will come over and grab the ball, and use more extreme means to grab the ball and turn the Sphinx's offense into a chance to attack.

This time, there are more strange guys among the players who played. The purple-skinned intensive soldier is wearing the same protective gear with the heat sink as the red-skinned guards, but Albert knows the ability of these purple skin humans that are not moving at the last minute, sure and red. Strengthening soldiers is different!

What will the battle eventually become? Albert swallowed a sip. It can only be tempered in the actual situation.

kick off. The ball was played by the opponent's kicking player, which is estimated to be the most powerful since the start of the game. The Angolan team is really serious.

Boom! However, Mutter also entered a completely serious mode. He flew high and leaped in the past, and it was easy to catch the ball in the air. When he received the ball landing, Albert had already sprinted to the cat's boy, and Mutter sent the ball out. The ball fell to the hands of Albert, and there was no suspense. It turns out that the pass after the catch is absolutely stable. The captain of Hilomar has let Albert and Mutter act like this, just to prevent the opponent from having any chance!

When the tiger youth received the ball, they adjusted their body and ran to the depths of the enemy!

Two red-skinned defenders from Angola emerged from the front of Albert and began to glow, trying to stop Albert from advancing with their plasma.

The hot air wall spread out in front of the tiger and it was too hot to cross. Albert left his left ankle and flew out to the right, using the smallest amount of action to complete the maximum sprint steering! If the front cannot break through this high-heat air wall, then go around! On the footsteps, Albert has an advantage!

However, it seems that Albert has been detoured to either side of the two sides. The Angolan team has already equipped two other guards to intercept from both sides. Whether it is left or right, there will always be a defender who can block Ayr. Burt!

"Call." The tiger smiled lightly. The purple skin guy in front of him should also be able to use the plasma hot air wall, but the timing of his appearance is wrong, or it is too late! He is too close to Albert, even if he wants to launch a plasma transformation at this moment, and when the heat is radiated to form a high-heat air wall that can block the way, Albert has already slipped from the player. gone! however -


The heat wave is coming, the heat is soaring, it’s hard to imagine! The purple-skinned guard is changing the plasma at a very high speed. Although the heat generated is far less than that of the red-skinned soldiers, it heats up much faster than the red-skinned humans!

Still able to go around! Albert's right foot was on the ground, trying to get out of him just before, not so amazingly hot, and the range of influence was not so big, the hot air wall slid past! He has crossed the body of the past and will be successful! ——

Hey! ! - However, a blue shadow has been smashed by him, scaring Albert jump!

The player who has already undergone a plasma change is clearly standing and unable to move. However, his body suddenly burst into a blue shadow, which is the person after the change of Bose condensate! The appearance of the blue shadow far exceeded the expectations of Albert. The tiger couldn't even react to it. He felt that he was smashed by a cold, and the ball in his hand was also hit!

"Well--" Albert just wanted to exclaim, he looked along the path of the ball flying out, just to see two things!

One of them was the blue shadow that had just been smashed from the side of Albert and hit the ball in the tiger's hand. The people in the Bose state are extremely unstable, and they disappeared immediately after hitting Albert! The other is a player, the blue skin players of Angola's giant tongs who don't wear protective gear! He was already deployed near the scene, and when the ball flew out of Albert, he began to rush to grab the ball, and he grabbed it!

"It's bad! Come back soon!!" shouted Hilomar.

Useless. The Angolan team used a lightning-fast attack and was unable to be defended like a ghost. The blue-skinned player sprinted with the ball to the Sphinx's position, and almost completed the touchdown without being blocked!

lb! The purple-skinned guy next to Albert also suddenly exploded, and it was so smouldering on the court! The scale of the explosion was not large, and Albert, who was not far away, was not hurt, but he saw such a person close to him so close that he felt like he was worried!

Angola's giant tongs sacrificed a player with incredible tactics, directly taking control of the ball from the Sphinx's offensive round, and scored a touchdown!

Not surprisingly, their extra bonus rounds are also scored in two points with a successful touchdown. In just half a minute, the score became 33 to 32, and the Sphinx team led the team with Angola slightly by one point!

The Sphinx team's hard-earned big score lead, and immediately turned into a embarrassing situation with only a slight lead!

"Just, just, just what happened just now?!" The shocked Albert finally opened his mouth.

"I know you are shocked. Me too. But can you calm down first?" Redridge knocked on Albert's tiger head: "Those purple guys are really a big problem. Can use plasma at the same time. And the transformation of the Bose condensate state, after the plasma state changes, becomes an insurmountable human wall, and then separates the ghost of the Bose state from the body, stealing the ball from the opponent. It is really troublesome."

"But this ability seems to be used only once." The side of the Heloma further analyzed, "The two transformations are inherently unstable, and at the same time they will cause the body to die and cause an explosion. The purple-skinned soldiers They are all dead, and they will die when they play the game once."

"The biggest problem is that American football is not a game that restricts players from playing. They can make unlimited substitutions. Even if one player dies, another player will be added soon." Redlitch laughs and laughs. He slammed his mouth: "It is a great thing to use [people] as a consumable."

"Oh, you are so embarrassed to say." Albert suddenly slammed Redlitch. He has not forgotten that Redlitch has let the cat-man juvenile Shang En put on ceramic protective gear to resist the other side's offensive. Although Shane did not die, but because of the direct contact with the deep cold of the Bose condensate state, his arms were broken and became disabled. I don't know if I can repair my arm later.

"Let's talk about this later?" The jackal, Redlitch, opened the subject: "Now try to win this game."

"It's still our offensive round." Siloma looked at it, "but this offense is estimated to be more difficult."

Because, in the lineup of Angola's giant tongs, there are another two purple-skinned players. The number of these "dead" has increased to four. It is estimated that each of them can simultaneously transform the plasma state and the Bose condensate state. In fact, it can be said that one person is divided into two people, and they are both absolute defenses. And it’s a sinister assassin, ready to **** the ball from the Sphinx players.

"I have a word, I don't know if I should say it." The cat boy, Mutter, said at this time.

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