Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1874: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (seventy-eight)

Chapter 1874 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (seventy-eight)

The golden gate was heavily closed, and looking at it, there was already some kind of organ inside to lock it to death, not just the power of two or three people to open it.

"Boss?! Are you still inside?!" There was a voice outside the door that struck the door, accompanied by the cry of Great Lawrence.

"Fortunately, I can't die!" The Werewolf youth also raised his voice and shouted.

"Mr. Bedieville, we will immediately call the people in the blasting group to see if we can blow up the door! Please bear with me!" said the academician Zuster.

"Oh!" Biddyville responded with irony: "Come on! I am afraid I will be bored here!"

Then the group outside the door seemed to have hurried away and went to the rescue army - although Bedieville was very skeptical that the gold gate could be opened by the blast.

The door quickly became quiet.

"You are such an idiot." At this time, Celebrity Eric repeated again, similar to complaining, listening to something.

"Maybe." Biddeville did not care to return, and took out the little dagger: "I just think that you have been struggling in a place where you have broken a leg, and you must die very fast."

Then he used to look at Eric's broken leg. The situation was very bad. The leg was severely fractured. The broken bone was pierced from the muscles and the skin like a broken dead wood. Because of the penetration of the flesh, Eric’s legs were bloody.

Beddyville can't do anything at the moment. He can only take two silver-colored scepters from the side as sticks and tie Eric's broken legs. Then he squeezed out a lot of medical gels with the plugs hidden inside the dagger. In the end, he gave the little Lawrence's broken leg to stop bleeding.

"Would it hurt?" The werewolf youth, while dealing with the other's injuries, asked: "How is such a serious injury caused?"

"It hurts. It doesn't hurt. Remember? I'm actually awkward, and there's almost no feeling under the neck. This broken leg doesn't hurt at all, and it only has a little discomfort at most."

"So--" Bedieville just wanted to ask.

"It's all the power of [miracle]." Before Edie Buddy asked the question, Eric himself replied: "More precisely, it is an application of [Second Miracle - Quality Creation]. ""

"Is that the same as Lancelot?"

"Yes." Eric blinked. "I heard that the round table knight Lancelot can also use [Second Miracle], or that his hand can be used close to unlimited use of the second miracle. Give birth to kinetic energy, right? My situation is similar to that of Lancelot, but I can generate kinetic energy around my entire body, not just the palm of my hand. Many people think that I use magic to control my body to move, They didn't even know that what I used was actually [Second Miracle]. Thanks to [Second Miracle], I was able to control this body freely like a normal person."

"That's really amazing." The Werewolf youth echoed.

"Although the amount of kinetic energy that can be produced seems to be limited." Eric shrugged: "Probably enough to manipulate the body's body to continue the activity. Want to force the body to move, the body can not afford it." The power will become my present virtue."

He glanced at his broken leg. Just in an extremely critical situation, Eric kicked hard and kicked his floating wheelchair to help Biddiville block the deadliest hidden weapon rain. It is because the situation is too critical, there is no need to take into account the strength of the use, he will kick his legs.

In this way, the second miracle is actually a double-edged sword.

"But I don't understand. Why save me? I am not familiar with you." The werewolf youth asked. "Do you want me to explain this kind of thing?" Eric gave Bideville a look: "You are the only one who can see the operation of [Ping Qi Baozhu]. You can't use that artifact outside of you. If you die, no one in the world can use [映奇宝珠]? Then what I have been pursuing, can't I always find it?"

"Hey, are you talking about [outside the strings]?" Betdiville remembered this time, and Eric had said this to Bediville before.

Cosmo Eric has been pursuing [the outside of the string], the most mysterious and profound law in the universe, transcending the laws of all laws. [Outside the Strings] is also the ultimate pursuit of all the wizards in the world. The Masters believe that [the outside of the string] is the truth of everything in the world. As long as you can see and understand it, all the problems in the world will be answered. The mages will get infinitely close to the wisdom of God.

"I can almost certainly be 100% sure. I saw [out of the string] at the moment I was born. It was because I saw it, so I had the power of [Second Miracle], and finally let this pair The body that was born was once again moving. "Eric looked at Bedyville seriously: "But this is not enough, far from enough. Even if you can use [Second Miracle] to drive this body, life There are still a lot of inconveniences. I have to carefully control the power of the body when I move, and I will hurt myself like I am now. Even if the appearance is like a healthy person, I am essentially It’s still a waste of the whole body. I’m tired of this kind of life.”

"So you think that once again [the extra-string theory], you can recover from the whole body?" Betdiwei asked tentatively: "I still don't understand what is the [out of the string]. It has this God?"

"That is the door to the truth. It is the source of all wisdom in the universe. It is possible to understand all the truths of the world by seeing the things in the door. Isn't that the case? We [the transcender] are seeing the truth of the universe because of it. Only have the ability to use [miracle]. If [truth] allows us to use the [miracle] which transcends the laws of nature and has nothing to do, then use [truth] to restore my cursed body, and certainly not It’s hard."

When I heard this, Bedieville suddenly frowned and seemed to notice something.

"Wait. Do you say cursing?" The Werewolf youth will be suspiciously asked: "What curse? How suddenly came to curse?"

"Oh, you still don't know, right?" Celebrity Eric shook his other amazing fact: "I was cursed by my brother from birth. It was he who cursed me. Let me squat."

"What are you waiting for?!" Biddyville was even more surprised: "You said your brother, Lawrence?!"

Although Bedyville also knows that Lawrence is a curse (how obvious!), but, that, Grand Lawrence? !

"Wait, etc., I am confused -" Biddyville waved his hand in a panic, indicating that Eric should not talk about it and give him time to analyze: "Isn't that your brother? He is not very loving." You? I know that there may be a little contradiction between your brothers, but don’t you? He? Cursed you? Let you be born when you are born!? Why? Is he such a vicious person? He is really capable. Do you want to do this? In my opinion, he is just an ordinary mantra, and his combat power is very general-"

"Those are illusions, Mr. Bedieville-" "Chairman Eric said faintly: "I don't want to believe it. But my brother's teacher, the teacher, Klarna, told me that my brother is probably the most in the world today. There is no talent in the curse of the Wizards. There is no such thing as a curse. This kind of thing is originally a gift. The talent is strong enough to kill people without training. The curse of the day after tomorrow is to control the brother. Developed with a strong talent. It is said that the great teacher Klarna had done a good job to control his brother’s terrible talent."

"It's unbelievable!" Biddyville whispered.

"No matter how unbelievable, this is true. If you don't believe it, ask yourself to ask the teacher, Klarna." Eric replied plainly: "I don't know what happened when I was born." Let my brother hate me so much that I have to curse my life for a disability. But what happened has already happened, and it is useless to blame it. It is better to find a way to remedy it."

"Even if you say this," the more you think about Beddyville, the more terrible it is.

"I also advise you, Mr. Bedieville. Be careful with my brother." Eric lowered his voice and said: "He seems to be a slinger now, lazy and decadent, but in fact he is a terrible Monster. Maybe someday you will curse you when you are not paying attention, and God knows what he will make you curse."

"No, don't say it." Bettyville listened more and more flustered, and quickly said something strong: "Isn't it a difficult thing to curse people? The curse is not a high-level hypnotism." People have [absolute domain] this kind of biological enchantment to protect themselves, generally not so easy to be cursed."

After listening to the werewolf youth, the strategist Eric suddenly sighed: "Mr. Bedieville, you don't know the essence of the spell, right?"


"Yes, strictly speaking, the spell is a more advanced hypnotism. But it is essentially different from hypnotism. Do you know? [The curse] is actually used by the ancient gods and people [command] human or orc The technique used. Depending on the identity of the curse and the cursed person, the cursed person may inevitably have a spell."

"What?!" After hearing this information, Bedieville was surprised again.

"Is this really unbelievable?" Eric glanced at Biddiville: "I heard that humans and orcs are slave races created by the ancient gods, right? They are created. From that day on, the body has already buried the order [must obey the ancient gods]. This is an absolute command on the level of genetic factors, which is passed down from generation to generation with the survival of humans or orcs.

You have to know that no matter whether it is human or orc, it is a [slave race] belonging to the ancient gods and human races. It has never had [free will] since ancient times. "

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