Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1875: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (79)

Chapter 1875 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (79)

Regarding the ancient gods and humans, the werewolf youth Biddiville actually knows more than the strategist Eric. So when Eric mentioned that humans and orcs are slave races of the ancient gods, Bediville probably already guessed the ins and outs of things.

In fact, strictly speaking, mankind is the slave race of the ancient gods and human races. It was created by the ancient gods and humans and used as a race to provide basic labor. But when human beings were created, they determined that their fertility was amazing, so they had a large population base after several generations. The ancient gods and peoples were afraid that humans would betray, and they created the orcs who used to "manage humans."

The orcs, no matter which clan, are stronger than humans and have more talents, but there are more "commands" on the level of genetic factors that are written in them. Humans are free to use magic, and the orcs can't, the orcs can only use a limited number of creational magic, such as [beasting] and [crazy].

According to a previous incident of scarlet plague in Athens, the population of each race of the orcs is even limited. When the population of an orc clan grows to a certain extent, the old, weak, and sick people in the clan will begin to suffer from the incurable disease of [scarlet plague], which appears to be a disease, but actually an orc. Some kind of gene that controls the population is doing something, killing the overpopulated population.

Anyway, whether it is [slave race] or [slave race of managing slaves], it is the creation of the ancient gods and humans, and they must all accept the rule of the ancient gods and peoples. It is not surprising that the ancient gods and humans buried the genetic order in humans and orcs.

In this way, everything will make sense. The spells should indeed be used by ancient gods to control the great methods used by humans and orcs.

Mankind’s curse on mankind is obviously a very difficult thing to succeed. But if it is changed, is the ancient gods and peoples cursing humans or orcs? - Because humans and orcs must obey the ancient gods at the genetic level, the mantra is estimated to be 100% successful.

Bediville remembered another thing at this time. Earlier, Eric mentioned that Pharaoh King Nice had cursed all the Egyptians, so that all humans with Egyptian blood could not make an idea for [Yingqi Baozhu]. Because of the curse of the first Pharaoh, the Egyptians could never find it, or touched [Yingqi Baozhu].

What is the truth, Bedieville will not go to the conclusion. But just now Academician Zuster also mentioned exactly that the first generation of Pharaoh Wang Nice was very likely to have the blood of the ancient gods and humans. If that's the case, it would not be a fantasy for me to curse all the Egyptians and the descendants of the Egyptians.

It turned out to be the case. Just now, the strategist Eric was thinking thoughtfully because he wanted to understand this.

"But I have never heard of the hybrids of the ancient gods and humans among humans." Biddiville then spoke up: "Is the ancient gods not infertile? It is because they have no fertility and are [The decline of the soul] is forced to eventually succumb to demise?"

"You don't ask me about this question. If I know it, it would be fine." Eric shrugged. "Maybe they found a way to create a hybrid of ancient gods and humans? - neither ancient gods, It is not human, but the [half-god man] between the two. Of course, human beings are only slave races. The existence of such demigods must be a taboo. The ancient gods and peoples do not bother to mention the human camp. Little is known among them."

"You said so much and didn't talk about the point." Biddiville seemed to want to understand something again, staring at Eric: "So, what is your brother's curse talent? Is it you? "

"Our ancestors may have half-god's blood, yes." Eric also looked at Biddeville, and then smiled with a slight self-deprecating smile: "But after countless generations, this lineage must have changed. Extremely thin. My brother is a special case, a phenomenon of returning to the ancestors, the thin and almost negligible half-god human blood suddenly became strong. So he has such a terrible curse talent."

"Do these are your big teacher, Klarna, tell you?" Bettiville suddenly asked.

Coach Eric sighed: "Not my teacher. Strictly speaking, she is just a brother's curse teacher. But yes. Most of the information is told by her personally. The rest is my own verification observation. result."

"But all this is your unilateral rhetoric." Biddier frowned. "I can't believe it. Go. After I go back, I will talk to your brother and see what he thinks."

Eric instantly changed his face: "No. This is definitely not to let my brother know!"


"No, it doesn't work! The big teacher is like this again." Eric said vaguely: "You really want to tell my brother, is he making a curse on me in the unconscious, let me stay for a lifetime?! "

"Well, that's right." Bedieville flinched.

"This is confidential. Love does not believe, you can do it." Coach Eric said with a sigh of relief: "I just remind you of it, be careful of my brother. Don't look at my brother is now the look of this lover, he It is capable of cursing others, and humans and orcs are within the scope of what he can curse."

Every time Eric mentions the word "curse," Bedieville feels that his back is cold. At the same time, the loud cry of Lawrence outside the door: "Boss? - Brother? - Are you still inside? Not dead?"

"Not dead yet!" Bedieville yelled and responded with anger.

"You are far from the gate, and now install explosives, you have to detonate!"

"Know it!-" Biddeville agreed, turning his head and looking at Coach Eric: "I doubt if explosives can blast this door."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Eric also faintly said.

Boom! ! The explosion sounded outside the door, and the explosion caused a fierce sway around, and even the ground was shaken off a lot of dust. But the door to gold is still not moving. There must be some sort of organ inside to lock the door, and the impact of the explosion can't move it.

"Can't you? Increase the weight of the explosives?" It seems that the voice of Lawrence came from outside the door.

"No! This is already the largest amount of explosives that can be tolerated!" said Academician Zuster: "If you add explosives, even the passage will be in danger of collapse! We can't save people but will bury themselves alive!"

"It seems very troublesome." Bedyville whispered.

"I don't think they can blow up the door." Coach Eric also said, "The door to the tomb is obviously designed to defend against intruders. The ancient Egyptians have a high level of manufacturing such institutions. Some places even modern people. Can't match."

"What should we do? Do we have to be trapped in this place?"

"There must be an emergency switch in the tomb to reopen the door that was blocked by mistake." Eric continued to analyze: "Looking around."

"Okay." The werewolf youth climbed from the ground where he was sitting, and he glanced again at the strategist Eric. Eric was pale because of broken legs and blood loss. Human beings are really fragile. It seems that those simple first aid measures are not enough. Bediville should rescue Eric from the tomb as soon as possible and seek medical treatment.

But even though, Bedieville didn't have a clue and didn't know where to look. This tomb is quite large, big and full of treasures, and hidden in the treasure. This way, looking for it without a clue, it will only trigger more killing organs, making the situation worse.

"哼" Biddiville pulled out the tungsten tortoise whip. It’s just that with intuition, there is such an idea. But the Werewolf youth suddenly felt that the electrostatic protection ring of the tungsten tortoise whip seemed to be able to help.

If it can sense the surrounding crisis and automatically operate to protect the safety of Bediville, then it should also be able to sense the weak electromagnetic field around it and find it in the room full of treasure [unnatural] The place.

"Electromagnetic induction? Good idea." Eric's face is getting paler and paler. Even with a medical gel to stop bleeding, the problem of internal bleeding in broken legs continues to worsen. Cosmo Eric began to be a little confused. He lay next to a pile of gold coins and looked like he was always sleeping like this at any time.

"Don't fall asleep. If you can bear it, you can find the organ right away." Bedieville couldn't help but be anxious. He picked up the whip and prayed in prayer, even though he didn't have the **** to believe in. "Come on. Give me some clues. Even small tips -"

While Eric sitting there is getting more and more sleepy, his eyelids are about to collapse. He can only use his will to reluctantly keep himself conscious, but his eyes have become a seam.

At this time, Bedieville's left arm began to shine. It should be said that the armband is placed on the prosthetic limb of his left arm, [the sun **** of the sun god] is shining. Probably because of the critical or urgent thoughts of the user, this mysterious treasure of unknown use began to start. Before Bediville realized it, it slipped out of Bediville's arm and suddenly flew to the position where he held the tungsten tortoise whip.

Since Betdiville used his left hand to hold the whip to form a ring array, the arm ring flew to the position near the Biddiville fist, and it floated mysteriously, and roared with the pouring of golden light.

"Well?" I felt that a golden light was getting stronger. Eric’s eyes were almost incapable of opening again, but he still struggled to open his eyes and tried to see what was happening in front of him.

Of course, he could barely see the sight in front of him. He only saw that the werewolf Bettiville was holding up something that made a violent glow.

That thing seems to be a ring. It was lifted into the air and glare, spinning rapidly, roaring, and there was some sort of satellite-like thing flying around it.

Like the sun.

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