Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1876: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (80)

Chapter 1876 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (80)

Bedyville looked at the [sun] on his head, and it was awkward.

He didn't know at first that things would look like this.

He just prayed at first, trying to get some reaction from the tungsten tortoise whip. He thought that the whip would work like he did this morning when he was exploring the deep sea, and gave him some tips to get him out of trouble.

However, in fact, the tungsten tortoise whip at this time did not have any spirituality, and did not have a slight reaction until the end, but the [Sunday Sun] worn by Bediville heard the request of Bediville and began. It works.

It floats in midair, and the entire gold ring is centered on the tungsten tortoise whip and begins to spin wildly. The sun-like golden light from the sun, the golden light glare to a certain point, it becomes the warm white light of the sun. The twelve black magnet **** that were originally magnetically attracted to the sun wheel began to spread out, flying around the sun in the frenzied rotation, like the twelve satellites that orbited the sun.

This "revolution" seems to have no meaning, but actually it accumulates its influence over time. Bedieville didn't understand it at first, but after a few seconds he gradually noticed the strange things around him.

Sha La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la -

Countless sounds like silver bells resound throughout the world. The tomb of Meinness was originally a structure that could continuously expand the echo. Together with this mysterious bell ringing everywhere, the young people of the werewolf couldn’t tell at a time what was going on, and they didn’t know the sound. What is the source of it -

It was not until he saw the vision around him with the naked eye that he began to understand gradually.

They are floating!

Slowly, but definitely, the treasures in the entire tomb began to float! As if it is no longer affected by gravity, every gold coin, every jewel, every antique, every sword in the huge treasure is all fluttering!

Even Bedieville himself felt that his weight was getting lighter, and he was also gently lifted into the air, in a state of weightlessness.

Until this time, Bedieville finally figured out that this so-called [Sun God of the Sun God] is actually a gravity control device. It now produces a powerful anti-gravity field that lets everything around it float in a gravity-free state!

The rustling sounds like silver bells are actually scattered throughout the burial chamber. Every gold coin, every treasure, constantly vibrates and collides with each other under low gravity!

This room suddenly became a world of gold and silver jewels, or a universe of gold, silver and jewels. The surrounding treasures are flying freely in the whole world like stars, and with the strong light from [the sun **** of the sun god], you can't help but see that Biddyville is dazzled. This dazzling feeling is even less than that. The scene in the [Yingqi Baozhu] that he had seen before!

The werewolf youth closed their eyes and tried to escape from this confusing feeling. His thoughts are a bit confusing, and he wants to calm down and figure out what is happening now.

Ok, [the sun **** of the sun god] did start, and the surroundings became a gravity-free environment, and all the treasures floated in midair. But what does this mean? Just turn this tomb into a gravity-free space, can you go out from here?

No, obviously it is not. But this gravity-free world has a benefit.

The organs that were originally buried under countless treasures, the organs that started to kill when there were mistakes, and the organs that opened the blocked golden gate. Bediville did not dare to touch the things here because he was afraid of further misunderstanding of an organ and the situation deteriorated further.

Now, as long as the treasures are floating off the ground, the organs on the ground are clear at a glance, easier to find, and Biddiville can more clearly see how the organ traps in this tomb are arranged.

Of course, before doing so, the werewolf youth must clean up all the treasures flying around. Otherwise, the whole world is a flying gold and silver treasure, in fact, it is even more difficult to understand the situation on the ground.

At the same time that Beddyville had this idea, [the sun **** of the sun god] changed again. It was originally rotated and rotated at a faster speed, and the "satellite magnets" that surround it were also scattered farther and continued to rotate with a larger radius.

Bediville still frowned, still did not understand the meaning of this change. But he understood the effects of this change after a few seconds.

Treasures that are floating around are beginning to gather toward [the sun **** of the sun god]. Since it is a gravity control device, this degree of change is certainly not difficult to achieve. The attraction it produces, though very weak, actually exists and affects all the light and small objects around it. Those objects that are inherently in a state of no gravity are naturally assembled toward the sun god's sun, and then slammed into the high-speed rotating sun wheel - they are not really glued, it should be said to be blocked Beyond a strong defensive enchantment to avoid obstructing the rotation of the sun.

Soon, more and more gold and silver jewels gathered toward this [Japanese ship] and stuck to the outer wall of the enchantment, eventually forming a huge sphere composed of treasures.

Because the funerary treasures of Meinness are very large, the sphere has become bigger and bigger with the increase of the treasures attached to it, and it is so scary! Bediville even began to worry that, once the sun wheel stopped working, this huge treasure ball would suddenly collapse and squash him!

Although worried, Betteville has no time to manage this kind of thing. At this moment, he is looking round and round, looking around on the ground, trying to find out the various organs hidden on the floor, and even trying to find the only one in these organs to unlock the gate!

But that was not an easy task, because the number of institutions on the ground was amazing! Some of the organ triggers hidden on the floor are small red spots, some are small bricks that look unnaturally protruding, and some are black holes that are sunken. There are hundreds of such large and small institutions! Perhaps one of them really can unlock the door, but it is not easy to find out one by one and find the only one! Even if you have a bad luck, Bedieville has no confidence to find the real goal with one step intuition!

Seeing the dazzling Bediville, I felt the real despair at this time. If Ivan is here, it will be fine. Evan's eagle eye should be able to quickly find useful information in such a chaotic scene, find out the only door-opening mechanism.

Bedieville only blamed himself for being too stupid and too lazy. He never learned the investigative techniques such as eagle eye surgery - otherwise he would not fall into such a desperate situation at this time!

[Desperate? ]

At this time, a certain voice suddenly sounded. The voice is not a real voice, more like an idea that came out of Bediville's mind. It seems to be a mysterious figure, and is using the telepathy to remind the young people of the werewolf.

[Don't give up even if you are desperate. ]

[Come down in desperation and think about it. ]

[The solution must exist, and it is right in front of you. ]

[——Reverse thinking, reverse it. ]


"Hmmm?!" Bedieville suddenly snorted and seemed to want to understand something.

correct. Why do you have to entangle the switch to find the door?

Why do you have to open the door with a switch?

The method of opening the door is not unique. If you can't find the switch to open the golden door, then use another method to open it! ——

Reverse your mind!

"Lawrence!" Biddyville shouted: "If you don't want to get hurt, you are farther away from the door!"

"What? Boss you -" the people outside the door exclaimed.

"It's time to start!" The Werewolf youth shouted with a louder voice, just to give the final reminder to the people outside the door.

Then, the werewolf youth used his body to twist the waist and wave his arms.

His tungsten tortoise whip is actually connected to [the sun **** of the sun god] at the moment.

The Japanese wheel is also rotated with the whip as its axis.

The Japanese wheel used its attraction to gather and collect countless gold and silver treasures, and glued the treasures into a huge sphere with a radius of thirty feet!

This huge sphere is actually "connected" at the end of the tungsten tortoise whip, turning the entire whip into a super-large meteor!

Ordinary explosions may not be able to blow up the golden gate. But what about a meteor with such a huge mass that hits the door like this? !

"Ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. He uses his own power to shake this huge mass of things, and actually needs to bear huge reaction. But the arm that he used to shake the sphere was not a flesh-and-blood body - a prosthetic made of Mithril, affordable!

Quality is power. In the same way, speed is power. The massive mass of the meteor, coupled with the acceleration of the centrifugal force, quickly became one of the most deadly weapons in the world, even though this "weapon" was just a patchwork!

Its quality is so great, its speed is so fast, it is like a comet-like thing, I am afraid that even a thick wall will break a big hole!

Bedyville took a deep breath and snarled: "Open it to me, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

He slammed the giant gold meteor in the direction of the door!

Boom! ! ——

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