Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1905: Steel virgin (23)

Chapter 19o5 Steel Virgin Twenty-three

"It’s cold, the saints." Although the shadow of the crow could not reveal its expression, there was a breath of hippie smile in his words: "I obviously brought your hair ball friend to you." Going around, saved your life. Do you use your sword to repay your savior?"

Beidville, next to "Is you?!" exclaimed: "It is not Merlin - who are you?!"

"Hey!" Arthur couldn't help but interrupted nervously. They all blame Beddyville for talking about this idiot, and said that the information that should not be said is exported.

The great white wolf spit out his tongue and did not dare to speak.

"So what are you doing, Mephistopheles?" Arthur asked unkindly: "Adding chaos? Doing things? Planning to fight for us and vampires, profit from it?"

"There is no such thing, the saints." Mephistophel said: "In fact, the tenth true ancestor Cyrus is an alliance with me -"

The night demon has not finished, and Arthur has picked up the holy sword (the sheath) and swept it. The sword is not so much to destroy the enemy as it is to remove pests such as flies.

"Hey, don't be so excited." Mephistopheles was a jump to avoid the sword, and the action was exceptionally light. In this state of phantom, he does not have the need to dodge, and the holy sword will generally pass through this shadow. His dodge is probably just a play with Arthur.

"So, you really are the enemy." The golden boy said coldly.

"No, no, no, no." Mephistopheles immediately clarified: "Zhen Zuerence was once one of my partners. We have a plan to unite the power of the number of higher Mozus. Defeating or even destroying the demon Satan. But my acute partner didn't like to follow the command. He said that he wanted to meet you as a saint, so he came to Fort Teller."

"You really overestimated me." Arthur sneered.

"There is no overestimation. You are the core of this plan. If you are willing or not, Satan will come to you one day."

Arthur didn't talk anymore. It seems that the mysterious old man j also talked about similar things. This world is a gamble between God and the devil, and Arthur is a "third party" intervener outside the world. He and the demon may be one day.

"So your hands that are not obedient have troubled me, and you rushed to the rescue?" Arthur couldn't help but swear: "It's a disciplined organization."

"We also have a lot of reasons here. Some of the Mozus have been subjected to Satan's temper, and they are thinking about eradicating Satan as soon as possible. Some, they don't believe in our plans, just want to come and join in the fun." Mephistopheles' tone is mixed. A little helpless: "In any case, I don't want to have such a thing. As a result, as long as no one is hurt, isn't it good? The most important thing to be a man is to be happy."

Beside the Bediville, he almost spit a blood. The nightmare, Mephistopheles, has a mouthful of oily slicks to find an excuse for excusing himself. Such a guy is not worth to believe.

Fortunately, Arthur did not intend to believe this demon.

"I know that you came to me, certainly not as simple as apologizing." Arthur said coldly: "If you want to say anything, just finish it and then roll it for me."

"It's an acute one, Master Aslan." Mephistus muttered. "I want to say that things are actually very simple: Satan is eyeing the saint. To prove to his death that the holy person is as holy as Joan of Arc. It will also be ruthless, and it will fall. Satan will continue to exert pressure on France from now on. He will not act blatantly, because this and the rules of the bet are left. But he will secretly seduce more humans. Let these fallen human beings become his pawns and finally achieve his purpose."

"So?" Arthur asked coldly.

"So you can't blatantly help Joan of Arc, you shouldn't even stand on the same line with her against England." The night magic continued to analyze: "In the near future, Joan of Arc will become a target of public criticism." She may become a heroine, she may become a witch who is devastated by the masses, and suffers a harsh trial. All the misfortunes that you can imagine are likely to fall on her, and all the conspiracy that you can expect is It may be around her life. Satan is always a conspiracy, and his means are endless and can drive the nations to destroy a person."

"Speaking." Arthur listened a lot and was a little impatient.

"Go to England." Mephistopheles then said: "There is the answer to all the questions, the truth of all this. The core of the Hundred Years War is not in France, but in England, in the little man named Henry VI. Body."

Arthur frowned.

Henry VI was the child of the former King Henry V of England who was the daughter of Princess Catherine of Charles VI of France. The existence of this child is itself a conspiracy of the British annexation of France and a bargaining chip created by Henry V to acquire both political powers.

However, many lines of injustice will be self-defeating. Henry V died of serious illness on the battlefield in 1422. Henry VI, who was only nine months old, became the orthodox king of England, and he also had the blood of the French royal family in his body, with the inheritance rights of the French king.

It is because of the existence of this young king that England and France will once again set off such a huge storm. To put it bluntly, this war is the aristocrats behind Henry VI, using Henry VI's lineage to invade a farce in France.

The child who is now less than eight years old is not removed one day, and the war between Britain and France cannot be annihilated one day.

Arthur seems to know what he should do.

He can't let Jude become a heroine to save the country, but it can make the British and French Centennial War dead. As long as the fate of this war is cut off by him, he can disrupt Satan's overall plan.

"It looks like, Master Aslan already knows what to do next." Devil Mephistoph unfolded his phantom crow wings and flew into the air: "In this case, I will not be embarrassed. Good luck." Let's go."

He flew away. Or if he lifted the spell, the black shadow of the crow disappeared in a flash.

"Arthur. Are you really going to listen to that guy?" Biddyville asked worriedly. "That is a demon, not worth it."

"I know." Knight Wang said: "But this is my conclusion. It has nothing to do with Mephistopheles. Anyway, we still have to go back to England. I have to look at 900 years later, we have to look at it. The country has fallen into a foolish look."

"You must not be happy to see, Arthur." Biddyville whispered: "But well, if you want to go, let's go. I will follow you wherever you go. But Greenville Is there really no problem in the Queen?"

"It’s Jude," Arthur corrected. "She won't have problems."

Arthur had already seen through the previous battles. Now Jude has been free to use [first miracle - time and space creation]. She is free to control her time in a particular area, and she is almost invincible when faced with ordinary people. If there are no other demons to interfere in the battle, it is hard to imagine what danger Jude would encounter in the next battle.

If Arthur is absent, it is estimated that few Devils will go to find the trouble of Jude. It is the best choice to stay away from Jude and go to England to see the situation.

"There is one more thing. Merlin -" Arthur shouted again: "Come out. I know you are there."

"Is there anything, squat?" was directly named, and the black crow shadow that Merlin manipulated appeared on the branches of the forest.

"What happened to Mephistopheles?" Arthur couldn't help but ask with a bit of anger: "Isn't our actions all exposed? Did you disclose the information to Mephistopheles?"

"I was also very surprised, sire." Merlin replied: "I just passed with Harry Ditch. Harry thinks this is because the communication between the phantoms that he released and used for intelligence gathering is the same as the night magic. Mephistopheles intercepted, so it caused a leak of intelligence."

"Intercepted? How is the interception method?"

"Harry also manipulates hundreds of virtual shadows and collects intelligence in this world. To integrate this information, we need a huge communication network. Like the communication network we used in the world, Harry uses the unique channel of the night magic. Light quantum communication is similar to something like telepathy, but it is only common among Harry's avatars. We thought this communication was very safe, and I didn't expect the world to have night magic, and at the same time the night magic of Memphis. Specially able to crack our communication protocol."

"This kind of thing will not be discussed first," Arthur asked urgently. "So, how much did he know?"

"The estimate is all." Merlin said, "From the world we came to 900 years later, to our purpose, all the night devils of our origins have been overheard."

"Damn!" King Arthur couldn't help but scream at his feet. His almost unrestrained roar rang through the woods and even alerted his horse. Arthur knew that he was too much. He patted the horse to comfort the little white horse and eased it. He sighed: "Does the devil know that everything will affect us?"

"I am still assessing the risks. But after all, it is the Mozu. The Mozu was born to keep secrets and follow the rules. I guess he will not just tell our secrets."

"I don't know anyone to say it when I go out." Bettiville interjected: "After all, it's a matter of time travel."

"I will kill him one day," Merlin said faintly. "But now, let's leave him alone. Focus on going to England first."

"So you agree with the decision to go to England?" Arthur could not help but be a bit surprised.

"Although Mephistopheles is not worthy of trust, to be honest, you have nothing to do in France." Merlin said: "If Queen Greenville is not willing to go back with us, continue to entangle her to make her hate, Instead, it will be self-defeating."

"So we have to go to the UK to destroy the source of the war. Then let Arthur come back and re-send the Queen of Greenville to the hand? Well, very good." Bedieville spoke.

Arthur glanced at the white wolf.

"Then let's go." The teenager jumped onto the horse: "The destination is Great Britain."

The place where the thing started and ended.

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