Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1906: Steel virgin (24)

Chapter 1906 Steel Virgins Twenty-four

In the early morning, the coastline of France was hazy.

A medium-sized fishing boat is preparing for sailing.

"The horses can't get on the boat." The fisherman said as he packed up the fishing tools on the boat.

"That's not a problem." The blonde teenager then took a look at the little white horse's flattering. The pony was alarmed and began to run. It seemed to be instructed. From the initial alarm, it gradually became a purposeful run, hiding from the forest. These horses are obviously highly trained, and when they are borrowed, they run thousands of miles to follow the masters, and once they are no longer needed, they return to their home base of the Melsen Brotherhood.

"It’s a smart horse." The fisherman couldn’t help but admire. Generally, only the powerful aristocrats will train such a good horse in their family estate, and the teenager who hired the fisherman will pay the full amount of five gold coins directly. All kinds of evidence prove this name. The juvenile is a big man with wealth and strength.

"Premier, before I sail, I still have to remind you that it is suicidal to sail in the fog in the morning." The fisherman said, and this time he spoke ten times more than before: "It is said that in the sea The demon red blame was infested in this period, swallowing the passing ships. Many fools in the village who were not afraid of death tried to challenge this legend, but they all went without it."

"I don't care what it is, I don't have time to spend it here." Arthur didn't care: "If you don't plan to sail, let me come. Anyway, I have bought it." How to use it is my freedom, right?"

"I have advised you, adult." The fisherman said helplessly: "And before I sold the boat to you, I actually had a occupant. We have to wait for them. I said that I want to carry them in England." Can't talk."

"You have sold the boat to me, actually used this boat to earn extra money?" Arthur could not help but feel a little angry.

"No" the fisherman looked nervously around and lowered his voice and said, "Trust me, the distinguished adult. You definitely don't want to mess with these people. They are very powerful. Since I am the only person in this port who will carry you in England, adults. You can only be patient and take a boat with the distinguished adults."

"Oh?" Arthur's brow wrinkled. He had the urge to take the fisherman off the sea and then drive himself off. But the other side said that Arthur couldn't help wondering what the big man had booked the ship. In any case, he also bought the ship directly from Daikin, not only from the one-way road in the UK, but also when he came back to France from England, he still needs to use this ship, so don’t do it too now. Big action is better?

"Oh, let you wait." Just as Arthur was hesitant, a voice rang.

Arthur looked at the sound and saw a few tall figures in the fog. Judging from the snoring sounds of those people walking, they should be knights in armor or at least some kind of soldiers.

"Hey!" Bettyville, the white wolf beside Arthur, made a low sigh, as if to remind Arthur. Now Beddyville can't talk freely before people, so he can only express his feelings with the voice of a wolf.

"What's wrong, Brady?" Arthur couldn't help but press his hand on the hilt of his waist weapon.

"Oh, this little devil has the smell of the Mozu." However, suddenly a figure appeared behind Arthur and said.

"You!" Arthur, who was shocked, almost pulled out the sword, but his hand did not hold the hilt, and the position of the elbow was pressed by the opponent, causing him to pull the sword further.

"Don't be excited, we are not malicious." The strange man dressed in a wonderful white robe and wearing light armor, the mercenary dressed up said: "Well, although there is the atmosphere of the Mozu, but at the same time with a sacred atmosphere. You are so weird. Are the weapons on your body blessed by God?"

Arthur was not willing to show weakness. He hit his opponent with a shoulder collision and said coldly: "I don't know what you are talking about. Who are you? Sign up!"

"Sorry, my men are rude." Another knight who looks like a knight appears from the thick fog, and this person seems to be sending a lot of relatives to the guy who suddenly appeared behind Arthur.

"Gover, the captain of the fifth squad of the Holy See, is honored to meet you." The other party first reported the name.

"Aslan. The vampire hunter of the trainee." Arthur took out the messenger of the Melson Brotherhood from his arms, the badge of the eye of all eyes. He didn't like to use the name of the Brotherhood, but the confrontational Crusaders in the face did not seem to be a good man or a woman. The atmosphere of the Mozu in Arthur (actually from Bediville) has already been detected by the opponent. He feels that it is better to clarify (lie), lest the other party be suspicious.

"It turns out. Our fellow people. It exists to destroy the Mozu. We can be regarded as a relative (Kama). Has the Yaslan family recently fought with the vampire? No wonder you have a demon. The smell." Gove said, and also set his sight on the sacred angel's sword in Arthur's waist: "It's a good sword. The sacred atmosphere above is even stronger than what I have seen in my life. Master Yaslan The sword in his hand seems to have been deeply blessed by God."

"You can say that." Arthur replied indifferently. He did not know how the Holy Cross crusades recognized the atmosphere and sacred atmosphere of the Mozu, but they were able to identify the two so accurately. It seems that it is not as simple as speaking.

"Hey? This little bit?" A tall, thin gunman behind Goff squinted his head and looked over at Arthur. "I don't understand. Shouldn't your vampire hunters make a whip? No whip. Instead, use the sword to come? Are you really a vampire hunter?"

"The vampire hunter of the trainee has not yet reached the point where he can use the whip." Arthur emphasized.

The knight who made the gun held it: "It’s still very strange. The sword looks like a weapon that is more powerful than the whip. Well, maybe, is it my heart?"

"Peton, not rude." Goff stopped his men at this time. The timing of his defense of his subordinates was very subtle. Despite the apparent etiquette, it was understandable that Arthur always felt that Goff was using his own mouth to deliberately explore Arthur's tone.

"There is already enough introduction to each other. Now, let's go?" Goff asked.

"Of course." Arthur replied indifferently, jumping on the boat first. This ship is obviously a ship that Arthur bought with money, but it is necessary to carry this group of crusaders together. Arthur is not convinced. He has not fallen out with these people, just because he is very interested in this mysterious Holy Cross crusade.

"嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷" Biddiville whispered next to him, always warning the group of crusaders.

There are a total of six people in this fifth squad. These Vatican Crusaders seem to be well-trained and proficient in various killing techniques. They also made it difficult to come at the same time, and both Bediville and Arthur were not necessarily able to suppress. The wolf thinks that it is a disaster to get these religious madmen to board the ship. If he takes his idea, he will refuse to let the crusaders walk with them.

"Beddy, don't make trouble, go on board." Arthur repeated again. The juvenile's tone is exceptionally firm and firm enough that his companions cannot be countered: "If you don't, you will be thrown at this port."

"Hey," Biddeville was stunned, and when he looked back at Arthur, he even pulled his ears and pity.

"Is this a wolf trained by hunters?" When the crusaders were on the boat one after another, one of the more petite Crusaders went over to observe Bediville: "It's so powerful, it seems that I can understand people." It’s like a big dog."

(big dog)

At this time, Arthur could even see that Biddeville was showing fierce light. He thought that the white wolf would rush to bite. But Bediwell finally resisted, and when he turned his head, he left the crusader and jumped onto the boat, so he sat down beside Arthur and was sulking.

"You adults, I still need to ask you again before I sail. Is it really ok?" The fisherman at the bow looked at the increasingly strong fog, and could not help but have a dim sum: "The red blame is afraid that this will happen, oh, This journey may really turn into a journey without going back?"

Arthur glanced at Goff. Captain Goff also rushed to Arthur and nodded.

"Less nonsense. Let's sail." Arthur.

The fisherman shook his head, though he was still unwilling, but he did not dare to disobey the big man, and he also wanted to make a lot of money. He began to shake the paddles and let the fishing boats move out of the pier built by the planks and began to sail towards the distant sea.

There is actually only one English Channel between France and England. The shortest distance is only about 29 kilometers. However, it is now a time of war between Britain and France. It is obviously impossible to travel through the Calais (known as the Dover Channel in the UK). On the other side of the Dover Strait, that is, the port of Dover, it must have been heavily guarded and the frontier inspections were extremely strict.

As a result, Arthur’s voyage was mainly from Brest, stalking the early morning fog into the Isles of Scilly, and intends to land in the southernmost port of Penzance in the UK.

In a world where communication and science are very backward, the border defense between countries is not so strict. As long as it is not on the military, it will not have big problems. Arthur himself is the king of Great Britain. He can still speak an authentic British accent. He will definitely not be suspected when he comes to the UK. And this group of Crusaders seems to be the big men of Rome. This time they are going to the UK to do things. Even if they are inspected by the British, there will be no one who dares to stop.

So, should there be any thrills in this journey? In addition to the sea monsters mentioned by the fishermen


Just as Arthur was slumbering on the seat in the cabin, a roar of noise suddenly appeared on the sea outside the cabin.

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