Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1907: Steel virgin (25)

Chapter 1907 Steel Virgins Twenty-five

"What's wrong?" Arthur got up and walked up the wall of the cabin. Bediville, who has been guarding Arthur's side, is screaming at this moment and is in high alert.


Once again, the roar of the boat was heard. The sound sounds like a very heavy object suddenly falling into the water, igniting the sound of huge waves.

"Red, red, red, and red!" Arthur had not yet reached the deck, and he had already heard the ghost of the fisherman hysterical outside.

"Red Death?" Captain Goff of the Holy See Crusade whispered: "I will not believe this superstitious statement circulating among fishermen. Unless it is a demon."

Arthur did not answer, he looked far into the fog. At this point the ship had completely stopped, because the fisherman responsible for rowing was too panicked and did not dare to go forward. In the dense fog, in the outline of a certain island in the far distance, it seems that there is indeed a red light in the strokes, accompanied by the movement of some creatures, slightly up and down.

At this time, the dense fog on the sea surface is close to the soup-like shape, and the visibility is at most ten yards. The red light is very special, it can penetrate the thick fog, so the light is particularly conspicuous in the dense fog. Therefore, this strange red light that can penetrate the dense fog, especially when sweeping back and forth.

"Can't you bypass the ghost thing?" Arthur saw that the movement of the red light followed a certain rule. He thought that the body of the red light must be patrolling on some kind of island, just bypassing it.

"Hey! Little voice!" The fisherman said with a low voice and said: "No! The red death is very sensitive to hearing, and then it will only be noticed by such a move. Such a big ship, the sound of moving is also great!"

This is actually just a small and medium-sized fishing boat that can take ten people. Although it has a simple cabin, it is not really big. Arthur also knew that the fisherman was only exaggerating his words, or that he was looking for excuses because he was too scared, but he did not care about each other.

"I remember there was a spare boat here." Arthur said, "Is it enough to sit on four people? You are waiting here, let us go down a few people, let's check the situation."

"Oh, you are brave, little vampire hunter." An obvious ironic voice rang in Arthur's ear. Arthur turned back and remembered the name of the tall and thin Crusaders. It is called Payton or something.

"Peton, not rude." Goff once again warned his men.

"I don't know who among you is willing to come with me," Arthur said without saying: "But we are not here to stop, it is not a solution. Let us take a boat on the island where the Red Death is on the island." I will meet that monster."

"You are really crazy, and dare to challenge the red death monster!" The fisherman was scared.

"The rest of the people stayed here." Arthur did not take care of the fisherman and continued: "If we haven't returned after an hour, try to change the route and go around here. Anyway, we are not far from England. Even if you use the boat to draw along the Isles of Scilly, you can reach Penzance."

"Oh? You are not afraid that we will leave you alone, no matter what?" Crusader Peyton said to Arthur with a scornful face.

"Hey!" The white wolf beside Arthur was low.

"Your big dog seems to be afraid of it?" said another crusader named Jeremy.

"Oh, this guy is a dry duck." Arthur touched Bettiville's head: "Yes. You don't want to take that kind of boat. I understand. It's afraid that the boat will turn over, right?"

"Hey!" Biddyville screamed and counted as an answer.

"Then you will stay here, Brady." Arthur said, "If the fisherman doesn't want to wait for an hour, just rowing and leaving, you will rush to bite his throat without giving him face." ""

"Hey!!" Biddyville pouted and promised the fisherman.

"Hey!" The fisherman on the side showed a white face.

"That's it." Arthur turned his head and glanced at Goff. "I want to take a boat and look at the situation. You can't follow it, just stay on the big ship."

"Although I don't know what the red blame is," Goff took a special weapon from behind and put it in his hand: "But since the Crusaders are destroying all the demons in the world, they can't Let go of any chance to destroy the Mozu. Let's go with you. Payton, Jeremy, you are coming with us. This way the boat is just enough to sit."

"Hey, the wetness of the boat is not good for the armor." Pete complained: "It’s troublesome to maintain the armor after going back."

"Hey! Come on!" Goff angered. Here he had already put down the sling of the spare boat with Arthur and put the boat on the sea.

Staggered and swayed. A boat that is just enough for four people is far from being stable on the sea.

Arthur himself has to be light and equipment, don't worry. But he saw that the crusaders were all armored (although the armor was hidden under their burqa), and the guys with heavy equipment fell into the water and would soon sink to the bottom. Is this really good?

"Don't take off your armor, Mr. Goff?" Arthur couldn't help but ask: "The heavy equipment you wear, once the boat sinks, no one can save you?"

"There is no need to worry about this. We have our own plans." Although the big man is very heavy, he is very stable on the boat. He moved and was already sitting in the bow of the boat and unfolding his special weapon. Arthur discovered at this time that it was originally a huge steel bow that could be folded up. The bowstring was also made of extremely thick steel cables. This kind of thing is placed on the bow of the boat, which is like a turret.

And Goff, it seems that it should be a hero who is different from ordinary people. It is only with superhuman strength that it is possible to pull such a huge steel bow.

Captain Goff has even put the arrow on the string, and he has not yet pulled the bow. The special steel arrow that can be folded in three looks to be extremely destructive. It seems that he is going to see and confirm the identity of the red dead monster in the field of vision, give the monster a big arrow?

"It's you, with the unsworded sword to challenge the demons, is there really no problem?" Dahan turned his head and looked at the silver sword at Arthur's waist: "I know that silverware has a great killing effect on vampires." But it can't be used on other demons, it's hard to say."

Arthur's sacred angel's sword was placed on a metal sword before it was "sheathed". The sword of the Mithril was not polished and could only be used as a blunt. Therefore, Arthur did not put another scabbard, but directly hangs a blunt-like blade on his waist. The part with true cutting power is the lightsaber inside the Holy Sword, and Arthur does not intend to use the lightsaber part of the Holy Sword in front of this group of Crusaders.

"My business doesn't require you to worry." Arthur said without saying it. Even the "sword sheath" made by this secret silver is accompanied by a faint sacred enchantment. This [sacred] can kill any Mozu, not the vampire.

"That's it." Dahan didn't ask much, but instead told his men: "Pate, Jeremy, boating."

"Hey, why do we want to go boating?"

"So you intend to let the captain of me to row, or let the child row for you?" Goff said coldly.

In addition, the two Crusaders looked at each other and there was no way to refute them.

Arthur has no reason to be polite with these people. Now the body of the boy he is using is actually very weak. In the face of the possible battle, Arthur thinks that he still retains a little more physical strength. He did not have the reason to pay extra strength to row the crusaders, and the other party was originally taking the boat that Arthur bought, and it was only natural that they had some physical strength.

"Don't make too much noise, we are slowly approaching." Arthur sat in the middle of the boat and said.

"In the end, you are the captain, or Goff is the captain!" Pete couldn't help but vomit when he picked up the paddle.

"By the way, the puppy -" Jeremiah picked up the paddle, but used to say hello to Bedieville on the big ship: "Well, let's see you back!"

Arthur was able to clearly see the great white wolf Bediville from the big ship vomiting his **** fierce manner, and even the obvious blue veins appeared in the forehead.



The two crusaders sitting in the back row began to draw water with a slow, unsteady rhythm, and the sound almost overlapped with the rising tide of the tide, allowing the boat to sail almost silently. And Arthur, they are sitting on the boat, as much as possible to lower the center of gravity, and rely on this low-key action to slowly approach the place where the Red Death is. There are many reefs around the Isles of Scilly, and even in this calm, the boat is in danger of hitting the rocks. They travel slowly, on the one hand to avoid the eyes and ears of the red dead, and on the other hand to prevent the boat from sinking on the rocks.

The red light that swept back and forth in the distance did not fade at all, and still patrolled back and forth at a constant speed, as if guarding something. From this fixed pace, it should have not found a boat that is quietly approaching.

"What did you think of the bombing just now?" Captain Goff suddenly asked Arthur at this time.

"I don't know." Arthur replied casually: "There has been two consecutive slams since the beginning, but then there is no sound. I don't think this is because the Red Death found our ship and launched an attack. The sound can be anything, and maybe even the sound of the tide on the reef."

"The spirit of suspicion is always maintained. It is not easy to make a final conclusion until the last moment." Goff could not help but admire: "You can have more people like you in this era, Mr. Yaslan."

Arthur knew that the other side was exploring his tone, so he was not moved, and he did not even have a partner. At this time, there was a shadow in the opposite fog.

That is--



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