Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1909: Iron Maiden (27)

Chapter 1909 Steel Virgins Twenty-seven

"This, what is this?!" The crusaders who were raised to mid-air were exclaimed. They may have killed a lot of demons in this life, but this situation is estimated to be the first time they met.

Arthur has encountered it many times. This is some kind of pseudo-gravity that is achieved with magic. Either use the kinetic energy magic to offset the surrounding gravity, or use the upward photon (magic) flow to create the effect of lifting, let everything around you float!

In any case, under the glare of this red light, some people in the place floated into the air, but the red dead monster was not affected by this pseudo-gravity.

The monster turned his head and looked at Arthur. Its head is also filled with huge steel arrows, but the steel arrows have little effect on it. The crustacean's head is not in that position.

It opened its mouth and brewed something from the strange mouth of the tentacles and fangs. It seems that it will soon rush out to Arthur!

"Oh." Arthur also held his sacred angel's sword tightly.

Hey! - A red light beam hits Arthur on the face!

According to the truth, Arthur, who floated in the air, could not escape this trick, and could only sit still. However, Arthur had a way to cope with it. The sword in his hand had already poked out behind him, and he also launched the [breaker] at the same time! The photon explosion of the Breaker creates a powerful impact, enough to fly Arthur to the top!

Arthur, who just flew up and passed the red beam, passed the flying knife in the other hand! Those flying knives flew against the deadly red beam, and the red light emitted by the red dead blame was almost parallel. They eventually fell into the mouth of the monster and slammed into some sort of exoskeleton structure!

The monster had just fired a beam of light and was trying to close his mouth. I didn't expect that something was stuck in my mouth and I couldn't close my mouth!

"It is now!" Arthur shouted. His scream is obviously to remind the captain of the Crusad, Goff!

Goff, who was already floating, was also surprised by the sight of the scene, and he had not reacted. But Arthur’s yelling pulled him back to reality. The mouth of the red dead monster is big, that is the biggest key to it. This time is definitely not to be missed! Dahan instantly pulled the bow and led the arrow, and slammed the special steel arrow out!

Oh! Nearly three feet long, like a two-finger steel arrow, piercing the monster's mouth deeply! Because its momentum is not attenuated by the shell of the monster, its impact is strong enough to make it slide deep into the throat of the red dead monster, touching the important organs in it!

The central nervous system of the arthropod crustaceans is divided into three parts: the brain, the lower esophageal ganglia and the ventral nerve chain. Their brains are more developed, and the first three pairs of ganglia of the original head are healed, and the peri-esophageal nerve is connected to the lower esophageal ganglion. In short, the most important "brain" of a crab is actually in the position where its mouth is close to the throat! And now this big arrow of Goff has gone deep into the throat of the red dead monster, very close to the brain of the monster!

"Dead ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah The holy sword behind him continued to launch [Broken Law], and a burst of photon explosions made a propeller-like effect in a gravity-free space, madly pushing the teenager forward!

Already broken his arms, his mouth was shot by an arrow, close to the red dead monster that the whole body weapon was abolished, and there is no way to escape the Cavaliers! The teenager adjusted his posture and pointed a fierce fly kick at the end of Goff’s steel arrow!

Boom! ! His feet stepped on the end of the arrow, using his body weight, plus the propulsive force of the photon explosion, forcibly pushed the steel arrow into the **** of the red dead monster! This violent blow through the throat, let the extra large steel arrow completely penetrate the monster's brain!

The red light quickly subsided, and Arthur instantly felt the traction of gravity and fell to the ground.

"Oh oh." Goff in the following has already raised his arms and took the fallen Arthur firmly, and it was a beautiful princess.

Arthur was originally trying to complain that he didn't need people to catch him, but Goff took a few steps back and forth, just in time to escape from the danger zone before the red death monster collapsed!

"I think I still owe you a sentence [thank you]." Arthur then changed his mouth. If he falls to the ground like this, I am afraid that there is no time to escape, and the body of the fallen monster will be squashed.

"We are each other." Goff put down Arthur. "The magical magic used by Warcraft just made us into a crisis. If it attacks me or my men with that red light, we will not be able to escape, and will eventually die." Fortunately, you attracted its firepower, but fortunately you, quickly thought of the way to crack the attack. Our Crusaders owe you three lives, Mr. Yaslan."

Peyton, who had just climbed up from the ground, said he was dissatisfied: "The captain, you are too polite, just a fatal blow you made."

"Don't say it." Captain Goff interrupted his subordinates.

"Everyone can live anyway." Arthur did not intend to compete with this group of Crusaders. At this time, he curiously looked at the body of the red dead monster, and could not help but frown: "It's the body seems to be shrinking?"

The body of the red dead monster is indeed shrinking, Arthur has no eyes. There should have been a 30-foot-high giant, now slowly changing to twenty feet, seventeen feet, and fifteen feet - the narrowing momentum, although slower, can still be seen with the naked eye.

"The demon's magic is purified, so these Warcraft will be back to the original shape." Goff said: "The arrow I use is a sacred object blessed by the Roman Catholic Church. It has the effect of slowly purifying the magic of the Mozu."

That should be something close to [sacred], but the effect is slow and continuous. Arthur whispered in his heart.

Since the Melson brothers will be able to create a sacred enchanted vampire hunter whip, it is certainly not difficult to make something similar in the Holy See.

"The words are really interesting swords." Goff kept his eyes on Arthur's holy sword. "The sacred fluctuations can be launched continuously. Then the sacredness of the strong columns will not hurt you. No matter this. The sword, or your physique, seems to have been deeply blessed by God."

Arthur did not answer. Although the argument is slightly different from the facts, Goff’s words are not completely unreasonable. [Broken Lawyer] is a photon explosion. Normally, it can blow up the Mozu, and of course it can also hurt Arthur. Arthur’s own physique was largely immune to this explosion because he had a layer of [photon vacuum] around his body.

This special constitution, surrounded by the [photon vacuum region], should have been infinitely close to the body of King Arthur who belonged to his own body 900 years ago. But why is it that his spirit has traveled to the world for nine hundred years, occupying another juvenile body, but still possessing the same constitution, which is an unexplained mystery.

If you want to say something, I am afraid that the mysterious old man [j] has moved his hands and feet. Just as the [Silver Angel Sword] was prepared for Arthur from the beginning, this [Sacred Body of the Holy Spirit in the Stone], I am afraid that the mysterious old man j was ready for Arthur from the beginning - this way In the calculation, it is said that [the Holy Sword] and the [Sacred Body] are "blessed by God" and there seems to be no problem.

The red death blame is getting smaller and smaller, and eventually it has shrunk to the size of a fist. However, the steel arrow that was originally stuck in its throat has also fallen off early with the shrinking of the red death monster. The monster's head should have been shot through, but now it climbed up like nothing, walking around on the ground. It is not much different from ordinary big crabs, except for the two red lights that are released by the eyes.

"It’s a special case to be alive." Jeremy couldn’t help but groan.

"What should I do?" Arthur couldn't help but ask: "Are you going to kill it?"

"No, it should be like this." Goff said: "The magic of the demon has been purified. This small animal should not cause too much threat, except that the eyes will emit red light. It is okay to let it go, so there is no need to kill the Holy Spirit."

"I thought that the Holy See Crusaders hated everything related to the devil, and they would kill them." Arthur could not help but spit.

"Only the devil or something directly affected by the power of the devil is the [detestable thing], except that it is not within the scope of the Crusaders' hunting." Goff has even put away his weapons.

"Take me whatever you want." Arthur then took up his weapon and jumped onto the boat. His companion, Bediville, is actually a kind of the Mozu, a human wolf. If this group of crusaders knew the true identity of Bediville, they would not have let go of Bediville.

It must be said that the strength of this group of Crusaders is very strong, and it is so strong that Arthur must be jealous. In the case of a single-on-one, Arthur may still win, but now he certainly cannot deal with more than a dozen crusaders with this level of combat. No, even with Bedyville, the two Crusaders who deal with this team are still very difficult.

Although there is currently no way to determine that this group of crusaders is an enemy or a friend, Arthur is likely to face these people again in the future. At that time, Arthur could only pray that he was already strong enough to defeat the Holy Cross crusade of a whole team.

After a few minutes, the four people returned to the fishing boat by boat.

"Wang!" Biddiville was very happy to see Arthur returning safely, and he screamed far away.

"We are back." Arthur shouted.


Two huge shadows also appeared in the thick fog, and when Arthur was able to see it clearly, the two shadows had already revealed their true form -

That is two large warships. British warships.

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