Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1910: Steel virgin (28)

Chapter 1910 Steel Virgin 28

About ten minutes later, the people on the fishing boat of Arthur were taken to the warship for questioning.

"What have you done before? I actually heard the sound of the explosion!" The captain said, "Are you a spy sent by France?!"

Arthur frowned, and he knew that things would be like this. The battle with the red dead monster was too arrogant. The explosion, the fighting sound, the ship beyond ten nautical miles can hear!

"I am the captain of the fifth squad of the Holy Cross, Goff," Captain Goff took out something like the ambassadorial document and handed it to the British captain: "We have official business to do this in the UK, and already Approved."

"Of course, of course." The captain did not even open the file and looked at it. He threw the file back to Goff. Obviously the British army did not dare to provoke the Holy See. The power of the Holy See is very great, not to mention the famous Crusaders.

"But you?" the captain turned to look at Arthur again. "A little devil? It doesn't look like a crusader. You are sneaking into the UK on a foggy day. What are you going to do? You are France." Is the spy sent?"

"Nonsense!" Arthur said with a very authentic and fluent British accent at this time, said with a slight pride: "I am only returning to my own country. Is it necessary to return to the country?"

Arthur was actually a Briton who was 900 years ago. Although his tone is very authentic, his Old English and current English are still slightly different. But this does not prevent him from pretending to be in front of people, because there are still quite a few aristocrats in England who now use Old English to highlight their status.

When I heard Arthur’s authentic Old English, the British captain suddenly stunned: "You are? But where are you from? Which family?"

"London. As for the family, don't mention it. It is already a family that is smashed by vampires. It is not a famous family. If you still doubt it, you can find the Brothers Brothers to confirm it." Arthur took out the fraternity's full view. The eye mark is placed in front of the other party.

"Is the Lord a fraternity--" It is clear that the captain is further paralyzed.

"This great Asian man is a famous vampire hunter~" the cross-armed Peyton inserted a mouth. With the ridicule, the British army did not hear it.

"Vampire hunter. Well, although this is not in line with the regulations, I will not go too far to ask the Brotherhood." The captain said, "I have nothing to ask. Our ship will **** you." Adults go to Penzance Port, and everyone can move freely."

"Adult -" At this time a sailor came over and slammed a few words in the ear of the British captain.

"Oh?" After listening to the captain, he sneaked his eyes and looked at Arthur, then shouted: "It is a bit like"

"Is there any problem?" Arthur could not help but ask a little unhappy.

"Oh, no, not at all," the British captain replied arbitrarily: "Just, the Admiral wants to see you. This is very important. If you are not too busy, please go see the Admiral. Ok?"

"The Admiral refers to the Admiral Penzance?" Goff, who was listening, said.

"Why does Penzance Admiral have something to look for? I don't know him." Arthur looked more and more and felt that the captain's look was full of surprises, but he was completely unclear about what it was all about.

He only has a vague feeling that he may be involved in some troublesome political struggle because of the appearance of his teenager. This invitation may not be a good thing, and it may be more appropriate not to go to the appointment.

Do not. However, Arthur turned to think. There seems to be nothing to be afraid of, and it can even be said that it is just what he wants.

Arthur returned to England with the purpose of assassinating the current British king, Henry VI, who is currently under eight years old.

After he arrived in the UK, it was reasonable to follow the lead of the Brotherhood and step into the upper class, and finally get a chance to see the British King. But when he kills himself, he will put himself in a very dangerous situation and will bring trouble to the Melson Brotherhood. Most importantly, the time it takes to do so will be lengthy, maybe months, or even a year.

Now, since the Admiral Penzance has taken the initiative to ask for it, Arthur may be able to speed up his time to see the King of England by relying on the relationship of the Admiral. Moreover, he assassinated the young king and made a mess. The spearhead also pointed to the pennant of Penzance, who was originally in contact with Arthur. The Melson Brotherhood was the second.

This is the easiest and most direct way to create civil unrest in England. It is a stone and two birds. Why not?

"Oh." Betteville, beside Arthur, couldn't help but snorted. The Great White Wolf has almost guessed the idea of ​​King Arthur. After all, he is one of the most knowledgeable Arthurs in the world.

The once King of Great Britain, now planning to mess up this Britain, is only to bring back the Queen of Great Britain. All this is really ironic.

But this is a different world from the world where Arthur was located 900 years later. It is a parallel world. King Arthur does not care about the life and death of England in this world.

Another hour passed, the port of Penzance. "So, let's not be here." Captain Goff took his crusaders and was about to leave.

"There is a goodbye (Kama) goodbye." Arthur also replied politely.

"So," there is already a soldier on the British side coming over to lead Arthur: "If you are free, please come with me."

"Yes." Arthur said quietly. What he is thinking about now is how to turn the whole Britain upside down as soon as possible.


Arthur looked around and took a look at the environment of the port city of Penzance.

The clouds in the morning dissipated, but in this port city, it showed a depression. There are many ancient stone buildings. The ancient castles that belong to the Admiral in the distance can be considered magnificent. However, the city itself is built by a large number of dilapidated wooden houses, and the feeling of slums cannot be forbidden.

Arthur told himself that he couldn't be too picky. After all, the situation in France was not so good. Only a few big cities in the district could see it. After nine hundred years, this different world photon civilization is extremely low, and even science is still in an enlightenment stage. It is already a great thing for people here to build a house with wood and stone.

Still, the city is still too bleak, right?

Time is not too early. Arthur’s height from the sun can probably be judged to be around nine o'clock in the morning. This kind of time is supposed to be the time when civilians come out to work to make money and work hard for their livelihood. But Arthur went all the way, but no one in the entire port city. The thin man is already terrible, but the most terrible thing is the fatigue on the faces of people who come out to work in the morning. They are bored and look like they are no longer interested in everything in the world. They are just alive and dead.

A port city can be depressed to this extent, isn't it worse in inland cities?

Britain and France in the Hundred Years' War are actually fighting the unrestrained resource war. The invaded France was in dire straits, and the invasion of France in France was not much better. The result is this appearance, the British mainland has been exhausted, and the people are not happy.

"Wang!" Biddiwell screamed and dragged Arthur back to reality from his meditation. Unconsciously, he had followed the soldier to the admiral's castle.

"I'm sorry, your dog can't go in." Arthur was about to step into the gate, but the soldier blocked Bediville.

"Beddy, wait for me here." Arthur said, "If I haven't come out for too long, you will --"

He did not say anything, he knew that Biddeville understood what he meant.

"Wang!" The great white wolf promised, and it seems that it should be understood.

"So, please, please." The soldier took Arthur into the castle.

Now he is alone, and it is a little nervous. He came to the castle to see the Admiral Penzance, but he knew nothing about the admiral. If he can, he certainly hopes that the Admiral can help him and let him see the current British young king Henry VI in a short time; but if things don't go well, let's talk about it directly here? Then Arthur is likely to take more detours to see Henry VI.

The worst situation is to provoke the admiral. Then Arthur is likely to need a big killing, facing the strength of this entire city.

He didn't know what the other party wanted to see him. He had to hope that the other party did not appear in front of him.

It’s not too long to go. It should be said that the structure of this castle is relatively simple, and the road is not too long. Arthur soon came to a luxuriously decorated red door. The soldier signaled Arthur to go in. The wait in this room should be the Admiral Penzance.

Arthur then carefully pushed the door in, and as soon as he came up, he planned to go with the people in the room. However, when he saw the other party, he suddenly stopped.

Because, the appearance of the Governor of Penzance, looks so amazingly like the Duke of Hall!

"You are" Arthur was very surprised, but he quickly took this surprise to his heart and restored his calmness: "Penzans Admiral, right?"

"It is down." The Admiral was sitting on his leather sofa and talking to Arthur across the desk. He waved his hand: "Please sit down, that-"

"Aslan." Arthur then self-reported his name, even though the name was a pseudonym from the beginning.

"Fortunately, Mr. Yaslan. It is a good fortune." The Admiral stared at Arthur during his speech.

Although it was a basic courtesy to look at each other in England during the conversation, the admiral of Penzance looked at Arthur so carefully that it really made Arthur feel very uncomfortable.

"Is there something dirty on my face? Why have you been staring at me, Admiral?" The teenager couldn't help but ask.

"No, there is no such thing." The Admiral shouted: "Well, it's like it."

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