Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1913: Iron Maiden (31)

Chapter 1913 Steel Tribes 31

When he heard the word [陛下], Arthur suddenly became shocked.

At first he thought he was the identity of King Arthur and was seen by this old woman.

But think about it again, how is it possible? The body of his young man is now borrowed. The real "Arthur" only crossed the time in the form of the soul of light, from Great Britain nine hundred years ago to the different world of the present nine hundred years, this England.

Unless the witch knew Arthur nine hundred years ago, and only saw the light soul in Arthur's body, she could not identify Arthur as the King of Great Britain, Arthur, 900 years ago. Pantoracen -

That is to say, the witch [陛下] has a great chance to refer to something else, not [Yan Arthur’s Majesty].

"Explain. Why do you want to call me [陛下], witch adult?" Arthur could not help but ask: "I don't know you, nor a royal aristocrat."

The old woman suddenly burst into tears: "I am your nurse, do you really remember me? Edward?"

Edward? !

"I think you should be the wrong person, the witch." Arthur, though extremely shocked, still calmly replied: "I am not what [Edward]. I am Aslan, just a lost. The fallen nobles of the family name."

"No, Mega, you don't need to lie to me. I am your nurse, can't I recognize you?" The witch is very persistent: "The sapphire-like pure blue eyes, the golden yellow after the gold dissolves." The head is a proof of pure royal blood. This bloodline proves that no one in the world can imitate, only the real royal family will have it! Your words may have deceived anyone, but definitely deceived the nurse! I am raising you, can I still forget your appearance?"

Arthur was scared to take a step back. Things are not good. It’s not good.

From the moment I’ve been in Arthur’s mind, a hypothesis has emerged, but he dare not think about it, because this assumption is a hypothetical assumption:

The young boy he is occupying now, it will not, originally, [the Lord's things]?

Arthur wants to travel through time and space, and in this different world after 900 years, he must abandon his own in Great Britain nine hundred years ago, and use only the form of [light soul] to shuttle time.

However, if it was only [Light Soul] - a group of photons - Arthur could not move in this world.

In contrast, the world will automatically prepare an active body for Arthur, a pair of [prosthetic]. This is the body of this golden boy that Arthur now uses.

When Arthur's [light soul] is combined with this [prosthetic body], Arthur can initially act as a [person] in this different world after nine hundred years.

Normally, when Arthur occupied this [prosthetic body], he should have all the memories belonging to this righteous body, and be given various basic knowledge and common sense to survive in this different world. In other words, Arthur should be very clear from the beginning of the original origin of the body, know who this boy is, from which family, and where to go.

However, Arthur made a mistake when he passed through the initial time. Arthur did not know the origin of this [prosthetic body], he appeared inexplicably in the wilderness of Orleans, and finally met Jude, who was still a little girl at the time.

Then the problem is coming.

If Arthur was occupying the body of this juvenile, would this body belong to someone else?

If this young boy’s body originally had another personality, another life was forcibly seized by Arthur’s light soul?

"Hey," Arthur squatted on the ground, "Head!"

"Meigao? What happened to you?" the old woman asked with concern.

"It hurts! The head hurts!" Arthur suddenly felt that his head was about to explode, and he was frantically hurting. Everything in front of him began to turn black, turned upside down, something seemed to want to emerge from his head, and something wanted to get out of his skull!

That situation only lasted for about ten seconds, and Arthur’s consciousness was swallowed up by a burst of darkness.

"His Majesty--"

"His Majesty--?"

In the vagueness, Arthur seemed to hear a voice calling him.

"Merlin?" Arthur recognized the voice, and whispered, "What is it here? What happened to you?"

"Let's relax, kneel down. Everything is gone." Merlin replied: "I am using Harry's ability to communicate peer-to-peer with you in your dreams."

"Oh?" Arthur observed around. The world is a chaotic chaos, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a reality or a dream. Or it is a dream, and Arthur is doing a similar telepathy exchange with Merlin while he is dreaming.

"Explain, what is going on?" Arthur asked: "Why would anyone think what 朕 is [Meigao]? Who is Mei Gao Edward?"

"I don't know, Your Majesty." Merlin replied truthfully.

"What? You are not always collecting intelligence? Even this little thing is not clear?"

"That is obviously the information that is well hidden, sire." Merlin then said: "But according to the situation, the body you are occupying now may have been the owner."

"That is the most fearful thing." Arthur said: "When you come to this world and take up the body of this juvenile to act, does that mean that the original body of the body has disappeared? His consciousness Did it disappear completely? Or is it dead? Or is it just that it has been suppressed by the sly soul, sleeping somewhere in this body?"

"The owner of the righteous body should generally be dead, or lose self for some reason, and never come back." Merlin said: "I have traveled in countless parallel worlds, and similar things are not Not born, although it is rare."

"So, there is no problem with continuing to use this body?" Arthur asked.

"Normally, it should be no. The world generally won't arrange a prosthetic that you can't use. If you really don't want to use the prosthetic to interfere with the world, the world should reject your entry from the beginning. Correct."

"It seems a bit reasonable, but --"

"Don't worry, sire. You haven't been expelled from the world until now, and it proves that everything you do is allowed by the world. You are on the right path. If so, there is nothing to go. scared."

Arthur was silent for a while.

"There is one more thing." Arthur asked again: "Several people I met today seem to be strange. Why does Penzance's admiral look like Hall? The witch and Capricorn grow up. It seems that it will not be 900 years old, and I met Hall’s descendants -"

"It’s just that you personally think that they [looks like the people you know], sire." Merlin replied in an understatement: "This is part of [the self-complementing ability of the worldview." I told you before. Perhaps the body you are using now is not your original human body. The [people] of this world may even be octopus-like monsters with tentacles. But the world wants you to understand better and take you The cognition of the distorted, all [people] in front of your eyes become a look of [people] that you originally knew.

Cognition can be distorted by the laws of the world, and it can be further distorted. If you see more familiar faces, don't be surprised, this is normal. They may look very similar to the people in the world where you were originally, but they are completely different [people], please be aware of this, don't be confused, kneel down. "

"Oh." Arthur snorted: "That would be like this - Merlin, do you really have nothing else to squat?"

"No." Merlin took it.

"So, Merlin," he then ordered: "Go collect more information. The highest priority is to collect this [Mego Edward] information. I want to know who he really is and play in this world. What kind of role."

"Follow, squat." Merlin's voice gradually dissipated, as if it had been repeatedly echoed countless times, it became increasingly blurred.

Arthur looked up at the seemingly innocent chaos. He knew that he might have been involved in a huge storm that was inevitable.

I don't know how long it took, when Arthur was able to open his eyes, the sky was already dark. Shouldn't he sleep for a whole day?

"Wang!" Just saw Arthur wake up, and the white wolf sitting on the edge of the bed screamed.

"Beddy." Arthur grabbed his head, still groaning, and climbed from a comfortable wooden bed: "Have you been guarding me? What happened during this time?"

"Wang Hao!" Bettiville did not answer, it is estimated that there are others watching.

Sure enough, the witch and the old lady had walked into the room with the hot broth, and looked at Arthur with kindness: "You finally woke up, kneel down. Come on, I will cook you a wild rabbit. The broth, drink it hot and add some strength."

"Beddy." Arthur cast a look of help for the great white wolf.

Bedyville sniffed and sniffed, and he answered Arthur with a bang. It seems that this soup should be free of poison.

"There is such a careful defense against the witch woman, you -" someone shouted outside the window.

"You haven't gone yet?" Arthur glanced at the girl.

"How dare you go if you don't go?" The girl also whitened Arthur: "He knows if you will pretend to faint to deceive me, when I leave, when I leave, I will kill the witches?"

"Don't talk about it, Meco is a good boy. Even though he is a bit confused now." The old woman is talking to Arthur: "It is the mistake of losing memory, probably."

"Hey!" The girl seemed to be too angry. When she turned around, she left the window and walked away on the platform outside the cabin.

"I have something to ask you." Arthur turned to look at the old woman: "Who is Meco? I can't remember anything in the past."

"You really can't remember anything? Poor child -" The witch looked at Arthur with a pitiful look, and then kept the volume to a minimum: "Little Mei Gao is Edward. Edward IV.

Unlike Henry IV, who took power from the first King Edward III, you are the orthodox blood of the English royal family.

Henry IV, who won the power, is not worthy of being a British king. Henry VI is now even less qualified.

Only you - you are the real king of Britain! "

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