Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1914: Lionheart blood (1)

Chapter 1914 Lionheart Blood

As the night darkened, Arthur and Beddyville came out of the witch's cabin.

"Are you still?" Arthur glanced at the girl waiting on the wooden platform outside the house.

"How dare you go if you don't go. Don't you be afraid of killing witches?" The girl said. This tough character really makes people like it.

"Yes. Anyway." Arthur was too lazy to take care of the girl. He must now go to the Admiral Penzance to discuss the present.

Arthur came to England this time to assassinate King Henry VI of England. But things are going in an unpredictable direction. Maybe he didn't need to assassinate Henry VI, and he could turn the country upside down.


Arthur just left the tree house, intending to enter the city of the port, and Betwellville behind Arthur snorted twice.

"What's wrong?" Arthur turned his head and glanced at it. This is the annoying girl who followed. It seems that in order to be more convenient, she also changed into a tight black leather coat. I really don't know what it was to change clothes.

"So you are following me?" Arthur was a little upset.

"I don't have it. Who wants to follow you." The girl got angry and stepped up and walked over to Arthur. This is not so much a follow-up as it is to forcibly entangle Arthur.

"噫" The teenager felt more annoyed and lengthened his tone.

"Listen, I am not willing to follow you. But the witch woman told me to protect you along the way, so I was forced to come over with it. You don't have anything to think about, stupid."

"You are not the old lady's hand, do you have to listen to her orders?" Arthur said coldly: "Don't bother me, how about the ivory tower that belongs to you?"

"My business doesn't need you to worry." The girl then coldened Arthur's eyes. It seems that she should have some kind of task in the body, can not go to cross without completing the task. But in the end, what is the specific thing, she does not intend to say.

"Listen," the girl yelled again. "I don't know who you are. I don't know what spells you used to confuse the witches and let her know what you are Edward IV. I don't care. Ivory tower The mages are separated from England and are completely independent. Your political struggle, we have no interest at all. We do not want to control your conspiracy. Don't do things, threaten the ivory tower."

Arthur’s forehead had a blue vein, and it’s really not angry. He is still confused now, and he does not know what happened, but he was arbitrarily identified as a conspiracy by this woman.

"Since you think that I used illusion to confuse the witch, can you try to solve the illusion? You are so imaginative as the ivory tower, there are many ways to unlock the illusion?" Arthur taunted in a ridiculous tone. Dao: "If you have the ability to solve it?"

"Do you really think that we won't do this?" the girl in black said: "I have asked the elders of the ivory tower, they will do something sooner or later. How can you be proud of it, it is only a matter of time."

"Call." The teenager then sneered with disdain.

"You don't know how great a witch is, how important it is to the ivory tower." The girl continued: "If we let us know and prove that you really hurt the witch, you will die." All the Masters of the Ivory Tower will be hostile to you, and all Masters are eager to take your head! Wait and see."

"I'm so scared." Arthur was very anxious to kill a few such masters who were unrecognizable. The photon civilization of this world is extremely low. I don’t know how strong the mages in this world are.

Anyway, no matter how strong they are, Arthur's lawbreakers are the nemesis of spells. Any spell will be invalidated within the influence of the Breaker. Fighting with the Master, Arthur is completely worthwhile.

Arthur did not intend to continue to talk nonsense with the girl. He put his hand on the hilt and kept the sword in a state of being sheathed, guarding the girl. If the opponent did not attack Arthur, Arthur certainly would not attack her at will. But if the girl wants to do something, Arthur will immediately let her know that he is not irritating.

The other side saw Arthur's hand pressing on the hilt, and of course he also took precautions. The hand seemed to be pressed on the hilt of some kind of short sword, and it was already ready to attack.

They walked nervously and guarded each other, and almost had to leave the woods. The fog in the forest was heavy at night, and Arthur was able to see the light of the port city of Penzance through the fog. However, this kind of light looks so strange at first sight, as if the forest and the city are separated by an invisible air wall, and the thick air distorts the surrounding light.

"Well?" Arthur didn't even speak, but the girl first screamed: "There is a breath of angels?"

"Hey Angel? Isn't it a Mozu?" Arthur asked curiously. is a guy who hasn’t completely fallen into a demon. From the limits of heaven, he gains the power of **** and has a different kind of power.” The girl whitened Arthur: "It’s exactly the same as the guy who has both the sacred and the demonic atmosphere on your body."

Arthur did not take care of the ridicule of the girl, he was able to see a few black shadows in the sky. That is obviously not what should be in nature. Those heterogeneous black shadows are estimated to be the embarrassing angels in the mouth of the girl.

They seem to be flying around a tower-shaped building on the coast? What is this?

"The Warriors Grave." The girl suddenly spoke.

"Warrior's Grave?" Suddenly heard such a familiar name, Arthur was initially shocked. But he did not show this shock to his face, but asked: "What is the Warrior's Grave?"

"You don't even know this?" The girl looked at Arthur incredulously.

"I have been living in France before." Arthur made a few words: "Ghosts know the sights and sounds of England?"

The girl was silent for a while and was obviously suspected. But she did not continue to ask, but explained: "The so-called Warriors Grave is a huge maze that has existed since ancient times. It is full of various killing traps. It is said that there is a huge treasure inside; there are also people. It is said that this tomb is the coffin of a certain king of ancient Great Britain. The great king of the past was sleeping in it. In any case, there have been countless people trying to challenge the tomb of the warriors from ancient times to today, and there are more than ten million people who have entered. One person came alive and died in the grave of the Warriors.

I think that the tomb of the Warriors is not so much a place where the ancient kings were sleeping. It is better to say that he buried the tombs of the ignorant warriors. So the name of the Warriors Grave is really good enough. "

"What are the angels doing outside the tomb of the Warriors?" As Arthur gets closer and closer, the younger can see the black shadows around the tomb of the Warriors more clearly. They have an image that is close to people, but the outline is far from the past. But their black wings look so evil, Arthur already knows that these angels are not good.

"Quickly stop!" The girl has already hid behind the tree and used her shadow to hide her body: "Hide well! You won't want to get rid of this group of angels."

"Why? Are they strong?"

"They are very annoyed. They will be surrounded by flies. If you kill one, you must kill a thousand." The girl looked disgusted and said: "I don't have so much time to work with these miscellaneous soldiers on the half-day shelf."

"It's as if you can really win them." Although the mouth was hard, Arthur followed the advice of the girl and ran to the tree to hide.

Just at this time, Arthur saw that a few pale, translucent figures slowly rose from the tomb of the Warriors. They instantly became the target of these sly angels, and the black winged shadow began to chase those translucent white shadows, then catch up, tear them apart, and divide them.

"Hunting." Arthur suddenly understood all of this and whispered: "They are hunting the spirits and eating them?"

"What? Can you see the spirit?" The girl actually saw the action of the angels hunting, but she seemed to see only half of it, but could not see the white spirits that were hunted.

"Is those humanoid white shadows dead in the grave of the Warriors?" Arthur could not help but ask with interest: "Is the human soul the same?"

"Although I don't know what you are saying, but rumors that angels do prey on human souls." The black girl whispered: "They like to appear in the cemetery, and they like to appear near the labyrinth of the Warriors' grave, which has a very high fatality rate. It is estimated that it is to devour the soul and enhance their own magic."

"Before I saw a lot of dead people on the battlefield, but I have never seen any souls floating in the sky." Arthur could not help wondering: "Is it because of the nature of the Warriors' grave itself? Or because of these angels The impact of this, this scene?"

"I don't know, don't ask me." The girl is too troublesome to answer: "It seems that I have to go around. I don't want to increase my workload any more. What do you do? You are going to provoke the group of angels, I It won't stop you. But before you do this, can you tell me first, I am hiding from you."

"Oh, you didn't accept the witch's order, would you protect me along the way?" Arthur couldn't help but ridicule.

"This is normal. But I am not your nanny, you are going to die, I will not stop you, and I am not obliged to help you clean up the mess." The girl said.

Arthur thought for a moment, then looked at Bediville again. The great white wolf shook his head. The same as the Mozu, Biddiville seems to be able to predict from this kind of bad atmosphere that this group of angels is not easy to provoke. It is of course to avoid as much as possible.

"Okay. Then detour." Arthur said impatiently.

"It's too late." The girl suddenly said, "Get ready to fight."

I don't know why, one of those white spirits that were hunted suddenly flew over Arthur on their side. Of course, the angels came along, and they instantly saw the young girls and wolves hiding behind the trees.

One of the angels screamed and screamed like a vulture.

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