Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1928: Guild Wars at Night (3)

Chapter 1928 is a battle of the night and night

"What?!" The huge gold crab never thought about this kind of thing! Everything that is born in front of it has become obvious (twisting) the more (the music) of the laws of physics, which can be cited by the gods!

But this was originally a battle between the gods, and the gods never played according to the rules!

And Albert's even strokes are not over!

His previous attack was to use the right tong of the death scorpion, and the space in which he was located was reversed, and the right crab tongs were actually running through the body of the golden crab of the tower, already stabbed in the middle right part of the monster body! At this moment, Albert has also teleported to that position, more strictly speaking, in the physical center of the right clamp!

He is already in the body of the monster!

In front of Albert is the frantic darkness, but because the wounds on the monsters are already very large, the surging black figures have not touched or corroded Albert's body!

The tiger just smiled indifferently, lifting the storm blade is a series of shots!

Hey! !

Numerous large-caliber steel **** are scattered into the body of the monster.

Maybe just to vent his anger, or he has another purpose.

In the next second, after throwing hundreds of shots, Albert has already teleported himself away, and replaced the right pliers that broke the golden crab and himself!

Once again, the right pliers directly penetrate the monster's body and tear further on the original wound, causing more damage!

Albert's side was teleported to the front of the left-handed golden crab that had just been broken. He fell to the left pliers with a flip and touched it with his hands!

Hey! ! He teleported himself with the left pliers and smashed the space with a steel ball in the monster's body! The huge crab left pliers suddenly appeared in the middle of the monster's body!

Oh! ! The monster is smashed by its own two crab claws from the inside out!

There are two huge crab claws in the body of the squatting seat. It starts to burst from the inside. The huge crab shell can not withstand the pressure of its own and split into pieces. The black pus rushes out, it is like a big one. Like a bursting balloon!

"Just a tooth for a tooth." Albert has already teleported to the distant midair and looked at it all.

The black creatures in the monsters are not just pouring out because of the pressure. They are crawling and crawling, as if they already know that the golden crabs are not going to work, they are starting to flee like crazy!

They were originally forced to be sent to the golden crab, a group of sad victims. Constantly eroded by the despair of the Holy Grail, consumed as a consumable, and eventually abandoned like a residue. Now, because their host mental control is waning, their control is of course weakened, so they take the opportunity to flee!

"Come back! Give me back!!" The monster screamed in anger. Its collapse has not stopped for a moment.

"You are weaker than the other guardians." Albert has already landed on the top of the monster's head, and he has a good taste of the golden crab.

"Because you have to control a lot of creatures in your body, you don't have the leisure to use more powerful abilities?"

he asks.

"Still, it is because it is weak, can only show people in this form of external strength?"

"To shut up!"

"I am tired of it anyway." The tiger youth closed their eyes: "Go to hell."

The shadow of the great white tiger, the tiger, appears behind the tiger youth. It is hugeer than any previous one. It is as big as a mountain, and its size is not inferior to that of the Golden Crab.

Just as Albert jumped into the air, the white tiger's claws had been photographed.

"Ola Ola, Ola, Ola, Oula, Eurasian!! -"

Along with the yelling of the tiger youth, the white tiger of the Holy Spirit slammed continuously, like a storm, falling on the golden crab of the tower. It is not so much the ability to reverse the space, it is better to say that it is an attack that tears the space. The Holy Spirit White Tiger’s crazy claws were all dug into a blank space. The body of the golden crab was smashed, moved to other places, and turned into countless crab shell fragments, scattered all over the place!

Its disintegration is in addition, its destruction is also increasing!

Although the means and form are extraordinary, the Holy Spirit White Tiger is literally tearing the golden crab into pieces!

At the end of the blow, the huge tiger's palm descended from the sky, and fell toward the back of the giant crab. The giant crab that had been broken into **** was crushed little by little! !

Whether it's a hard crab shell or a weird black tar in its body, it's all moved into another space and randomly scattered!

Just as the giant tiger's palm crushed the opponent, Albert also clearly saw that somewhere in the monster's body, it was a darker black light than the darkness! The piece was not crushed, but it was sent to another place because it touched the tiger's paw!

Albert then began to concentrate on finding and looking for the piece of the Holy Grail!

The previous experience of fighting with the Guardian told him that in theory, as long as the piece is stripped from the Guardian, they lose the ability to live forever and become slain!

So finding and removing debris from this battlefield is a priority!

"Give it back to me! Return the Grail fragments to me!! -" The golden crab that was completely smashed, but turned into countless human figures, squatting on the ground, repeated with harsh sounds!

Albert needs to find the fragments of the Holy Grail in this chaotic battlefield, and must be ahead of the enemy. And he is a pair of thousands. He has only one pair of eyes, and there are thousands of Shadow Corps on the ground, each of which is an independent individual, each of whom can use his own gaze to search for and find the fragments of the Holy Grail.

This is an impossible test, unless -

"You are stupid?" Albert raised his voice and shouted: "It's all gone, don't waste it here! You may have been controlled and involuntarily, but its power has weakened, it is no longer Can't control you!"

Yes, Albert does not need to face thousands of people with one person. There is only one opponent in his possession, but it has nothing to do. No one can control it. It is just a sad creature.

"Don't you plan to continue to help it, succumb to its arrogance, then become part of it, slowly devoured by despair, and eventually abandoned as a residue?"

The army of the shadows moved.

"Or to say, if you can escape from here, even if you can only live for a while, you must have this hard-won freedom and dignity?"

The dark shadow of the legion is even more moving.

"Do you intend to continue to live in the darkness and despair for decades and still intend to live freely for a while and then die with dignity? - Answer me!"

The Shadow Corps and Albert reached a consensus. They began to collapse and fled.

"Globe! Come back! Give me back!!" Albert can hear the golden crab's body yelling in anger, but it is still a telepathy (large range), since there is no sound source, it is not good. Determine where the speaker is.

But it doesn't matter. Because this is still a one-on-one situation, in addition to the Holy Grail, Albert can now find the body of the Golden Crab in the Shadow Corps - it should be a look and other black shadows. Different people.

It is almost impossible to find a small piece of debris in a crowd that flees and panics. As a result, Albert changed his strategy. He shot a flying knife in midair. When it flew high enough, the tiger youth shifted in position with the flying knife.

In midair, his advantage is extremely obvious. Everything on the ground can be said to be at a glance - it is certainly not realistic to find the Holy Grail fragments from this height, but it is very simple to find [people]!

Then he found it. Among the huge black-eyed monsters, the lightest, almost never seen by the dark and desperate, the white silhouette.

That is undoubtedly the body of the golden crab, the thing called [hunter]. All the negative effects from the Grail shards have been borne by others, but he has never been eroded by his own private, so he is contaminated with the least amount of [black].

His selfishness will be his defeat.

When Albert saw the opponent's body, he fired in that direction. The steel ball that flew out was so fast that it was close to the guy. Moreover, the trajectory of the large-diameter steel ball is random, and even Albert himself cannot know the dynamics of the steel ball after the pop-up, his opponent is even more unpredictable, and Albert can spread more than ten steel balls. Any one of them performs a space swap to achieve the purpose of teleporting to the enemy, and he actually did so. When he teleported to [Hunter], the guy had already noticed Albert's actions, and he was running away!

"It's over." The tiger youth did not let the guy escape, and rushing up was a sword.

He knelt down the head of the white shadow.


At the same time, the blade-like dark gray spikes also penetrated Albert's chest, accurately destroying the heart of the tiger youth.

"What?" Albert vomited a blood.

"Where." The hunter stood behind Albert and sneered: "I know, you will attack at my body. But you forgot the most important thing: it is not mine at all." Ontology."

That's right, the person who was cut by Albert's head is really "white", but this may only mean that it is a human victim that has only recently been absorbed by the Golden Crab, but it does not mean it is a golden crab. Ontology. The real ontology has long used the secret magic to stay by the guy, and when Albert is smug, thinking that he can kill the opponent and come close, he comes to catch a scorpion, the oriole is behind, and the tiger youth is thoroughly Relaxing the vigilant moment, the puncture attack shattered the heart of the tiger youth.

"Well, I said, you are still too naive." The hunter sneered: "Do you really think that taking the fragments of the Holy Grail from my body, I will be defeated? The truth is that the Holy Grail is just to let I can't die, the broken body can be repaired again and again. Even if there is no holy grail in my hand, I am still immortal. You don't completely kill my body into ashes, I will not simply die. ,Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Yes. That's a useful piece of information, thank you." Albert's look suddenly turned into a sneer, as if all this was in his expectations.

"You are calm and calm!"

"I also tell you a good thing." The young man of the tiger endured a serious injury to his chest and turned his head to look at his opponent: "If you didn't just mean to use a lot of useless nonsense to me, I deliberately attacked my heart. But if I cut my head directly, then you will have won this time."

Make a stroke plan! ! - Before the [hunter] reacted, Albert's double-knife slammed and cut [hunter] into countless pieces.

"But it's unfortunate -" The young man of the tiger pulled out the bone-like thing on his chest and wiped the blood from his mouth: "My heart is no longer beating, it's just a decoration!"

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