Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1929: Guild Wars at Night (4)

Chapter 1929 is a battle of the night and the night

[Hunter], who was unloaded by Albert, was scattered like a broken toy.

He didn't even react to what was going on, and he was cut into a pile of debris by Albert.

There is no blood, only some white, slurry-like things seep out.

Albert stepped on the guy's head with his ankle. It looked a bit like a human head, but had no face, or the outline of his face was extremely vague. It was difficult to tell that it was originally [human]. Looks like it.

To say that it is inhuman, it does not seem to be too much - in all senses.

"I haven't forgotten that you guys are good at using stealth spells." Albert whispered: "After all, you used the same spell to sin me once."

"You, you!" The inhuman thing was more irritated, because he saw Albert spilling a red magic turpentine powder on his broken body, which seemed to have a special effect.

"I know that normal can't capture your location. But this is not a problem at all, because I know, you will definitely put a trap and wait for me to step in." The tiger-man youth grinned and laughed like an unprecedented insidious: "You think I will be fooled again, then I will pretend to be good. Anyway, you are almost dying, how about satisfying your wishes?"

What he sprinkled on his opponent was the turpentine powder that was tuned from the far-away space by the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, and it was the powder of the flame rosin.

Once this thing is ignited, it will immediately ignite a very high temperature flame, and its "fuel" is the magic itself contained in the turpent. Before the magic is exhausted, the flame will not simply go out.

It is the most appropriate for the execution of the insidious villain [Hunter].

"How many times have you let me die? How much have you been tortured by me?" Albert stepped on the guy's head harder and his tone increased: "How many times have you humiliated me?! "

"No, don't do this! Hold your hand!!" The other is begging for mercy.

However, it is impossible to use. This is a world of killing or being killed. If Albert does not execute this guy and let it come back, the tiger youth will be in danger.

"Goodbye. May this fire bring you to **** smoothly." Albert stepped back, and the black moon steel scimitar in his hand hit the ground, and the weapons and turpent touched the belt at the moment. The magical turpent reacted and they burned fiercely!

"Oh, yeah yeah! - No! Help! Don't ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah The fact that it burns to ashes.

The other black shadows also collapsed and escaped almost, and the entire underground glass sea began to become empty, at least in the place where Albert could. The Golden Crab has proudly boasted of how powerful it is. It says it has swallowed thousands of creatures and used as victims of the Grail. But in the end, when it was burned to ashes, it was only one person, and what it swallowed, something that once belonged to it, did not come to help it.

Those who boast of their own strength but do not know how to cherish will eventually be rejected by their own strength.

Albert grabbed the bleeding chest and spit a blood. As he turned around and looked around, he saw it, a gleaming piece of debris on the ground.

Is that the fragment of the Holy Grail?

Albert has just watched his opponent burn completely into ashes, ensuring that the enemy can no longer make any tricks. But the Holy Grail fragment is indeed a very dangerous existence, and he feels that it is still recycling this thing, so as to avoid any trouble.

He walked over, just about to pick up the debris, and a flying knife flying from a distance was tied to the fragments of the Holy Grail, preventing Albert's action.

"Who?" The tiger youth could not help but frowned.

"If you cherish your own words, don't pick it up." A voice came from afar. The sound source is extremely far away, but it sounds extremely clear.


"Retreat, take the person you love and escape from here." The voice continued: "Everything here is handled by us. Just escape."

Albert expressed doubt. After all, a stranger of unknown origin who said this to him from afar has little credibility. Don't mention how the other person hides in an empty underground glass sea, not letting Albert see it; after the disappearance, the other person who said this is not even willing to show up in front of Albert. It is more and more suspicious.

"I know you won't simply believe it. But it's all for you." The other said: "So, let go. You won't want to see that Luf's sacrifice is wasted."

Before this, Albert was still indifferent, but when the other party suddenly said the name of Luf, the young man of the tiger felt as if he had been shocked.

"you know?!"

"Go and say goodbye to him. This is the last chance," the voice said. At the same time, the special arrow on the ground suddenly changed. Its arrows are deeply embedded in the ground, opening a seemingly extremely strong protective cover that covers the fragments of the Holy Grail. With this shield in place, it is clear that Albert can no longer touch the fragments of the Holy Grail - this is what the person who talks wants to achieve.

While Albert was dying of the Grail, his eyes turned dark.

He knows, it is time.

The giant Holy Spirit White Tiger appeared in front of Albert, even though it was just an illusion.

"Huh. You look at you, all of you are ragged, ragged, and you are in a wolf." The Holy Spirit White Tiger said to the tiger youth, as if laughing at him, this is the way to say hello between old friends.

"Huh. You look at you, the body is fragmented, there is no half complete, it is also a good wolf." Albert looked at the image and gradually destroyed the broken white tiger, but also smiled bitterly.

It hurts in my heart, but I can't cry. He knows that the cost of getting power from [the outside of the string] is to lose something.

Just an equivalent exchange.

What he lost this time is his sorrow, an irreplaceable emotion.

From that moment on, although he survived, he gradually deviated from being the heart of [people] and became a non-human thing.

What qualifications are there to evaluate, the opponents he has destroyed?

"Would you like to go?" the tiger youth whispered.

"This is the last. I will give you all my strength, and then I should leave. You may not be able to use the same powerful power as I am in the future, but it is better than nothing. It has always been taken care of." Holy Spirit White Tiger The shadow is more and more transparent, and there are more and more broken parts on it. It seems that the phantom itself is eaten by the thing called the void, and it can no longer be seen in the true face.

"Despite this -" the white tiger, the sudden disappearance of the Holy Spirit, became the image of a cat-and-boy, appearing in front of Albert. He hugged him tightly.

"May we be in our next life, next life, always friends."

"Luf" Albert knows that he has no way to embrace the spirit. The shadow of the cat boy is close to the air and almost penetrates his body. However, he is still pretending to make a hug - if you don't, you will feel that the other person will be very pitiful.

"I am a"

The spirit of the cat and the boy has completely disappeared.

"Lufu" looked at the light that dissipated in the air, and the tiger youth fell into meditation.

First is the darkness.

Then there is light.

Out of the material world, a little bit of light is drowned by a sea of ​​light.

Here, all dead souls must accept the judgment of the God of Destiny to determine where they go. Even the "dead" spirit will receive the same treatment.

Here, like a Martian that is weakly extinguished, the broken spirit of the Cat Man (White Tiger) is flashing like nothing. Standing in front of him is the seat of Karma. Control the destiny, the **** of the world that is supreme and strong, but never doing anything.

The whole body of God is surrounded by the fire of darkness, evil and mysterious. In the eyes of God, white light shines, and solemnity.

God does not move, God is speechless. God snickers the ignorance of the world -

Especially those who want to fight against fate.

Standing in front of God, there are only the last few cats and teenagers who still miss, and even the qualifications to challenge God are not.


"You know I won't give up," said the boy.

"No matter how many years you have to wait. No matter what form I am. No matter what form I meet again. I still want to see him again."

Maybe next time, I can take the courage to say to him, I can't say anything.

So, do what you should do. You can kill me another thousand, ten thousand, one hundred times. I crushed my soul into powder and killed it many times. But I will never dissipate easily. "

After the words are finished, the huge blade in the hands of God has fallen.

In the hands of God, the giant blade took turns to fall.

In the hands of God, hundreds of millions of blades fell like crazy raindrops, and they kept going.

The gigantic blade of God's hand falls like a storm, never ending.

The weak spot is defeated, vanished, and broken many times.

But it refused.

Again and again, it reassembles itself.

Even if the memory is completely destroyed, even if the last point of contact with the rest of the world is cut off, even if it is painful and numb, it is like the fire that is extinguished at any time, but it is unbelievable.

Because he is full of [determination].

After continuing the infinite number of killings, God finally gave up.

In this world, there has never been a soul that can overcome God.

But when there is a soul, you can let it face God, and be in an invincible position.

No wins or no defeats, nothing more, but enough.

The weak spirit did not give up, but the seat of Kama first gave up.

[Compassion] is never what God should do, and a ruthless judgment is.

However, God has pity again and again, this is a very special existence.

After the light, it is a darkness.

The one who was dying, almost forgot his own existence, left only a faint idea of ​​the spirit, and it was sent away.

The world it once again sees is a world that has been seen from a seam.

It broke out of the shell, not a bird, but a kitten that looked a little bit wonderful.

It is not an ordinary kitten, it is not even an ordinary creature, it is a chaotic troll behemoth.

"Hey?" It crawled out of the broken eggshell and landed on the boy's chest.

The teenager in front of him has stopped breathing and his body is getting cold.

It came a second late.

The kitten was sad, unwilling, remorseful, crying. Even though he himself forgot the reason for his crying.

The crying of the kitten caused the attention of the middle-aged man who had been stiffened. The middle-aged knight, who had completely collapsed because of the pain of the funeral, saw the crying kitten and suddenly recovered his mind.

"Will Wallace is you?" The middle-aged knight whispered.

"Hey!" The kitten can only answer with a cry. One does not mean yes or no, meaningless meows.

"Of course not you, of course not." The Cavaliers picked up the kitten and whispered: "But you are cold, poor little guy?"

The knight gently put the kitten into his pocket. The middle-aged knight who met the kitten in front of the dead son was the Knight of the Knights in the future.

The kitten was later named Wallace.

Chaos troll, Golden Lion Wallace.

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