Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1948: Captured in the lake light (seventeen)

Chapter 1948 Captured in Huguang XVII

At the same time, Vivienne's research institute.

"Wow, ah!" - As the last cultist invaders screamed and fell, Vivienne finally cleaned up the enemies in front of her.

"Oh." The smell of blood irritates the nose of the succubus. Vivienne felt upset when she thought about cleaning the area full of dead bodies. After all, this is her research, her home. As a scholar with obsessive-compulsive disorder, she is particularly unable to tolerate her home becoming dirty.

The time of the battle dragged longer than she expected. She was not particularly used to fighting the enemy in black. The remaining enemies were greedy and afraid to die in the bunker. Vivienne’s attack appeared many times. The mistakes, after the attack was empty, let the guys escape to the next bunker. It’s extremely cumbersome to play against these guys without adequate lighting.

In any case, it will be fine.

"Lian Yin, what's the situation on your side?" Vivienne pressed a small walkie-talkie hung around her ear and tried to get in touch with the Pattimo girl.

"Oh, a little--" The voice of the lotus voice came from the intercom, but the signal was very poor, and the sound was intermittent: "There was a very fierce attack here, - Shashasha - but the Warcraft released has helped. Resistance, - Shashasha - should be resolved soon."

Then Vivian could hear the fierce firearms from the intercom, which was also mixed with the wars of Warcraft. Lian Yin is estimated to have encountered a lot of enemy ambushes, is in the battle of glue. Although the wizard's spells are powerful, they are inevitably slower than the opponents who shoot directly at the gun. If the enemy's barrage is very dense, the lotus sound may not be able to find the opportunity to shoot, and can only hide behind the bunker to find opportunities. Vivienne really wants to remind the lotus sound to use a powerful spell shield to block the attack and counterattack. However, she did not know how dense the barrage on the other side was. If the light rain of the light bomb was so large that the protective cover could penetrate, it would be more dangerous to use the protective cover indiscriminately. Still let the lotus sound judge what to do according to the situation on the battlefield. After all, the lotus sound has experienced a lot of battles, and she can take care of herself.

Then, of course, it is still necessary to first restore the backup power system. It’s inconvenient to fight the black battle here. It’s better to play a game with the opponent in the light. And after the power system is restored, most of the guards can be used, and the research team's defense ability will be improved several levels. By Vivian, they can change from passive to active.

However, will it be so smooth?

Vivienne did not encounter many enemies all the way, and it was easy to come to the area of ​​the backup power station. Of course, perhaps the enemy is waiting for her in this place. This is an excellent ambush location, because the backup generator here uses underground lava to generate electricity. The road ahead is a large lava area, relying on special alloy-cast overhead suspension bridges to make people in this lava area. Go through the line. The material of the suspension bridge is extremely hard and heat-resistant, and it is wide and stable. Normally, there is no big problem even if it is engaged here with the enemy. However, Vivienne is very clear in her heart. Her opponent is extremely deceitful and vicious. She will definitely set up an ambush here. When Wei Wei'an passes through the suspension bridge area, she tries her best to get her into the lava pool and burn it.

This time, if there is Fu Lei, it will be fine. However, it is obvious that the external communication of Vivienne's research institute has been disturbed. Even within the institute, Vivienne wants to get in touch with Lianyin, and it is very difficult to use the radio to ask for help.

I can only rush through this lava area with my scalp. Vivian thought for a moment. There are some advantages here. Because of the lava's radiance, there is no lack of illumination. If the enemy suddenly wants to raid Vivian, the succubus should be able to immediately find the opponent's whereabouts and take appropriate action at once. Should be the opponent's law. She is confident in her ability to respond instantaneously.

However, in Vivienne's trotting, he planned to finish the suspension bridge on the lava. When he left the dangerous area, the lava pool below the suspension bridge suddenly trembled!

"Okay. It's still coming." The succubus knows that this must be a harbinger of the enemy, and she can't help but snorted.

Sure enough, in the undulating lava pool, something started to emerge. An odd-shaped object with a hot red lava glow, rising from the pool, quickly drew an arc and landed on the suspension bridge.

It’s another slime! That's great! Vivian was depressed and secretly snarled.

Moreover, this lava slime is a combination of hot lava and strong fluidity of the gel. It squirms on the bridge deck of the suspension bridge, and the whole body emits glare and emits a sulphurous smell. White smoke. That thing seems even hotter than lava, but the special alloy suspension bridge can withstand the heat it brings, without any signs of being blown!

"I don't have time to play with you." Vivian took a foot on the ground, and a cold air began to spread along the contact point between her feet and the ground, spreading out to the front. This cold air can have frozen most of the world's material. It is a very pure negative entropy that is changed by magic (photons).

However, after the cold air hit and wrapped the lava slime, it initially made its surface a freeze-hardened appearance. After a few seconds, it returned to its original appearance, as if it had not been affected!

The heat on the guy is so amazing that it’s so hot that even frozen spells take it to the point of helplessness!

Vivienne is also very aware that using a frozen spell in a lava-filled field will not be effective with this heat-powered monster. Even if she can temporarily freeze the lava slime, the monster will soon be thawed and restored to its activity due to the heat of the lava rising from below.

It’s really troublesome to have this guy appear in this place.

But wait. Lava?

Vivienne turned to think, and there was a vague idea in her heart.

But the monster can't stand still and wait for Vivian to put her ideas into practice. It also started the attack. Its attack is almost nothing new, it is just like the thunderbolt slimmer that it has encountered before, it splits numerous tiny gels from its own body and fires them like a bullet to Vivienne. Come!

While the succubus was dodging, she rolled her lightsaber with two cymbals and waved the lightsaber to try to block the lava bombs that came in from the front. The lava bomb's rate of fire is not particularly fast, she easily escaped most of the time, only a small amount of intensive and difficult to dodge need to use the lightsaber to block. But she soon noticed the lava bomb, which was different from the previous plasma bomb.

It’s very [heavy] to her lava bomb, and it’s very [sticky]! The feeling is very subtle. If you want to say it, the lava bomb is like the extremely sticky clay. When Vivienne wields the lightsaber to touch these things, you can feel that they are stuck in the lightsaber blade. The trend on!

The lightsaber was originally a blade made up of photons (magic) bound to the enchantment. It has no weight. It is only used when it is waving, or when it collides with the weapon with the magical power of the opponent. One force. The reason why Vivian is able to feel the [heavy] when the blade hits the lava bomb is precisely because of the magical power contained in the lava bomb!

Nourish! At the same time, Vivian also felt the heat! She found that the light sword's hilt was hot, almost like a perm, and began to damage the two hairs she used to manipulate the lightsaber!

Is this the heat from the sword of the lightsaber? !

wrong! The light blade is not heat transfer! Photon is not strictly a substance, it is not even an energy (even if it is often called [magic]), it is just a very particle-like wave! It is impossible to pass the thermal vibration by the photon, even the photon torrent that is bound in the enchantment!

However, the two lightsaber hilts used by Pian'an to block the lava bombs are indeed hot, and it is estimated that they will be burned by hand when they touch it! The reason is extremely simple, not because the sword is in heat transfer, but because of the special enchantment that can absorb the entropy energy in the sword, and exert excessive effects! Because the heat of the lava shots to Vivian is extremely amazing, their amazing heat is absorbed by the enchantment of the blade and quickly converted into the power of the battery inside the lightsaber! In the previous battle, Vivienne's lightsaber battery has been almost fully charged because of the energy of the Thunderbolt. Overcharged batteries continue to charge, because of the super-heating, it is a matter of course!

It took half a second to figure out all the Vivians, and immediately manipulated their hair and threw the two light-filled lightsabers into the air. The opponent did not stop the offensive, still launching more hot lava bombs towards Vivian! The succubus flies and flies away while catching two lightsabers with both hands! She did not intend to abandon these two lightsabers, nor was she burnt because she was empty-handed to catch the lightsaber. Because she has already applied the frozen magic on her palm, and the coldness of the palm of her hand, to offset the overheating of the lightsaber battery!

Nourish! It’s a barbecue-like sizzle, but it’s actually just the sound of Vivian’s palm melts!

And her hand speed is very fast, just within one second after getting the lightsaber, I immediately completed the disassembly of the lights on the lightsaber, and replaced the batteries that were already prepared and almost bottomed out!

Normally, people replace batteries that use light and electricity, and replace them with batteries that are fully charged. It is ironic that someone in the world is doing the opposite.

"Eat this!" The succubus has just replaced the new battery of the lightsaber, and throws the old battery that is still charging the smoke to the opponent! Two energetic polymer high-energy batteries instantly caught in the body of the lava slime, causing a strong explosion!

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