Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1949: Captured in Lake Light (18)

Chapter 1949, captured in the lake light eighteen

lb! ! - The amazing bang is deafening. Vivian was once worried that this level of big bang might cause the suspension bridge to collapse, but her fears were superfluous, and the suspension bridge that was over-sturdy by special alloys remained untouched in the explosion.

Or it is precisely because the polymer high-energy battery is blasted deep in the lava slime, and Slim absorbs most of the impact of the explosion, so the explosion sounds scary, but the power of spreading out does not sound. So big!

Of course, the lava slime also blew the flowers! Numerous lava bombs flew in the direction of the rain, and hundreds of them were shot toward Vivienne. However, this is not much different from the sniper she had received before, or that her opponent was aiming to shoot, and the density of the barrage is more terrible than the random scattering now!

Vivian held up two other lightsabers, waving like a shield at high speed, and using this shield-like sword wheel to protect himself in front of him, it was easy to block the scattered lava bombs everywhere. This time she canceled the phase shift enchantment on the lightsaber beforehand, so the lightsaber was only used as a lightsaber, and did not overheat the battery because of excessive absorption of the high-heat and high-energy lava bombs!

But she is also very clear that her opponent can not be simply blown up like this. Sure enough, the numerous lava bombs that were blown out of the air fell into the lava pool, then slowly squirmed and gathered together, from the monster's feet (if it had feet) slowly rising like a pillar, wanting to lava with Shi Lai Mum once again became one!

If you let it succeed, this battle will be endless! Vivian raised her hand and instantly shot a cold ice that was thicker and longer than the arm. The sharp and cold ice cone hit the monster's chest!

Snapped! It hit the lava slime smoothly and opened a huge hole in the monster's chest! However, the ice is only a thing that is condensed by water vapor. It does not occupy any advantage in this burning environment. This hits the gel-like chest of the monster, and even does not penetrate its chest, only Is to create a rather huge hole!

But this is enough, because the big hole is just enough for Vivienne to see the wonderful black sphere hidden in the lava slime. If you remember correctly, this sphere should be the device that controls this monster activity! After destroying it, even if the lava slime will not die, it will definitely be affected by some irreversible influence!

Vivian took the initiative and took out the nine-lighted lightsaber that she brought with them, and instantly combined them into one whole! The specially constructed lightsaber stalks are twisted together to form a long handle about three feet long, and a light sword blade with a deep dark purple ray is ejected at the end of the long handle! Vivienne's weapon is also extremely special in the lightsaber class. After all, she is a scientist who has many unique and interesting ideas, and puts these ideas into practice, embodied in their own weapons for actual combat! The use of these nine-unit photon lances is not high, but every time they can save Vivienne at the most critical moment, or bring her victory, this time is no exception!

Boom! ! She rushed up one step, and the rifle in her hand had already been stepped on the black sphere in the lava slime!

The hot lava can't stop it. This long gun is a combination of the power of nine lightsabers. It is also the superposition of the phase shifting enchantments of the nine lightsabers, whether it is destructive or its ability to absorb energy. More than nine times stronger than a single lightsaber, or even more!

Oh! - The tip of the photon rifle easily smashed through a seemingly hard black sphere. The sphere breaks directly in the monster's body!



Crazy to surge!

The lava slime looks very uncomfortable. During the process of accelerating expansion, it glows brightly, swollen like a balloon, but it is covered with sarcoma because of the boiling surge! Vivian thinks that this monster seems to explode at any time, and quickly pulls back the pike for a while, and then pulls away from this ghost thing and says it!

lb! Then it exploded without warning, suddenly!

It’s not the lava of the lava that flies out of the square, it’s more like extremely fine particles, even a high temperature fog! Vivian knew that the blade could not withstand the lava storm that caused this explosion. She had already set up the most powerful protective cover in front of her, and also filled a frost into the shield. Interest, let the inside of the protective cover suddenly drop to a low temperature below zero!

Hey! The lava flame storm slammed around the shield, and the sound, the momentum, sounded like some kind of storm in the end of the catastrophe!

After the "Holocaust", Vivian looked down at the center of the explosion. Although the suspension bridge there was partially dissolved by the high heat and impact of the explosion, the special heat-resistant alloy was still strong, and the armrests on both sides of the bridge were not even distorted by the explosion.

What about the lava slime monster? It seems that the smoke should be extinguished in the explosion, and even a little residue will not be left.

No, no.

There is something left on the ground. The black core, although broken by Vivienne, left the rest quietly and was not affected by the explosion. Maybe it's because it's just in the center of the explosion, and because it's very hard material, it can withstand that level of explosion!

Vivian wrinkled her brow and she had a bad feeling.

Yes, there is some kind of black smoke that pops out of the black core! The smoke quickly formed a black figure, and this black shadow is the one that made Vivian an extremely headache before!

"You must be joking with me." The succubus screamed depressedly.

"Hey, does this surprise you?" said the other party. "The core component comes with a transfer device inside. When you break it, I can use the transfer device to reach the core component. I am in your This slime monster is placed in every important device of the institute. Do you really think that defeating slime is all right? Do you really think that you can escape from my hands?"

"The stalker guys will be hated by women." Vivienne whited the black shadow.

"The dead lady won't hate me." The guy did not care about Vivienne's ridicule and began to lift his sharp claws. The outline of this black shadow looks like a human being, and now it looks very similar to some kind of demon when it lifts its big, sharp claws.

His claws rushed, the momentum was fast and embarrassing, Vivienne had to jump back and dodge to escape the attack range of the huge claws!

The succubus is not very clear about the sacredness of this black-eyed creature in front of her, but she thinks that this thing is most likely composed of photons, just a cloud of imaginary things. Vivienne had already released the ice fog before, trying to freeze the enemy, but the ice fog penetrated the guy's body perfectly. It can be seen that it has no physicality, and it can't catch it!

However, since the opponent's claws can be caught in the way of Wei Wei'an unscrupulously, there must be a mystery! Vivian does not want to take any risks, of course, first try to avoid the unknown attack!


Brush it! Vivienne’s clothes on her chest suddenly tore, and two shallow blood marks appeared on her chest!

"Well!?" The succubus slammed the clothes that had almost fallen, and the face was full of surprise. She clearly has escaped the attack of the opponent far away, the farthest distance that the shadow of the big shadow can reach, at least one foot away from Vivienne!

Why can the attack be hit in the air? !

However, it was not when Vivienne was shocked that the extremely dangerous black claws of the opponent were caught again. Vivian then adjusts the action and evades the attack with a faster backlash!

Hey! ! The opponent's four claws, Vivian only used three times to exit the attack range, and she also reserved a lot of space. Although the opponent's attack is fierce and elusive, the black man's power is extremely poor, and he can only move slowly like a smog, so his combo is fierce, but he can only hit a certain distance in front of him. Vivian evaded and fled, and soon escaped from the guy's attack!


啪滋! However, her face and neck are still hanging, and the blood is ejected from two scratches that are about one inch deep!

"Hey!" Two times in a row, it was clear that it was still in the middle of the move. The Succubus felt a bit irritated. As a succubus, these small wounds on her body can easily heal, but it is very uncomfortable to be hit by the cheeks. After all, the woman's face is extremely important! She quickly analyzed the mystery of the opponent's attack, trying to understand and find out the countermeasures!

"The blade of the air?" she whispered.

"Where, the little girl is very smart." The opponent sneered and replied: "Yes, it is the blade of the air."

The guy clearly didn't have a collision volume, but his claws were able to raise a vacuum blade that was completely invisible but extremely sharp. Vivienne's three consecutive losses were due to miscalculation of the distance of this invisible vacuum blade.

And the length of the air blade does not seem to be fixed. For the first time, it grabbed a shallow scratch on the chest of Vivienne, but left a little deeper on Vivienne's face and neck for the second time. The scars; however, the second Vivian was hiding farther than the first time, and it should have been avoided. The only possibility is that the second time the vacuum blade is drawn, the attack range is bigger than the first time!

It’s tricky. Vivienne frowned.

"What's wrong, can't you touch my attack?" The opponent continued to sneer, revealing a sinister look (if he had a face).

Vivian did not answer, although she knew that the other side's attack was an air blade that was moved by the shadow claws, but she could not understand the attack range of the opponent at that time. Perhaps this kind of attack could not be evaded. Can you only find a way to block it?

"If you have enough, you can die!" The sneer sneered, approaching Vivienne, and the two shadow claws madly caught!

Vivienne also started to use a more agile slide to kick off the opponent's attack, but when she just opened the first time, she found something wrong. Her ankle was marked by an invisible air blade. Deep blood!

"Well?!" Vivian stopped her foot because of the pain and slowed down.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah!-" At the moment she slowed down, a vacuum wave had hit her perfectly! Her shoulders were cut by a vacuum wave and a huge wound, and she himself quickly fell over because of the powerful impact of this attack, just hit the guardrail of the suspension bridge! The guardrail that was burnt and embrittled in the previous explosion was suddenly deformed and broken due to her impact. Vivienne leaned back and plunged into the lava pool!

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