Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2488: Critical to Amethyst (11)

Chapter 2488 is critical to Amethyst Eleven

"Why can I use the power of the [Sun's Egg]?" After carrying him in heaven, Albert's deity asked curiously: "After the war seven years ago, they clearly put the sun in my body." The ability of the egg] is sealed in its entirety. Except for a few special cases, it should not be used at all?"

"Not [all]." Albert's replied: "A very small part of the ability, such as the ability to regenerate wings, can still be used. You can't use it purely because you haven't mastered it yet. After you send me back to my own world, copy this part of the knowledge and keep it for your own use. ------It will definitely help you."

"Is it really okay? Stealing your own avatars from other parallel worlds... won't cause confusion in time and space?" Albert remembered getting better from another avatar before. The ground control of the knowledge of the Holy Spirit White Tiger always feels that taking the ability that does not belong to him from other avatars is an extremely ridiculous behavior.

"I also understood after I contacted you. Now this [you] is also a avatar, is your deity inside the [outside the string]?" Albert's replied:

"[The outside of the string] is the [gate of truth], which carries all things in the universe, all truths. Through observation, people can understand all the truths in the world, all knowledge, that is, infinitely close to God. Existence, but most of these observers will only use their life to observe the truth and not interfere in the real world.

Compared with those observers, you seem to have a little bit of difference. Obviously, in the truth, but not to look at it, it is necessary to project another avatar to come back to interfere with the real world. You are such a weirdo.

Since you have a way to re-project your avatars in this world, you don't need to be guilty of too much power (knowledge). In the [out of the string] you should have been the existence of omnipotence. You are completely like that, it’s just a matter of time. "

"I don't understand very well..." Albert frowned. "It's just fine."

"I really envy." But the body said.


"In all the multiple parallel universes [Albert], only the [you] of this parallel world can enter [out of the strings]. Only this one is unique, with the ability to be infinitely close to God. Our other avatars, the [Ebert] who are summoned by you from other parallel worlds, are always inferior to you at this point, even if they each have their own advantages." The special avatar continues:

"But you don't care what you do -- even the [becoming God] itself does not care. Perhaps because of this, you have the qualification to enter [out of the string].

Those who pursue the truth because of their own desires will never be able to approach the truth.

The more people who have no desire or desire, the more they find the truth in the wrong way. "

Albert did not answer. Now I want to come. When he first entered [out of the string], he and Chanel were attacked by the golden crabs of the tower. When he died, he opened the door to [out of the string]. The first time he glimpsed the truth of the universe, he even broke into a state of "extraordinary sanctification", which was based on the addition of that state, and he defeated [the golden crab of the tower---the death shackles].

The state of "extraordinary sanctification", do not know if there is still a way to launch again? If you can successfully launch that state, how can you be a strong opponent?

"Hello!" The night wind is very cold, and because Albert's avatar is turned into a winged tiger flying at high speed in the sky, the head-on wind is dozens of times more cold than the usual night wind.

"Keep your weight. You still have Chanel and Mutter to protect." Albert's replied: "Although in my parallel world, they are not there."


"Yes. Dead." The singer said with a slight sadness: "Chanel died in a secret sneak into the action. After a date with her, I have never seen her, and then from the Knights of Great Britain. I heard about her death. Mutter... I was assassinated by the Mohammed business group when I was not paying attention."

"This---" Albert can't help but feel sad for his own avatar: "If I send you back to the world that belonged to you, don't you ------"

"If you lose it, you lose it, and your life is going on." The replied: "I won't say to you [don't send it back to the original world]. If I am willful, I just want to see Chanel again. I am at me. There is also a fiancée waiting for me in the world. You know her, but whoever she is, I won't tell you."


"Me, the world, you must cherish everyone around you. People's lives are very fragile. If you don't pay attention, they will pass you by, and you may never see them." .

"I know. I don't need my own avatar to teach me." Albert scorned.

"You also have to pay attention to another detachment in Egypt." Albert's avatar said: "When your deity disappears, the four avatars share the existence of the deity of this world (Kama), and we are also [Destiny Community], consciousness and memory have a certain degree of connection. The inner heart of the guy is much darker than me. I always feel that... I seem to have encountered many unpleasant things in his parallel world. He You may not necessarily return the existence (Kama) to you, and return to the world to which he belongs."

"At that time, it was just using force to make him succumb..." Albert whispered. "When he is hurt, you will also be injured. Do you want to kill him half-heartedly and smother yourself?"

"If you have to do that, yes."

"Hah, I have served you." The big tiger slammed his wings and accelerated. They have been able to see the battleships of Great Britain far away.

Albert (the deity) also wears a magic bracelet on his hand, which will continue to release a recognition signal, which can be recognized by the British warships. They don't have to worry about being bombarded by the battleship as an enemy. Therefore, the tiger-aged youth riding on the big tiger approached the battleship almost unimpeded and "parked" on the deck of the battleship.

"It's a rare geek." The one who came to meet in person was the Captain of the Great Britain--the captain of the attacking Paramitis, Prince Kai.

"Your business, Cador has just called to inform me." When Albert jumped from the back of the tiger, Kay said: "Not much, you go directly to the medical room."

Albert's avatar changed and he regained the appearance of a tiger: "So Chanel is..."

"I don't know. In the detailed situation, you ask her doctor to go." Kay did not feel strange about the two Alberts who appeared at the same time, said indifferently: "But it is best not to expect too much."

Albert and his own avatar looked at each other and then rushed straight into the cabin and headed straight to the medical room.

Albert had a good understanding of the internal structure of the Paramitis, and the singer was summoned to share some of Albert's memory, so the internal structure of the ship was equally clear. The two had almost no detours, and went straight to the medical room without delay. They rushed to the medical room in less than two minutes.

Of course, the red light is still on the door beam of the operating room, and the operation is still in progress.

"It’s obvious that the heart is only being penetrated..." Albert hurriedly said: "The medical level in Great Britain is so high, can that kind of minor injury be cured at once?"

"Small scars..." His whisper whispered, and Albert was too optimistic.

"Amount!" At the same time, the red light on the door beam of the operating room was extinguished, and the emergency surgery seemed to be over.

"Doctor! What happened to Chanel?!" At the moment when Constantine came out of the operating room, Albert's deity and avatar almost asked in unison.

"Wow, the two asked me together?" Constance saw two Alberts and couldn't help but be blind: "As for?"

"Let's talk nonsense!" "Quickly say the result!"

"Well..." Constance shrugged: "The situation is not optimistic."

"How come!" "You are a quack!!"

"Strange me?" The Knight of the Round Table, Constance, also whitened two young tigers: "The timing of the delivery is too bad. If it is ten minutes earlier, there may be hope. She is not only the heart is attacked through Simple, the other's weapon -- although it is not clear what kind of weapon -- has a neurotoxin that can affect the muscles of the human body, including the heart. The heart of Chanel, which is affected by this neurotoxin, completely stops. And we can't find an antidote to this toxin."

"Stan, the **** guy --" "Can't you have a heart transplant?" Two Alberts said one by one.

"The problem is this. Neurotoxins have spread to the surrounding tissues. Even with heart transplants, the heart of the new transplant will be affected. The most important thing is that Chanel, which is weak to that extent, has no physical strength. Have a heart transplant."

", she is dead?"

"Not dead, the [stagnation gel] technology that you brought back saved her life. Master Merlin urgently made enough [stagnation gel] for one person, before we completely disappeared, She was sent to the quiet cabin."

Both Alberts breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Although she didn't die, she couldn't be considered alive. She just used [stagnation gel] to suppress her metabolism to the extreme, and let her stay in this state of death to retain the last breath." Constance said "Then it's not very optimistic whether you use artificial heart and lung or a heart transplant. Unless we can find the antidote to the violent neurotoxin, her condition is hard to improve. Having said that, since the opponent is against her. Using this neurotoxin, you seem to have defeated that opponent, and have you obtained a similar antidote from the other person?"

Albert shook his head. According to another memory left by Albert's avatar, the desperate Stan finally seemed to be completely dissipated into ash, leaving nothing behind. And the octopus monster is a product of the college. The neurotoxin produced in it may be something that the organism itself makes, not necessarily an antidote.

If the offensive college finds the genetic information of the desperate sect from the terminal at the college, there may be a way. But no one can guarantee that reverse engineering can be used to make antidote to neurotoxins.

The face of Albert was suddenly gloomy.

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