Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2490: Critical to Amethyst (13)

Chapter 2490 is critical to Amethyst

Although it is impossible to see the details from this distance, Albert's avatar can clearly understand what Mutter is experiencing now without having to look at the details.

It was a scene that people could not look at. The spiked crater almost pierced the body of the cat and the boy through countless potholes, but Mutter was not killed because of the protection of the grain boundary, and the body that was constantly damaged was constantly recovering. But because the spikes really exist in the pit, even if Mutter's body is self-healing, the body that has just recovered is still pierced by a sharp knife-like spike, and then the blood is damaged again.

The blood from the cat and the boy has accumulated into a small blood pool in the pit. God knows how deep the pit is, and the thicker layer of Mut's blood accumulates!

Bloody death should be a common way to die. But the grain world is sheltering Mutter. Probably even the blood that comes out of him is endless. Even if there is a lot of blood flowing from him at this moment, the next moment he is made (recovered) in his body. Blood enough to maintain the amount of life of Mutter.

The current cat-and-boys are like a water balloon that has been punctured. The bright red liquid is constantly flowing, but the inside is like an endless source of blood. No matter how blood is bleeding, it will not dry out. Not only that, but the whole body is being penetrated, and the cat and the boy who are being guarded by the crystal from the back, and even a short burst of happiness, what are they doing?

are you crazy?

It is because the mind is over-eroded by the abyss and cannot distinguish between reality and illusion. Even if it is in such a difficult situation, it does not matter.

Albert's avatar leaned down and tried to push the center of gravity down, then launched [Shen Yin] and got close. In the crystal guards, Albert’s avatars were not found close, and they were smashed by the tiger’s youth.

Mutter fell in the crater of the spike, or it fell into the pool full of his blood. The crystals in the pits began to shatter, and their strength seemed to be maintained by the ability of the crystal guard. The monster's spikes could not be maintained while the monster was knocked down. Despite this, the cat-and-boys still have numerous spikes on their bodies, and the **** bodies are scarred. Albert's detachment carefully pulled Mutter out of the blood pool, pulled the crystal spikes of the kitten one by one, and then took off his coat and covered it on Mutter. The clothes of the cat-and-boys, not to mention, have been torn into countless fragments in the monster's violent behavior, just barely hanging on Mutter's body.

"Em!! Don't... lighter..." Mutter seems to be still having a nightmare, doing the dream of his body being penetrated. But is that really a nightmare? Why did Mutter make such a strange voice, and Albert's avatar gradually understood. When the guy woke up, how should he explain to him better? Perhaps it is better to say nothing?

"Oh, it melted." Albert's martyrdom, Mutt lying on the ground was soft and huddled. It is well known that cats are liquid, and this guy is no exception.

Poke, poke.

"Hey, is it still alive?" Albert's avatar poked Mutter's face with his fingers. Although it seems to have been miserable just now, but because of the protection of the grain world, the wound on Mutter quickly healed, there is nothing special to worry about. Next to it is (probably) the exit of the grain boundary. Albert is also anxious to leave the grain world. It is not reasonable not to wake up the sleepy kitten and further discuss countermeasures.

"Oh..." Mutter was still asleep, or was still dreaming. From the strange squeaks he sent out, this guy must be doing something unfair.

Albert's avatar was a little bit unbearable, and he slammed into the past.

"Hey!" The foot didn't wake up. After a few feet, Mutter finally woke up: "What...?, ah!!"

When he found that his body was not well-dressed, he couldn't help but scream, and at the same time used Albert's avatar to throw his clothes to cover the lower body (which was covered from the beginning): "How is this... Why are you......"

"Do you have a good dream?" Albert's avatar said coldly.

"No, it's not a good dream..." Mutter felt a tingling pain in the lower body, roughly thinking about what had just happened, and the face became redder: "Just be confused by monsters... Ah, um..."

"Stupid." Albert's avatar blamed: "If you are in reality, you just don't know how many times you have died. It's really a lack of alertness."

"But the monster looks exactly like you..." The cat boy whispered, "How do I know!"

"So you are stupid." The tiger's young man's body did not say with a good breath: "You are really hungry. Thirsty to that point, a counterfeit can easily fool you? Are you just that kind of casual? People, lonely, who will vote for you?"

"It's not!" Mu especially looked away from the other's gaze, sulking his mouth and sulking.

"I'm sorry." Albert's avatar suddenly whispered: "At that time, I shouldn't give you any [reward]. It seems that I am also a hot-headed person, giving you the hope that you can't achieve." The cat boy did not talk.

"But I finally have to go back to the parallel world that belongs to me. Albert of this world doesn't feel like you." The continuation continued: "So why do you still have hope? Don't you die on him early?"

"Because I can't do it." Mutter turned to look at each other, and there were tears in his eyes: "I can't do it."


啪滋! ! ------ At the same time as the two disputed, the lightning ball that was ten yards away began to change fiercely, and a thick and bright arc was shot toward the square. Those arcs are like a strong tentacle. The impact on the ground of the crystal can produce impact, so that the entire crystal platform is shaken, even on the smooth and hard crystal ground, leaving anxious marks on the ground. Part of the crystal liquefaction. The crystal that was struck by lightning and liquefied splashed everywhere, like a magma, and it was everywhere. When it landed on the ground again, it even sizzled with smoke and made a sizzling sound!

"Wow!" Albert's rushed over and dragged Mutter away, leaving the cat-and-boys out of danger: "Is that thing going to explode?!"

"No..." Mutt narrowed his eyes and looked at the glare that spread over the thunderball. He said with incompetence: "There is something... coming!"

As Mutter said, there is something that slowly rushes out of the thunderbolt. A giant of lightning. Unlike the crystal monsters in the grain world, this thunder giant is a whole composed entirely of lightning, a kind of energy body that has a human silhouette. I don't know if it is a "biological", I think it is a kind of monster.

"I knew that it was impossible to leave this abyss grain boundary." When the Thunderbolt rushed over to them, Albert's avatar shouted: "I will deal with this guy, you are hiding."

"but I------"

"Children will watch the show!" Albert's avatar kicked the flying Mut, while he flashed off the other side, avoiding the sprint of the Thunderbolt giant.

At the same time (?), Cairo.

"Well..." On the roof of a building, Albert's deity is focusing on everything downstairs.

If at this time the residents of Cairo looked up and saw that the body still had a transparent tiger youth on the roof, they would have thought they saw the ghost. In fact, Albert is a tiger with only white hair. Only the black tiger stripes are the opposite of the body color, and whether it is white or black hair, in the translucent state of his body, in the background of the night sky, Very eye-catching. In order not to be so eye-catching, the Tigers of course have already put their wings together and perfectly accommodated them in their bodies. Still, he is still a particularly conspicuous presence under the night.

It is reasonable to say that there is another conspicuous existence, and there must be another one in the vicinity of that ------that is his avatar. The avatar that was previously changed by Albert did not help deal with the octopus monster, nor did he deliver the tape, nor did he come back to save Albert and Chanel, but slipped away very selfishly. He now seems to know that Albert's deity is looking for him, hiding in the old town of Cairo. And this guy seems to be very good at hiding himself. The deity of the tiger youth has not been found for a long time.

Is it particularly good at using the [Shen Yin] avatar? It seems that it is not. If the other party launches [Xinyin], the existence of him (Kama) should also be temporarily erased, and the deity of Albert is sure that there is no way to even sense. But now the deity can clearly feel that the existence of the avatar is somewhere in this urban area, but can't find the specific location of the avatar, which means that the avatar is just hiding.

Having said that, since the other side has the heart to hide, Albert's deity wants to find someone in this old city with complex terrain, dilapidated chaos, and insufficient lighting, but it is extremely difficult. He can sense his own body by means of existence (Kama). The closer he is to the other party, the stronger the induction, but the sensory ability is still limited. It is impossible to know exactly where the other party is. If you hide in a sewer or a trash can, you don't want to be found. Albert's deity is estimated to take a lot of effort to locate his opponent.

It would be nice if there was any good way to track your opponent. The deity of the tiger youth has frowned. But wait, isn't he just inherited new abilities from the other two avatars? In particular, the ability of [the egg of the sun] - its essence is a nano-scale miniature golem. If you use it, you may have a way to find the hidden body.

"Dissipate!" The deity of the young tigers spread their wings, and then disbanded the wings and turned them into dozens of white feathers, flying in the sky.

Albert was divided by four avatars before the existence of this world (Kama). They were "community of destiny" and they must be attracted to each other. Now that Albert's deity has reclaimed two-quarters of the existence (Kama), the two-quarters of the existence will of course be attracted to the other quarter. He relies on this sensory ability to find the rest. Those who are avatars. Does the same logic apply to feathers that are separated from him? The answer will soon be revealed. Sure enough, those white feathers were attracted by some kind of magnetic force. The dozens of feathers that had drifted out flew in one direction without exception, and finally landed in a dark alley between the two buildings.

"Found you." The deity of the tiger youth went to the dark alley.

The avatar had already found a place to hide, thinking that the other party could not find him so easily for a moment or two; now Albert’s deity has precisely positioned the avatar with special means, and it is useless to know that he is hiding again. Then I climbed out of a dilapidated concrete wall in the alley.

"Good evening, another me." Give up completely hiding, and Albert's singer whispers.

"Good evening, another me." Albert's deity also said that he used his wings to create a soft light that would see everything around him: "Ready to go back?...Hmm?!"

The moment I saw my own avatar, Albert's deity couldn't help but decide.

In front of him, the thin, short, and not like a tiger, but a human boy, "Elbert", is actually his avatar? !

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