Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2520: Divided into the separation (13)

Chapter 2520 is divided into two parts

At the same time, the Twilight region, Lviv.

"Wow!" Elbert returned from the hairpin and found himself falling in the air and almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly flapped his wings to stabilize himself, only to avoid the tragedy of falling.

After a burst of inexplicable feelings, the tiger youths remembered what happened.

That's right. He sent the Holy Spirit White Tiger to investigate, and went deep into the huge black hole left behind when the head of the old mountain was indented. It was originally intended to see where the head of the old mountain was hidden, and whether it was better. The way to attack the monster's head and kill it. But after the Holy Spirit white tiger flew into the black hole, the sight seen in the deep cave was extremely scary, and Albert, who controlled the white tiger of the Holy Spirit, of course saw it all at the same time, and was scared by the scene. The hairpin just now is the aftereffect of his being scared.

"Little white." The tiger youth snarled. The Holy Spirit white tiger emerged from behind him and screamed. The Holy Spirit White Tiger is immortal. Of course, it will not be in the black hole in the head of the old mountain. When the young tiger is scared, he will return and join with Albert, so it will be called immediately. appear.

"Xiaobai, what did you see in the guy's body?" Albert asked again: "Is that really the head of the old mountain?"

"Oh." The Holy Spirit white tiger snorted and counted as a response.

Albert, of course, knows what the head of the old mountain is like. Before the old mountain, he once swayed to Lviv and had a battle with Albert. At that time, although its gimmicks were very strange, and the ugly head had hard scales and back shells, it was almost unbreakable, but in the end, Albert used the abyss black moon steel scimitar to Laoshan. It was a fatal blow, and it was because he had smashed the head of the old mountain and injured the brain of the monster. The horrible giant monster would shrink his head into his body to recover.

But what the white tiger of the Holy Spirit saw in the deep pit of the head of the old mountain is obviously not the head of the old mountain that Albert had seen before. That is just another species, it’s like...

Just like in the head of the old mountain with **** flesh, what new monsters are created, and the newly-created monster turns into a fleshy cockroach, which is being hatched.

That creepy feeling is not a simple description of speech. Albert has also seen and experienced many horror scenes in this life, but it was the first time that he was shocked by the horror scene for nearly ten seconds.

Not good. The body of the old mountain seems to be brewing something, a huge disaster.

The tiger looked up again at the old mountain that was moving slowly. The body is moving like a mountain, moving forward step by step, crushing one-fifth of Lviv City, most of the buildings. From the top of its clam shell, like a real lava-like fluid, dripping on the ground, the high heat even burns everything on the city's ground.

The stench of sulfur smells in the air, and people are not close. In addition to Albert's ability to get close to the old mountain in a hundred yards under such harsh conditions, other hunters have long since retreated, and even the surrounding World of Warcraft is afraid to avoid it, far from the old mountains.

"Damn..." Albert smacked his nose subconsciously. In fact, almost all the organs in his body have stopped working, and the blood of the Holy Spirit is maintaining life activities. Now he has no problem even if he does not breathe. He usually keeps the habit of being a "human" and breathes in a pretentious manner. It’s gone. Now he actively stopped breathing and tried not to inhale the suffocating sulphur gas into the lungs. Despite this, the pungent smell was still drilled into the nose of his pink tiger, which was slightly closer to the heart.

Have you been helpless?

The "catastrophe" brewed in the head of Laoshan is probably not solved in a moment. Although the head has been replaced by something else, the body of Laoshan is still moving forward, just as the body is sitting in a mechanical movement, only attracted by the power of [Summer of Love] to the central sanctuary. The temple moved past.

Albert has no way to deal with Laoshan's [head] and [body] at the same time, and he has no time. In this way, even if the "head" of the old mountain is killed, its body will first flatten the pyramid made of the stone of the central temple.

But, wait...?

It seems that something is missing.

The tiger youth frowned, thinking hard with his not very smart head.

Just in the deep black hole, the "head" seen by the white tiger of the Holy Spirit is not the original head of the old mountain. The "head" of the old mountain is estimated to have been cracked and destroyed, and what is brewing there is nothing else. Creature, a "disaster."

But why can this monster's headless body continue to act? Although it moves extremely slowly, is it really moving?

This is not the case, this kind of Warcraft, there are two sets of central systems that control the body action, so that the old mountain squats in the head is seriously damaged, can not continue to think, the body can still move? is its spine, controlling the huge body of the old mountain, in action?

In this case, the first thing to destroy is the spine of this monster. If you do, at least, this monster will stop the damage in Lviv, stop, and even make the dangerous lava-like fluid stop flowing out of the monster's clam shell.

But where do you start from, destroying the spine of this huge monster?

Even if Albert's body has a strong heat resistance, then his body will be burned to coke if he continues to approach the old mountain. It seems that the only way is to send the Holy Spirit White Tiger into the volcanic clam inside and destroy it from there.

The problem is that Albert can only control the action of the Holy Spirit White Tiger from a distance of one hundred yards away, and the distance can't be controlled. This embarrassing distance is just the distance that allows Albert's body not to be hotted into coke. He is close to the old mountain, and he will be in danger. How can he go to remote control of the Holy Spirit White Tiger?

The tiger youth looked at their arms. If you want to extend the controllable range of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, you can only do it by releasing the magic bracelet. Once you remove this thing, you can't go back, meaning he has to quit the round table trial.

It’s a dilemma...?

Everything is indifferent now, but ------

Somebody flashed in the mind of Albert.

"Damn...!" The young man of the tiger snorted and fanned his wings to retreat.

"Nina, can you still contact Mut?"

"Hah? Why are you still looking for Mute's little brother at this time..." The voice of the black rabbit girl sounded in his mind, which is of course a telepathy.

"In short... help me contact him." Albert said: "Although he is reluctant to let him intervene, only he can help at this time."

About twenty minutes ago, Lviv’s central sanctuary, in the refuge stone room.

"Well... I can't sleep..." The cat boy, Mute, was lying on a hard stone bed. Although he tried to close his eyes and rest, what happened tonight really made him feel ups and downs. It is impossible to forget it easily. Even at this time, he seems to be able to feel the warmth embraced by Albert's avatar. Part of the other's body seems to remain in him. The warm, moist, sticky, stinging, but reassuring feelings are not easily forgotten in a day and a half.

damn it. It is impossible to fall asleep. Mutt huddled together and shuddered. The cat-and-boys subconsciously sniffed their bodies and were able to smell the stench of the cockroaches. Although the eloquence of Albert's avatar was temporarily smothered, but after the big hunting festival, Albert's deity came back from the outside, it is estimated that he will gradually notice what it is.

Since I can't sleep, I still want to find a way to get rid of the smell on my body first... In order not to let the things done, take a bath.

The cat boy climbed up from the bed. The battle outside is still going on, the sound of explosions, the shouts of people, the shackles of Warcraft, one after another. But compared to before, the voice of the battle has stopped a lot, not the big hunting festival tonight is just as intense. Going out early may be dangerous. Going out later, the big hunt may end, and Albert will come back. Mutter thought that it was best to go out to take a shower at this time, and he made up his mind to push the door.

There are no half people in the deep corridor of the Central Temple, and there is no World of Warcraft here. If Warcraft invades this place, it will definitely cause a lot of commotion.

Mutter took the washed clothes and the dry towels that wiped the body, and hurried out. Lviv was originally a fortress city, and the central sanctuary was the central part of the fortress, with few decent living facilities. But where the bath is, the cat-and-boys remember that there should still be one.

That's right, it's the stone room with spring water coming out of the moss. Before, Mutter also used that as a toilet and urinated in it, but in fact it should be a multifunctional stone room like a bathroom. It should be no problem to take a bath from there.

The faint water of the cat-and-boys along the corridor found the stone room without much effort. It is also the same as Mult's memory. There is a feeling of dampness inside. I don't know where the clean spring water comes from the moss on the wall, the wall of the stone room flows down, and finally it is drained on the ground. take away. Time is tight, Mutter has not considered too much, directly take off the clothes and reach out to pick up the water on the wall, and then wipe the cold water to his body.

"Oh..." Mut was chilling all over because the spring was cold. However, this spring is really clean, and there is no unpleasant smell on the body. Cats and young people don't care much, continue to pick up the water with their hands, and then pour the clean water in their hands. After all, it is not a real bathroom. There is no soap or shower gel, but it can't be too high. It is good to wash off the smell of the body.

Mutter blushes, and those places have to be cleaned well. After all, I used to do that kind of thing with Albert's avatar. It feels dirty. Just as he picked up the spring water and prepared to pour himself down, the door of the stone room was suddenly pushed away.

"Amount, what are you doing?" Albert looked at Mutter, stupid.

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