Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2543: Divided into the separation (36)

Chapter 2543 is divided into thirty-six

At the same time (?), the Red Sea stone pillar forest in Africa, the interior of the Great Britain battleship.

"Well..." Mutt breathed a sigh of relief, and the body seemed to have finally stopped. He blushes and opens the door and walks out of the locker room.

It took about ten minutes to stop? Has the game started? In any case, rushing from the locker room, you need to take the transport boat again, all of which takes time, and it is certainly impossible for Mutter to catch up with the opening of the game. I hope that the Sphinx team is not present with Mutter and can really handle it.

I always feel a little embarrassed...

"Hey, kitty." In the martial arts of Mutter's contemplation, a voice cried.

The cat man teenager looked up subconsciously and saw that ------

------ King Arthur? ! ?

Even if he didn't have a deep relationship with the group of people in Albert, Mutter would certainly know King Arthur. After all, it was the king of Great Britain and a public figure.

The king of Great Britain suddenly stood in front of the cat boy, and Mutter didn’t know what to do at the moment, just stayed.

"See, see King Arthur... Your Majesty?" Mutter froze for a long time before he said such a sentence, and he was not sure about the etiquette of Great Britain. He did not understand what kind of action should be taken to the king.

"You don't have to be polite." The Cavaliers said: "It is certainly not accidental to appear here. This time it is specially for you to see you."


"It's a wonderful time. You kneel down to your teammates and go to the side of the court at this time." Cavaliers laughed.

What Mutter suddenly thought of was a bit unhappy. He was obviously in a hurry, but he was intercepted by the king of Great Britain. The intention of King Arthur was obvious.

"That... you are talking to me at this time, it will not be to delay the time, so that I can't play the game? In this way, your Great Britain Knights will ..... More... beneficial?"

"Haha, do you think so?" said the Cavalier King: "I didn't expect you to imagine you as such a despicable person."


"Well, if you don't want to listen to this, you can leave here and go to your own arena." The Cavaliers took a prop from behind and took it in his hand: "But if you want to play, Hey, go with you."

He took an iron mask in his hand, and he put on the mask while he was talking.

Before this, Mutter had not noticed who the person was in front of him, only that he was the king of Great Britain. But this iron mask ------ cat boy teenager has seen countless times from the previous game video, he knows what this iron mask represents!

" are [Iron No.9]?!" Mutter exclaimed.

"Is it amazing? Why are you surprised?" King Arthur laughed. The half-masked mask only covered his nose from his forehead. His mouth was of course exposed, so his slightly provocative smile also appeared. In front of the cat and the boy.

"You think I was deliberately delaying your time so that you can't play, right?" He said with a smile, he has converted [朕] into [I] and seems to be deliberately hiding his identity:" Then you are wrong, child. Just as I drag you and make you unable to play, you are dragging me too, so that I can't play. We are two."

Mutt swallowed a sip. He knows that this is not a "two shackles", or even a perfect transaction.

He is just a better outfield receiver in the Sphinx team. Even in the professional league counterparts, at most, it can only be regarded as the upper-middle level, and even not top-notch. More powerful than him, much better, the world is everywhere.

And in front of him King Arthur, wrong, is [Iron No. 9], but a legend, and the legendary figure of the same year, the Sphinx! Just thinking this way, Mutter felt that the other party was dragging him, but that he was dragging the other side, but he was despicable.

"Now are you going to listen to what I want to say next?" asked the Iron Man on the 9th.

"Well... um." Once again, because of the surprise, the cat-and-boys did not know how to respond better, but nodded awkwardly.

"Then I will make a long story short. I am going to dig the corner. You, join our team."

"What, what?!" Mutter's eyes were round and he couldn't even make a clumsy nod.

"Wait... What are you talking about? Join... you Great Britain Knights?! Now?!?"

"Of course not now, I don't even need to be in the Super Bowl. But I hope that you seriously consider leaving the Bremen Sparks to join our Great Britain Cavaliers when the game is over." No. 9 on the Noodle: "Hey... I seriously hope that you will join, because today the British Knights are not lacking in talent, and they lack an excellent outfield receiver."

"I... I don't understand... even if you suddenly say this..." Mutter began to confuse: "The world's best receivers abound, I. ..... me? Why is it me?"

"Well, there are indeed better talents in the world than you, but I can think of the talents that best match the current offensive style of the British Knights and who are likely to leave their own team. You are the only one in the world."

Mutter looked blank: "I? Leave the Sphinx? Don't be kidding..."

He couldn't even imagine what it would be like to leave the familiar environment and leave the Sphinx team and his teammates who have won countless matches. No, that kind of thing will never happen. It won't be in this life. Never will. He will continue to stay in the Suffolk Sphinx team from now on, playing Diablo American football with his teammates.

"You think that all this is nonsense. You think that I am whimsical to find you to dig corners, right?" King Arthur asked in a low tone: "So, if I tell you, this is from an old friend." What about commissioning?"

"Old friend...?"

"Your Sphinx, old man." The Iron Man 9th slowly said in a calm voice.

This sentence, which should have no ups and downs, rang in the ear of Mutter, but instantly made the cat's scalp numb.


"It's almost the last wish of your Sphinx, though not official." King Arthur said, "I even thought that it was his mischief when I received the letter he sent him not long ago. But I took the time to go back and watch your game and watch your game. I am sure."

"What does this mean?" The cat-and-boys felt that their legs were soft: "Is it... the old man is abandoning me? I hope that I will take me from the Sphinx before I die." .... drive away?"

"No. He thinks you deserve to have a second choice, so he entrusted me to give you this second choice." Iron Man No. 9: "Child, you were saved by Sphinx After that, I have been trying to repay myself. It is also true to join the Sphinx team. Right? Everything you do is to repay the Sphinx, I hope he sees, I hope he is happy, I hope he Appreciate you. Your motivation to join the team and become a good outfield receiver is a gratitude to him. However, you, really, have you ever loved the dark American football game?"

In the face of the Cavaliers' questioning, Mutter was stunned. This is different from the previous series of shocks. The words of King Arthur directly hit the depths of his soul. It is a kind of problem that he can't escape, he has to answer, and he asks questions.

Is he really, has ever loved the game of love from the bottom of the heart, Diablo American football?

If it is not for the reward of the old man, not for the appreciation from the old man, does he really love the sport itself?

"This is confusing, child?" Iron Man No. 9 smiled a little bit like a mischief.

It’s really confusing, because even Mutter can’t answer it. Is there really an answer to this question?

"You may have wanted to win the appreciation by participating in this sport, and perhaps I was hopeful that he would be happy, so you will repay him." The Cavaliers continued: "But now? He is no longer there.

What you are doing, what you are about to do, he can no longer see it.

The dead person is dead, falling asleep forever, without consciousness, without feelings, without thoughts - nothing. What you have done for him is no longer meaningful. Your entitlement to him is already enough. You can no longer appreciate him, even if it is a small praise.

You, there is no reason to continue your game.

You, there is no reason to continue to stay in the sandstorm Sphinx, only to [inherited the will of the Sphinx boss].

You should be more free, child.

From now on, you can do anything, you can achieve anything, you can go anywhere, you can become any role.

------ You are the time to release from the shackles called [Spenks] and do what you really want to do. "

Then Mutter’s tears flowed down.

In the past, anyone has said something similar. At that time, Mutter did not agree, because the guy who said this, he did not understand anything.

But what is said now from the mouth of King Arthur is actually what Sphinx wants to convey to Mutter.

So it will make Mute so moving.

"It looks like he cares about you from the bottom of his heart." Iron Man No. 9 said without feelings.

"Yes, I know." The cat-man teenager slammed the tears of the eyes.

"So? Your answer is?"

"I will continue to stay in the Sphinx, at least until the end of the Super Bowl." Mutt replied: "After things... I have sorted out my feelings, Let me talk about it."

"Hah, until the end of the Super Bowl?" Cavaliers sneered: "The schedule of your Sphinx team is coming to an end today. You will be defeated, just today, just in my Great Britain." Under the attack of the Cavaliers."

"Let's walk." Mutt smeared the tears in his eyes and stared at Arthur.

"I don't delay your appearance, the Iron Man is No. 9." The Cat Boy has nothing to say to King Arthur. He turned and left: "Let's see you on the court."

"Good eyes." Looking at the back of Mutter's far away, the Iron Man said on the 9th: "The old lion who did not introduce the wrong person. One day..."

The child will have his own legend.

No matter what, in what form. On the court, or elsewhere.

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