Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2547: Winning over Wang Qi (2)

Chapter 2547 is the winner of Wang Qia 2

I thought that I was in the state of [Xinyin], and Albert, who could not detect his existence in the whole world, was scared by Arthur’s eyes, thinking that his [Xinyin] just failed at this moment!

But he only stayed for half a second, still insisting on hitting a palm, wanting to hit the ball!

Useless! The ball was held tightly in the arms of the Cavaliers. This guy is amazingly powerful! And Albert's push is really letting the Iron Man notice him on the 9th. The Cavaliers may still not see Albert's trace, but he feels that Albert is attacking him and wants to grab him. Go to the ball, then suddenly protect the ball and press the low center of gravity to sprint!

The body of Albert, who failed in the sneak attack, has lost the balance that should have been. In addition, the sprint of the Iron Man No. 9 suddenly lowered the center of gravity, and the tiger youth could not catch up with each other. He still ran, but could not effectively speed up, and the opponent who was running farther and farther ahead could only blink.

The legendary powerhouse, as described by its legend, is as powerful as a dream, easily, gorgeously, and overbearingly, smashing all his chasers, challengers, plotters, and touchdowns.

He ran to the bottom line of the Sphinx's position, easily dropped the ball in his hand, and then turned to look at the referee's verdict. The referee also happily blew the whistle: "Trading! 20:7, the Great Britain Cavaliers lead!"

For the Sphinx, this is a very serious score.

Albert glanced at the scoreboard off the court. The game has passed 25 minutes and has consumed nearly half of the schedule. To make up for this thirteen, wrong, probably a huge score of fourteen points, not only need to use the Sphinx violent offensive to grab the score, but also rely on the same solid defense to prevent the Great Britain from continuing to score, otherwise it is fundamental I can't make ends meet, there is no turning point!

The bonus game also came, not surprisingly, the Great Britain team scored a steady point by playing the ball, the score immediately became 21:7, the British Knights are still far ahead!

In the end how to do? This situation is too desperate, right?

"Hey!" Suddenly, the voice of the air rang.

The transport boat flew over, and on the small transport boat where only four people stood on it, it was a golden-haired blonde lion. The sun just shines on him, his short champagne gold body hair and the medium-length, pure gold-colored hair that flutters in the wind reflect the sun and shine with a superb texture.

"It’s finally coming." Siloma was relieved.

The golden lion Leopold jumped off the transport boat and the series of movements were so cool. The Sphinx team kept their eyes on the handsome little lion descending from the sky, but Mutt looked away from his face.

"Long wait. Have you been struggling?" Leo came up and asked Siloma, and it seems that he has changed his uniform, behind the strange number "99".

"It’s just 14 points behind, it’s not too bitter." Quarterback Heloma laughed mysteriously. "I can pull the score back right away."

Where is this confidence?

"Attention to the body, His Royal Highness Prince." Accompanying the Golden Lion Leopold was a wearing a mask, wearing a black dress and a very thin orc. Because the man took a mask and covered most of his face and all his heads, Albert couldn't even judge the kind of orc that the man was, only to confirm that the hair on the other side was black.

"Through it, don't use that to call me." The Golden Lion said unhappy.

"Yes, yes." The mask man seemed to have no meaning at all, and went to the rest area. Albert can't help wondering why there are so many people wearing masks today. Is this a ball game or a masquerade?

"So," Leo stood on the court as soon as he arrived, and was busy with his hands and feet, doing some simple warm-up exercises: "My state is not perfect. It is impossible to support this whole body with this physical strength." In the game. Before you need me, I will enter [relax mode] first?"

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," Hilomar replied in a black dress mask before joking.

"Not funny." The lion is sulking and wearing his own helmet.

"The relaxation mode is a ghost..." Albert whispered to Mutter."嘘." The cat-man teenager replied, "That guy's thing, don't worry too much."

What does it mean? Is it a teammate but not to control him? In other words, do not have to consider the things that fight with him? Or is it all right to give to the team leader Hilomar to judge?

Albert had seen the Golden Lion Leopold before, but it was only a side of the relationship, far from the deep understanding of the Lion and the boy. Does this seem a little thin or even a weak lion? Is there any special ability? Even special to be able to reverse the game of this game?

"I know that you are wondering, but what you have to do is still not changed. The ball is passed to your hand and you run. If you have the chance, you will run and you will find the opportunity without a chance. That's it." Albert Road.

"Understand." The tiger youth is low-lying. Captain Hilomar has his own arrangements, and he will not be able to worry about what Albert is worried about anyway. He can do his own job.

"So, a lot of advice." Leoport walked over to Albert and grinned.

Elber features a nod to count as a response. Although the appearance of the game was quite exaggerated, the Lions and the youngsters did not seem to be in front of their teammates. It seemed to be a very approachable child. But why does Mutter reveal a look that hates Leopold?

kick off! The British team's kickers kicked the ball into the Sphinx's position. Mutt immediately set off to chase the ball to carry out the offensive of the Sphinx as soon as possible. This kid’s performance today is much more fierce than usual. He runs like a leopard, Phileos, and he feels that he may be hurt. Albert also thought about advising Mutter to take some action, but he also knew very well that Mutter would not be persuaded because today's game is a semi-final, winning today's difficult game, Sharons The Finks will enter the finals and compete with the last team for the Super Bowl.

Snapped! Mutter jumped out and volleyed his hands to catch the ball. His palm slammed on the leather surface of the ball, making an extremely powerful sound.

Of course, just [having momentum] can't change the situation. If you don't come up with the effort to match this momentum, you can't do it. The cat-man teenager caught the ball desperately, and then made a difficult flip that he had never done before, and immediately landed. His spikes even rubbed on the turf on the ground, dragging a long trace. Without waiting for his own inertia to stop completely, the Cat Boy has already made a starting action on the ground and flew towards the bottom line of the British team. Now he has the ball in his hand and wants to pass from the strict defensive line of the Great Britain Cavaliers. It is very difficult to get out of this ball. Of course, he can advance one yard forward and advance one yard. He will never lose in action!

"Okay, stop here." The Iron Man No. 9 suddenly appeared like a ghost in the place where Mute was less than a yard away. His hands were deep in the same place, like two spear-like assassinations to the cat boy!

The man under the mask, the King Arthur, the king of Great Britain. Mutter knew this, so he knew that he could never defeat the king. The Cavalier King is a good player who uses the second knife flow. He is famous for his [double skill]. His hands can make extremely delicate movements at the same time, making the dazzling swordsman hard to avoid. Even without the weapon, the Cavaliers' two arms are the most deadly weapon. It is a piece of cake to intercept Mutter!

The cat man was suppressed in an instant, and he felt that he could not even push one yard! The two arms of the Cavalier King clip Mutter from the left and right sides, and clamped the shoulders of the cat boy. Mute knows that it is impossible to escape from this kind of restraint by his own strength and skill. He can do it. There is only one thing left.

Boom! ! ------Before the ball in the arms was taken away, the cat-and-boys first fell to the ground!

"The first gear! The Sphinx team is ahead of the yard!" The referee announced, as if he had been standing next to Mut from the beginning, just waiting for Mute to fall, so that he can pronounce it.

"The judgment of the wise," Iron Man released the Mute on the 9th and whispered.

If the action is slower for a second, the guy’s arms are not just as simple as holding Mutter. He will turn the cat and the boy all over the floor, belly-to-the-sky, and then lose the balance and then fall down. The flaw will be revealed, and the ball held in his arms will be forcibly taken away by the Iron Man No. 9.

... I always feel that it will become like that.

Mutt swallowed and got up from the ground. The other party is so powerful that it seems that he has this illusion, or fantasy.

"Hey, your feet are shaking, is there really no problem?" When Mutter returned to the position and joined his teammates, Albert couldn't help but ask.

"I'm fine..." The cat boy is low.

"That guy is a monster, a real monster." Hilomar also warned his teammates: "Don't try to confront [Tierenren No.9]. You will not only lose, he will even find a way to knock you down to the ground, By the way, from your arms, forcibly steal the ball that your hands are holding. Don't consider whether it is reasonable, he can do it anyway."

Diablo American football is more than just a ball sport. It is a fighting sport. Due to the greatly relaxed relationship between the rules of the game, Diablo American football and ordinary American football, there is a big difference in the way of playing. The skill that Arthur Wang just wanted to use is to find a chance to quickly beat the opponent and pour the opponent. The close-fighting technique of stealing the ball before the ground, although a little bit of the feeling of the ball, is still within the scope of the rules.

"It’s very dangerous to be entangled by the guy. The ball will be forcibly taken away. What do you mean?" Albert frowned.

"That's what it means." Siloma bluntly said: "And in addition to Gusta can hold the guy's offensive on this team, no one can survive from him."

After all, the body of [Iron No. 9] is King Arthur ------ is a genius of fighting.

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