Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2557: Winning over Wang Qi (12)

Chapter 2557 is the winner of the king's riding twelve

It is impossible to fight against such a large monster in front of you. It is impossible to rely on defense. A strong shield may not be able to let it down like a storm. In this case, the maneuver is obviously more advantageous than the defensive war.

And Bereld is not only good at defensive warfare, but also mobile warfare. His previous opponents in the arena are not limited to humans, but also a variety of strange World of Warcraft, some of which are even bigger than the fluid Hydra in front of them.

He just recovered [Wolf Claw], and immediately launched the [Wolf Claw] of his right arm, grabbed the wall at the direction of three o'clock, twenty yards away, and moved him to the side to fly upwards!

While flying out, Bereld’s two idle little arms had pulled out a small light gun from the pocket of the object, and fired a series of shots at the monster. The light bombs were opened on the necks of the fluid Hydra. Several holes!

Of course, the attack will not be effective on the crystallization fluid, and the only weakness of the monster is its core. The only use of these attacks is to attract the attention of the fluid Hydra, keeping it staring at Bereld and ignoring Beddyville, who is preparing for the trick.

"Isn't it alright?" the gladiator asked as he sneaked into the monster's repeated attacks. Half a minute has passed.

"Almost." The Werewolf youth responded that the fireball in his hand was expanding.

The fire of the spell of Bediville has received the spiritual flame fragments of [Sun Bird Adult], but it has been sanctified. At this time, the light it emits is not the usual red fire, but the warm white light like the sun, and this "sun fireball" is absorbing the surrounding photons, expanding from the size of the original fist to the size of the skull.

[The Holy Spirit - Sealing the Sun] can of course continue to swell, as continued absorption of photons for expansion is one of its main means of attack. But the nature of the [seal sun]'s "expansion" is very similar to the core of the Hydra's light stone, which absorbs photons from the surrounding environment to recharge themselves. It absorbs a large number of photons in the environment and expands rapidly in a short period of time, which becomes too conspicuous, and the opposite evil spirit fluid Hydra notices.

How to expand as much as possible to the size of the opponent in one fell swoop without being discovered by the monster requires precise calculations, patient waiting, and even a little luck. Now Beddyville is trying to make [Seal Sun] absorb the photons slowly at the most inconspicuous speed, and must control it within one minute - according to the calculation, it should be the time that Berel can survive - swell enough to hit Destroy the size of the Hydra. This kind of operation is to make the [seal sun] expand as quickly as possible, and it must be pressed to prevent it from being too fast. It is quite difficult!

Beddyville did not say so, but Bereld understood the intentions of the werewolf youth, so he was fully engaged with Bediville. His action is to remove the monster's gaze from the werewolf youth as much as possible while attracting the fluid Hydra. Now the fluid Hydra has turned a hundred and eighty degrees, facing Berea. Deer, using a variety of fluid bombs and fluid blades to indiscriminately bombardment, and Bettyville, who is the "power" behind the Hydra, has kept a low profile.

Until the ball of light in his hand swells to the size of the pumpkin.

"Yes!" The Werewolf Youth shouted: "Hurry up!!"

"You don't have to say me -"

lb! ! The three fluid blades of the fluid Hydra fired at the same time and slammed into Bereld. The gladiator lifted the double shield to protect the upper body, and then set up the light shield to cover the remaining part of the body, trying to forcefully block this. hit! The three fluid blades are all on the shield, and even the physical shields on both sides with excellent enchantments are split together, then fall on the two shields, and almost pass through the light shield on Bereld! But when Bereld was blocking, he was fully synchronized. At this time, he was in midair, using the shield to take the attack, and the body was fully impacted and began to fly backwards. The enchantment of the light shield could not be maintained. At the moment of rupture, Bereld just flew out of the attack range of the fluid blade! The shield was completely broken, but he was almost not split by the blade and flew out at a very high speed. The pound hit the stone wall of the pit!

"Yeah!" he spit a **** mouth.

"Because it is dead!!" At the same time, Bedieville also throws the [seal sun] in his hand, and the warm white fireball has expanded to the diameter of the horse wheel!

Hey la la la la! ! - The fireball like the sun flies out with an amazing momentum. Although the speed is not fast, it continues to expand! The momentum that crushes everything is the greatest feature of this Holy Spirit!

Attracted by the more dazzling presence, the fluid Hydra, which was intended to give Bereld a critical strike, immediately turned to look at [Seal Sun]!

"Wait" Bereld suddenly felt that something was wrong, he prompted: "The fireball is the fire of the spell, isn't it -"

Bedieville smiled and did not respond.

The [seal sun] is expanding more and more, and pressing against the opponent with an unstoppable momentum is no longer the size of the fluid Hydra, the size that can be easily escaped!

It also did not intend to hide.

Is the fire of the spell a spirit? Even with this level of brute force attack, its core is still a spirit. The fluid Hydra is best at consuming the spirit.

In other words, as long as he touches the core of [the sun], the fluid Hydra can swallow opponents! The monster's huge body suddenly changed, and instantly turned into a huge crystal drill bit, colliding with [the sun]!

Hey la la la la! ! ——

啪 滋 滋! ! ——

The flame of the warm white fireball is shot everywhere, spewing, and the fragments of the ice-blue drill bit melt wildly under high heat, becoming a more fine and fluid fluid than the ordinary hydrotalcite crystals, just like water droplets everywhere. Splashing, even when it falls to the ground, it even makes a sizzle!

This is a fierce confrontation between flames and crystallization, and no one is left behind. The heat of the Seal of the Sun is amazing, and it can continue to absorb the surrounding photons to grow itself. However, its opponent, the ice-blue giant drill bit, is not to weaken the opponent with a violent spin, while losing its own The crystal fluid that has fallen from the ground is recovered and returned to its own part?

Under the fierce fighting method, both of them are worn out, and the loss is getting bigger and bigger. Biddiville even saw that the size of the [sealing sun] has stopped expanding and even began to shrink. It is obvious that the surrounding photons are not enough to supplement its loss. ! On the opposite side, the ice-blue giant drill bit is also shrinking, and the ice-blue fluid is used as the juice to fall on the ground. Although it will be continuously recovered by the drill bit and let it recover a part, the recovery speed is far behind the speed of its loss!

"Pure fights? Whoever loses when he is first lost?" Bereld whispered in the distance.

Bedieville is still silent, as if he has absolute confidence in his own Holy Spirit, that [Seal Sun] will never be defeated in this fight!

This is a gamble. If the battle is the fire of Biddyville's spell, it wins well; but if the seal of the sun fails, Bediville will not only lose his own Holy Spirit, but will also cause the fluid monster to grow further! By that time, things will become out of control!

Hey la la la! ! ——

啪 滋 滋! !

The fight between the Sun and the Giant Drill is still going on, but both are weakened, and the fight should be fruitful within half a minute. Bedyville himself was so nervous that he swallowed.

Bylooker Bereld is still behind the giant diamond. He saw the shape of the tail of the giant diamond changed. When he saw a light stone emerged from it, he suddenly felt something wrong!

"It's awful! Take back the fire of the spell! This is a trap!!" he shouted.


The tail of the huge ice blue fluid drill bit suddenly extended out and became a picket.

This is not a drill bit, but a pile driver. The construction is the same as the piling equipment commonly used in mine pits. With the shock wave that is shot at that moment, the penetration of this cone can even far exceed the drill bit for mining!

lb! ! ——The picket piled up in an instant, piercing from the tail of the giant drill, running through a huge drill bit and piercing it from its front! It pierced straight into the scorching fireball of [Seal Sun] and instantly turned into a spiral of powerful shock waves, driving away the hot gases and reaching the center of the Holy Spirit!

[Seal Sun] Pierced through a hole in a hole! Blame it is just a gas ball composed of gas. The heat of the fireball is higher, it is still a loose plasma, lacking hardness, and it is easy to be blown away by the strong impact of that moment.

Just for a moment. The moment of the district is enough to win! The core light ball of the Holy Spirit is revealed, and it is the best food of the evil spirits. The end of the picket has a high-light light stone that flies toward the core of the Holy Spirit and shatters like a giant The claws capture the light ball of the core of the Holy Spirit!

It swallows it!

The Holy Spirit of Badiville [seal the sun] was "eaten" by the fluid giant!

The crystal composition of the claws frantically slammed, the fire of the spell was shattered, then absorbed by the claw, blended with it, and then restored into a boulder! And the warm white flame of [Seal Sun] is also broken at the same time as the ice blue giant diamond, and it becomes a fireworks that dances around!

The ice-blue crystals began to revolve around the core of the stone, gradually changing back to the shape of the fluid Hydra. Absorbing the power of the Holy Spirit, this monster is expected to become several times or even tens of times stronger, becoming an insurmountable trouble!

"Damn!" Bereld saw the change of this moment, his face turned white, thinking that he would go to Bediville. He intends to take Badeville to escape from the place with tough means, even if the werewolf youth are not willing.

However, the werewolf youth standing there stood a sneer:

"Hooked up."

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