Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2601: Winning over Wang Qi (56)

Chapter 2601 is the winner of the king's riding fifty-six

"This is... the oil of the scent of the scent of the scent of the fire?" Biddiville subconsciously stepped back. This oil is a high-energy fuel and is extremely flammable and explosive, which is very dangerous.

However, Segrad, who has been playing with fire, seems to be not afraid at all. After all, the fuel of the enchanting flower seed is also purely portable, and the characteristics of this oil are probably clearer than anyone else.

Just squeeze it with your fingers and squeeze out so much oil. Ghosts know that in this little moon **** silicone, how much fire nectar seed oil is stored? Seeing here, Bedieville has already guessed the idea of ​​Segrad: "You guys are going to use this moon gel to make a burning. Bomb? It's a dangerous idea."

"There is a similar plan, but that is not the only usage." Segrad stopped kneading the small box. "Think about it, just such a small piece of Luna silica can store ten liters of liquid." If you make it bigger, add a suitable booster, treat it as part of a high-energy fuel tank, and supply almost unlimited fuel for certain equipment, such as *------ It is also an excellent choice."

Still a dangerous idea. The study of this kid is based on the use of weapons as a starting point. No wonder specifically to study the method of tempering silicone lunar, those fuels that are full of oil are most likely to corrode rubber, allowing the rubber to age quickly. Luna Silicone does not seem to worry about this problem.

"If you want to store such a complicated thing, if you want to store fuel, you can put them directly in the subspace of the pocket of the object." Bettiville could not help but spit.

"In that case, there will always be a delay in accessing the fuel." Segrad pointed out sharply: "If this is done, the fuel inside the Luna silicone will be squeezed out without any delay."

Is it a delay in the pocket of the object? Although Bedieville also generally understood what it meant, but what Seglader wanted to do, the werewolf youth still did not understand. So Segrad threw the small silicone box filled with oil into a stove and ignited it, and put the silica gel on the plate he had just stirred on the stove to heat it on the stove.

The underlying silicone block burns continuously, or its inherently volatile fuel rushes out of the cube and is ignited, which appears to be the effect of the tension of the fuel itself. It is not necessary to use external force to squeeze, and the fuel inside the block can continuously rush out to maintain combustion, which is quite convenient. On the top plate, there is no solidified silicone liquid that blisters quickly due to heating. During the stirring process of Segrad, more and more bubbles become more and more viscous, which looks like a block. Sponge. It is a strange operation to use the made silica gel as a fuel to cook the new silica gel.

"It's like solid alcohol." Bettiville spits.

"Solid alcohol? Well, it's really like cockroaches. But solid alcohol is gone, and it's too short. It can be used for at least ten hours, and it only consumes fuel." Luna silicone It is not inflammable, it will not be damaged in the high temperature, the fuel inside the light will stop burning, and the new fuel can be used to continue to use it." Segred replied.

"Great picnic equipment." Bedieville continued to vomit. I saw the tent on the side and the stove on the ground, and I thought of it for granted. It was clear that Slagrid had prepared a room in the boat. This guy seemed to have basically not slept in his room and had been sleeping in the tent in the green area. Is this guy a camping party, preferring to sleep in the wild compared to indoors?

"It’s really a kind of awkwardness to say it back." Seglad poured the cooked semi-liquid silicone into a prefabricated wooden mold and pulled out another already made Luna silicone to Brady. Ville: "This is for you."

"Does this... will it explode?" Biddyville saw the finger-sized block glowing, knowing that there was a lot of fuel in it, it felt dangerous.

"Flammability is flammable, the explosion will not, the amount of fuel attached to the surface can not reach the critical point of the explosion." Segred replied: "Unless you force it, the fuel will rush out and ignite at the same time. It is possible to explode."

So this thing is really dangerous. The young man of the werewolf had a drop of sweat in his forehead.

"Also, the production of the fire scented flower in the green plant area is really not keeping up with the demand. I originally wanted to do more of this kind of equipment, but unfortunately the fuel is not enough, and it doesn't make sense to do it any more." Glade Tucao said: "I don't know if the green area of ​​the Dawning can continue to expand?"

"The use area of ​​the green plant area has reached the allowable upper limit and cannot be expanded without affecting the ship's facilities." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system Eve replied.

"You heard it too." Bettiville shrugged.

"Sure enough, I don't know what to do." Seglad spit out his tongue. "If you can plant a large number of enchanting flowers in other places, it would be fine. The magic pine tree also wants to be in a variety of locations. The old man of Rogan also said that he wants to expand Mann." The cultivation of the turfgrass. In short, it seems that more land is needed."

Having said that, it is obvious that I hope that Biddeville will find a way to get him a bigger plantation. Did this guy have heard of the gossip long ago, will this request for Bediville?

Bedieville looked at the leopard youth with a sullen look: "Arthur said to me before, the [Death City] in the desert ------ 73rd supply station, can be sold to us. I also Just find a batch, um, the guy who is idle, can work in the supply station."

"It’s really awkward." Seglader smiled mysteriously: "It’s good to plant these kinds of plants over there. This way our supplies can be kept up."

This guy is absolutely deliberate.

"The old man of Rogan also said that he wants to further expand the production line of Photonics Cola, and probably will do it there." Biddiville also said: "But the supply is in the center of the Sahara Desert, too far from here. How to put it It is also a problem to transport supplies back and forth here and there."

"If it's enough for one person to pass, the peer-to-peer portal, Vivian Auntie can make it." Seglader finished the liquid silicone mold, and stopped to rest: "The portal is located directly It’s all right inside the Twilight. It’s like the transfer room of the Great Britain’s warship.”

"It seems that every time you use it, you will consume a lot of power?" asked the Werewolf youth.

"It is really embarrassing. So we are looking for various means of generating electricity." Segred shrugged: "The solar power system that the Dawning can use now is basically saturated, and it is already the life of the people in the ship." The limit is awkward. So I am going to make a generator that uses the fire scented seed oil fuel, which can reduce the burden of electricity in the ship."

"Do you burn fuel..." Biddyville’s face was long, and the fuel engine was at least a few hundred centuries old, and it’s still going to be used?

"Why don't you look down on the fuel engine? Fire scented seed oil is a kind of high-energy fuel. The energy efficiency of the fuel engine is not much worse than other engines. Although it does produce a small amount of toxic gas when it burns, "There is an exhaust system to handle the cockroaches." Segrad said: "After the plan to plant a large number of scented flowers, we have an endless supply of fuel. This is the plan that Mr. Arthur has commissioned me to develop. "


"Well. I don't know why, my Majesty is hoping that I will make that kind of retro fuel engine."

Bedieville frowned. It seems that the Cavaliers are still secretly preparing for the expedition to the Dark Earth.

In the dark continent, all the photons are replaced by the dark, that is to say, all the photons in the atmosphere do not exist, and it is impossible to use the photon explosion engine commonly used to generate electricity. At this time, various alternative power generation methods are necessary. Although the dark continent is not so dark, it is impossible to use solar power, but it is always good to have a spare fuel power system.

What's more, SGL's Lianyue Silicone has been developed. With that, it can store the amazing fuel in a very small space. It can also use a simple booster to stably release the stored fuel and let the engine Work continuously for a very long time. In this way, the amount of fuel carried, the endurance of the engine is no longer a problem. It’s a step closer to the days of King Arthur’s expedition to the Dark Earth.

Of course, King Arthur did not explicitly mention the expedition to Segladh. He only commissioned the Leopard youth to make fuel engines and fuel storage (in fact, Luna Silicone). The final candidates for the expedition to the Dark Continent probably do not include the two brothers Seifer and Segrad. Thinking of this, Bediville intends to remain silent.

Because of the heating, the silica gel placed in the mold solidified very quickly. During the dialogue, they had solidified into small pieces of bricks. Although the overall condition was soft, it was basically solid. Segrad took out the Luna silicone box in the mold and took it in his hand. They are very flexible and are simply gummy candy.

"Do you think that this thing can store other liquids besides storing fuel?" Bettiville had several ideas, and I don't know if it could be achieved.

"It can be, but the liquid to be stored needs to have a relatively high fluidity and volatility. Otherwise, the liquid inside can only be squeezed out, and it may not be completely squeezed." Seglad said: " You can think of it as a sponge with a strong water absorption."

"Give me two more to play with." Bettiville's handkerchief.

"Of course." Seglad stuffed the other two small squares to the werewolf youth: "It hasn't completely cured yet, and the subspaces that overlap each other have not been fully formed, and it takes about two hours to use." The adsorption of silica gel is inherently strong. It is best to use it to store only one liquid when storing it, so that the old liquid in the block is not clean and contaminate another liquid that is newly deposited.

"I understand." The two-month-old silicone box placed on his hand and had a sticky feeling, and it had a slightly hot hand. Bedyville carefully wrapped them in cloth and put them in their pockets.

At this time, who was driving a small transport boat approaching the Dawning, the ship's artificial intelligence navigation system immediately prompted: "The captain is an adult, there are new visitors requesting boarding."

"I saw it too." Beddyville is now on the deck, and of course he has seen the man who is approaching the transport boat: "Let him board the ship."

Academician Zuster really came to find his son.

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