Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2603: Winning over Wang Qi (58)

Chapter 2603 is the winner of the king's riding fifty-eight

At the same time (?), in the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea,

Gusta took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He stood up and planned to go to the court.

"What are you doing? Lie down." His action was stopped by Siloma: "There is no need for you to play. Keep your strength in the defensive round. Our battle is not over yet."

"But..." The tiger man asked in a hoarse voice.

"Shut up. Don't you tell me not to talk?" Siloma said: "Every time you say a word is a loss to the scorpion, it will reduce the number of trespasses. Let me sit down and eat. Your throat candy, honestly waiting for your chance to play. Even your trenches can't stop the interception of the Iron Man No. 9. You still use the trenches in a more useful place."

Gustav frowned and wanted to say something as a protest, but in the end he chose to trust his captain and sat down on the bench. The timeout has passed and other players have already gone to the game. Gustad can't help but feel cold.

"Right, you said you want to arrange for you to arrange a doctor to treat amnesia?" Before the game, Siloma also said: "I found one in Cairo. It is a master who uses hypnotism to treat amnesia. I have already hanged up for you. If you go down today, you can look for him. If you really have made up your mind to restore your memory, go ahead."

Gustad nodded.

"But ah, you have to be mentally prepared." Siloma yelled. "Even if you can restore your memory, it is estimated that it is not a happy memory to recover."

Still, I still have to face it. Gustad vaguely felt that he had something very important to accomplish. And as time goes by, the importance of this matter seems to be getting more and more urgent. If something is not done now, it may be missed in this life. Escape is not enough. Even the process of accomplishing this can be painful.

His gaze involuntarily fell on the cat and the young Mutter.

"Are you okay?" On the court, Mutter asked Albert.

"Besides the pain, the rest is fine." Albert stretched his muscles. The [recovery medicine] is really strong, and the injuries on his body are all good. Despite this, the pain has been left behind, and the rehabilitative medicine has even brought more pain. In addition to relying on painkillers to temporarily passivate these pains, Albert can only rely on the will to support it.

But in the same way, his current fighting spirit is high, and he is eager to think of the hundreds of King Arthur. Because the spirit is so concentrated, the pain on the body becomes an extra refresher.

Seeing this look of Albert, Mutter couldn't help but reveal a smile that was full of worry and a pale smile. However, he will not stop Albert, he knows Albert's fate.

"Looking at you like this, seems to be thinking about cracking the absolute defense of the Iron Man No. 9?" asked Siloma when the combat meeting was held.

"No, not at all." Albert replied bluntly, not even thinking that his answer would shake his teammates. He seems to remember what he got in [out of the string], but the memory is very vague, he can't even determine whether it is real or a dream. It is obviously irrational to rely on this kind of power that cannot be determined to be able to use against the powerful enemy, unless he is really desperate to have to do so.

"Yes. Then you will do your best." Siloma said without feeling. There was neither criticism nor irony in the tone, neither expectation nor disappointment, nothing. In fact, now that the Sphinx team can lead the team to score points, only Albert is alone. No matter how hard the other people struggle, they can only rely on Albert to win the game. If even Albert can't win the Iron Man No. 9, it's really a trick.

After all, all skills and all tricks are just in vain before absolute power. The quarterback Hiloma, who can only win with skill and strategy, is the one who is most desperate in this team, even if he does not show his ideas.

Iron Face No. 9, easily cracked Leopold's [Sandstorms];

He overbearingly intercepted all of Albert's offenses and invalidated both [divided] and [sin).

Even the interference of [Trengue] is very small for him, because the Iron Man No. 9 uses the reverse run, and can also catch up with Albert, who is fully sprinted.

Powerful to the point of cheating, what else can stop the Iron Man No. 9, this monster made from [absolute power]?

kick off. The ball was responsible for playing the center of Redclich and immediately passed to the hands of Hilo, and a short pass fell on Albert. Both Redclige and Siloma will use [unintentional], which will only ensure that the ball will suddenly come out without being predicted by the British team with the mind, and will be passed on to Albert. . However, they can only do this, and then only rely on Albert's efforts.

The tiger youth did not scorn, and they rushed out when they got the ball. He knows that the reaction of the Iron Man No. 9 is very fast. Even if the Sphinx team takes up about half a second, the opponent can immediately make up for this gap with his lightning speed and reaction ability. And sure enough, Albert just stepped out of the way, the Iron Man No. 9 has already rushed to the distance of two yards in front of him, has begun to open the vise-like arms, attacked the tiger youth!

Clamped by this attack, everything is over. And Albert has never managed to escape this vise-like attack before. King Arthur, who is proficient in melee fighting, has not lost his hand several times in his life. He has always used his delicate and rude and direct moves to crush his enemies.


Hey! A avatar suddenly appeared in front of Albert and slammed into the Iron Man No. 9. The avatar replaces the Albert deity to withstand the clamping of the Iron Man No. 9!

The timing of Albert's release of the avatar suddenly became a lot more clever, and the speed of releasing the avatar was faster than ever before. These two points were even beyond the expectations of King Arthur!

"Well!?" Iron Man No. 9 screamed: "Grow in!"

Unfortunately, the reaction of the Iron Face No. 9 is still very fast. It has already been extended to prepare to clamp the opponent's arms, and the moment on the clamp suddenly retracts! He used his body to collide with Albert's avatar. The moment of the collision immediately used the strength of the impact to slow down and turn. When he turned over, he slipped from the right side of Albert's avatar and immediately turned to Ayr. In front of Burt's deity, once again spread his arms to clamp the tiger!

"Oh!" However, another avatar suddenly appeared on the right side of Albert's deity, directly hitting the deity with his shoulders, allowing the deity in the danger zone to quickly escape the restraint of King Arthur!

Come again? ! The avatar is unexpectedly fast! The previous avatar and the latter avatar appear consecutively, less than one tenth of a second! ?

"Really grows." King Arthur then sighed again, pushing one hand to Albert's avatar, and changing his sprint track with his own turn. The speed at which Albert released his gang to help him move is extremely fast, but the speed of the Iron Man No. 9 in response to all these changes is equally high, and it is easy to tie the first opportunity that Albert created with two avatars. . He turned twice in a row, and it was already very close to Albert's deity. This time he used to clamp out, and when he just opened his arms, he almost touched the deity of Albert. Albert should have no way to retreat, and there is no way to resist this restraint!

Hey! Iron Face No. 9 did not expect that in the moment of almost restraining the opponent, Albert also had a more avatar next to him!

Is it intended to use the volume added by the body and the body to hinder the clamping? Indeed, although Arthur's restraint is very powerful, his arms are still mortal length, and there is no exaggeration to where. It is a little reluctant to have two Alberts clamped with both arms at the same time!

But how is it!

The Iron Man No. 9 did not hesitate to take an instant and clamped two Alberts at the same time!

"Hmm?!" The tiger youth can't help but scream, I really didn't expect the opponent to use such brute force!

On the 9th, Iron Face No. 9 hugged the waists of two young tigers with one person. The arms were stretched to the extreme, and almost could not hold two Alberts, but he was still able to effectively clamp two Albert's actions, let the two tigers move no matter how hard they struggle!

Is this guy really a natural power? But I have never heard of King Arthur having such power. ! All previous legends only said that King Arthur is a versatile warrior who is skilled in swordsmanship and various fighting techniques. He never lost when he was in battle with the sword. Yes, King Arthur is very strong, but his power is obviously relying on skill, ingenuity, and artifacts on his hands. No one has ever mentioned that King Arthur has such power.

So why is it? Where did he come from the power of an enemy? ?

"Your avatar has a weakness, and the damage suffered by the avatar will be returned to the deity after the detachment is removed. That is to say, if the deity and the avatar are injured together, you will suffer twice as much damage." No. 9 analyzes without emotion: "If you do this, don't blame me. You will use all your strength to break the spine of both of you! I don't know if your waist is broken twice, what would it feel like?"

啪啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦! ------

King Arthur was not joking, and Albert’s body was constantly screaming because of the fierce tightening of his opponent. He and his waist were always broken at any time! This terrible guy is not just threatening Albert with words. He really has this capital, and he has this plan to break Albert's waist with only his hands!

Albert felt a tearing pain in his waist, as if he would be broken in the next second! Must find a way out of danger, no time to delay!

The solution is of course to remove the avatar. In this way, the movement of the Iron Man's No. 9 waist will be reduced. Only one of Albert's words will not be broken by the spine... Probably.

"Call." However, Albert sneered, as if all this was within his plan.

Both Alberts disappeared at the same time. ------The avatar is lifted! ? And even the "deity" has disappeared together? ?

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