Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2637: 斩黯之之光光(19)

Chapter 2637 is in the light of nineteen

After listening to Horus, Bedyville couldn’t help but wonder: "How to rewrite? This makes me not even understand the curse."

The eagle said: "You don't have to understand. It's okay to rewrite it from a command line that you don't understand, to a command line that you can understand."

Command Line. How is it a word that Bedieville did not understand.

But since they all decided to do it, it didn't make sense to stop. Bedyville held the mood to try, and before the fire of the spell was close to the rune, he began to rewrite those "command lines." He did not understand the meaning of the string of runes, and his spells were not high, and he did not even learn how to curse the other. But the fire of the spell in his hand was "handled" by the great teacher, Klarna. It may have been buried in a complicated automatic program from the beginning, and it is possible to compile the spell command by itself. So when Bedieville had this idea in his heart, his fire of the spell automatically responded to his thoughts, and he actually began to rewrite the curse command on the back of the big mud.

Slowly strip a bunch of incomprehensible runes into another rune.

The old runes have actually been around for a while, and they look a bit broken. They are written directly from photons, and photons will decay a little bit because of the passage of time, losing the information they carry. Overwriting the old information and writing new information is not as difficult as it was for Biddyville. Although all this is done by the fire of the spell, Bedieville just gave this order.

[And, want to be bound by new orders. ]

Bedyville seems to be able to hear anything.

[Another time, the instructions given are endlessly executed. ]

Probably the voice of the big muddy?

[Really, tired. ]

[I want to go play. ]

Even if it is a fish, if a creature has this level of wisdom, it should be given the minimum respect.

So, you are free, you can go anywhere. Bedyville thought.

The command to rewrite the spell of the spell is actually very simple, so the speed of rewriting is also very fast.

The new command to give evil spirits is "no order." It doesn't have to do anything, nothing needs to be done, but it is not allowed to attack people.

[that's it......? ]

"That's it," said Bediville. I don't know if the other person can understand. In short, he said this. The wolf claws that originally suppressed the stucco were also released, indicating that Bediville was not hostile.

"Is it slippery?" The stucco that seemed to be a bit ugly has gradually turned into a gray squid, and its length has changed. It lay on the ground and made a funny sound, and the beard was shaking up and down like a cat. Why is there such an exaggerated shape change? No one knows. But the appearance of the spirit is probably not fixed at all. It has a certain relationship with what it wants to be.

"You guys, don't hurt anyone later, or I will teach you a lesson." The werewolf youth can't help but be accused.

"咻溜~~~" The gray squid slowly moved toward the surface with his tail and jumped into the black water.

"Just let it go, is there really no problem?" Bettiville could not help but ask.

"You gave it a command, so that it no longer attacks people, right? Then there is no problem." Eagle Horus replied: "The danger has been solved. Go to the power of the quantum dock, then the dock It belongs to you. It is time for me to go into sleep again."

"...can't you keep awake?" Biddeville has thousands of questions to ask.

"Although I have lived for a thousand years, I have been sleeping in this eagle for most of my time. If I don't do this, my soul will decay." Horus replied: "I have a mission that I must accomplish, and I am faithful in that mission." I can't die before I do it. Then, there is a good (Kama) goodbye."

The eagle swayed and returned to the original red gold armor falcon. Its brilliance, full of wisdom, has vanished, replaced by an eagle-like wild sharp eye.

Then the guy jumped over to Bediville's head and slammed Biddyville's head with a gargoyle.

(I am hungry, ready to prepare food.)

Still the original temper eagle. I don't know if this is the temperament of Horus as an eagle, or the temperament of Horus as a [person].

"Yes, yes, prepare food immediately after going back, Lord Horus." Bedyville replied depressedly.

The Horus guy has been sleeping for thousands of years in order to carry out the orders he has been given. He is also a "slave" bound by the order. Are the orcs all tools? In order to execute an assigned command, even the matter of sleeping for a thousand years must be done without hesitation. Although the "doves" of the ancient gods and human races seem to help humans resist the "hawkish" sacrifice conspiracy, but what is the difference between them and the slave owners?


Bedyville looks around.

How do you light this dark dock? Should there be something like a total switch? Although the immediate crisis has been resolved, Bediville can slowly explore this place until it finds the target location. But the problem is that it is so big. It takes a few days to look through the buildings one by one. Isn’t it really something that can be done in a moment?

If there is a tool for guiding, just fine...

This thought of Bediville suddenly remembered the artifact that brought him here, [the sun of the sun god]. Since [Japanese] is one of the necessary conditions for entering the quantum dock, it must also have a certain function to help Bideville successfully light the dock.

The Werewolf youth then removed the [Sunday of the Sun God] from his arm and held it in his hand: "Come on, give me some hints."

The Japanese wheel really reacted, and suddenly a golden light was shot from the golden armband, pointing to the center of one of the buildings.

"Is there there?" Bettiville ran towards the building and planned to start the quantum dock as soon as possible to see what it could do. After all, this is a facility that the ancient gods and sects (hawks) are also afraid of and want to seal forever. This facility is sealed with magical, high-tech products from ancient people, which may bring a lot of advantages for Bediville to attack the college in the future, and the werewolf youth also hide in this [quantum dock] Everything is full of curiosity.

At the moment when the Werewolf youth set foot in the building, the light indicated by the Japanese wheel changed, turning into a golden light of a holographic image, and it continued to point to the depth of the floor along the passageway, and knew that it would automatically become a broken line when encountering a corner.

"The function of the Japanese wheel is really much." Biddiville couldn't help but spit on the channel and turned to look at Horus: "Is this the function that Nice has set for it, or is it that the artifacts of the ancients are so versatile?"

However, Horus would not answer Bedieville. After all, it is just an eagle. The real Horus consciousness is sleeping in the body of this golden armor.

"Well, it’s useless to ask you." The werewolf youth couldn’t help but be bored.

"Universal tools." After Bettiville finished, the eagle suddenly spoke: "It is just a universal tool for the ancients. It is a quantity of goods that are distributed to any captain-level character."

"Hah, so you didn't fall asleep at all." Bedieville laughed.

"When I was asked about this question, I will wake up again." Horus said: "Since I answered this question, I fell asleep again. And ------"

The eagle blinked: "Don't call me to do Horus again. It is the name given to me by the Egyptians. Listening to it. My real name is Naharu Mok. Quwa. When I am awake Call me Naharu."

"The pronunciation is so strange. Is the name of the Maya like this?" Biddiwell spoke, but before listening to Biddyville, the wisdom of the eagle's eyes disappeared and replaced by wildness. Horus, no, Naharu’s consciousness has once again fallen asleep.

"...It’s really coming and going." The werewolf youth couldn’t help but spit.

"The decline of the soul" is an inevitable phenomenon that affects all living things. As long as it is a creature, as long as it is alive, it will eventually usher in this "fall of the soul", even if the body has been revived countless times. After the science and technology reach a certain level, the body of the creature can be reshaped even after it has been destroyed for many times, but the soul, or the soul of the light, can't be remodeled or repaired, and will continue to decline until it is completely exhausted and cannot continue to sustain life activities. status.

Then the person will die, a disease that is not sick, and the whole body suddenly falls to the ground and can no longer wake up, the true death.

Even the ancient gods and peoples who had the most powerful scientific and technological power from the last universe could not avoid this phenomenon of soul decay. This is the main cause of the demise of the ancients. How long is their life expectancy? a thousand years? 100,000 years? But having a long life will eventually die silently.

As a "tool" that has been created, it has been given to a relatively short-lived orc (or a bird like Naharu), and "the decay of the soul" should come earlier. I don't know if it is a hundred years or hundreds of years. Probably this is the limit of life for humans and orcs.

In order to faithfully execute the orders he was given, Naharu’s ontological consciousness has been sleeping, sleeping for thousands of years, and it is estimated that it is to alleviate the decline of the soul. As said by Nice, when the consciousness of a creature is completely asleep, the decline of the soul will temporarily pause.

But such living is not really alive. He couldn't do anything while he was asleep, just sleeping. When he was awakened, he only had to complete the task. After completing the task, he would fall into sleep again. The guy was born only for his own tasks, only to live for his own tasks. How many things did he miss in his life? Is this really worth it?

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