Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2656: 斩黯之之光光(38)

Chapter 2656 斩黯之之光光38

At the same time that Daniel returned the flames with the lightsaber, there were several vacuum waves drawn from the side of the road.

The oriental crab-like arm has its sharp part. The part is in the high-speed stroke, and with the magic (the fairy), it is easy to play a half-moon-shaped, high-pressure air chopper. .

They are so sharp and so fast that Biddiville can even see a very clear translucent crescent-shaped blade flying through the air, as if the twisted air is a real glass blade.

The sharp vacuum wave easily disintegrates, shreds, and blows the oncoming flames, leaving them with only insignificant heat and changing the direction of the attack. The flames can't threaten the East, and the vacuum waves turn out to be Daniel's deadly threat. If this kind of attack hits Daniel, maybe the silver knight boy will be cut into dozens of pieces, and the rescue will not save. But I don't know why, at this time, Bediville has not wanted to stop this fight. He probably also knows that Daniel has a way to deal with this crisis.

that's the truth. The silver knight boy did not even think about it carefully. He waved his weapon instinctively and expected the weapon in his hand to respond to him. [Death Thorns] In the form of [The Magical Dreamer], the blade is inherently longer than usual, and with Daniel so wielding, its blade easily collides with those vacuum waves.

Then, sure enough, the purple-red blade absorbs the vacuum waves one by one! They began to be part of the [Death Thorns] blade, a whirlwind wrapped around the lightsaber! These whirlwinds still give people a sharp feeling, and it seems that only a myriad of vacuum waves are swaying around the sword of the lightsaber, screaming and screaming! The purple-red lightsaber blade also turned gray-white, with a misty feeling--the mist entangled by the wind?

Current, frost, and flame can all be absorbed by the lightsaber and returned, and this Bedieville can understand. But what is the principle of absorbing shock waves and returning them back? Can the sword really do anything? ! ?

"Return to you!" Daniel's backhand cut a sword, and a continuous vacuum wave like a blast scatters, hitting countless arcs to the ramp.

------[Dream Crasher: StormRedemption]

Because it is a very turbulent physical wave, it is reasonable to say that these vacuum waves are offset one by one, and it is necessary to use the very precise technique to launch the same shock wave to face them. It is difficult to say. But of course, the Orientals do not need to do this. He grabbed the ground with one hand (crab claw) and used the kinetic energy magic to lift a strong and heavy rock wall directly on the ground, so that it formed a reliable defense in front of itself!

Bedyville looked at it all. The guy in the road is very happy. He clearly does not need to use so many gorgeous Hu Qiao's spells to deal with Daniel's, just using pure body skills is enough to suppress the understanding of the silver knight boy. However, all kinds of spells of the Daoyuan Ice and Thunder Fire are used, obviously not for winning, but for ------

------ Experiment with Daniel!

Just like Bediville, the mysterious Oriental is probably very curious about Daniel's [Death Thorns], wondering what it can do, and where it can be done!

Hey la la la la! ! No matter how sharp the vacuum waves are, they are only the air moving at high speed. When they hit the thick rocks, they will lose their impact instantly. Its potential is just like hitting an egg, it has no effect. But the vacuum wave still hits the rock with countless soot and debris, and the dust is flying all over the sky!

lb! ! At the same time, the rock itself is also crushed. It is definitely not the result of the vacuum wave. It should be Daniel’s rushing and smashing the rock wall! The impact is very huge. It seems that Daniel can only do it with his own physical strength. He estimates that he is using the squalor of the lightsaber to break the boulder!

The mysterious Orientals have already seen the magic (Fairy) in their arms, ready to cast the next time, just waiting for Daniel to rush from the broken rock wall! The broken rock wall is scattered into hundreds of pieces of the size, the largest with the size of the head of the gravel, together with the scorpion Yuan, because the big stone is slightly annoying, the crabs swing the wrench to open them! However, Daniel’s figure could not be seen in the bombardment of this gravel. He also thought that the silver knight boy would hide in the gravel and dust and take the opportunity to attack and attack!

Where did the guy go?

"Is it behind?" Hearing a slight noise behind him, he didn't even think about it and took a pliers backhand! Daniel used the flash to suddenly appear from the rear and sneak attack, he has seen through!

Boom! However, the crab claws hit the heavy things, and the impact sound was also full of metal texture. It wasn't Daniel's lightsaber, but the virtual knives that he summoned. The huge knives swept along with the juvenile swordsmanship, just hitting the arm of the martyr (the crab claws)! Daniel? The silver knight boy has already jumped up in this moment, and the sword is aimed at the head of the mysterious Oriental, a fierce flea! The sweep of the Nether Daqu and Daniel's attack movements are not completely synchronized. There is a delay. Daniel used this point. He first waved the knife to let the martial arts go to resist, while he was using the virtual knives. Jump up and carry out this two-stage attack that is hard to defend!

But the other side has two crab claws, and this oriental is a veteran warrior, and will not miss every move on the battlefield. At the top of the head, there was a moment when the purple light flashed. Of course, the Daoyuan also noticed Daniel’s flea!

"[Xian martial arts. Shenglong]!" His other crab claws will play a hook on the hook. At the moment of punching, there will be a flame and a gust of wind on the crab claws, which will instantly become fierce. The whirlwind of flames. This bottom-up offensive takes full advantage of the hot airflow's active ascent, which is perfect for dealing with enemies in midair!

And Daniel didn't have a half-point at the moment of the attack. He also knew that his sneak attack might not be perfect, and he might be countered by the other side. Therefore, his fleas were spared. When he saw the oncoming flame whirlwind, he immediately waved his lightsaber. Once again, [Death Thorn. Magical Dreamer] absorbs the whirlwind of flame into the blade! Daniel changed the hole, and after the whole body rotated 360 degrees, he hit a sword in the backhand, and the flame whirlwind attached to his lightsaber was like a flying prop, and he himself used the reaction force to fly back. Opened the distance with the Orientals!

Bedyville is not mistaken. Daniel’s child’s movements are getting smoother and more violent. It’s just a silver knight, obviously a teenager. The child seems to have experienced countless battles. He has more combat experience than his peers. The level of sophistication of the battle is even higher than that of him. Knights and predecessors!

That is definitely not a combat experience that is practiced in repeated simulations in any simulation system. That is, in the real battle of life and death, countless times of gambling on the life, in order to train the skills!

The combat experience is not only the skill of the sword on the surface, but also the refinement of the body. It is a kind of mentality. It is a kind of courage that is not afraid of death. It is also an absolute instinct for danger. It is a powerful ability to gamble on life and dance on the edge of the blade of death!

The question is, where did the child come from, in what form, through that level, and countless times of life and death, and then the combat experience that came out?

At this age, he has a powerful person in this state of mind. Bidwell has only seen one in his life: Knight King Arthur. Arthur’s growing environment is very special. He walked the inhuman way and achieved the inhuman business. Is this silver knight boy named Daniel a non-human industry in the future, reaching the height that others have never been able to achieve? !

During the contemplation of Bediville, Daniel and Ruo Daoyuan had played dozens of rounds. They were still a kind of magical and sword-like flurry, and the scene was as gorgeous as a fireworks show. But this fierce battle is coming to an end soon, because Bedieville has also seen it, Daniel’s breathing has become more and more urgent, and his physical strength is obviously not enough!

What's more, the light of the lightsaber in his hand has gradually dimmed, which is obviously ------

Boom! After slamming the Oriental's ice blade with a subtle blow, the Silver Knight boy suddenly flashed to the right side of the opponent's body, and the lightsaber spun out! Ruan Daoyuan's joint position with the crab claws ------ actually is his elbow ------ hit Daniel's lightsaber, trying to defeat the opponent. But Daniel’s sword is not just an attack with a lightsaber. At the moment when the squadron makes an elbow, Daniel is immediately following a right step. The lightsaber does not directly smash the opponent, but instead uses it. The hollow knives pierced from the ground attack the opponent!

The reaction speed of the Orientals is also extremely fast. It is known that the elbow strike does not necessarily overcome the offensive of the curved knife, and immediately changes the angle of the elbow to the downward pressure!

Hey la la la la la! ! His sturdy crab shell armor slanted across the hollow curved knife, splashing countless Mars! The Orientals themselves used the elbow to apply the reaction force on the curved knife to twist the body, let the knife slide away from the back of his shoulder, and the blade of the virtual big knife could not threaten him!

This is the moment! In order to deal with the knives and smashing, Daniel has already flashed to the other side of the opponent's body, once again using the lightsaber to stab the opponent! The armor-like armor is indestructible, but the position of the armpit is obviously the weakness of the armor. If you shoot at this place, ------!

It seems that I have long known that Daniel will flash to the other side of the sneak attack. The crab claws of Ruo Daoyuan also patted the head of the silver knight boy, and did not give Daniel a reaction time!

Not good, the words hit by this ------! Daniel subconsciously took the sword and used the maximum speed he could use to beat the crabcock with a light sword!

Boom! The lightsaber and the crab claws collided, and there was a metal crash that should not appear!

wrong. The lightsaber did not hit the crab claws, but the hand guards of the hilt hit the crab claws! [Death Thorns] The part of the blade itself is also dim to the point where it is almost impossible to see, and finally completely dissipated under this impact!

Daniel’s eyes were round and he was only focused on the battle. Then he discovered this fatal big problem!

------ His lightsaber battery is exhausted!

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