Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2658: 斩黯之之光(40)

Chapter 2658 is in the light of forty

About a minute later, it was flying to a small transport boat of the Dawning.

"Yes. I understand." The other end of the communicator came to King Arthur's reply: "It's just fine. So all the guards are settled."

"Is there really no problem?" Biddivil asked questioningly: "Only if that little devil has this special treatment, what other people in the **** will not say?"

"This **** mission is arranged with Mr. Qi as the center." The Cavalier replied: "Mr. Qi is a distinguished guest of Great Britain. His geological exploration work is also in line with the interests of Great Britain. The Knights will unconditionally support him. The action. So Mr. Yu said that he can do it. He thinks that he can give special treatment to the boy. There is no reason to oppose it here."

"That's right, but"

"Do you have a good understanding of Mr. Yu's intentions? Maybe this is part of his plan, an experiment?" Arthur added.

"Well," the Werewolf youth sneaked a glimpse at the river crabs beside them. It is indeed possible to have this. But maybe the Taoist Yuan just likes the little devil named Daniel and wants to observe the fighting mode of the little devil. After all, the child’s weapon from the physique to the hand has an irreplaceable speciality.

"In this case, I will not say anything more." The Werewolf youth sighed: "In order not to let other people feel that the child has special treatment, I will come to this lie."

"Grieved you." Knight King.

"Arthur." Biddeville suddenly silenced for a few seconds, then said: "Assume that if you are an unmagic person, there is a way to return the magic with a lightsaber."

"There is no need. I have [breaker], I can interrupt them before the opponent casts the magic." The Cavaliers said: "When the opponent releases the magic and returns it, it is too passive. If it is not a last resort or If you miss the opportunity, you don't have to think about it at all. Moreover, the mode of the other party's release is not easy to avoid. Why do you want to return it? This is not the case."


"It may be effective to deal with the Master. For the first time, you may be able to scare the other side and get a good chance to win. But the return of the Magic is actually the same. If you encounter a monster opponent with attribute suppression? Suppose there is a fire dragon blowing fire at you. How can you return the flames back? What is the fire dragon that is almost immune to the flames?"


"This kind of thing is not discussed first. I have other things to be busy, just like this." Knight King.

"Okay." Bedieville cut off the communication.

It seems that this is really the case now. Daniel’s [Death Twisted Dreams] seems to be a cool and even mysterious move, but in fact it may not be as high as the actual combat value. Just now, all kinds of cool magic effects of the war broke out everywhere, just for a moment of fascination with Bediville's mind. The orcs are born to be unable to use magic (actually only use the Genesis magic to make their body huge), and the magic that can be made to other races will always be a bit anomalous. But in the final analysis, the most violent attack method is often the most effective in combat.

"It looks like, His Majesty King Arthur's evaluation of the boy is not high, right?" Ruo Daoyuan did not directly hear the dialogue between Bediville and Arthur, but from the words and expressions of the werewolf youth, the mysterious Orientals have I roughly guessed the content of the conversation.

"Yeah. That's it."

"To be honest, my evaluation of the child is not very high, just because he is very special and wants to pay more attention to it." Ruo Daoyuan also said.

"It is really unscientific to bounce the magic back with a lightsaber. What is the principle?" The werewolf youth spit out.

However, when he talked about magic, he talked about science, which was not very scientific.

"The magic of Asia and the magic of Europe." Suddenly said.

"Well, what?"

"According to the truth, these techniques should follow the same principle, but only a use of photons, just transform the photons into energy, time and space, and matter." But the human being: "However, even if the principle is the same, the East People have never been able to use your Western magic, and you in the West have never been able to use our oriental fairy and magic, which is the strangest."


"Really. When the East and the West battled, we used the captured European captives to experiment and teach them to learn our fairy tales. I hope they can make the same surgery. The result is of course a failure. Even if you thoroughly understand the principle of the launch of the fairy, those European captives can't normally cast the fairy.

In the same way, we have also sent magic books to steal Westerners, trying to learn your spells and thus occupy a dominant position in the war. This plan also failed, and still knows the principle of launching, but it can't be started normally. "

"I really don't know about this." Bettiville whispered: "That said, you told me this confidential information, is there really no problem?"

"The war has been going on for thousands of years. Now the East and West are not fighting. It can even be said that the Eastern Continent is almost completely destroyed." The Orientals sighed: "This kind of thing tells you why."

"Is it the relationship of bloodlines?" Biddyville then asked: "Because of the difference in bloodlines, one person can only use the magic tricks, and the other race can only use magic. Is this the case?"

Bettyville considers himself to be an orc, and can only use Genesis spells (beasting and madness). He can't use various spells freely like humans. It is natural to think that this is the reason of bloodlines.

"My initial guess is this. But it may not be because of pedigree." Ruo Daoyuan said: "There may be, the relationship of authority."

"Permission?" The werewolf youth frowned.

"[The ultimate magic] is called this way?" The Oriental asked: "The one of the four Knights of the Great Britain Knights can use."

"Yes." The other party did not mention it. When it was mentioned, Bedieville had a very bad memory: "Mr. Yu has already investigated this point."

"Yeah." The Orientals whispered in an understatement: "[The ultimate magic], it is said that only the Knights of Heaven are allowed to use the program. Once used, it will trigger a chain-like collapse reaction of a large range of photons, eventually leading to Destructive results. In addition to Great Britain, the high military executives of other countries seem to have the same [extreme magic]? I don't remember.

Anyway, its mantra was originally passed from the last Knight of the Heavens to the next Knight of Heaven, and the secret was never passed on. But actually it"


"In the war, we in the East have witnessed the use of the Knights of the Heavens [Ultra Magic], and suffered the devastating blow, but still survived." Ruo Dao whispered: "The man is still hurt. He died, but he clearly heard the curse of the chanting when the Knight of the Heavens launched [the ultimate magic], and the word was not bad. He recited what he had heard and taught it to us."

The werewolf youth took a sigh of relief. The horrible ultimate magic has long been stolen by the Eastern camp. !

"The mantra should not be wrong. I can guarantee this. But it is useless. It is not because the Orientals can't make the magic of the Westerners. We let the European prisoners of war recite the same mantra, thinking these Prisoners of war can make [the ultimate magic] in the same way, but it has no effect."


"There is nothing wrong with the mantra. The magical principle of launching is actually very simple. It is nothing more than letting the surrounding photons get out of control and trigger a chain explosion. The prisoners of war are also of European descent and can use magic. But even if the conditions are all ready, those prisoners of war Still can't use [extreme magic]. So I think it must be in addition to [blood], but also need other conditions to launch a big magic such as [extreme magic]. The condition is probably "

"The identity of the Knight of Heaven." Biddyville replied.

"Yes. After all, it is the head of the Knights. It is one of the national military organizations. The Knight of Heaven who has the authority to use the ultimate magic, as a military deterrent, seems to take it for granted."

Before the Werewolf youth, I never thought about the existence of the Knight of Heaven. He thought that the Knight of Heaven was purely the head of the four Knights of Great Britain and the highest rank in the Knights. However, it is very likely that the meaning of [天骑士骑士] is not limited to this.

"However, I just thought it was very strange." Ruo Daoyuan continued: "Even if the Knights of Great Britain, it is impossible to inherit from generation to generation, perfectly transform this status from one generation to another. I used to I discussed this issue with the Knights of the Knights. His Majesty also admitted to Great Britain, or Pantoraken’s history, there have been several times the Knights of the Knights.

Often some knights in the war are gloriously killed in the war, and it is too late to deliver this identity to the next knight, so the next knight is actually hurriedly selected from the Knights.

In other cases, the previous Knight of the Heavenly Kingdom has passed away, and the next candidate has been delayed, resulting in a ten-year vacancy in the position of the Knight of Heaven. "

"What do you want to explain?" The more he listened to Bedieville, the more confused he was.

"What I want to know is that since the launch of [extreme magic] requires some qualification, and this qualification is only for the Knight of Heaven, then who is it, or in what form, what kind of thing to decide this? Qualified?" The Orientals boldly assumed:

"Is it a certain kind of [letter]? - It's not right. There used to be a knight who used the [extreme magic] to vaporize all the things in the square. If there is a [letter], this [Relics] will also be vaporized together, can not be delivered to the next Knight of the Knights. Then the Knight of the Knights [the ultimate magic] will be lost.

So, is it a certain kind of [ceremony]? It doesn't seem right. When the Knights of Great Britain succeeded, there were no special ceremonies except for some routine banquet celebrations. I have also confirmed this with several incumbent knights in Great Britain.

Then, since it is not [letter] and there is no [ceremony] to determine the qualification of the Knight of Heaven, what exactly is the qualification of the Knight of the Heaven, so that they can use [Ultimate Magic] after taking office? Captain Bedieville, have you thought about this problem? "

"I can't guess at all." The werewolf youth whispered. The more I feel, the more I hear it.

"I think, it is very possible, who is in the dark to monitor this." Ruo Dao replied with a lower voice: "Whoever, has been watching. For thousands of thousands of years, always Monitor everything that happens in the entire world.

When a knight is elected as a [Knight of the Knights], the moment the British Knights have been recognized as having the qualification of [Knights of the Knights], the [who] will take this newly appointed [Knight of the Knights], [ Login] is a legitimate user of [Ultimate Magic].

Only [legal users] who are logged in and approved by [some system] will be authorized to use [Ultimate Magic]. "

Bedyville was stunned.

"And who [who], who is it?" The Orientals looked at the werewolf youth faintly, and the tone gradually became strange: "Is it possible to [those], even at this moment, we are observing us both?" "

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