Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2662: 斩黯之之光(四四

Chapter 2662 is in the light of forty-four

The duel of the two has already begun, while the onlookers stayed on the transport boat floating in the air, so as not to hinder the battle between the two.

"Why are you going to come over?" Segrad asked the old Master Rogan, who was happily watching the play with his arms crossed. "Isn't it, what do you realize?"

"Specifically [what is it?]" Rogan did not touch Segrad's temptation, asking him with a poker face.

"Well, nothing." Segrad did not say anything. Even the people on the Twilight, Albert has touched the [out of the string] things, only a very small number of people know, Biddiville and others naturally know, but because they want to protect Albert Leak this news out. In particular, Rogan, who is a mage, is not known.

After all, the old man is the person on the ivory tower, and the ultimate goal of the mages is to use all means to find the "truth of the universe", that is, [the outside of the string]. If you let Logan know that Albert is the one who touched the door of truth, the old man might ventilate the people in the ivory tower, then the wizards will follow Albert. , causing many unnecessary troubles for the tiger.

Seglade doesn't care much about Albert. But after all, it is a companion. It is always bad if the secret of Albert is discovered by the old master. He can only secretly pray, hoping that the tiger will not show his feet in this duel.


Albert's training sword was directed at Bediwell's head, but it was not hit. Or it is blocked. Bedyville's Tungsten Tortoise Whip has moved autonomously like a life, blocking the blow.

Yes, except for training swords, all other weapons and spells cannot be used as an attacking means in this duel. Can not be used for attack, used for defense is always possible, so Bediville did not want to use the tungsten tortoise whip to block this blow.

"Very good." Albert snarled, a moment of withdrawal and an instant withdrawal: "You use everything you can use, try to beat me. I will try to defeat you in the same way!" "

As soon as the voice fell, the young man of the tiger marched toward the wolf youth and the sword was fiercely drawn. If it was not because it was a blunt sword with no lethality, it would really make people have Albert to kill. Intention to make the illusion of attack.

And that sword was actually "divided" after being drawn out. It should be said that the right arm of Albert holding the sword suddenly split into several pieces, just like the phantom split into a five-way offensive, let The blade swept at Bediwell's head, shoulders, arms, waist, thighs and calves at the same time!

Illusion? wrong. As an orc, Albert should not be able to use that kind of thing. So is the visual image caused by high-speed combos? No, the high-speed combo can't make the arm image so clear!

At that moment, the werewolf youth took a deep breath and was shocked: "A partial split??"

That's right, this is exactly what Albert is good at. However, his transformation has not only been limited to his own full projection, but now he can only make the arm become a avatar, so the sword that has been drawn becomes a five-shot of the body and the arm!

Hey! ! However, Bedieville still blocked the attack with a tungsten tortoise whip. The advantage of the whip is that it is long enough and the coverage is large enough.

Although the attack of the partial body surgery is terrible, the attack is not monotonous. It is basically the other four attack trajectories that are split from the arm of Albert's body. But the direction and direction of the attack are the same. Since it is in the same direction, it is not a big problem to block nature!

"Call." Albert seems to have guessed Betwell's mind, and then he added: "Your next sentence is, my attack is easy to block, no matter how much you are not afraid?"

Because it was robbed, Bedieville bowed.

"Then let you see the real horror ------ [instant light 斩 斩]!"

The name of the move is obviously a random joke of Albert. But it does not mean that this move is not terrible. When he held both hands and held the training sword high, he suddenly appeared hundreds of avatars behind him, all of which were the arms. Some of the split arms are also armed with swords, while others hold weapons with their left or right hands, and they are scattered behind the tiger youth like a peacock. The scene is spectacular!

"Oh, you must be kidding me!" Bettiville was boring.

"Ha!" Albert sprinted to Bedieville and smashed his arms! For a time, like a violent wind, in addition to Albert's own full-fledged sniper, there are hundreds of real-life avatars, wielding swords, and swaying or stinging from all angles to the body of Bediville.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of attack is impossible to block, and you can only use all your strength to withdraw and avoid all this! But Bediville did not have the confidence to completely avoid all attacks, and the conditions for the victory of this duel are also very special. It is "to use this training to hit the opponent ten times with a sword" to win. If one does not hide well, Bedieville will soon be in the body of more than ten swords, this duel will instantly decide the outcome!

At this moment, the werewolf youth decided to adopt a more secure style of play, which is to use the block method to perfectly block this storm-like combo. Of course, there is a method. He instantly pats the silver bracelet on his right arm and injects [accelerator] into the blood vessels to accelerate his somatosensory time! At the same time, he also launched [the sun of the sun god], let the twelve electromagnetic force **** lay a solid electromagnetic force shield beside them, in order to block most of the opponent's attack!

Hey! !

Hey! !

The two men touched hundreds of swords in an instant like iron. Albert is relying on part of the body to split hundreds of arms, crazy slash, and Bediville relies on the [time potion] acceleration effect while wielding the blade and the tungsten tortoise whip to block, both sides are not blocked The place where I live is compensated by the electromagnetic force shield, so I actually blocked the wave of attacks!

"Hey!" Albert slammed the past, suffocating and then pulling away the distance: "No, yes! It's fun!"

"Ha, ha, ha, the guy who confuses..." The werewolf youth also gasped, not thinking that he actually consumed so much physical strength in a second.

The other party seems to be in the same state. Why did Albert use part of his body and only changed his arm to fight, and Beddyville finally figured it out.

Because Albert's avatar is of this nature, no matter how many avatars are changed, the injuries and accumulated fatigue after the disappearance of the avatar will be returned to the lord locally, causing the sorrow to suffer severe damage and fatigue.

If Albert turns all the avatars out and lets one hundred Alberts attack Bettyville, then Albert’s body will be one hundred times more tired than usual. The kind of moves is obviously not realistic.

However, if only the arm of the [arm] is changed, and only the arm of these bureaus is attacked, the part that bears "100 times fatigue" is limited to the arm.

Not right, less than a hundred times. Probably only "fifty times" fatigue. The split arm that Albert had just changed had a left-handed sword and a right-handed sword, so the accumulated fatigue of both arms was evenly divided.

But Bediville is using both hands, but also uses the concentrated [day wheel], and even used the [accelerator] that will damage the body, and then barely blocked Albert's "instant". "Light and cracks", the consumption of physical and mental power is not huge. In this long battle, the first exhaustion must be Bediville.

And Albert did not use the white tiger behind him. God knows what kind of tricks can the White Tigers play?

Thinking of this, Bedieville suddenly smiled.

"What's so funny?" Albert yelled.

"No." Biddyville replied: "I just suddenly found out that I have to admit that you guys really become stronger. And the little fool I first met, Albert, is not at the same person. ""

"I was strong, thank you." Albert was not convinced.

The power of Warcraft Hunter is not the kind of face-to-face battle that the soldiers think is, but more powerful than the stealth, the trap, and the hunting skills. Of course, the "powerful" in this aspect will always be despised and ignored. Biddyville has also despised this "powerful" ------ until Albert presents the [Shen Yin] trick to the werewolf In front of the youth.

Indeed, Albert is already strong, and now the speed that is more unimaginable continues to grow. In time, this guy might be able to surpass the level of Bediville.

"You want to tell me through this duel, is this?" The werewolf youth whispered.

"Maybe." Elbert replied ambiguously.

Before that, no one ever agreed with him. Everyone regards him as an idiot, a weak one, and is a tail of a crane that will be eliminated in the [round table trial] candidates. Only Bediville, who always believes in Albert, knows that the potential of the tiger is limitless. The facts also prove to be the case.

Half a push, soft and hard foam.

At first, Bediville used various means to test the round table trials that Albert had participated in.

Because he can't stand his friend, Albert, being looked down upon by others. Because he thinks that Albert should receive more respect.

But in fact, isn't this the self-righteousness of Biddiville, an arrogance?

Albert doesn't need to prove anything to anyone else, and doesn't need to get the title of [Round Knight].

In this trial, Albert's only concern is to always believe in his Bediville, prove himself ------ prove how strong he is, prove that he deserves to be worthy of Brady Wil's trust.

------ It is enough to completely defeat Bediville in this duel and get the approval of the Werewolf youth.

[Round Table Knight] This title is simply a dispensable thing for Albert, and it is a direct waiver.

Do you understand my thoughts? ------Erbert groaned in his heart and rushed to the werewolf youth while lifting his sword.

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