Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2667: Shunko Suino (49)

Chapter 2667 is in the light of forty-nine

Albert, who had already taken advantage of the cheap, immediately used the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to move to the distant sky and opened a distance with Bediville. After calming down, he began to think about what the blow was just now.

Just now he did see that Bettiville’s blade split into three and hit him, and the blade also penetrated his block, which was obviously an illusion. But how did this illusion come out?

... Is it related to those wonderful crystal walls? Is it because the special light refraction effect in the vicinity makes Albert look dazzled, causing him to "make it wrong"?

wrong. There should be a simpler explanation for this.

Albert carefully observed the sword in Bediville's hand and suddenly realized it.

The "sword" that he used to attack Albert was not a "training sword" at all, but a fake made up of mysterious crystal fluids. Beddyville seems to have the ability to shape the shape of the crystals at will, and it is no wonder that the fake sword can suddenly change into a three-sword shadow attack on Albert in the middle of the attack. But the three swordsmanships have almost no physicality. They are probably just empty shells that are made very fragile and scattered at the touch. So they collide with Albert's avatars and dissipate like a phantom.

The kind of crystal sword is just an empty shell. It is obviously a cover-up method. Ming and the real training swords are so different, and Albert is wrong. Is it because there are too many avatars when using [Instant Light 斩 斩], and my attention cannot be concentrated?

Maybe. This also exposes a drawback of [instantaneous light smashing], too complicated operation will even make Albert dazzle himself. It may not be such a good idea to change hundreds of separate arms, unless he can seize the opportunity to give the opponent a kill.

After taking a deep breath, Albert raised his sword again and turned five arms behind him. [Instantaneous Lights] can continue to polish and evolve, making it more suitable for actual combat. Control the number of avatars and keep the extra arms when they are not needed, perhaps more effectively.

"Is it aware..." Bédiwell snorted and changed the hand of the sword, and seemed to be preparing again.

"Responsiveness may be that you have an absolute advantage, but ------!" Albert once dive again, mammothing to Biddeville! He has a smaller number of split arms, but the trajectory of the attack has become more complicated and subtle, and even changes the trajectory midway!

"Very good." Biddiville sneered, and he took a sword back at the same time. This sword is not the sword used for training, but the fluid blade of the [World Tree Shell]. The blade that was shot quickly stretched like a whip, approaching Albert, and suddenly turned into a giant claw at the moment before approaching, seemingly trying to catch the tiger youth! This is not an "attack" behavior, just a move to "catch" Albert, so it is not a foul!

"Useless!" Elbert, who had been in the alert for a moment, immediately smashed a storm bombardment with a shock wave on the insert of the gun blade, and shattered the fluid claws on the head! They turn into thousands of finely divided crystals that spread in all directions, from hard to soft when scattered, as if they are falling like water droplets! And Biddeville has already approached Albert with the impact of the shock wave, and the blade in his hand is straight and stabbed, against the storm-like impact!

Albert saw a slap in the face and took a sword. The blade held by the body collided with the sword of Biddeville, and the other five arms were hammered from both sides to Bediville. !

The spurs of the werewolf youth suddenly stopped at this moment, and suddenly a rapid withdrawal! That is obviously not the step of retreating that he achieved with his own feet, more like the fluid on the ground dragging him and forcing him to pull back! The retreating Beddyville barely shunned Albert's five-shot, while suddenly sliding forward shovel ------ also using fluid propulsion! He lifted his sword in the shovel and hit Albert's lower body!

Boom! However, the young tigers just attacked a wave, and immediately let the five separate arms disappear, and turned into two separate arms, from the bottom up, and opened the next sweep of Bediville!

Take a shot! Sure enough, this guy, by cutting the number of arms, not only did not weaken the power of [instant light, but also made it more threatening and more varied! As the user becomes more familiar with the style of the move, this is actually a move with unlimited possibilities, which is really terrible!

The werewolf youth created a reaction force on one foot, changing direction in the process of sliding the shovel, and the other hand used the [world tree shell] to stab the ground to form a reliable and strong crystal pillar fulcrum. He used this pivot. Change the trajectory of the sliding shovel for the center of the circle, and quickly rotate three hundred and sixty degrees, and wander around the back of Albert with a breathtaking momentum, a slash!

Because Bediville’s coming is too fast, Albert’s big wings behind him’s “inconvenient” are not good enough to block the attack, so the tiger decided to put away his wings, and the backhand also took out a sword to block the opponent. Offensive! The two swords sang together again, and the red paint on the blade!

Herbert, who wraps her wings, falls to the ground, but this "ground" is already the area of ​​Bediville. The Mithril fluid on the ground is sticking out of the claws to Albert, aiming to hold the tiger's feet. , limit its actions!

Useless! Awkwardly, Albert has already launched the ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to swap with a slowly falling feather space in the air and transfer itself to the sky! The secret silver fluid finally caught, just a small feather! At the moment when Biddyville’s "crawling" fell through, Albert transferred to the air and swept a sword, while his six arms were swept in the same way. While swinging the arm, the training in the handle is thrown out with a sword! The body of Albert is of course still clinging to the training sword. The training swords thrown by his split arms are all replicas, but they are still not a foul. These training swords (replicas) that were thrown out quickly were turned into six sword wheels in mid-air, and they flew to Bediville at high speed, and they had already hit!

Oh! ! Bettiville’s hand waved, [the world tree shell] has picked up a large wave composed of Mithril fluid, which instantly turns into a solid crystal wall, which freezes the sword wheel that almost hits Bediville one by one. !

No, there is a sword wheel! It was post-posted, and it was hit on the crystal wall at this time, and was suddenly "replaced" in the moment of a click! The Holy Spirit White Tiger exchanged the space between the sword wheel close to the crystal wall and the body of Albert, and the young man of the tiger moved to the front of the crystal wall! His storm blade slammed the crystal wall, and the large-diameter steel ball shot and the shock wave of the plug-in worked together to smash the crystal wall! The tiger youth also opened their wings with a sprint, and immediately rushed to the wall, and swept the sword to the Bediville hiding there!

Boom! The werewolf youth lifted the sword and blocked one of them!

Hey! Albert's two separate arms but the sword hit Badiville's chest and right lower abdomen, leaving two clearly visible red pigment prints on it!


Do not. you lose. The ridicule that Beddyville showed in an instant seems to mean something.

In an instant, the huge Mithril fluid wave suddenly coming from both sides will engulf Albert! Everything just happened is just a routine, a trap set to get Albert close to the ground! The sprinting Albert is too late to avoid this blow, and will inevitably be swallowed up by the fluid waves and stunned.

"Little white!" Albert said in an instant. The shadow of the white tiger behind him is finally acting, and two claws are drawn to the sides!

The attack of the Holy Spirit White Tiger is not an ordinary physical attack. It is an ability to distort and transfer space. As a result, the fluid wave that should have been pinched to Albert is actually bounced off before it is close. No, it is distorted. The space is repelled!

This time it was Elbert's turn to sneer, as if telling Bedyville that his offensive and routines were meaningless, and the ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to manipulate space was synonymous with invincibility!

may be. However, that's it. Bedieville replied to Albert, a sneer, and then spread his hands to let the other side see and understand that the iron sword used for training was not in his hands. At the moment when the tiger people are aware of the danger, it is too late! Behind Albert's back, he slammed the three spurs of the training sword, leaving three red marks!

"Shi ------!" The tiger-man youth turned his head and swept away with the light, only to find that the Mithril fluid manipulated the training sword like a tentacle, and sneaked him behind him! And after the three consecutive spurs, it seems that there is still a back, training with the sword to shrink back, and intends to stab more back.

Hey! ------ However, the second wave of training with the sword all fell through, because Albert once again used the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to transfer to the air!

Bedyville grinned. The ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger is really difficult to deal with. It can make Albert's teleport (space transfer) almost unrestricted. The distance of space transfer is still far away, and it is even harder than the ability of the succubus to "flash". Engage. Coupled with Albert's wings with absolute airpower, it is a golden combination.

I have to admit that this guy of Albert is indeed stronger, and each stroke has its rationality and unique meaning, which can make up for the shortcomings of the other moves of the tiger youth. If he let his moves continue to "evolve", in time, this guy may become the perfect soldier no one can rival.

But now, it is still too early to give Albert the arrogant capital.

Bediville knows Albert's temperament, after all, is a friend who has been with him for many years. He also knows that Albert is prone to the fatal flaws of complacency. If you can correct the shortcomings of the tiger, this guy may be able to climb to a higher height and see the scene that few people in the world can see.

and so------

Even if it is a stone hitting the stone, even if it is a car, even if there is no chance of winning, even if it is a matter of anger, here, he has to do something for him.

Like lifting a baton, the Werewolf youth resolutely held up the secret silver fluid sword: "------ [silver rain] (silverrain)!"

All the secret silver fluids on the ground suddenly gathered together into a ball, bursting like a fountain!

lb! ! ------ Countless hydrotalcite Mithril fluid crystals are sprayed into the sky, splashing higher than Albert!

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