Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2692: Trial of flames (13)

Chapter 2692 Trial of Flames

"That," although Albert basically finalized the crystal fence, Mutter did, but he still asked: "This thing was made by Mutter? How can I do it?"

"The cat ran around us and the crystal wall came out." Castro replied: "Do not ask us, we don't understand."


The most troublesome thing is that Mutter, who is now in the form of a cat, has no self-awareness and is completely a cat's consciousness. He stretched his claws toward Albert and made a scratching movement, which was full of wildness. This form of Mutter is unreasonable. Even if Albert called Mu to abuse the power of crystallization, this little guy will certainly not listen, or even understand. It is impossible to ask for this naughty cat to be merciful.

However, the power of crystallization is at the expense of the spirit of Mult. Now, Mutter’s sense of the body that is sleeping in the cat’s body will be eroded by the abuse of crystallization. Hard to say.

And regardless of this. The tiger-man youth picked up the kitten and put it in Nina's hand again: "Can't let him use the power of crystallization again. Keep an eye on him?"

"I will try to do it." Nina is a little dissatisfied: "I accidentally let go when I fled. Otherwise he will not have the opportunity to use any crystal power."

"But it." Albert didn't want to talk to Nina's theory and turned to the hunters who were present: "What is this about? Why are everyone except you guys crazy?"

"It is poison." The assassin master replied voluntarily: "Before sending someone to go to the nearby river to fetch water, the water that came back was problematic."

He took out a kettle and analyzed a small amount of water droplets in his hand: "Probably some kind of toxin that can affect the nerves. A small amount of ingestion has no effect on the body. After a large amount of ingestion, there will be hallucinations. Then the group of idiots will fight. It is."

"Why are you all right?" Albert asked in a straightforward way.

He had only recently arrived in Lviv, and he was less affected by the heat here, and he naturally drank less water. But other hunters, such as the savage masters, even if they are sweating now, must have drunk a lot of rivers with neurotoxins. Why is Castro not mad?

"No, I actually ------" The tiger man smashed the hoe.

"The vice president has been mad, or the earliest hunter in the hunter." Pickman couldn’t help but laugh: "Because he started mad, almost no one can stop it, and the rest of the G-class Warcraft Hunters work together to stop it. He. So when the hunters in the hall went crazy together, we just got together. The antidote is what I gave to everyone. If it is a few seconds slower, I am afraid it will evolve into a big chariot of the G-class World of Warcraft hunters. Let's go."

"...and you just have an antidote?" Albert was more confused.

"Hey, stinky boy, talk and pay attention!" Castro glared at Albert and said, "When did I teach you to talk to your predecessors in this tone?"

"Nothing, Mr. Castro. He will question me, and take it for granted." Pickman took another can from the tactical belt, which contained a strange translucent creature. The little thing with light blue and high transparency seems to be only jellyfish.

"This is a freshwater jellyfish that lived in the upper reaches of the Vistula River. It is commonly known. It is highly toxic. The drugs extracted from its thorns, even if only inhaled half a milligram, can make the big-sized Warcraft mad. I The unique weapons are made of this poison. When they are launched into the World of Warcraft, the Warcraft will fight without any enemy. I often use the toxins of the Mad Hat to keep its antidote. Timely use the antidote to save our group."

"Yeah. Let me guess. So the crazy hat jellyfish has recently exploded in the Vistula River, polluting the water source. The hunters who collect the river water don't know about it, carelessly take the poisoned drink back. "Albertra has a long face:" Is this incident a man-made disaster?"

"It's really a man-made disaster, but it's not what you think. There is no explosive growth in the river. Their population is at a reasonable level. And the mad hat jellyfish will no longer grow explosively, and will not release toxins in the river." Destroying the natural environment on which they depend is equal to self-destruction."

"That means ------" Albert's face is getting more and more ugly.

"Someone is poisoning in the water we drink." Pickman said without hesitation. When the words were exported, the eyes of the people suddenly showed strange brilliance.

"Are you sure, Pickman? This is a very serious accusation." Even Castro pressured Pickman: "The participants are all excellent hunters in the organization. Everyone is betting on their lives." Lviv participated in this war. If we are defeated, everyone will die, including the traitor who may exist. I don't think there are small people in the organization who ignore the big picture and harm others."

"I know that you want to believe, believe that there are no traitors in the organization." The stinging Piqueman responded: "But from the current situation, this is the only reasonable explanation."

Hey! Outside the fence, the sound of the beat was denser and more intense, like the sound of hail falling on the roof of a concrete building. The mad hunters who have not been dealt with in the Central Temple seem to have an interest in this crystal fence and come together. Why do they not kill each other, but instead target the fence?

Albert glanced at the ball of light in the sky. The light from the artifact does not seem to be stable, alternating between sky blue and purple. This also represents the old rabbit who is controlling the artifact - President Nitro, who is about to fall asleep.

"President?" Everyone can't help but be surprised.

"Well," the old man lie on the stone table and squinted: "Oops. Suddenly sleepy."

"Please do it again! Now let the advent, Lviv will become unprepared!" said Vice President Castro.

"I can't lift the poison of those guys outside?" The situation was urgent, and Albert asked.

"The antidote is oral, and they can only be stopped one by one, and then one by one." The assassination master Pickman said: "And the stock of antidote is not much. I did not consider this change at first. So I didn't bring much antidote on my body."

"That's not a problem. Antidote lends me a use." Albert said.

"Don't hurt." Pickman stuffed a small jar filled with pills into Albert's hands.

Even if the orcs are already mad, they are still present to their compatriots. In the following, the remaining fighting power can no longer be reduced. Therefore, the elites of the organization have not been able to start mad hunters.

"Understood." Albert Road, spreading his wings. He doesn't know if the masters can come up with better countermeasures, but when they really come up with countermeasures, I am afraid it is too late. I know that this is a race against time. The tiger-man youth summons the white tiger in the air and fires high-pressure water cannons at the people on the ground. Launching high-pressure water columns directly on the mad hunters will definitely smash them. Therefore, the Holy Spirit White Tiger uses a special subspace buffered water column gun to make them into a water column with less lethality and thousands of fingers. These non-lethal water columns hit the mad hunters and drove them down.

Sure enough, after the poisoning and heat stroke, their fighting power was greatly reduced, and the brain could not think normally, but just follow the instinct to wield a sword. Even if you hit the water column, you don’t know how to dodge. It’s not difficult to subdue these crazy hunters. Albert turned out dozens of avatars, rushing to the mouth when the hunters fell to the ground. The antidote seemed to be effective, and the hunters who had been bloodshot in the face of the crazy eyes suddenly stopped and lie down peacefully.

Things are not over yet, one wave followed by a wave, more mad hunters chasing. However, the beach has already spread a pool of water, and Albert has let the detached body take out the frozen turpentine and throw it out directly. It is activated by a large-diameter steel ball with a storm gun blade. A thick layer of frost on the ground stuck to the feet of the hunters. In the air, there is a deep cold ice fog, which makes these mad beasts slow down. The avatars of the tiger-aged youths pursued the situation and escaped the swords of the slow-moving orcs. After the close-up, they put their opponents down, and they were a series of semen.

The hunters who surrounded the net near the crystal fence basically fell down, and the rest of the stars were quickly subdued by Albert. As if the danger had been lifted, the crystal fence made by Mutter began to crack and scattered. The people hiding in it also came out to clean up the mess.

"Hah, ha, ha..." Elbert gasped. This can be a bit bad. He only took a nap for a while and recovered some physical strength and mental strength. Just a series of moves have been consumed so much, and Albert has long been overdrawn by the physical and mental strength of rest.

What he rescued was a group of people who fell to the ground, who were so fainted that they were extremely weakened by the poison and did not know whether they could continue to cope with the fighting hunters. Is it really going to start next? Is there really no problem?

"What is the situation with President Nitero?" Albert asked.

"It's still supporting." Castro shrugged. The color of the ball in the sky is still sky blue, which proves that the president has not yet slept, and the battle for the big hunting festival has not yet begun. Now I can only pray that the spirit of President Nitrow can support the hunters to wake up.

"It's very grim." The master of the weapon touched him and said that the big man was originally a type that was earlier than the brain: "In this way, all the drinking water can't be drunk. Lviv is like this." Even if it has been detoxified, there will be no physical struggle after the rest of the people wake up."

"You can only find another way to carry the drinking water, or..." Albert thought: "You can't let President Nitlo move elsewhere? For example, leave Lviv, go to Going over the Vistula?"

Nina shook her head. "It's not a simple little device. It's one. It's only when it's unfolded, it's going to work."

It is a huge ancient building, a positive cube that is powered by heat and is now floating in midair. It can only, does not have.

Albert's brow furrowed. The World of Warcraft Hunters Association was forced to a desperate situation this time. It is a dead end to meet the soon-to-be-come soon after the lineup of this ruin. To reverse this adversity, we must first ensure the drinking water of everyone, and secondly let the heat of this spread in Lviv be dealt with.

and many more.

heat? drinking water?

Albert got a move and thought of a solution.


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