Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2702: Trial of flames (23)

Chapter 2702 Trial of Flames

Around 9 pm.

Albert's deity drove over the sky above Lviv in an iron ride, warning.

Crawling out of the worm's nest, the Queen of the Insect, which appeared to be huge and floated in the air, appeared to the central temple, slowly but exactly approaching.

One-fourth of her head was destroyed by the previous one, and now there is still a scary big pit, but this huge monster is not dead, and the big pit is slowly self-repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This self-healing ability and vitality can already compete with the dragons.

Albert is wary of the Queen of the Insect, not only because she has huge pliers or that amazing self-healing ability, but also because of the strange "twisting air" that pervades her body. From this distance, it is clear that there is a layer of transparent "film" that is constantly twisting around her. It is certainly not as simple as the surrounding air is distorted by high heat. It is either a powerful energy field or a poisonous gas. In the end, Albert can't get close until he can find out its details.

And the Queen of the Insect is not just moving slowly, she seems to be preparing for something. Even Albert can feel that the huge monsters have amazing energy in their bodies.

If that is a remote attack method?

If one thing is likely to evolve into the worst case, then this worst case will happen.

While Albert was worried, the Queen of the insects had grown up in her mouth. In the mouth full of black fangs and deep sorrow, a deep red glow emerged.

bad! Surprised, Albert immediately stepped on the throttle of the Iron Rider and planned to rush at full speed to stop the remote attack of the Queen of the Insect, but it was too late!

Hey! ------The deep red light beam hits and draws a straight light in the sky. It sweeps from the side of the central sanctuary of Lviv and instantly cuts off the corner of the east side of the central temple!

Bang! ! The huge building was cut off by about one-tenth, and the part of the building fell immediately, and a strong explosion occurred in the incision! The Warcraft hunters who stayed at the corner and still operated the turret could not help but suffer, and were caught in the blast, and instantly drowned in the sea of ​​fire. The remains of the building and the remains of the hunters fell into the lava below, dissolved and burned, and the victims died without exception, and there was no dead body! [¥...Aiqi Literature*Read for free]

"Damn!" Albert sighed.

Although it is known that the attack of the Queen of the Insect is only a cluster attack like a deep red wave gun, it has pure power and the Queen of the Insect is not far from the Central Temple. This long-range attack is dangerous to the Central Temple. It becomes very big! She was just experimenting or deterrence, and she used the wave gun to shoot the corner of the central sanctuary. If she is more serious, she will directly attack the center of the central sanctuary, and the hunters there will probably be destroyed!

"She is coming again, be careful!" Albert could hear Nina's cry, not knowing if she was only talking to Albert, or communicating with all the hunters in Lviv.

The insect queen opened her blood plate and opened her mouth with red light in the throat. The second dark red wave gun will be shot again!

Not good! Albert judged from the head of the insect queen that this time the Queen of the Insect is going to attack the center of the Central Temple! If this hit is hit, the hunter organization may be fatally wounded!

There is no time to hesitate. There are only two counter-measures he can do, either to force the Queen’s head from the side with a storm, to make the emission angle of the Crimson Fluctuation gun bias, or to use a certain Experimental moves to stop this blow!

Albert has only conceived it and never used it in actual combat! And the risk is very big, once you fail, Albert will be dead!

However, the killing of the Queen of the Insects has already been issued. Even if the driving iron rides all the time to attack, it will not necessarily make the wave of the Queen's wave guns a few degrees deviation! I am afraid that Albert is currently the only choice!

"Come back!" Elbert instantly canceled all of his avatars while driving the iron ride to rush up, in the orbit of the worm's wave cannon!

He can only use it to block the attack! Once he fails, he will be the first to smash the fly ash! Can be described as unsuccessful!

------ mode, start!

Need a huge concentration, Albert can only use it in the state.

The black tiger pattern of the tiger's youth began to emit blue light, and his white tiger hair reflected each other. There is a huge white tiger behind him. The white tiger opens his arms and is ready to make an unprecedented stunt!

Hey! ! ------The Queen of the Insect's deep red wave gun has already hit, the momentum is rampant, deadly and violent! The beam gun, about 30 feet in diameter, is enough to completely submerge Albert from start to finish. It hits the central sanctuary of Lviv and naturally leaves an equally large deep pit that runs directly through the building. Let's go!

However, the first two seconds of the deep red wave gun coming into contact with Albert, something is unfolding between the two arms of the Holy Spirit White Tiger!

That is a huge portal entrance!

The ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger is to control the subspace, let it create subspace and corresponding entrances and exits, naturally it is not difficult! It is difficult to create such a huge entrance and exit, while maintaining the subspace inside it does not collapse! ------ This requires a huge magic to maintain, and this is itself a highly magical magic!

However, as long as the entrance area of ​​the subspace is large enough, in theory it can prevent any kind of attack in the world! Because the attack all ran into the subspace created by the Holy Spirit White Tiger, it was "blocked" in the middle, never reaching its intended destination!

Not only that. Since the subspace is there, there must be. The location and direction of this exit are determined freely by the Holy Spirit White Tiger, and its choice is naturally ------

Let and overlap, the opposite direction!

The dark red wave gun broke into the subspace created by the white tiger of the Holy Spirit. After being completely swallowed, it actually ran out again! It turned 180 degrees and turned into a huge beam of light to the Queen of the Insects. Treat the person with his own way and use the enemy's own strength to destroy the enemy!

This is the ultimate subspace magic of the Holy Spirit White Tiger!

This is actually an extremely simple subspace operation, but because of simplicity, it is simple and violent. As long as it is a physical long-range attack, regardless of the opponent's attack power, this move can be 100%, "reflective" back!

Hey! The deep red wave gun fired by the Queen of the Insects, reversed the 180-degree return to the Queen of the Insects, and accurately hit the head of the Queen of the Insect!

啪滋! ! The incomparably violent light beam hit the thick and thorny black carapace of the Queen of the Insects, and was actually bounced off, turning into thousands of small, deep red beams that spread to the four sides! Behind it is the worm nest in the disintegration, and countless worms emerge from the worm nest. These beams fall on the worms and burn a large number of worms into ash.

The Queen of the Insect itself has barely been injured. The thick carapace on this monster has a perfect protective effect. The part that is hit by the beam changes from black to bright orange-red, in a hot state, but it is neither melted nor broken!

Albert was not surprised at all. After that, the deep red wave gun was the attack of the Queen of the Insects. Of course, she had the corresponding means to prevent her own attacks.

And the Queen of the Fury in the rage opened his mouth again, preparing to launch another dark red wave gun on the side of Albert. Is this crazy monster going to wrestle with the tiger? Is this better than one who is exhausted first?

Do not! Albert understands that the Queen of the Insect is actually very embarrassed. She already knows the "weakness" of the tiger youth. Behind Albert, there is something that must be guarded - the central sanctuary of Lviv! If the tiger youth is let go, or the mistake is not able to stop the insect queen's blow, the central temple behind him will be destroyed by the deep red wave gun, and the hunters inside will be completely destroyed. The hunters in the central sanctuary are the hostages of the Queen of the Insects, and Albert must reflect every shot of the Queen of the Insect perfectly, without mistakes! The difficulty of doing this is naturally very high, and it is definitely the consumption of Albert on this side is even greater!

Hey! After another beam of light, it hits Albert in an unscrupulous manner, even if it doesn't care if it will be avoided by the tiger. Albert can't escape it, he can only use it to reflect it back!

啪滋! ! Once again, the deep red wave gun hit the insect queen, but it didn't work. The beam is scattered by her thick carapace, and the power is naturally reduced to the point of being dispensable!

Albert swallowed a sip. It is a big magic that must be tightened to use the nerves, and it consumes a lot of magic power! How many times can he stop the opponent from attacking? On the other side of the Queen, except for the carapace, which is a little hot and shiny, it is almost completely harmless from the reflection of the beam! If you spend this way, it will definitely be that Albert will be defeated first, and he will die when he makes a mistake!

But the potential is certainly not limited to this. Albert suddenly thought of a countermeasure.

Another face-to-face attack was swallowed up by the Holy Spirit White Tiger with the entrance of the subspace. But this time it didn't reflect the light beam back, it disappeared into the endless void.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit White Tiger is very depleted of magic and mental strength. If you counterattack according to the actions of the enemy, each hair must be perfectly reflected back. First of all, the mental energy and magic power must be on the side of Albert. God knows how deep the bottomless magic inside the huge body of the Queen of the Insects?

However, if the power is "storaged", it will break the opponent's strong outer shell in one breath?

The Queen still doesn't know Albert's plan, and still bombards Albert with a deep red wave gun. Once again, the deep red wave gun was swallowed up by the entrance of the subspace!

No. This energy is not enough to penetrate the Queen's carapace. Still need to store more!

Albert waited patiently. Let the subspace absorb the number of deep red wave guns, let the energy of these wave guns converge into a bundle, and the high compression wave guns have the opportunity to penetrate the Queen's defense!


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