Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2707: One hundred years of loneliness (four)

Chapter 2707, a hundred years of loneliness

In front of King Arthur, it was a big man with a tiger's back.

This person suffers from albinism, except for the gemstone blue eyes that still have pigmentation. The hair on the body includes hair and eyebrows, all of which are white. Although a white hair seems to be very old, but in fact he is still young, from his face with no wrinkles, smooth face, this person is definitely not over twenty years old.

"Hey, I will recognize me when I come up next time?" The other party stuttered back.

At the same time, a black shadow spread around the barn and quickly wrapped the entire barn so that outsiders couldn't hear what was inside. This is Merlin's shady enchantment.

"There is Merlin following you, how can I not recognize it." Knight Wang shouted, and then he glanced at the body of the white-haired man who was dissected and half-disposed. He asked again, "What are you doing? Elaine?"

"Research, research." The other party replied: "These are black and black patients, I am looking for and looking for treatment."

"Black death," Arthur said thoughtfully, taking a step back from the body and being farther away from the bodies: "Ilan is not afraid of being infected?"

"I, my body seems to be born with antibodies, no matter what, it will not be infected." Baihua Dahan replied: "So the king will give me the privilege, let me study here and here."

"It is the blood of the Mozu." Hyosung also said: "There is a very thin blood of the Mozu in this person---probably the succubus, it is not clear ------ so he is resistant to human diseases ""

"Interesting. So Elaine also turned into a half-man and a half-devil." Knight Wang said.

"Your Majesty." The black crow shadow said on the beam above the barn: "Because of some influence, Elaine arrived in the world ten years earlier than you. He couldn't take care of himself. I really followed him after I couldn't help it. Give him information and advice on action."

"It turns out." The Cavaliers looked back and forth at Elaine: "No matter which time or space you are in, you can't do without the appearance of this white fat man, Elaine."

"Hah, haha..." Elaine smiled embarrassedly.

"But how do you get the privilege? Just because your constitution can be immune to the Black Death, let you study this?"

"I ruled and cured several aristocrats." Elaine replied: "Although the treatment is a bit not, it cannot be described."

"What is not described?"

"I, my blood." Bai Fatzi replied: "With my blood and disease, the patient's blood mixed, after the high temperature sterilization, it is the vaccine."

Arthur’s face changed: "It’s a miracle not to kill someone."

"It's the part of the dragon's blood that works. Then it's the principle of making antibodies using inactivated bacteria. Uh-huh." Hyosung actually analyzed it in a serious way: "In this era of human civilization's retrogression, this operation is almost equivalent. For magic or miracles."

"How do you know so much about your kid..." Arthur couldn't help but spit. Hyosung Mingming is a dragon.

"Dad... No, the father taught. Uh-huh." Hyosung nodded proudly.

The guy from the comet has instilled something in his son.

"That, that," Elaine said again. "I still have a little work and work to do. Do you want to be there, wait outside? If you look here, you may be rude."

"Nothing." The Cavaliers said: "Continue the work in your hands. I won't care."

After all, King Arthur has seen too many dead and corpses in his life. He has seen the terrible death of human beings. It is nothing at all.

"That, then ------" Elaine turned to continue his work. It seems that he intended to use a sharp scalpel to break the head of a body and take the brain out for research.

"But since you have a way to make a vaccine for the Black Death, why do you continue to study this?" Cavalier asked curiously.

"Now the epidemic, the vaccine should use my blood," Elaine said in a depressed way: "I want to save one or two people, still, okay. To save everyone, it is difficult, can you drain me?"

indeed. This is not at all an antidote to the Black Death. If you really want to completely cure this terrible disease, a more reliable treatment is absolutely necessary. Elaine seems to be trying to find a real lesion from the body that died of the disease, and started research there. But Arthur always felt that this was a useless work. Or... Is this just an excuse for Elaine to study the human body?

"A decade?" Knight Wang said: "You can hold on for so long. Even if Merlin follows you, it is estimated to be very hard."

"One, it’s bad luck at first." Elaine replied: "It appears in a village full of disease. It is dead everywhere. Then because I don't, I won't get sick, it's albino, sick people, I was arrested by the army. I was almost thrown into the burning and burned to death in the corpse."

"Is Merlin helping you escape?"

"No, I haven't found his whereabouts at the time." said the crow on the beam.

"I, I told them not to pay attention, fled to the river and jumped into the water." Elaine replied: "Then, it was washed away by the river, and finally it was expensive, the nobles picked up. At that time I Still a child of ten or ten years old."

So when Elaine had just crossed the world of nine hundred years, it was just a child... and he was a ten-year-old who was trapped in the world for ten years. This is really a disaster.

"Everyone in the nobles and nobles is also infected with the Black Death, and I will not immunize the disease. They will let me, I will take care of the sick nobles." Elaine said: "Later Merlin soon came, he built, I suggest that I use my blood to make a vaccine, I will use it. The sick and expensive, the nobles are cured, then I have to get reused, began to be taken, with everywhere to practice medicine, to the aristocrats infected with black and black death Treatment, of course, can't let them know that the vaccine is made with my blood, so it takes a lot of time to treat and cure a noble family, and use various herbs and therapies to get through and get away with it."

Elaine could not understand these opportunities, and it must have been taught by Merlin. Arthur thought. No Merlin is looking after Elaine, this kid has long been sucked up by blood and sucked up.

"I understand. I won't ask for details." Arthur said: "Then I have two questions. First, Elaine, do you want to go with me, or stay here to continue your research?"

"Follow, walk with you." White fat man replied without thinking: "Go to the rescue... Well, no, Jude, isn't it?"

The Cavalier squinted, but did not say anything.

"Second, Elaine, do you know the nobles of France?" He added: "Is it possible to use your relationship and let me see a person?"

"Who, who?"

"The King of France, Charles VII." The Cavaliers said without feelings.

Elaine was silent. However, he did not refuse, or even said "impossible".

"Okay, okay. But be sure, prepare," he said in an understatement.

"Can you really introduce me to the French King?" Arthur added a tone to ask: "Don't be stubborn?"

"The positive and normal methods are definitely not seen. The guards around the king's majesty are very strict." Elaine peeled a complete brain from the remains of the black dead patient and put it into the antiseptic solution, saying: "Illegal methods or Maybe."

"Interesting." Arthur couldn't help but smile: "Talk about your plan."

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Rouen was in a noble house.

"I, I am back." Elaine pushed in and said, "I brought my friends and friends back."

"If Frye actually brought back a friend, it was rare." A middle-aged man in a luxurious silk dress with a sly look and sorrow came out to greet him. He looked at Arthur up and down: "Is this?"

"In Lower Aslan, there is only one mercenary in the district." Arthur replied. At this time, he was dressed in a light leather armor, with a carved silver sabre hanging around his waist, which was very much in line with the mercenary status.

"Hello, Mr. Yaslan. I am Yake, Yake Cole, the father of Johor. Just call me Cole." The middle-aged man smiled and reached out and shook hands with Arthur.

Arthur shook hands with the middle-aged aristocrat, and as the other was tempting him, he also tried to test each other.

He can smell a touch of laurel from the other side, which is also mixed with a variety of complex aromas. The other party is a businessman, probably engaged in the sale of spices, and from the traces of corrosion on his palm, the businessman is also engaged in salt trading. The silk dress on his body is a custom-made color, perfect workmanship, luxurious and elegant, unique and tasteful. So this Mr. Cole is probably still a silk merchant. Since these three major industries are the lifeblood of the country, and the relevant businesses require the royal franchise, it can be seen that this Mr. Cole is not only a wealthy businessman, he may even have great political privileges.

Needless to say, most of these privileges are brought to him by Elaine.

The Black Death is a horrific disease in the world 900 years later. In the fifteenth century, when medical technology was backward, the people who had the Black Death were almost equivalent to being sentenced to death, and the recovery rate was infinitely close to zero. Elaine is both unlucky and incomparable, and his blood contains hidden gold prescriptions for the death of the disease. As long as he has this antidote, his body is worthless.

The French aristocrats naturally did not know the secrets of Elaine's blood. They only thought that Elaine's "genius mind" could cure the death disease and was the savior of all. And Mr. Cole took a fancy to its infinitely huge business opportunities, using his "foster child" Elaine to take the position.

As long as he holds Elaine's "Ace" in his hand, the French aristocrats will give him endless privileges. Of course, all this is not something that Arthur needs to care about. There is only one thing he wants.

"I will go straight to the point, Mr. Cole." Arthur said: "No matter how much it costs, I have to meet with Charles VII. Can you arrange for me?"


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