Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2728: Shadow Lord (1)

Chapter 2728 Shadow Lord

Arthur opened his eyes and found that the sky was already bright. Something around him made a low-pitched grunt, and the Cavaliers turned to look at it. It turned out that he had leaned on the shoulder of the white wolf of Bedyville. But now Beddyville is also sleeping well, is screaming, even taking Arthur's backpack as a pillow, while sleeping on his side, subconsciously biting the shoulder **** Arthur's backpack, leaving a large saliva on it. trace.

"You guy!" Arthur twisted Bettiville's ear and woke him up: "What happened to the guard? Isn't it going to be unguarded all night, let the boat of the Holy See pass from here?"

"No, I am giving him a substitute." Beyuleta sat flat on the edge of the cliff. "It has been confirmed that there was no boat passing through the nearby waters all night. The battle last night was all, you The Roman navy was miserable."

"Hopefully." The Cavaliers pushed Bradyville's dog's head and took his backpack back, but the shoulder strap had been bitten by Badiville's sharp teeth, and it was hard to pull the backpack. Sliding out and falling to the ground.

"You are so clumsy." Bayuetta sneered with sarcasm, and then she just saw a thing that was slipped to her side and wrapped in cloth. There is a metallic sheen that shines in the sun.

"Well?" The witch curiously reached out and touched. Just touching the fabric, Arthur exclaimed: "Be careful! Don't touch anything!"

The Cavaliers rushed forward to recapture the thing, but the fabric that wrapped the thing also slipped down, and a strange metal book was reflected in the eyes of Beyuleta.

"this is......?"

"The book of taboos from the abyss," Arthur carefully wrapped the book back in a cloth: "People who touch it will fall into madness. It just wanted to trick you into touching the book. It’s dangerous, really I can't relax in a moment."

"Abyss banned books? No, it's black magic." Beyuleta showed a scornful look: "You actually run around with this dangerous thing, you are also a black magician?"

Arthur frowned. "This thing can't be lost. Once I agree with me, I will follow me. Why do you think this is a black magic book, where have you seen it before?"

"Of course I have seen it." The girl shrugged. "I didn't mention the big Master who betrayed the ivory tower last night? He has been holding this kind of metal book with a strange cover and running everywhere, and never Let others touch the book. A long time ago, the ivory tower had similar rumors that Fernandez was a Necromancer and an evil black magician, and that book recorded the secrets of the Black Magic."

"...interesting." Arthur's look suddenly became serious.

So big. Master Fernandez has another "Abyss Magic".

Arthur has two magicians on his hand. Among them, "Abyssal Code: Dimensions" is a book that describes enchantment technology. Arthur learned a lot from using enchanting techniques, including. And what he understands from the book is actually the "deep basic principle" of enchantment technology. As long as you know the basic principles, you can extend from the enchantment of other weapons and learn to use the enlightened enchantment, which is learned through the contact of weapons. The Abyss Magic is such a powerful magic prop that gives people more than just a single intelligence.

Another magical book in Arthur's hand is Abyssalcode: Words, but Arthur has not paid for this book, so I can't get it in the book for the time being, just get the book. Only. From the previous owner of "Phantom Mantra", this book should describe the skills of manipulating the dead. The last owner of the book attacked Arthur and his entourage by manipulating something called "swamp grievance", and it was manipulated extremely skillfully, apparently using the knowledge in the book.

Arthur didn't know that the "Abyss Magic" in Fernandez's hand was specifically about what intelligence, but he can be sure that it is not a dead spirit, because the abyss is waiting for Mobius and Mai, it is impossible to describe the same wisdom. In two different magic codes.

Since Fernandez’s "Deep Abyss" is not a book related to Necromancer, what is it? Beyuleta said that Fernandez is a "dead warlock". Is it something that has been misunderstood?

Arthur put the shoulder strap of the backpack off the knot, so I will temporarily handle it and continue to use it. And he glanced at Biddiville.

"Wang?" The white wolf pretended not to know the head. The Cavaliers almost wanted to put this stupid wolf down the cliff.

"There are fried eggs for breakfast!" When the guards on the cliff returned to the camp, the father and son had already made breakfast. Where did Johnny find the eggs of some birds, so he was on the metal plate he prepared, using the heat of the campfire, and putting the olive oil to fry. The seductive aroma of the fried egg floated around the island.

"You are such a gourmet." Arthur smiled bitterly, took the omelette and ate it with the boiled hot water. It should be the bird's egg of a sea Swallow or a seagull. These birds are very common on this island, but they build their nests on the cliffs of the sea, which is very difficult to reach for ordinary people. But with the help of Johnny Zuster, it is easy to get this nutritious high-quality ingredients.

"How, delicious, Master Aslan?" Joey Zuster asked with expectation: "This is what I got back!"

"Are you taking it? Are you afraid of being hurt?" Arthur ate the omelet in one bite, the omelet was seasoned just fine, and the sweetness of the yolk echoed in the mouth.

"Not afraid. This is one of the trainings of the vampire hunter." Joey said: "If the action is not agile, even if you climb a cliff, you can't do it well. It will be difficult to survive in the vampire's territory."

The reason seems to be the truth.

"Dad, do you still have to run morning exercises today?" Joey asked again. "It seems that I am going to board the ship soon?"

"Today, even if you can't delay the formation of the adults of Aslan." Johnny replied: "As an alternative, you have to run thirty times on the deck of the ship."

"Okay." Joey nodded.

"So, Master Aslan," the vampire hunter Han Han packed up the camp: "I am going to the boat to prepare it so that we can leave at any time."

"Okay." The Cavaliers nodded and watched the big man go.

"Don't look like Dad, he is actually anxious." When his father walked away, Joey said: "Grandpa was training other young vampire hunters in the Corsica base that was attacked by the Black Death. As a result, the base of the Brotherhood was destroyed. The trainee’s death and injury exceeded 30, and his grandfather’s whereabouts were unknown, and his life and death were not clear.

"Is Mr. Old Zuster missing?" Arthur couldn't help but blink: "Is Father 60 years old? Isn't this dangerous?"

"Yes. And we can't find Grandpa in Corsica." Joey said: "According to speculation, he should have been forcibly taken away from Corsica. But there is no other point. clue."

Johansson Zuster was the first vampire hunter to know when Arthur came to this different world. He was still a strong man at the time, and his skills in hunting were superb. He and Arthur hunted the seventh true ancestor Van Demian. But the years are not forgiving, spanning a dozen years, everything is already human. Older Zoster, who is in his fifties, should no longer be suitable for fighting. Arthur even wondered if the old man could wave the heavy silver whip for hunting vampires. The physical strength of the old man is not good, and it is possible that he may have been infected with the Black Death. He may even be kidnapped by anyone. It is really worrying.

"Johnny is also seeing the outside, actually not telling me about this kind of thing." Arthur complained.

"Dad said that Master Yaslan has a mission, and should not be disturbed by such trivial matters. He did not say anything." Joey shook his head. "And Grandpa is probably too fierce."

"So you just gave up searching?"

Joey bitterly said: "Well... this is the fate of the retired vampire. Even the father, now also provoked a lot of enemies, often chased by various demons and vampires. Can not fight at an age The vampire hunters are basically unable to get a good end, and we are used to it."

"Then you have worked very hard." Arthur went to the ship and took out the nautical chart.

The nautical chart has an x-mark on the island of Elba, and judging from the arrival of the fleet that was encountered last night, the church must have a "station" on the island of Elba, allowing the Roman Navy to stop on the island. If you let the ship sail to Elba Island, you may encounter more warships and a big battle. Arthur had intended to bypass Elba Island and go directly to the port city of Funonika. But he thought about it and decided to let the ship sail directly to Elba Island.

"There is nothing to do with this?" On the ship, Verne is discussing something with Beuretta. Verne's neatly arranged on both sides of the deck of the sailboat seemed to be on alert.

"Yes, it's better to arrange it like this. You can fire directly when you encounter an attack." Beyuleta said: "And the Legion Golem does not consume magic when it is not moving, but can extract magic from the surrounding environment. To restore itself, the magic recovery speed is better than storing it in the ring."

"What is the magic power that the big sister said, I don't understand it very well... These golems are not all perpetual motion machines." Verne said with a sigh of relief.

"There is no perpetual motion in this world." The witch replied: "Even if you can't use the big magic."

Arthur shook his head, not quite like the discussion of the two men, but he summoned and asked Beyuleta: "That is to say, I can also arrange under the cabin to prepare for paddles, as long as they are not Will there be magical consumption when paddling?"

"Yes," the witch replied.

"Today is a good weather with beautiful winds and winds. The wind is just right. Let's sail with the sails. Captain is an adult." Johnny Zuster joked and said, put the anchor away.

"Very good. Boating!"

"Shipping!" The vampire hunter, Dahan, drank and raised the sail.

On the wind, the white sail ship that was collected from the Holy See slowly sailed eastward and marched in the direction of Rome. The next stop was the "station" on Elba Island, and the intuition told Arthur that there was a big battle waiting for him.


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