Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2746: Shadow Lord (19)

Chapter 2746 Shadow Lord

After a few seconds, the supergravity imposed on Arthur gradually disappeared, and he felt a little relaxed.

Arthur naturally did not relax, lifted the sword and looked into the deep pit, and decided that if Hanwack was not dead, he would put a few swords on the guy's head. However, he did not need to do so. Hanwack was lying in the deep pit and had already passed through the blood. His face was both laughing and distorted, and his death was terrifying.

** Directly putting people to "smile at death" may be the first in history.

** is a suffocating gas, but Hanwack is not completely suffocating and dying. He is in a hypergravity environment, in the case of a high degree of suffocation, the heart is overloaded and frantically in order to maintain sufficient oxygen delivery, and finally the whole body blood vessels burst and die. The guy said that he would be short-lived because of the power of evil spirits. It seems to make sense. After the possession of the evil spirits, it is equal to the overtaking of the human body, which doubles the burden on the human body. In a high-gravity environment, this burden will be further exacerbated. Arthur spit again. The internal organs are a little damaged, but the injury is not serious. Probably because the duration of the super-gravity was not long.

Arthur didn't think much about wearing the sacred angel's sword and wearing the head of the Knights of Hanwack. After ensuring nothing, he climbed up from the ground and turned to look at his companions: "Are you alright?"

"Oh... I have to vomit..." Johnny Zuster snorted and said, "What the **** is that?"

The people behind Arthur didn't actually get hurt, the most hurt is Arthur. Before the death of Hanwack, the extreme supergravity of nearly 20g was launched. It is estimated that the impact range is small and can only affect Arthur within the distance. Actually, I worried about my companions. Arthur just thought too much.

He sighed.

Beyuleta came over and looked at the deep pit, as well as the knight of Hankak, who was dead in the pit.

"How did you kill him?" she asked curiously.

"The alchemy changed the structure of the ground and let him fall in." The Cavaliers tried to explain in a language that people of this era could understand: "Then release the poison in the pit and let him suck."

"The one who just made him laugh?"

"Well. There is still a lot of poison in the pit. It's better not to get close to it," Arthur said. Now that the super-gravity has been lifted, but the poisonous gas that is heavier than the air must have not been dispersed in the pit, it is still very dangerous.

"Oh..." Verne grabbed his shoulder and walked back at this time: "The left shoulder hit and smashed, it hurts... Fortunately, it is not the one used for the aim."

At that speed, I flew out, but only one arm hit and dislocated. Arthur couldn't help but be surprised. Perhaps a strong enough protective cover was opened before landing to offset some of the impact.

Johnny went over: "Nothing, so ------"

"Wow, ah, ah!" Verne yelled and then calmed down: "Well?... Should you have a good shoulder? Uncle is so powerful, actually knows how to treat dislocation?"

"As a vampire hunter, this level of medical knowledge must be possessed." Johnny grinned: "But it's better to take off your shoulders in the short term, and put it on this triangle bandage."

The vampire hunter Dahan actually helped Verne to deal with the injury.

Arthur didn't have these two people and turned to look at the port towns in the distance. In the port, such a fierce battle, the city naturally has a lot of trouble. The battle actually lasted no more than twenty minutes, and the people in the city reacted slowly, and the guards should be coming soon.

"It seems that staying at the hotel tonight is impossible." Arthur sighed: "Go to the woods over there to hide."

"Don't be afraid of them searching for forest?" asked Old Zuster.

"My *** still has a lot left, pretending to be a mountain fire to scare them, it is completely enough." Arthur said: "Not to mention the fact that the dock is so big, firefighting is enough for them to have a headache, and there should be no spare power to search for the enemy. Alright."

Arthur said this only to distract everyone's attention. In fact, he had other ideas. He intended to turn the dead bodies on the dock into necromantic warriors, let the Necromancers wreak havoc in the port city, and fight with the coming guards. As long as the guards are guaranteed to be busy enough, their escape is not difficult.

The crowd ran in the direction of the forest. Arthur, who was in charge of the temple, picked up the remaining dozens of burnt blacks on the dock, but still a relatively complete body, crystallizing the guns with Necromancer and turning them into necromancers. He also fired a crystallized gun on the head of the Knights of Hanwack, turning the body of the knight into a dead spirit.

About twenty Necromancers wandered on the pier of the sky. Just to see this kind of scenery, the Guards who came to see what happened would be scared and their legs weakened. After the guards have been working hard to subdue these fierce and tenacious Necromancers, they have been unable to spare no effort to hunt down the invaders.

This tactic is mean and dirty, but effective. Arthur shrugged and sprinkled a lot of white phosphorus. Under the cover of the ***, he fled in the direction of the northern woods.

On June 7, 1431, the merchant ship arrived in Naples smoothly.

"I, I am leaving, uncle," Elaine said.

"You have to take care, Xiaorui." Captain Willardny hugged Elaine and said.

"Well, um..." Bai Fatzi replied, even though he didn't want to go to the Holy Land of the Vatican.

He walked slowly from the boat and his heart was full of embarrassment.

"Is Dr. Jorge?" The church's people have long been waiting at the dock to see that the dress should be a Pope's knight and several Holy Crosses.

"Yes, it is me." Elaine replied eagerly.

The leader of the Pope, who took the lead, said: "I am the knight of the second branch of the Pope's Knights, and Marcus of Mileto, who is responsible for escorting Dr. Jorge to the Holy Land of the Vatican."

"Amount, yes, there is work." Elaine said. How come up is the Cavaliers of the Pope's Knights, is Elaine so important?

He then looked at the Cavaliers. The handsome face of the Pope's team is young and promising. His eyes are shining with wise light, and maybe it is a veteran figure. He is very generous and decent, and he has plenty of rituals to prepare, obviously also popular inside the Knights. This person and the stupid and ugly Elaine happened to be a bipolar reversal, and what Elaine wanted, the other party got it. If it is not Elaine's special status, the other person's big man is probably too lazy to take care of him.

"In other words," Marcus asked temptedly: "I have received news that there should be an English nobleman with Dr. Joffrey. Is that noble person absent?"

"No, I don't know. I got off the boat in the middle and the middle." Elaine replied ambiguously.

"Okay. Just ask a word, don't care." Knight Marcus did not ask, and replied casually: "So let's go."

"Well, um..." Elaine nodded.

"So, it's time to say goodbye." Hanover, the team leader of the New Moon mercenary, said: "Our contract is only responsible for sending Dr. Jorge to Naples, and the rest of the matter is taken over by the church."

"Well... um, I took care of it..." Elaine said.

"Where. I always feel that we just watched the scenery along the way, and did not help anything." Hanover Road.

"It’s the best to be peaceful and safe." Elaine said, but he was wondering. There is nothing wrong with this seemingly safe, but how many dangers are in the dark.

The mercenary group walked in the direction of the ship, but a big man wearing a helmet and bandaged around him stayed beside Elaine.

"Is this not a mercenary group?" Marcus looked up and down the big man.

"This is my help, assistant, Ge... Goethe." Elaine replied: "Because I am immune to black and black deaths like me, I will stay with me and be an assistant." .... and bodyguards. Please go to the Holy Land and be sure to wear Goethe."

"Please advise." Goff said in a very hoarse and low voice, as if his vocal cords had been destroyed beyond recognition.

"This is a little different from saying good..." Knight Marcus led his chin and said: "Can you let this Goethe take off his helmet and show his face? You can't let suspicious people always This enters the Holy Land."

Sure enough, still not. Elaine couldn’t help but wonder.

"Don't be afraid to scare you." Goff didn't think much about taking off the iron bucket-like steel helmet, but it was still covered with a bandage. The face was disfigured quite thoroughly. Although Elaine had already treated the burn on his face with drugs, it still looks terrible today, even if only a small part of the flesh is exposed from under the bandage.

"Song, Goethe worked in the village where the Black Death was infected, was mistakenly burned by the big fire, and had not recovered..." Elaine compiled the road, although it was a good lie at first, he recited it. Still a little uncomfortable, I am afraid that it will be dismantled: "Total, in short, this is the case..."

"Where is it..." Seeing Goff's terrible ugly face, Marcus didn't go deep into it: "Charlie VII is naturally unable to simply send his most reusable physician to Rome. He Have his thoughts."

No, not. Elaine muttered in his heart.

"And no matter who your assistant is. Don't mess around in the Holy Land." The Knights of Marcus said: "Even if you are an honored person, angering the church will be severely punished."

... Is this giving him advice? Elaine could not help but wonder. But why is the captain of the imperial Pope's Knights giving him such advice kindly?

"In short, please go to the carriage. It will be hard to travel long distances." Marcus again said, opening the side door of the already prepared carriage and making a courtesy of Elaine getting on the bus.

Elaine was trapped in this world for ten years and was the first time he was treated like this big man. He was a little blushing when he got on the bus. In the past, even if the aristocrats were treated as doctors, people would always look at his albino patient with all sorts of strange eyes. The nobles probably knew that Elaine was only the adopted son of Jacques Kerr, but a "commodity". Even if there was a cure for the Black Death, the essence was a despicable and ugly civilian. Therefore, although the nobles pretended to be respectful, few people actually saw Elaine.

Even the King of France, Charles VII, did not think of Elaine as a "physician". After all, he only regarded him as a toy for venting desire. Now he asked Elaine to go to the Holy Land Vatican to cure the cardinal. It is nothing more than transferring the "toy" to people for greater benefit.

This is the point that even the dull Elaine understands. He was only used to being used, numb it all, or forced to numb. He gritted his teeth for ten years, not to make himself live better in this different world after nine hundred years. He just wants to end everything as soon as possible, and save the Queen of Greenville, so that Queen Greenway will save his Leopold.

Elaine thought that what others think of him does not matter at all. He is also used to being despised and discriminated against. Taking away the icing of the "Physician who can heal the Black Death", Elaine is essentially a fat, ugly and unremarkable civilian.

However, the Knight of Marcus... He feels completely different from those of the French aristocracy. From his words, his every move, Elaine can feel a sincere... sincere. Why do you have everything, a big man with a head and face, but you want to express this respect and sincerity to Elaine, a fat man who is nothing? Elaine couldn’t understand it. Maybe there are good people in the church. Are the church people not as bad as Arthur said?

Even if they know that the church is their enemy, can they really not live in peace with the church? Must kill you and die?

With great doubts and uneasiness, Elaine got on the carriage.

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