Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2780: City of Purgatory (21)

Chapter 2780 The City of Purgatory 21

"The cardinal." Arthur frowned.

All the clues are connected. The third true Zunet, who pretends to be a cardinal lurking in the church, secretly controls everything. The abandoned Skid Plattney’s Ark was discovered and used by the church people. The Ark is naturally unstable at any time, but this is what Nette wants. He looks forward to the church and France. The soldiers fought and lost both, and the **** sacrifice ceremony was carried out with the casualty to summon the demon king.

Even Elaine was deceived by the Cardinal to the Holy Land of the Vatican. Therefore, the cardinalist who is suffering from the Black Death needs to be treated is not really true. This guy is completely acting.

"The so-called [Eden species], it will not be that you give the pope?" Arthur took the opportunity to set the other side.

"There is no such thing as [Eden Garden], the tree species is just a special space like a temporary shelter." [The conspirators] Niet laughed and said: "The Pope wants [land] and let him have it. No matter what he does, the little [park] can't accommodate all human beings, but only a few people have self-consolation before the end of the world."

The Cavalier’s ear moved: "What do you mean?"

"Hamijiddon (a

Mageddo) - The so-called doomsday battle is coming soon. "The third true ancestors sneered:" That will be the last war between God and the devil, and you human beings sandwiched in the middle will inevitably be extinct. "

"Don't be kidding." Arthur deliberately set the other side: "How can that happen? The human civilization is still very good."

"Yes, you think it's very good." Niet laughed. "A few years later, this illusion will be dismantled. The world will become a scorched earth. But that is not something you need to care about - you will He died here, the stone saint Yaslan!"

The vampire forced the conversation to end, and then countless black shadows spurred from behind him as a rifle, hitting King Arthur, 15 yards away from the true ancestors.

This distance is about to start? Arthur doubtfully slipped away from the attack. However, he found that there was some kind of killing behind him, and he immediately rolled sideways at the end of the slide. Sure enough, another wave of shadow pikes stabbed the Cavaliers from the rear. Fortunately, he hid fast, the so-called shadow rifle brushed from his feet, but did not hurt Arthur's points.

This is unusual. Something emerged from the shadows, and the shadows were scattered throughout the bridge.

Probably, there is no place in the bridge where the sun shines. It is the "territory" of the third true ancestor. He can launch a shadow pike attack from these places where there is no light!

King Arthur, who was thinking about it, had just completed the side-avoidance movement, and immediately retraced and retreated several times in the back. His fighting intuition was as keen as usual, which saved his life. At the same time as he continually tumbling, there were countless shadow rifles in his feet. Every wave was missed by a click, but he was rolled over and he used his ingenious movements to fine-tune. After the continuous dodge, he had reached the window of the bridge. There was a daylight, and the shadow spears did not continue to attack Arthur from the ground.

Although it is temporarily safe, Arthur knows that it is not good to stay in the bridge. If he penetrates the window, he can actually escape from the bridge to the outer deck. The problem is that the Skid Plattney Ark is an ancient artifact-level ship. The window looks like glass. Actually, it uses a material that is hundreds of times stronger than glass. Without a strong destructive power, it cannot open that. "Window"!

"Ada, open the emergency exit of the bridge!" Arthur suddenly said.

Laksa! Not the window is open, but a hidden emergency exit on the wall next to the window is opened. Arthur jumped out and took off the bridge and landed on the outer deck.

Where the sun shines, the shadow attack of the third true ancestor does not seem to interfere. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. The magic is that he still has the temporary captain's authority to control some functions of the Ark. Arthur thought that the third true Zunet had already occupied the entire bridge in some way.

"Oh." A voice echoed in the entire ark: "So you thought it was safe to hide on the deck?"

A black gas began to emerge from the bridge, from the cabin, and even from the various gaps in the deck of the ark. They cover the daylight and begin to form some kind of shadow zone in the entire ship!

"Well!" Arthur was stunned to avoid the shadow spear from the shadow of one side, while constantly inspecting the surrounding environment, while dodging quickly and moving to the area where the sun still shines.

But the shadows around are getting more and more, the black smoke has no attacking power, but it spreads with amazing momentum. Their only role is to shading! And that shadow is probably the body of the third true Zunet. This guy has no entity, the body is hidden in the shadow, and he can launch a shadow spear on Arthur at any time according to his will! Arthur has been at least fifty yards from the bridge, and there are still shadow spears attacking him in the shadow of the side, which means that the body of the third true ancestor may be astonishingly large, even large enough to cover the entire Skid Plattney's Ark!

Isn't it a lot of trouble to go on like this? Arthur doesn't even know how to fight back to kill the opponent exactly (how to kill an infinite huge shadow?), and because of the spread of black fog, the shadow area on the ark is getting bigger and bigger, and it will definitely become everywhere. Surrounded by black fog, sneak attacks from all directions, even if Arthur's dodge ability is strong, will eventually be exhausted and assassinated!

"Ada, how long does it take to reach the designated destination?" Arthur asked." is scheduled to be half a unit of Earth time, or thirty minutes." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied.

"The lighting system on the deck is fully open. Don't worry about energy consumption!" Arthur said immediately.

Hey! Then the entire deck suddenly brightened.

The lighting of the Skid Plattney Ark is quite special. It does not have lighting equipment such as lamps, but the walls, floors and ceilings of the entire ark can shine. It seems that the luminescent material is mixed into the wall material at the time of construction. It only needs to apply specific instructions and energy to the wall material, and the walls, floors and ceilings will light themselves.

The deck, which was originally obscured by daylight and occupied by shadow power, suddenly became very bright. Because the floor itself glows in pieces, even Arthur’s own shadows are missing.

The attack of the third true ancestor stopped completely.

"Very good. It's so witty, the stone sage is Aslan." A foggy translucent black shadow emerged from a gap in the deck and turned into an unstable human form: "But you should also notice, even if I have no way to attack you, and you have no way to attack me. I am [shadow], I am [fog], I am [dark]. And you, there is no way to kill [shadow].

My dark fog has surrounded this ship, I will not let you escape from here. You are here watching the Skid Plattney’s Ark bursting, and then burying it with the sea! "

"It's hard to say." Arthur took out the sheath of the king and exalted.

lb! ! - [Breaking the Law], launch!

The golden light rushes from the sheath of the king and spreads toward the square. This is a powerful photon explosion that dispels all spell effects around.

Fear of the golden light around the black fog around the deck, it was dispelled and began to become thin.

"Not finished yet!!" Arthur extracted the original blade of the sacred angel's sword from the sheath of the king—that is, the silver blade without the front—he held it in his right hand.

lb! ! - [Breaking the Law], launch again!

The sacred angel sword is the artifact given to King Arthur by the mysterious old man. Its basic function is copied from the original king of Arthur, the sword of the king, and the sword of the king, so the sword of the king can make the slasher, the sword of the sacred angel The sheath (that is, the cut-off silver sword) can also be done, the function is similar!

More black fog was dispelled.

Pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds! ! [Broken], alternately launched continuously! The golden light of the sheath of the king and the milky white light of the scabbard of the holy sword are superimposed together and become the endless annihilation of the photon explosion!

The black fog was no match for this sacred power, was forced to the corner, was defeated, and then the outside sun also poured down, re-occupied the entire deck of the ark.

The Cavaliers have the opportunity to escape, but below is a vast ocean, the deck is at least a hundred feet from the sea. Jumping from this height, Arthur can smash the bones, even if there is a cushion of sea water. Even if he perfectly adjusts his posture into the water and uses sea water buffer to avoid falling to death, he is still very difficult to have a little life in the endless Mediterranean. He will only struggle in the water to exhaustion and then die.


Arthur rushed out without thinking, and a flipped air flew away from the gap of the black fog. In midair, he summoned [the Legion - the Winged Angel] and let the four business card winged angel knights open their wings and drag him. gliding! He slipped out of the gossies and shouted before completely away from the ark: "Ada, let the power stove overtake!"

"Follow, the temporary captain is an adult." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied, and finally added: "It is my pleasure to serve you to the last moment."

啪滋! ! - Arthur flew out, the ark behind him was steaming, and the whole boat began to glow! The hadron fusion power stove of Skid Plattney’s Ark was originally out of control, letting it completely out of control and breaking through the critical point of the explosion, just an instant!

The ark suddenly slammed into the sea at a very high speed (it should be Ada's arbitrariness), and then the light and heat it emitted reached the limit at the same time -

The rumble of the rumble! ! ——With the deafening bang, Skid Plattney’s Ark smashed in the Mediterranean sea, raising a huge mushroom cloud, followed by huge waves!

Four business card wing angel knights like the arm ring buckle, protect the King Arthur in it, and use their sturdy Mithril alloy wings to form a heavy protective shell to protect the safety of the Cavaliers! This solid structure was swallowed up by the rushing waves and was swept into the sea!

"Well!" A lot of seawater poured in and beat Arthur's head. Shock and suffocation made him gradually lose consciousness.

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