Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2808: Nightingale Aria (21)

Chapter 2808 Nightingale Aria 21

"Call, don't worry about it." Gusta grabbed Mutter's hand, not convinced -


Sure enough, the flashing silver scorpion hit the bottom of the iron ride, but it was bounced again!

The bottom of the iron ride has an extremely strong armor plate, which is not a structure that a small monster can easily hit, even if the little monster is a so-called Eudemons.

Speed ​​is power, but equally, under high-speed impact, quality is also power. The smaller the mass, the harder it is to cause enough damage.

The iron ride was originally used as a small anti-gravity airship for air warfare. It is the chassis that is most vulnerable to attack in the air. The designers of the Iron Rider naturally considered this issue from the beginning, focusing on strengthening the construction of the site.

The armor plate at the bottom of the iron ride can be closed at any time to protect the photon mirror. The photon mirror itself is also an extremely sturdy construction. It energizes and reflects photons, and it is equivalent to attaching a layer of reinforced enchantment to the mirror surface, which is equivalent to the armor itself. None of these is the penetration and destructive power of the silver scorpion!

"So there is no dead corner?" While a little relieved, Mutter also thought twice. Anyway, he couldn't think of any dead ends.

The flashing silver locust can indeed attack the body's jetting device from the rear of the iron ride, weakening the power of the iron rider. But now the iron ride hovering in midair is fine even if it doesn't move, and the spray device can be repaired again. And Mutter is a bit skeptical about whether the attacking power of the silver scorpion can penetrate such a heavy metal. It bullies the creatures that are wrapped in the skin, so it is quite weak when faced with machinery and metal!

The defense that the two formed there was almost a golden wall, and the fierceness of the silvery silver can not be started. Since there is no way to start, then -

The monster changed the target of the attack and suddenly flew in the direction of Lviv!

"Not good! It is going to attack Nina them!!" Mutter exclaimed with a loud voice.

"Don't want to escape!" Gusta took a deep breath: "Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!"

A tiger cub rang through the sky above Lviv.

That is the ability of the Tiger Man Hangusta, a practical application of the [fourth miracle - Kama creation]. While he is trembled, he also greatly enhances his sense of existence (Kama), so that people around him cannot ignore his existence.

As a result, the entire Lviv, whether it is a hunter or a World of Warcraft, turned their heads and looked at the tigers in the air. Their sights were forcibly moved by some force majeure, and they had to be seen even if they didn't want to see them.

Silver Spider is no exception. It’s ugly, it’s no match for attacking the iron ride. It was originally intended to convert the target to attack Nina and Castro on the top of the central sanctuary, but did not expect that the track of his attack was distorted, and it made a great arc. After turning around, I became straight and slammed into Gusta!

The tiger man Han Xi loved to hold up the red moon steel hands and shields, and the past, the impact of the shield and the silver-silver cornice coincide. The Eudemons was hit again.

"Are, ah, ah, noisy, my ears are going to be smashed!" Mutt slammed his ears and complained. It is good to let the silver scorpion change the target of the attack, but it is not a joke to be smashed by Gusta at a close distance. Mutter feels that his eardrum is fast wearing.

"Sorry." Gustad handed two earplugs to the cat and the boy: "First, let's put it on."

"What about Mr. Gusta?" asked the cat boy.

"I have worn earplugs." The tiger man replied: "This is a special earplug that selectively absorbs sudden high-frequency noise without affecting everyday conversation."

Produced by the Institute of Chemical Industry under the Sphinx Foundation. When Mutter put the earplugs on, he added a sentence to his brain.

However, the silver scorpion did not give up, but it was just changed and the orbit changed and tried to get close to the central sanctuary of Lviv.

"Is that guy really just a Warcraft?" Even Gusta can't help but ask such questions.

The silver scorpion just tried to attack the chassis of the iron ride (although it didn't succeed), proving that it knew about the iron ride, and even knew the structure of the iron ride. Now it sees that attacking Mutter and Gusta is completely ineffective, and immediately changes the goal, and it is unbelievable. From these perspectives, this Eudemons probably has the intelligence that is comparable to humans, not simply the Eudemons or Warcraft.

"Hey!!" After Mutter brought the earplugs, the tiger man snorted again and used the trenches to attract the flashing silver scorpion. The monster seemed reluctant to try to change the attack track in midair, so its flight path was no longer straight, but rather crooked, and the speed was also drastically reduced. Boom! It once again hit the Gusto's Red Moon Steel's two-handed shield and was hit. But this time it was wiped from the side of the big shield. If Gusta deliberately put the big shield on top to let it hit, the silver scorpion might have "hidden" the blow.

The Eudemons began to deliberately avoid Gusta's shield. It hits the big shield but can't hit it, and it is estimated to cause a certain degree of damage to its body. When the collision is unavoidable, it continually distort the track of the impact to slow it down, while also making the track distorted, making the collision less positive.

Mutter sees this in his eyes. This may be available.

"Mr. Gusta, how many times can you use your trenches?" asked the cat boy.

"It's a bit tight," the tiger's throat has become hoarse: "It's probably about three times. I hope I can decide the outcome before the three trenches are used up."

Gusta uses the [fourth miracle] at a price, and his vocal cords are constantly damaged. And even if you don't use the fourth miracle to force the attention of the silver scorpion, the tiger man is only to the extent of the trench, the vocal cords will be damaged.

Considering that he still has to participate in the finals of the Super Bowl tomorrow morning, he can no longer consume the vocal cords too much tonight. If you really lose your voice, tomorrow's game will be very bad.

"Understood. This way--" The cat-man teenager smashed a few words into the ears of the tiger man.

"Well, I will try." Gusta replied.

When the two were ready, they immediately acted. When the Eudemons wanted to change the orbital attack on Lviv, Gusta once again used the trenches to attract the enemy.

As before, the monster's attack track is twisted, and it is obviously unwilling to slam into Gusta. But once it moves, it can't stop, or it has attacked here!

Boom! The flashing silver scorpion hit the right side of the Gusta's two-handed shield and hit a side ball to minimize the damage received during the impact!

But its speed has also slowed down a lot, and Mute took the opportunity to shoot from one side, and pointed the sword with a crystal sword!

Brush it! There is a very slight feel of rubbing something! But the silver scorpion is still slipping away!

"Failed?" Gusta's voice gradually hoarse.

"No," said the Cat Man: "Even if you gently rub it, it will work."

The silver scorpion slipped away, but its speed dropped significantly, and its volume seemed to have grown larger, from a slender silver light to a slightly larger silver light.

The crystal thorn sword has the ability to crystallize the touched object. As Mutter said, the blade body has an effect even if it is slightly rubbed. Although so far, Mutter can't see what the Eudemons looks like in the end, but Mutter can be sure that he touched the flashing silver scorpion of the crystal sword, the body is gradually crystallizing, there is crystallized from it. The slippery body slowly grows out!

"Come once again, please!" Cats and boys.

The flying speed of the silver locust has been significantly affected by the crystallization of the body. Once again, I can solve the monster.

Gusta opened the power of the iron helmet to the maximum. The speed of the silver scorpion has dropped, and the volume has increased. The protective cover of the iron rider can slow down the speed of the phantom beast!

"Hey!!" Gusta braved the risk of tearing his throat and once again issued a trench, forcing the Eudemons to fly into the silver. The monster was hitting straight this time, and it seems that he did not intend to use any fancy means to slow down. Because of the speed reduction, it has already eaten Mouth's loss.

However, its speed is still slowed down by crystallization. It hit the edge of the red moon steel two-handed shield, giving out the smashing "squeaky" sound, and Mutter also shot at the same time, and then stroked the monster - still just gently wiped!

Hey! The silver scorpion quickly slid away from the blade of the crystal thorn sword, and Mutter only saw some fragmentary crystal fines in midair.

The crystal of the monster fell when it hit. Although it has fallen a part, it touches the crystal thorn sword, and it will inevitably grow more crystals. Mutter can assert that the silver squid is constantly being damaged! Its flight speed has dropped again, and once again, you can sentence the death of the monster!

"唔" Gusta made a low voice, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth. His throat is already on the critical line of collapse.

"I am sorry." Mutter whispered: "Let's stick to it, Mr. Gusta."

Gusta took a deep breath. Just inhaling will make your throat feel stinging. If he is replaced by someone else, he will not be so obedient. Who is calling him to be Mutter?

"Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah!!--" He sighed and snorted.

Once again, the trenches forcedly attracted the silver bullets. The Eudemons is also tired of this trick, not only did not try to slow down, but even rushed to Gusta at full speed to solve this annoying big tiger. It hits the shield with full force, causing a strong impact!

folder! - At that moment, Gusta, with both shields, suddenly changed the angle of force, and directly exerted force from both sides, using the red moon steel hands and shields at the time, trying to clamp the opponent! Mutter can even hear the sound of another crystal being crushed through the body of Gusta!

哧 !! But at that moment, the flashing silver cockroach slipped out of the cracks in the shield! A small, probably only a thick worm suddenly opened the **** mouth, fiercely biting Gusta's right eye! This monster actually peels off! In the past, I was flying in a smooth shell with silver light. Under that shell, this is the true face of the silver scorpion!

"Dead!! -" Mutt has already seen this opportunity. The crystal thorn sword has been swept from Gusta's cheek, and the sharp tip of the sword has been poked into the bug!

The stab sword instantly penetrates into the depths of the monster's throat, deepens along its esophagus, has been pierced from the tail of the bug, and runs through the entire body!


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