Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2811: Nightingale aria (24)

Chapter 2811 Nightingale aria twenty-four

After "Call" and other women ran away, Albert refused [Shen Yin] and took a breath.

Although they have cheated those people for the time being, it seems that Mott is in a trap, and those guys will probably catch Mutter in desperation.

Must inform Mutter before this, let him find an opportunity to escape.

Albert tried his best to climb the bed of thorns, but the thorns began to pierce his flesh, making him poisoned deeper and more ramie.

The pain is clearly the sting of the whole body, the pain of deep bone marrow, but accompanied by inexplicable nettle. The feeling is like the whole body began to petrify, the outer layer is obviously stiff, and the internal flesh and blood is stunned by an indescribable but ubiquitous tingling sensation.

Because the muscles are stabbed, there is no way to force it. But barely using a weak force to pour yourself to the side, you can still do it.

(Mult waits for me)

When he thought that the child might be in danger, he would -

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!" The tiger clenched his teeth and continued to gently move his body, then -

Boom! He turned from the edge of the bed of thorns to the ground. The face touched the ground and the nose hit the hard rock, which was super painful.

There was a **** smell coming out of his nose. He knew that his tiger's nose was bleeding and even spread out on the floor. He couldn't breathe with his nose, he could only breathe in a big mouth. Some of the thorns are still wrapped around his body, and there is no way to completely break it. He can only keep this just lying on the ground, waiting for the physical strength to recover.

(Okay, protect you -)

At this time, it was Luf’s figure that always appeared in his mind. Or it should be the figure of Luf and Mutter.

I have vowed to guard, but I can’t guard it;

Now I have vowed to guard, but I am about to fail.

No matter which one, it will definitely be the regret of his life -

Can't continue like this!

Once again, the tiger stripes of Albert's body began to glow in ice blue.

Once again, he entered the state of [extraordinary sanctification] and maintained a deep connection with [the outside of the string].

Then, the Holy Spirit White Tiger gradually emerged from behind Albert.

I couldn't summon the Holy Spirit White Tiger before, and it really was the thorns. Now out of the shackles of most scarlet thorns, Albert finally summoned the Holy Spirit White Tiger, although its power seems to be limited.

It's ok. As long as you can summon the Holy Spirit White Tiger, the size of the power is not the problem.

Albert let the white tiger of the Holy Spirit lie behind him, leaning down on him like a hug.

Then slowly, Albert's arm was able to move slightly.

Albert believes that the toxin of the scarlet thorn is a neurotoxin that blocks Albert's body nerves and allows the outside world to pass through the nerves to the tiger's young brain. There is also no way for the motor signal to be transmitted to every part of his body through the nervous system. Because of the obstacles in the nervous system, the body will be numb, not listening, and finally unable to move.

But if you skip the nerve conduction step, use other methods to control the body?

Albert climbed slowly.

"Other methods" exist from the very beginning, that is, using photons to control this body. More specifically, the control of the body is given to the Holy Spirit White Tiger, and the Holy Spirit White Tiger controls Albert's body to act.

Now Albert is not an ordinary creature, he is in a semi-biological semi-spirit state. The blood flowing in his body carries a high concentration of photons, a liquid called "spirit", which is somewhat similar to the structure of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit White Tiger is a spirit completely controlled by him, and even a part of his body. He can control the actions of the Holy Spirit White Tiger like a cockroach. Conversely, it is equally feasible to let the Holy Spirit White Tiger manipulate the actions of Albert's body. As long as he has this idea, he can let his white tiger, who is in a completely leaned state, control his hand, so that he can skip his own nervous system and let the body move itself.

This is the so-called [Holy Spirit possession]. He had heard that a round-table knight wore the Holy Spirit on his armor, or changed the Holy Spirit into a weapon to wave. It is also necessary to attach the Holy Spirit directly to oneself and control your own actions. This kind of operation should also exist.

Albert tried to move his arm.

The arm is still in the state of ramie, and the arm is almost inactive. But it did move, and it didn't make much difference with Albert's usual movement of his arm. The toxin of the scarlet thorn seems to only affect the nervous system, and does not affect the muscle itself, so his arm does not become sluggish when moving, nor does it have side effects such as convulsions, soreness and weakness due to toxins.

Albert carefully carefully removed the remaining thorns and let himself detach from the **** of the scarlet thorns. There is nothing that can trap him. Then, as long as the toxins in the body are completely decomposed, the ramie will completely disappear, and Albert will completely take back control of the body.

before that--

"Mutter" Albert whispered, a little clumsy out of the room, trying to rush to where the cat boy was.

But when he just walked out of the room and looked at it, he was dumbfounded. What is this in the end?

Whether it's in the hallway or on the ceiling, everything around it is covered with scarlet thorns. The interior of the repressed stone building adds a lot of thorns, like the belly of a monster, and the atmosphere becomes even more scary. Is this really somewhere in the central sanctuary of Lviv? Albert can't help but doubt. Shouldn't he be moved to another place when he was poisoned and fainted?

It makes sense that this is impossible. The Hunter Association's inner ghost has neither the ability nor the Yu Yu. In the siege of Warcraft, in the eyes of the public, Albert was transferred outside Lviv.

But if this is really somewhere in the central sanctuary, how can you explain the scarlet thorns everywhere? The Hunters Association can't allow this kind of thing, let the thorns of the wounded grow wild inside the Central Temple?

Unless, here is an unknown corner in the Central Temple, most people in the association do not know this place. In addition to those ghosts, there are no other people in and out of this area for a long time.

But is this kind of thing really possible? Who knows the structure of this building than the people in the association, and builds a secret base in a hidden area inside the building? I have been secretly using this secret area, which has never been known to other people in the association?

What are the ghosts in this group in the association? ?

Albert walked out cautiously, noticing that he did not step on the thorns. That is naturally impossible, after all, there are scarlet thorns on the floor. Fortunately, he is already numb with his body, and his feet will not hurt on the thorns. The damage on the foot can only be repaired later. He is more worried about the accumulation of toxins. If he has been stepping on the thorns and being eaten by the toxins of thorns, can the numbness of the body not be lifted all the time?

He does not intend to fight the enemy in this unfavorable state. He is now unarmed, his body is also inconvenient because of the anesthetic toxins, and he really wants to fight. He then used the lowest-key way to avoid the thorns on the ground as much as possible and walk slowly and silently. Although he also knows that Mutter may be in danger, he needs to go to rescue immediately. But now it’s useless to rush. If Albert is in danger, don’t mention saving others.

This thorn grows so thick. Albert was sulking in his heart. It should be influenced by some kind of surgery, and grow from a certain central point all the way. In this case, as long as the direction of the thorns is sparse, you will be able to leave this dangerous area away from the center of the thorns. If he thought of Albert, he walked toward the end of the corridor and thought it was the right direction.

However, he clearly walked in a certain direction, walking and walking, but found a **** footprint on the ground.

His footprints.

And the direction of this footprint is just the opposite of what he is going now!

The reason why he left a **** footprint is because he has been walking on the road full of thorns, even if he walks carefully, he will hurt the foot. Now his feet are estimated to be bloody, but the effect of anesthesia is hard.

The question is, why did he walk all the way to the corridor, walked around and walked back, and it was just the opposite of what he was going?

Albert took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and analyze. Did he have illusion? No, even if there is illusion, as long as he insists on going in the same direction of the corridor, this illusion cannot confuse him. And he did, but he still came back inexplicably.

If this is not an illusion, it is all true. But how do you do it – it’s like the space itself is distorted?

Albert suddenly woke up.

Yes, there is some kind of magic here that distorts the surrounding space. Albert is now in a subspace or a different space. This twisted space may be spherical, and as soon as it reaches the end of the inside of the sphere, it will wrap around from the other side.

Albert's Holy Spirit White Tiger is also the Holy Spirit that controls the subspace, and can create a similarly distorted space, trapping something in it. In fact, he used a similar move before [[Full Reflection], trapping the Queen of the Queen of the Scarlet Fluctuation in a spherical subspace, allowing the beams to shuttle back and forth in the same spherical subspace. But it will never leave, and finally concentrate all of this energy into a bundle and launch it. He relied on [Full Reflection] to defeat the Queen of the Insect, so he knew the principle.

This place is indeed the central sanctuary of Lviv. Here is a hidden corner of the Central Temple, and the inner ghosts use the space magic to subtly cover this area. The orcs can't use magic, and they don't know much about magic. They naturally don't realize what is happening here. Except for people who accidentally hit the hidden area, others may not know the existence of this area!

As long as it is [space], it will be easier.

"Little white." Albert called. The white tiger, who had been leaning on him, made a left arm, and Albert’s own left arm was unable to hang down. Because no white tiger was in control, his left arm returned to the state where the original ramie could not be used. .

"Destroy this space!" Albert Road.

The Holy Spirit White Tiger waved his left arm and tore a gap in the originally closed space.


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