Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2823: The Flame of the Flames (7)

Chapter 2823 Chapter of the Flames of the Flames

"You are... Lawrence?" Looking at the appearance of the young human on the screen, Albert would question and ask: "Why are you here?"

"Call me Eric." In order to distinguish him from his brother, Lawrence, Coach Lawrence seems to want others to call his name instead of his last name. "I am here to prevent you from dying. You open the door to truth." The key, how can you let you die?"

Albertra grew his face: "But you used to cover me, not by the group of magical ivory towers? Have you escaped?"

"Don't worry, I have reached a consensus with the people in the ivory tower. They also agree that it is good for you to participate in the [Great Hunting Festival] and will not hinder your actions. Isn't that true? The more you are in danger, The more you can exert the power from [the outside of the string]."

When he spoke, he stared at the glowing tiger on Elbert's body through the built-in camera on the side of Albert.

"That is [Lesford's Radiant Light], the excess light that is generated when the door to truth is opened. It is really interesting to transmit it from the lines in your body in this form." Eric said to himself.

But when they talked, the black coke giant would naturally not be idle. It attacked again, aiming at Albert's iron ride and kicking!

Boom! Albert still wanted to hide, but the enemy's flying kick was actually not hit. The iron-riding giant driven by Chris Eric was in front of Albert's iron-riding giant and blocked the shot with four special large red moon steel shields.

The performance of Hongyue Steel is naturally not to be underestimated, and it is understandable to block the kick of the black coke giant. But why is Eric's iron rider giant not affected by the impact of the opponent's attack, almost completely hovering in the air?

Albert looked curiously at Eric's iron rider. The four large red moon steel shields are not held by the iron giant, but suspended in midair, like four petal-shaped pieces of glass. They add up to twice the defensive area of ​​the Iron Giant, and it's a bit overkill for an Iron Rider to resist the attack. Although the Red Moon Steel Shield is suspended in midair, one end of them is actually connected by a metal wire rope. The other side of the long rope is accompanied by the iron backpack giant's back pack. It seems to have been through the skeleton of the Iron Giant. Connect to the cockpit of the iron ride.

Albert is not very clear about the ability of the strategist Eric, but he generally knows that Eric's ability is a kind of power to control the surrounding objects. The principle seems to be the same as [the second miracle ------ quality energy Create] related. Eric probably used the infinite kinetic energy of [Second Miracle] to drive those large red moon steel shields. If the kinetic energy is large enough, the shield suspended in midair can completely resolve all the impact of the opponent, and there is no reaction force on Eric's iron ride.

"It’s really uncultivated to interrupt when someone talks," said the adviser Eric, who told the black coke giant. His iron ride from the backpack set up some kind of heavy artillery, firing two powerful light bombs, banging on the face of the black coke giant.

But naturally, the attack can't work at all. A powerful light bullet that falls on the body of an abyss is like scratching it.

"Oh... troublesome guy." Eric turned to Albert and said, "Look at you as if you are going to fall asleep, is there no problem? The spell is too much to cause [heartwithered) ]?"?"

"Heart... What?" Albert tried to read the blame, but bit his tongue.

"[Heart dry], the lingo used by the Master. It means that the spell is exhausted with mental energy, and the whole person is too sleepy to maintain a state of waking." Eric said: "You can still understand my words, it seems [ Hearts are not too serious. I have been using the remote monitor to secretly observe the battle between you and the giant since the beginning. And regardless of the petrochemical punishment, the common mages have already used four or five large spells. You are so sleepy that you have to fall down. You have used so many large spells, but you can still stay awake, it is a miracle. Is the power of [out of the string] the power to let you act beyond common sense?"

Albert shrugged.

Just then, the black coke giant attacked again. It saw that all the kicks had no effect on those shields, and instead made a punch and attacked with the lava rain that was shot on the body. However, the Red Moon Steel Shield has no fear of the so-called lava, and it easily blocks the lava bomb rain and preserves the safety of the two iron riders behind the shield.

"In any case," the strategist Eric continued: "Now you can't continue your spelling with the [heart] state, or take a break to restore your spirit."

"Resting on the battlefield? Serious?" Albert screamed.

"I will be responsible for blocking all enemy attacks. You take the opportunity to recover your mental strength. Even if you can't fall asleep, meditate at least?"

"What kind of meditation... No." The tiger is hard to see.

"Teach you a quick way. Close your eyes and imagine a person's appearance. It's best to be the most important person for you. Just imagine that person looks good, don't want anything else, empty the distracting thoughts. That is meditation."

Albert still questioned: "...Is it really simple?"

"You should lie to me, try it." Eric once again used the Red Moon Steel Shield to block the opponent's attack. In fact, although the black coke giant's attack power is strong, Eric is fully defensive when black. The coke giant actually took the iron ride and could not help. Eric's Iron Rider giant has a few metal brackets from the back, stuck on Albert's iron ride, so that when his iron ride moves, Albert's iron ride will be moved together. It can be described as "the same boat".

"Just ------" Eric suddenly added.

"Just?" A drop of sweat appeared in Albert's forehead: "Don't always say half!"

"Just, don't think about those people you can't see again. It's just a sentimental feeling. It's best to think back to people you can see at any time." Coach Eric continued.

The reason seems to be the same, and Albert is not incomprehensible. But Eric suddenly said this, Albert is more concerned about this, this time he has the image of Chanel in his mind.

No. To get rid of distracting thoughts. The meditation training now is only to restore mental strength, isn't it?

Albert pulled the dagger from his thigh and applied a medical gel to the wound on his thigh to stop the bleeding of the wound. Then he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

There are actually a few people who care about it. If you can't think of Chanel as a goal, then you can only...

What came out of Albert’s mind was the face of the cat boy, Mutter.

(The child should have returned to Cairo with Mr. Gustad now. Should he be okay?)

(After the things tonight are over, I will go back to Cairo to find the child.)

(And then, apologize to the child, no.........thank you.)

After all, people are human beings, they all have seven emotions and six desires, and they have all kinds of ideas every moment. It is unrealistic to want a person who has not been trained in professional meditation to suddenly enter a state of meditation and abandon all distractions.

Although there is no way to dispel all distractions, it is still possible to follow a clue to consolidate the thoughts into a fixed "road". As soon as the head is opened, the thoughts that have been rushing in the four directions will move on the same road, and then people will enter a state of meditation.

The so-called "quick meditation" is such a thing.

For Albert now, what you have to do is not to get rid of all the distractions and let the thoughts go completely empty. You only need to put together the distractions, let most of your thoughts go empty, and the effect of meditation is enough to gradually restore your mental strength.

Moreover, in the corner he did not know, there are some unknown things happening in the central sanctuary of Lviv. At the time of Albert's deity meditation, the few of the avatars he had changed suddenly woke up.

The avatars look at each other as if they know what Albert is going to do. They also sit cross-legged and make a gesture of meditating. Every avatar has turned into more avatars, and the hall of the Central Temple soon sat full of 36 avatars. When all the avatars are ready, they suddenly go into deep sleep or meditate. They became translucent again and fell into an "invincible" state in which the outside world could not interfere.

The so-called rest is not only the body is still, but also enters the state of repairing damage. Resting is to let the brain completely dormant, let the normal thinking relax, pause, and optimize the process of memory reorganization. The dream that people make is the memory fragments produced when memory is optimized and recombined. Because the logic of the brain has been closed, people do not need to be rational when they dream, and all the behaviors in dreaming are not logical and arbitrary. Therefore, there is a "absolute self-reliance" that people pursue in their dreams, which is a state in which people can completely relax (except for nightmares).

Sleeping is a process of refueling if mental energy is used as a fuel. Albert's deity is meditating, and his avatars are replacing him to sleep and replenish his spirit. He has thirty-six avatars doing this. In theory, his mental strength recovers thirty-six times that of ordinary people. This is the real power of the avatar. It's not as simple to use a lot of avatars in combat to increase attack power and attack frequency. The avatar can also play a role in physical recovery. It can even be said that it is very inefficient to fight with the avatar, which will make the mental power run out at high speed; on the contrary, using the avatar to rest can allow the user to constantly replenish the mental power and finally reach the level of "unlimited life".

From the very beginning, Albert has mastered the technology that never sleeps and can always be full of spirits--------- he just doesn't know how to use it.


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