Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2840: Jian Yao of the Temple (12)

Chapter 2840 Sword Flare In The Temple Twelve

"Oh ~ that's the National Stadium Meow ~" Albert looked at the large circular building from afar and could recognize it as a kind of stadium at a glance.

However, the building itself is only large and looks a bit shabby, not like a large stadium that can represent a country.

"But why does it meow that it's worn out?" Albert asked.

"No money to repair," Moot replied lightly.

"Why? Egypt's National Stadium doesn't have the money to repair it?" The Tiger Man was puzzled.

"The last repair was five years ago. Originally, the state had allocated a budget to build a gymnasium, but the officials in charge of it all had their own pockets. A dozen billion budgets were all swallowed up, and then the money was rolled abroad. Didn't get it back. "Mute shook his head:" Later, it was still difficult to complete the repair with the donation of Father Sphinx. However, it looks like it is shabby now, and the successor must have taken the father again. Donations were stolen a lot. Really, every one of them regards Dad as a cash machine. "

Albert has also faintly heard that corruption within Egypt is very serious.

"So this gym is basically built with Dad's money." He.

"You can do this." Mutter swaggered towards the entrance to the stadium. Because they are now wearing Sphynx jerseys, the guards at the door did not stop them, allowing them to enter the stadium directly.

"Wow." After entering the stadium for a few glances, Albert discovered that the interior looked shabby than the outside. Many of the walls had cracks, and several of the wall paint on the corridor ceiling even came off. Looking pretty shabby. By comparison, the Sphynx Underground Arena in Cairo is simply too luxurious. Albert finally understood why Dad Sphinx had to build a stadium by himself instead of borrowing official Egyptian venues. Rather than smashing money into the hands of corrupt officials to keep them full, they might as well smash money to build a stadium for their own use and entertain themselves.

Albert glanced at Moot again, the cat-boy's face was sad, and it was obvious that he was remembering Father Sphinx.

"Daddy Sphinx donated two billion to them." Mutter whispered, "The group of **** things, even if one tenth of the two billion is taken out to repair the gym, it won't let them. It ’s in such a bad state. "

"But on the bright side--" Albert smiled bitterly: "Daddy Sphinx donated money to Egypt to sell favor. He also got a lot of privileges from it, not meow? For example, a casino operator license."

"What are you doing?" Mutter gave Albert a glance. "The privilege of operating the casino was not bought back by Sphinx's money. It was Leopold and the Prime Minister who bet and won. "

"Ha?" The Tiger Man youth was a little stunned.

"That was a long time ago. Before that, Dad was only doing business and running a hotel. There was no privilege to open the casino to Dad." Moot thought of his chin and thought: "I am not too detailed. Clearly, in short, Leopold made a gamble with the Prime Minister and several members of the parliament. Those ministers naturally lost the bet and owed Leo more than 20 billion. The operating license of the casino is used to settle the debt of."

"Isn't this a bit too funny?"

"Children's play? No. This country has always been this kind of virtue." Mutter shook his head with a smile: "Anyway, that is a group of officials who are not doing business. The license for children's play won from the children's play is used for This kind of child play is just right. "

"But it's really possible that Leopold can win. This sounds like a kind of gamble that can make a lot of money. If you lose, it must have a great impact on Father Sphinx."

"Leo has never lost a bet." But Moute said, "I have never seen that guy lose a gamble since a long time ago."

"How can this be meow," Albert hummed. Most of the gambling games are not probability games. Naturally, there are wins and losses.

"Really. As long as it is related to interests and considered to be a gambling matchup, he has never lost." Moot replied: "It has nothing to do with interest. Pure [sports] has seen him lose. Last year's International Bridge Championships, he only took second place. "

"That's great, too." Albert wanted to praise Leo. "Sure enough, it was because he was smart enough to use good cards on his hands-"

"No. You don't understand. Leo's gambling is beyond ordinary people, it's like cheating. Others may need to use various tricks to make a thousand, maybe they need to use strategy to win, but the guy even There is no need to play the game and use your brain. Sit honestly at the gambling table and an invincible good hand will be automatically delivered to him. "

"This is not just superstition."

"You haven't experienced it yourself, you won't understand it." Mutter muttered, and didn't want to discuss with Albert: "It doesn't matter anyway. No one is allowed. Today's game will be over and over Will you see Leopold again? "

"Hey, don't kill someone without permission." A voice interrupted.

"Um--" Albert turned to look at the source of that voice: "Oh, it's you, Mr. Leopold."

"[Mr.] is superfluous." The golden lion Leopold at the end of the corridor was waving to Albert and Mutter. He looks spirited, or is pretending to be spirited. There is a faint black circle on the corner of the Lion Man's eyes, which is the kind of unknown smell unique to the dying and dying man.

There he deliberately pretended to be trembling, but it made people particularly distressed.

Albert smirked smirkly. He used to say a few hellos to Leopold, and immediately pulled Mut: "Where's the Sphinx lounge? I've only benefited from this morning. Wolfe rushed back and was too sleepy to find a place to snore. It would be better if there was a place to take a shower. "

"Of course, at the end of the corridor over there. The door says that all the Sphinx lounge rooms can be used." Leo said: "Although the old stadium is a bit worn, the sound insulation of the walls is very good. Nothing inside will be heard outside. "

He also glanced at Mut at this time. Presumably Mut and Albert are already "that" relationship.

"Ah ha ha ha ha you think too much" The catman boy blushed and smiled embarrassedly, and walked along with Albert.

When the two broke into the lounge room, the wall clock on the wall indicated that it was now 7.20 am. And the surrounding decoration is as old as Albert's imagination, it is quite clean.

"Shime, ghost, the wall clock is bad, and time is half an hour slow." Albert said, "Isn't it that the South African team secretly moved their hands and feet, hoping we were oversleeping and late?"

"Don't worry about them." Mute took out a small clock and put it on a small cabinet near the sofa, and even set an alarm clock: "There is a dressing room and a bathroom over there. If you want to take a shower, go quickly. Let me clean . "

"That meow--" Albert did feel a little itchy, and he wanted to take a bath and refresh himself before going to bed. He walked in the direction and took off his coat as he walked.

"Oh, yes," what he thought of, stopped and turned back: "Can you please help me prepare the protective gear meow? It will be the finals soon, and the protective gear should be checked carefully."

"Yes, you can rest assured that you are going to take a bath," Moot replied.

"Hey." Albert grinned shamelessly, Baa throwing his responsibility on others, and walked into the shower with a grin.

Mutter took Albert's protective gear from the sports bag and began to wipe the dirt on the breastplate with a dry cloth.

Most of the protective gear is made of alloy and carbon fiber. In order to maintain lightness and sufficient toughness, this is the best protective gear that can be obtained at the current technical level. Athletes usually wear protective gear, and it is easy to leave sweat and grease on it (especially between the gaps). If these things are not properly removed, it may be very uncomfortable to wear protective gear on the body.

Maintaining and cleaning the armor should be something that the athletes do by themselves. This is the same as washing your own underwear, and it feels embarrassing for others to help clean it. But Albert didn't mind at all, and Mutter didn't feel sick, and helped Albert clean up the protective gear without complaining there. He has also been helping Elbert to protect his protective gear, after all, this is his responsibility. At that time, he didn't feel any sense of doing this, but something happened recently that changed his mind and started to feel differently when he did the same thing.

The smell of Albert sweat was faintly revealed from Albert's protective gear, which was mixed with the metallic atmosphere of the protective gear. That was the breath of steel and blood and sweat. The scent, which was not fragrant or stinky, faintly drifted into Mute's nasal cavity, making the cat-boy teenager a little restless.

"Well," Mutter glanced nervously in the direction of the bathroom, confirming that Albert was still in the shower, and immediately pressed his lower body's excitement nervously. He blushed, pretending to clean up Albert's protective gear casually. That excitement can't be eliminated in a moment and a half, and Mote only hopes that this trouble will stop before the game starts.

This may also be a kind of torment, which belongs only to his sin and punishment. He chose this path himself, knowing that there would be no results, but he just wanted to keep going.

"Is it really good to go on like this?" Mr. Gusta's words kept echoing in Mutter's mind. However, the question of the Tiger Man cannot give him the answer, it will only make him more confused and painful.

Moot sighed and glanced towards the bathroom. After reconfirming that Albert would not come out of the bathroom any time soon, he reached out his hand silently and leaned down. He couldn't help cursing himself, thinking he was a wicked little villain. However, his instinct prevented him from stopping.

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