Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2844: Jian Yao of the Temple (16)

Chapter 2844 Sword Flare In The Temple Sixteen

Sword of the Sword is swallowed by the torrent of fire.

But that devour was only half a second.

Dissolving the spell of the flame sword will naturally cause a strong explosion, and the impact of that explosion not only pushes out the flames and heat, but also shakes everything around.

Although Solar was devoured by the flame storm, he was also shaken by the shock wave-and at this time he used [the water of the immortal lake] to become a young man, with a smaller body and a smaller weight, and was more likely to be impacted Zhenfei also flies farther!

The fact is that the magic swordsman was only roasted in the flames for less than half a second, then escaped from the danger zone of the flame storm at a very high speed, and flew backwards. Bediville even suspected that Solar had been deliberately shaken to save himself from the danger of a fire storm!

Bediville watched Solar from a distance and landed. The skin on that guy's face and arm was burnt black and red in the first place, and he was very burned. But Solar has a lake water bonus of the immortal lake, and the burned skin can be regenerated in a short time. Bedyville can even see the skin of Solaar burns constantly falling off with the naked eye, and underneath it produces white tender and smooth skin. A few seconds later, in addition to the corners of the clothes, there was still a flame of flames on his body, and his body was smoking smoke, and looked almost intact!

"Have you forgotten, my friend? The dragon hunters have thin dragon blood in their bodies, and they have a lot of resistance to fire." Solar also reminded (taunted) Bedyville.

"Don't forget." The werewolf youth said hardly, "I just want to see how capable you are."

"If it's just a test-huh ?!" Solaar said halfway and suddenly spit out blood.

Beddyville smiled coldly.

That's right, the Dragon Hunters should have good fire resistance, and Solar has a lake bonus. The blow caused by Solar Strike just now is almost negligible.

But resistance to flame is one thing, resistance to impact is another. Solaar, who turned into a boy by the lake, was really weak. The regenerative power of the lake makes Solar's self-healing ability close to the dragon at most. And even for dragons, the damage on the body surface is easy to regenerate, and the damage in the body is not so easy to regenerate.

For example, internal injuries caused by shock waves.

In order to avoid the flame storm, he used his whole body to hard-connect the shock wave, but Solar did not expect that his internal organs would be damaged by the shock. Reduced fire damage but suffered more serious internal injuries, can be said to be upside down.

"But it's no wonder," the werewolf youth stared at the magic swordsman half-kneeled on the ground with cold eyes. "You have become accustomed to this body by using the water of the immortal lake," he said.

When Solar grinned, the red liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"The victory has been divided. There is no cure for your internal injuries for a short while, and I can beat you right away." The werewolf youth said, "This is the end of the duel."

"No, not yet." The magic swordsman wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and supported him to climb up from the ground: "If you wish, let you see the liberation skills of Long Wu!"

"Hey, can that body move?"

tie. Solar stuck a potion on his thigh.

That should be an analgesic! If you can't move because of internal injuries, just stop the pain with medicine temporarily. Anyway, Solar's body has the bonus of the lake of the immortal lake, and the visceral damage will be repaired sooner or later!

He stood up, as if he had not been hurt. Then he bit a Longwu sword and held the Longwu dagger in both hands.

"[Three primary colors]." The magic swordsman said lightly.

He spins up. He wielded two dragon and daggers of ice and fire, dancing a dance of death. The flames and cold winds generated by the dagger formed a whirlwind around him, and the magic of Long Wu itself began to be activated, and the shape of Long Wu itself began to change. The two-handed daggers changed from their original small dagger shapes to long, curved machetes. Their blades were very thin and thin, as if they would break when touched.

However, fiercely burning flames and extremely cold winds continued to flow from the end of the long, slender blade, drawing in mid-air a red, green, and two almost endlessly extending arcs.

The flames and ice have become visible and visible objects, overlapping each other to form a huge spiral, but also expanding and climbing, constructing a complex double spiral geometry that is difficult to describe in words.

Be enchanted.

The chill and extreme heat energy is bound by some powerful enchantment, and it continues to grow with Solar's sword dance. Their heat and cold are not leaked from outside the junction, so cold and heat can not offset each other and return to zero, but gradually become more dangerous.

Bedyville naturally did not dare to approach the double spiral storm, and God knew how severe the heat and extreme cold would be if it touched that kind of thing! But this is not the way to go. The storm is inflating, and it is close to less than five yards from Beddyville!

Run away from afar? Build a defense against the blow?

With such a large lethality and attack range, defense is obviously useless, at least all the weapon magics in Bedyville's hands cannot prevent such attacks. And the ice and fire whirlwind was obviously not static, and Solar at the center of the whirlwind also kept spinning and moving, hitting Bedyville! The speed of the whirlwind's expansion and the speed of Solar's movement have far exceeded the pace of the werewolf youth. Even if Bediville fled immediately, it seems too late!

Long Wu's liberation skills are truly extraordinary. Take this blow hard, even Bediville will be hit hard!

Since you ca n’t escape, you ca n’t stop it, the only thing a werewolf youth can do now is, of course—

He immediately cast the fire of the spell, and the fire of the spell turned white the color of the Holy Spirit as soon as it broke away from his palm.

[Seal Sun], start!

[Holy Spirit—Seal Sun] When it was hit, it was expanding at a high speed with an amazing momentum. The speed of its expansion and the speed of flying out were controlled by Bedyville (although there are upper limits). In this emergency situation The next Bedyville naturally also maximizes the speed at which the spell fire absorbs surrounding photons, which means that [Seal Sun] expands at the highest speed!

Solar's [Three Primary Colors] whirlwind is about to approach, Beddyville only hopes that [Seal Sun] swells large enough before colliding with his opponent's moves, and can cancel that move [Liberation Skills-Three Primary Colors]!

The principles of these magic phenomena are basically the same, they all draw photons from the surrounding atmosphere to produce effects, whether it is freezing and flame, or pure photon impact. As the Holy Spirit, [Seal Sun] should be able to draw photons from the surrounding atmosphere better than anything else. This has been verified during the previous battle against the Yotton Giants.

Even the epic photon creatures like the giants of Yotton couldn't draw photons from the environment like [Seal the Sun], and eventually lost. Solar's Long Wu is made from keel, which is at least equal to or slightly below the level of the Jotun giant. In this wrestling, they must take the lead!

The problem is that [Seal Sun] in Bedyville is a few seconds later than Solar's [Three Primary Colors]. Although [Seal Sun] has an absolute advantage in drawing photons, it is always at a disadvantage after the fight. It is still unknown who will kill this conflict!

"Hmm" As if it had been expected that Bedyville would use [Seal the Sun] to counter, Solar hummed, and suddenly stopped spinning. He threw out two Longwu daggers (actually in the shape of a machete) and let them fly and spin by themselves in the storm. At the same time, he held the sword with both hands and raised the Longwu sword over his head!

The Longwu Long Sword was completely liberated and turned into a ten-foot long super-thin sword. It looks like a lightning rod!

The lightning flashed and thundered, coiled around that super-long sword, and turned into a towering beam of light in less than half a second! The yellow-gold current column is more dazzling than the fierce whirlwind of red and blue. The current branch that it sent out began to drag the surrounding whirlwind into it, turning the original ice and fire whirlwind into a strange fire and ice storm.

No wonder Bediville always felt a little missing when he saw the whirlwind of ice and fire. "Three primary colors" are only red and blue are obviously different.

This is now, [Long Wu Liberation Techniques—Three Primary Colors (t


omacy)] 's true appearance!

Ice, fire, and thunder are mixed together, and their respective energies do not interfere with each other. They are bound to each other by the special enchantments produced by the three dragon warriors. These energies are mixed with each other, intertwined, and turned into a complex geometric network structure, which finally converges into a white light, an elementary beam of light with extreme confinement!

Sword of the sword Sword is worthy of genius, genius with a sword. Can fully activate the magic of Long Wu, liberate the full power of the three largest Long Wu to this point, I am afraid that only Solar can do it alone!

"Hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheye what if there was a horror of the elemental beam, let it hover between the swords Come!

The huge beam of light releases all its magic and hits the werewolf youth straight!

At the same time, the [Holy Spirit—Seal Sun] thrown out by Bedyville also swelled to a diameter of 30 feet, and collided with that beam of light!

lb! !! ——

The white light ball collides with the white light beam. The light beam splits into three colors of light and escapes in all directions, and the light ball is gradually depleted in the collision! The world is swallowed up by this complete white light, and their eyesight is completely taken away, and there is only a piece of pure white in front of them!

Then something was moving in the white light, and Bedyville could only vaguely see them approaching!

That's right, although the collision of energy hasn't stopped, there are other things in this collision that affect the battle situation. The two Longwu daggers flew to Bedyville along with the beam of light! In this white light that is almost invisible, Bedyville has a hard time seeing the attacked things and can only dodge by intuition. He just took a step to the right and Longwu dagger was in his ear. Rub it over and cut his wolf ear out of a big mouth! !!

"Catch you!" From a long distance came the understatement of Solar's voice. He was using the footsteps of Bedyville to judge the location of the werewolf youth.

Then there was something sharp running through Bedyville's lower abdomen. It is the exaggerated Long Wu super long sword. It pierced Bediville at least thirty feet away!

The huge white light drowned everything, and the energy of the light sphere and the beam of light completely offset each other, causing a huge explosion!

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