Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2849: Tears of the Moon Son (2)

Chapter 2849 Tears Of The Moon's Son 2

The son of the moon approached the dagger tremblingly.

Once upon a time, when the older boys stepped on his feet and kicked him hard, the Moon Son also considered a fight back.

But he was kind and sensible. He knew that even a fight back wouldn't make sense, and could even be beaten worse and hurt more.

He can't fight back with his bare hands, but what if he has a weapon in his hand?

In despair, in this group of humanoid demons, what is it about stabbing several people with a knife? Perhaps, when people see the fierce side of the Moon Son, they will stop looking for him.

In order to survive, you have to try everything, don't you?

The son of the moon took the dagger.

The black figure disappeared contentedly.

It might be a demon, trying to trick him into sin. But that might just be a kind person, because he couldn't see all this and helped him.

In any case, the sharp dagger is a real thing and the only thing a child can rely on at present. He wrapped it carefully with rags and hid it in his arms.

Something passed by him. The hungry, dizzy head turned and he jumped at it without thinking, catching a small bug. He was about to collapse, and he no longer thought about how disgusting and dirty the worm was, but just swallowed the disgusting thing into his mouth.

Want to live

Live anyway!

The next day, it was time to distribute food to the people in the concentration camp.

As always, the children waited in line to wait for the ration. Those despicable people, as always, cut in line to receive multiple portions of food, leaving only the leftovers to the children.

He carefully lifted the plate, a little afraid to move away from the officer's eyes. As soon as he walked away half a step, the older children would come over again to **** his food.

But this is actually just a kind of self-consolation. The soldiers are indifferent from the death and life of the people in the concentration camp, even if they watch the big children **** food from the son of the moon. The soldiers may even be more willing to see this brutal bullying, because it just proves the correctness of their point of view-the race locked up in the concentration camp is indeed a race with dirty blood flowing inside the individual, a descendant of the devil.

Seeing that these Jutais behaved so despicably, can the soldiers more securely lock them in concentration camps and wait for "handling" in the future-

This country, from children up to a few years old, up to centenarians, without exception, all have that meanness and cruelty deposited in their hearts. Is it the fault of the times, or is it the inferiority of people?

The son of the moon was removed from the sight of the soldier. And the older boys who had been bullying him came together. As always, they turned over the plate in the hands of the Moon Son, and the food spilled.

The son of the moon clenched his dagger, hesitating again and again.

They kicked him to the ground and began to punch and kick him.

The Son of the Moon tightened the handle of the dagger with the greatest strength he could use in his life.

He was crying. Begging. Ask the older children not to force him to sin.

No one could understand him, and the older children saw him as a joke. The fists they dropped were even more vicious.

Then something broke in the body of the Son of the Moon. I don't know if it's a rib or an arm bone, anyway it cracked and broke off crisply.

Unbearable, he took the dagger out of his arms.

Do people have to be cruel in order to live?

The terrible weapon shone cold in front of people. The faces of the older children suddenly turned blue, and the faces of the onlookers looked like death.

(Wave it over and pierce the kid's abdomen.)

A voice echoed in the mind of the Son of the Moon.

(Let him suffer. Let him die. Blow out all the resentment you have accumulated in this blow.)

It was simply a whisper of the devil.

(It is human nature to deceive good and fear evil. There is no need for mercy on such a bad human!)


The child growled.

"To shut up!!"

As if venting all his anger in his life. He waved his dagger and waved in a dangerous direction.

However, no one was injured. No one was stabbed to death by the dagger, and the only injuries were--

he himself!

The child scooped a piece of meat on his skinny arm. Just before everyone's frightened face crumbled, just swallow the meat on your arm. It was just a very small piece of flesh from himself. But he ate it!

He is kind and unwilling to hurt anyone.

He is also very strong, and would rather eat himself than give in to anyone.

No one will hurt him. Because he knew that if he waved a knife and hurt others, he would be no different from these despicable people.

This kind of silly child hurt himself while smirking. Chewing on his flesh, the corners of his mouth dripped bright red.

This is a warning, self-deprecating, and even self-destructive self-destruction. But it works. Because it is scary, it is useful.

The older children who bullied him seemed to see the real devil, started to fart and rushed out, and were frightened into fleeing. The adults exclaimed and screamed, as if they had broken into a beast in their camp.

Those who can indulge in their own flesh like that casually are out of common sense. And this is the most fearful group of mortal mortals.

The son of the moon fell to the ground because of severe pain, the wound was worsening, and blood was flowing. All that awaits him is death.

At the same time, the armoured vehicle driven by the army also broke through the iron gate of the concentration camp and broke in.

They just need a word of mouth to clean up these "Dirty Blood" Uthais.

The leading soldiers glanced at the son of the moon on the ground, and started to sneer: "Such a child is so small. You garbage are really not saved-start cleaning it up!"

The soldiers on the armoured vehicle received orders to begin firing at the camp with heavy machine guns.

People flee, but their feet can't keep up with the bullets, and their flesh blooms instantly. Some fled to the mutation of the concentration camp and climbed up the thick barbed wire.

The well-prepared soldiers happily lowered the call gate. Tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage current flowed through the barbed wire, instantly roasting those people into coke.

No one can live from this turmoil. They bullying a weak and helpless child, or failing to help the weak and helpless child prove that they are a sinful and inferior race-the soldiers claim so.

The deceiver is also deceived, and the killer is also deceived, that's all.

Ten minutes later, the residents of the entire concentration camp, regardless of their age, men or women, except for the son of the moon, who was already dying on the ground, were all turned into pieces of flesh and blood, or blackened corpses. In order to avoid the fish that leaked the net, the soldiers began to throw incendiary bombs into the broken houses, and the fire spread instantly.

The scorching smell of roast meat permeated the air.

"What about this child?" One of the soldiers kicked the Moon Son on the ground and asked his officer.

"The video to be recorded has already been recorded, and the necessary promotional materials have been prepared. He has no use value. Leave him alone and retreat." The soldiers retreated as quickly as they arrived.

At noon that winter, snow fell again in the sky.

Under the blazing fire of the concentration camp, everything around was so dazzling.

There was also blood flowing from the wound on his arm, and the child, who was so hungry and weak, could not move anymore. Once again, he silently prayed for death that was bound to come.

Even at the last minute, he did not commit a crime. He was very good, he maintained his conscience. Can he go to heaven like this? Will mom and dad wait for him in heaven?

However, in the dim vision of the Moon Son, the familiar black figure appeared again.

"It's disappointing." The man shook his head: "Don't you even have the courage to kill?"

The child did not answer.

"Also." The mysterious man hummed: "If you go on like this, you will definitely die. Even if you have saved your life for a while, you have nowhere to go. This country excludes people like you, and other countries also exclude it. It ’s big, but there is n’t any home for you. "

The mysterious person crouched down and came to the Son of the Moon: "Next I will give you one last proposal. I am conducting some kind of human experiment, and this experiment is not acceptable to everyone, you need to find a fit. You are the fit One, so here I am.

The pain caused by the experiment was not acceptable to everyone, and the success rate was very low. If you fail, you will die painfully, a million times more than the pain you are now suffering.

So choose it, boy.

You can die here just like this, which may be a kind of happiness to you.

You can also follow me, accept the experiment, and try to live in great pain. Even if the experiment is successful, greater suffering will await you. But you will have endless vitality. You have the power to fight, you have the power to struggle until you find it and belong to your home. "

The mysterious man reached out and touched the child's cheek.

"So, choose. Will you come with me?"

The child nodded silently.

"Interesting." The mysterious man picked up the son of the moon: "I'm about to put you into transformation. Then you will leave the ranks of [people] and become impersonal. You may die, or you may I will completely lose my memory and mind. Before that, tell me your name. I am not a ruthless person. I will remember the names of all the people who have undergone the experiment. This is what I can do for you. The only thing that can be done. "

However, the son of the moon remained silent.

"Don't say it? Really?" The mysterious man asked again: "If you really die in the experiment, no one will remember you again?"

The child was silent for a long time. Although the name is meaningless, there is no one in the world who will really be sad because of his death.

"Shang En." He whispered.

"Then let's go, Shane." Mysterious humanity. A light envelops them, and their figure disappears completely after half a second.

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