Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2853: Shining Cup (2)

Chapter 2853: Cup Of Light Shining 2

It was about 8.30 in the morning in Aswan, Egypt, in the venue of the Egyptian National Stadium.

This is the final match of the Super Cup. Before the start of the match, the association was well prepared and the pre-match ceremony was much grander than usual.

The slightly old stadium was full of spectators, almost empty.

Among the people's enthusiasm, the national anthem of Egypt and the national anthem of South Africa are being played in turn, and the national anthem of the football association will also be inserted during this time. In general, this is to create a grand atmosphere before the game starts.

Watching the colorful flags dancing outside the stadium, listening to the deafening cheering, almost overshadowing the volume of the national anthem, under such a grand occasion, Albert could not help but a little pressure. He entered with the other players in the Sandstorm Sphinx team, lined up on the court, and the opposite side entered the same way, a group of humans-[South African Saints] players.

Are all humans actually competing with orcs at the stadium? Albert frowned, knowing things were not easy.

But who knows if those guys are real humans? Maybe they are all human-covered monsters. Maybe under the "human" skin of those players, they are actually highly transformed third-generation humans.

The Republic of South Africa pursues "human supremacy", and the players who represent the country are naturally human-like. But God knows what these guys look like in their bones?

"Wow oh oh oh oh !!!" As the two teams gathered, the distance was boiling. Albert followed the excited eyes of the people and found that there were six big men carrying a large shelf in the square on the side of the stadium and lifting out something shining.

That's the trophy! Platinum trophy!

It is three feet high and is so heavy that it must be carried by six strong men, and the six are carried carefully and sweaty at the same time. Besides the tension, it is also because of the suffocating weight of this golden trophy!

Thousands of precious stones are neatly arranged on the huge championship trophy made of platinum and bordered by countless gold. One of the largest and most conspicuous gems, a fist-sized purple gem [Yu Blood], was firmly set in front of this platinum trophy. The gems inlaid with laser engraving technology are almost perfectly integrated with the championship trophy. The gems cannot be taken out of the trophy without using the same equipment. Thousands of gems are reflected in the golden yellow of this trophy, which shines in the sun, it is simply the treasures of the world, the ultimate luxury!

Even from this distance to observe the trophy, Albert was fascinated by the luxury of the trophy for a moment. Now those fans are mortal, after all, they will naturally be fascinated by the beauty of the trophy. The court originally did not allow fans to pick up their mobile phones to take pictures, but as soon as the trophy appeared, the whole stadium rang a series of clicking photos. The fans who couldn't help taking pictures were irresistible. It is estimated that even the staff on the stadium could not stop them, and maybe even the group of workers put down their work to maintain order and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Although not complying with the rules is not commendable, but it is also normal and understandable. This luxurious platinum trophy is exposed to the sun like this, it is probably the first time, or even the last time. After that, it will either fall into the hands of the winning team, be locked in a vault that is heavily guarded, or be returned to the hands of the Football Association, and it will be kept tightly closed. . In principle, the winning team will be awarded this trophy, and there is no responsibility to return it to the Football Association. Even if the new Super Bowl is selected again in the next Super Cup after four years, this trophy is not expected to be re- As a prize, appeared in front of people!

"Are you excited?" Captain Hilomar standing next to Albert said in a low voice: "If we win today, this trophy is ours. And you are outstanding in this league, It is likely to be selected for this year's MVP (Most Valuable Player). If the Sphinx team wins this game, you will be the one who will receive the award and the cup. "

"Just kidding?" Albert smiled bitterly. "Want me to hold such a heavy trophy meow? I would probably be crushed by it."

"Then you'd better practice your waist pole in advance." Hiloma did grin in a joking tone. "But all of this must be counted if we win the game. Otherwise, the trophy will fall in the hands of the South African team. "

indeed. There is only one winner in today's game. The winner triumphantly returned with endless glory and the heavy trophy, but the loser could only weep silently in the corner. The outcome on the field is so cruel, just like the battlefield.

Eliminating all kinds of hardships, the Sandstorm Sphinx team came to this stadium to compete for the final victory. That's the last touch of the finishing touch. And Albert doesn't think he will lose in today's game-at least, not to the group of human players opposite.

"Let's get started." Mutter whispered with ambition, "It's the last fight." With the whistle sounding, after the players of the two teams bowed and salute each other, the game officially started. The referee briefly explained a few words and then started tossing coins, and the Sphynx team got the right to strike.

"Although I want to say that this is a good start." Captain Hilomar said when he returned to discuss with the players, "But the details of the South African team are completely opaque, and there is too little information. Pay attention when you play."

"Wait. Little information?" Albert asked curiously, "They're all in the finals. It's impossible to participate in fewer games, right? Why is there so little information?"

"Of the 20 games the South African team has participated in this season, 15 have won without a fight." Mutter said quietly: "It is likely that a huge force behind South Africa is putting pressure on teams from other countries. . Then the remaining five games are basically rolling games, and their players rely on Superman's physical strength to beat the opponent. And every game of this team is undergoing a major blood exchange. None of the players in the five games played was Repeated."

"So the players who are playing today also" Albert glanced at the group of players across the gap between the players.

"It's all new faces. The ability and physical condition are unknown. The tactics used are also unknown. And God knows whether they will substitute during the game." Hiloma replied: "All we can do is to adapt."

The rules of Diablo American Football are not so good. There is no limit to the number of players that can be replaced each time the offense and defense are switched. As long as they are players registered with the Football Association before the game, they can play on behalf of the registered team. In other words, the number of players that can be replaced in a ball game is unlimited. As long as there are so many substitute players, you can change as you like.

Naturally, in view of the extremely high injury rate of dark American football, this rule is also reasonable. There are so many players injured on the field. If the number of substitutions is limited, maybe there will be such a team, and they will rely on the mean tactics of intentionally hurting the opponent to win. However, there have been teams that have been injured and have to be replaced. In the end, there will be no one to replace. Because of insufficient players, they will have to declare defeat. This is clearly contrary to the spirit of sports.

As a result, the rules set up in this way to avoid a group of people from drilling into the rules have been drilled by another group of people.

one way or another. Albert put on his helmet and tried to shake his spirits. How others drill holes has nothing to do with him. As a player, he needs to concentrate on the court and work hard. No amount of small means can beat the true strength, right?

kick off. The South African team's kicker flew the ball high and tried to stop the Sphinx team from moving forward. The human kicker did have a strong foot. From that point of view, he had surpassed the level that humans should have. But the ball flew out twenty yards and was caught by Mute, who jumped up. The opponent's kick did not seem to be too powerful. The moment Smoot got the ball, the Sphynx offense was officially started. The catman boy rushed forward, and at the same time tried to get close to the same sprinting Albert, looking for a chance to pass the ball to the Tiger Man youth.

After playing so many games, although the cooperation between the two is not perfect, there is a certain tacit understanding. Albert saw that Moot was about to pass the ball from a small tail-swinging motion when Moot was in position, and he was ready to receive the ball. He and Mut were only less than five yards away, and this short pass should be foolproof.

If no one else is obstructing it.

Unlike the South African Saints who have been hiding their strength, Sandstorm Sphinx has played so many games in the Super Cup. Every action of every main player has naturally been thoroughly studied by the opponents. They probably specialized in the action patterns of Albert and Mutter. From Mutter's actions, they know when the kittens will pass. So when Albert was ready to receive the ball, the three South African defenders also caught up and prepared to prevent Mutter from passing!

These guys run so fast! And in the course of this rush, he actually maintained considerable agility. The moment the Mutt just raised his hand and wanted to pass, the three had already jumped over, blocking all the tracks that the Cat-Man could pass! Mute may bet luck to pass the ball from these people's waists or even his majesty, but God knows whether these guys' vision is as good as their physical fitness! The short pass of betting luck is likely to be intercepted by opponents! ——

So Mutter waved his arm!

He chose not to bet his luck on short passes, but instead approached Albert with the ball in hand to make ultra short distance passes!

The cat-boy is a "rubber-man" physique, and his arms can be extended with his will. Even if there is a magic bracelet to limit his ability now, his arm can still rely on inertia to extend moderately within a certain range. He was only five yards away from Albert, and by the extension of his arm, his hands holding the ball were only two yards away from Albert!

The South African defenders tried to bump, intercept, and block Mute's stretched arm, but the Cat-Man's arm was so soft that a slight impact would not change its orbit. They grasped the ball tightly, bypassed the opponent and continued to stretch, and finally came to Albert!

Mutt threw it gently and passed the ball. And Albert stepped a little and took the ball into his arms instantly!

"Come on!" The Catman shouted.

Albert speeded up with the ball, as the storm swept the South African team's position!

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