Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 884: Guild Wars in Tianyuan (2)

Chapter 884 Guild Wars in Tianyuan II

Paramitis did not care. Don't watch this big cat get drunk, walk and shake, and when he fights, he is still very brave.

The claws of the right hand of the bone dragon were directed to Paramitis, but the drunken cat fell to the ground in a strange posture and flashed the blow!

"Oh, slow!" The big cat was lying on the ground, deliberately yawning.

The left palm of the bone dragon continues to chase, slamming down from the height of the ceiling, vowing to shoot the big cat! Unexpectedly, Paramitis rolled horizontally on the ground, flashing a deadly beat!

Bang! The dragon's slap attack creates a strong and wide-ranging shock wave that almost collapses the entire floor!

Numerous living rooms are kept in the same floor, and they are naturally shattered under this impact!

The shattered living room has the bodies of dogs that have been corrupted or semi-corrupted, and they have naturally fallen to the ground!

For a time, dark green corpses were splashed everywhere, and the entire floor spread the stench of the carrion!

"Vo!" Palamidis smelled the disgusting smell, and immediately spurted a gleaming glow from his mouth, with a rainbow of radiant material.

He spit a big meal and finally emptied the drunken substances in his stomach, and the whole person began to wake up easily!

"The girl is sore! What is the situation?" The big cat asked with a big head.

I didn't expect to "answer" his question, but it was the roar of the giant bone dragon!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" The evil spirit bone dragon sent out the dark grievances of the dead spirit from the depths of the throat. It opened its mouth and ejected a yellow outer flame from the mouth full of bones, and the evil spirit of the black inner core!

"Wow, ah, ah!" The leopard warrior was afraid to avoid it and ran. Even so, his tail is still lit!

The big cat jumped on his knees and waved his tail. He finally rescued the burning leopard tail: "Hey! It hurts and hurts!"

"What are you doing? Stupid to die!" Biddeville swung his whip, swept it in the enemy's heap, and shattered the batch of small cockroaches, not forgetting to curse Paramitis. : "Look at this situation! It's all you hurt! Isn't your kid not burned by fire?"

"罗嗦! I was drunk, is it force majeure?!" Paramitis flicked off the dragon's powerful slap, wielding a long shot and cutting a finger of the bone dragon.

"Remind me not to let you touch alcohol in the future!" The werewolf roared. He saw that Xiao's offensive had weakened, and he took the opportunity to pull out the bow and arrow, aiming at one of the bone dragons and launching it!

tie! The arrow pierced the red eye of the monster! Spray a gelatinous substance that is dark red and will wriggle on its own!

Wait, where did you seem to have seen it? !

The evil spirit bone dragon turned his head and looked at Bediville with the strange eyes with red light. The red light of one eye is more dazzling and wandering around; the other eyeball is sprayed with the deep red mucus that slides off the cheeks of the monster's bones, like blood and tears.

All the resentments in this world are gathered in this blink of an eye.

As cursed by evil spirits, the werewolf only felt a bit of aversion, and one part was tight! His legs are soft and his limbs are weak, and the monster's tail sweep arrives!

Oops! It is illusion! Bedyville can't move all over the body, and it will be smashed by the dragon tail!

Hey la la la la la la la la! Countless bones shattered sound sounds! That's certainly not the bones of Bediville, but the pile of bones on the field! They smashed the broken pieces at the end of the dragon, scattered, and the yellowish bones flew around!

After eating such an attack, Bedieville can't retreat! Even if the werewolf is well trained, you have to drop the bottom of the whole body fracture!

However, Bedieville was not hit! The werewolf flew in the air, and the dragon's tail swept through his feet, but did not directly hit the body of Bedieville!

It turned out that when he was so weak and could not escape the dragon-tail attack, the werewolf used electric power to manipulate the turtle tongue whip, rolled himself up and threw it into the air!

The evil spirits may be able to fix the body of Bediville with the technique, but the whip is operated by electricity, and the electric power comes from the metal prosthesis of Bediville, and the arm is controlled by brain waves!

Even if the body can't move, Bedieville's "Tactile" can still move freely! He is very good at "touching" and saved his life!

"呜!" Biddyville was affected by the shock wave of the dragon's tail sweep, and flew out, but under the protection of the turtle tongue whip, it landed safely! The paralysis on his body has passed, and it seems that he will not be fixed if he does not confront the monster.

"Be careful, Parami! Its eyes will make illusion!" Bettiville could talk as soon as he could, and immediately reminded him.

"Ah, I know." The Leopard warrior has completely entered the battle state. He tore off his clothes, and the golden armor made of spodumolite crystals immediately emerged from him. The thunder and lightning screamed, and countless cockroaches circled on the leopard's body, and the hair of the big cat stood upside down and was dyed golden yellow by electro-optical light!

"Super Sonor Hasta!" Professor Paul, who was hiding behind a huge rubble, looked at it and couldn't help but exclaim.

(What adds a [super], does it feel very powerful? Hehe-)

"Come on, small bones." The leopard raised his gujar, and provoked the evil spirit bone dragon: "Let's play!"

"Hey!" The monster didn't take care of the provocation of Paramitis, and spit out a black flame to the leopard!

Paramitis flashed tens of yards at an unimaginable speed, far away! Black flames spread on the floor and burned countless cockroaches around, but it was attacked just outside the place where the leopards were, and couldn't hurt the big cat!

Hey la la la la la la! The fireworks of the evil spirit bone dragons are even more fierce. The black flame column sweeps across the vertical space in the whole space, and the place where it passes is full of blackness!

Paramitis left and slid right, and Longyan swept past him, but he couldn’t hurt the leopard!

Bedieville hid in the distance to observe, and could not help but rub a few more eyes. Is this an illusion? The big cat seems to float slightly in the air, and the foot does not touch the ground?

No, this is not an illusion. Paramitis is indeed floating.

The golden crystal "armor" of the big cat is carrying two azure crystals.

No need to guess, the crystal is the light stone crystal!

The drunk Paramitis was really not clean. Just after passing through the crystal-filled courtyard, I stole two pieces of light stone and absorbed it with my body!

This guy relies on the sporadic stone to provide buoyancy for the light stone, and then rely on the buoyancy of the light stone to let himself float slightly, the foot is about half an inch from the ground.

He uses his buoyancy to liberate his legs, eliminating the waste of physical strength when running. If necessary, he can use his feet to smash the ground and perform a very high speed sprint!

Paramitis floating on the ground has an amazing machine power, which is different from the speed of running with his legs when he is completely liberated, but it is especially labor-saving!

He relied on this trick "floating step" to easily deal with the eruption attack of the evil spirit bone dragon!

However, the power of the sporadic crystals of Paramitis will always be useful! He relied on lightning to supplement the power to temporarily use this special meteorite armor;

The fire-breathing used by evil spirits is just a kind of magic. It is estimated that it can be used endlessly. ——

If you don’t fight fast, if you fight for a long time, the big cat will definitely suffer!

Bedyville also stepped up the progress of the attack, raised the whip and swept the shackles around the shackles. He pulls the bow and arrows, ignites a high-energy burning arrow, aiming at the other eye of the monster, launching!

Hey! ! The rocket crossed a blushing trajectory in the air. The Burning Arrow is precisely tied between the eyeball and the skull's gap—in fact, the monster's eyelids—if it has eyelids.

Then, the blazing light began to erode the eye of the monster! Burned by the flame distance, the longan began to spray more red mucus, and the mucus creeped to the ground!

The monster turned his attention to the wolf and opened his mouth to prepare for a fire!

"Look at what! Look at your stinky mouth!" Bettiville has set up three burning arrows, three arrows are scattered from the triangle, and the two are tied to the two eyes of the bone dragon, the lowest track. One is deeply embedded in the throat of the monster's bones!

Originally, Longyan was a kind of magic. Instead of ejecting a flame from the depths of the throat, the dragons separate and compress the combustible gas in the air and eject the gas from the depths of the throat.

The gas that is ejected starts to ignite at the position of the incisor, and is generally a kind of Mars that can be magically erased by entropy. Thus, the end result is that the ignited gas is ejected from the dragon's mouth, burning continuously, turning into a huge fire column of the dragon flame!

The black flame of the bone dragon still follows the same principle. It is a high-energy compressed gas that is ejected from the depths of the throat.

This group of gas has not started to ignite, it was hit by the burning arrow of Bediville. The consequences can be imagined - gas explosion! !

Bang! ! The dragon flame that was prematurely ignited suddenly broke out of control, and the black flame splashed around the head of the bone dragon, turning the head of the evil spirit bone dragon into a huge black flame ball!

"Good Arrow Method!" Professor Paul yelled, "I was able to hit three goals at the same time!"

"Huh--" Biddiville can't help but feel a little smug. He just wanted to shoot the throat of the evil spirit bone dragon, but he did not expect to hit the eye with it. This is just a lucky move.

Paramitis did not say anything, watching the bones of the head burning fiercely.

According to the truth, the head of the evil spirit bone dragon should be broken in the explosion just now?

However, why isn't its head not only blown up, but is wrapped in a fireball and turned into that look? It seems that it is a deliberate appearance, not a natural state.

What's wrong!

"It's bad! Get rid of it!" Paramitis shouted to his companions.


lb! ! - A huge flame storm swells from the head of the bone dragon, sweeping everything around!

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