Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 890: Guild Wars in Tianyuan (eight)

Chapter 890 Guild Wars in Tianyuan Eight

"Enough!" Betdiville raised his right hand's magic bracelet and shouted, "Palami, I will try to use this bracelet to contact the round table trial examiners! This is beyond the scope we can handle. It’s time for the knights to deal with it! They may have the way to catch this undead monster and send it to Avalon Pure Land!"

"Stop! No use!" Paramitis still floats in the air, falling at a slow speed by the anti-gravity of the light stone crystal.

He couldn't agree with the werewolf's proposal, hysterically shouting: "The far water can't save the fire! It's already escaped before the big people come to seal the monster! - And I don't want to be small because of this And let yourself fail the exam!"

(This is the real reason! Going to this job, still thinking about the exam?)

(No. Palamidis is just thinking about his sons. If they call them to help, not only will they be disqualified from the exam, but they will also be accompanied by people, including Saifei and Sai Glade.)

(That's awful.)

Bettyville carefully avoided the attack of the monster, but felt very incomprehensible in his heart. There are guys like Paramitis who are teammates, and it’s not reliable. Just as the werewolf felt depressed and desperate, there was a black shadow in the sky.

"That is?!" The werewolf looked up at the thing.

A spherical creature floats in the air. By the lightning flashing in the air, Bedieville can clearly see that the huge sphere is made up of countless swamp tentacles.

And the head of a giant snake emerged from the top of the sphere, which is the dark spirit swamp giant who chased Bediville and others all day at noon!

"Oh my God! Is it still coming?!" Bedieville squatted away from the tail sweep of the evil spirits, and exclaimed.

Albert and others used the trick to drag the swamp giants. The group should have left the chasing of this monster far away and could not be caught up again!

Unexpectedly, this monster is really dead-hearted, and can still chase the faint smell of Bediville, and catch up with this place! ?

It was covered with swamp tentacles and became a huge meat ball. The dark spirit is probably absorbed by those tentacles, and becomes part of its body!

The tentacle-like octopus-like tentacle squirmed and looked disgusting! What is the principle of this huge tentacle sphere floating in the air, I am afraid that only it knows it!

An evil spirit bone dragon has been difficult to deal with, and now there are more monsters of the dark spirit swamp giant! ——

Does this make people not live? !

However, things did not develop as Biddyville imagined. The evil spirits, the steel bones, and the dragons saw the dark spirit swamp giants, as if they had seen the dead head, they immediately radiated a strong black flame breath to the swamp giants!

correct! These monsters have no mind at all, they kill only for killing, and they will destroy everything in front of them. The bigger the goal, the more it will attract hatred - the two monsters fight each other, it is a matter of course!

Regrettably, the black flame fired by the evil spirits did not burn the opponent. The dark spirit swamp giant squirts open with a strong protective cover, easily blocking the dragon flame of the bone dragon!

In the next second, the swamp giants began to fight back. Its spheroidal body is made up of countless swamp tentacles, and the octopus-like tentacles of these monsters change instantly and turn into countless snake heads.

Thousands of snakeheads simultaneously open the mouth of the fangs, and squirt the venom to the evil spirits.

Pure black, with a strong corrosive venom, like a rainstorm to the bone dragon! They can simply corrode metals, and bones are certainly not a problem!

However, the flames of the bones of the bones have become more intense. The high heat of the black flame instantly evaporates the venom, and there is no chance that the venom will hit the bone dragon!

"My God -" Biddeville subconsciously retreated, trying to stay away from these monsters. This is simply a truss of the gods, and the Buddyville folks have no way to intervene, just take care of themselves, not attacked by the monsters, it is already doing their best!

"It's now!" The werewolf retreated to Paramitis and whispered, "Let's take this opportunity to escape. Let these monsters kill each other!"

"No! Wait a second!" Paramitis looked at it after hiding in a huge crystal. "I have a bad feeling, we will see this battle and finally say it!"


"Escape is useless, they will certainly catch up. Bediville, you are really being [deeply loved] by these spirits!"


"From the experience that Saifei said, the ghost of the pirate ship you encountered before should not be accidental." Palamidis glanced at the werewolf: "And then I will find your tiger friend and confirm it and find you. Attacked by more spirits."

"Yes, but -"

"Beddyville, according to my guess, there must be something special in your body that attracts these spirits. Things are gathered together, and the spirits are attracted to each other. Is it that the Holy Spirit diamonds that Arthur gave you? ?"

The werewolf frowned. Indeed, the diamond of the Holy Spirit, which was given to Bediville seven years ago by King Arthur, the diamond of the Holy Spirit, is still hidden in the left arm of the Werewolf metal prosthetic.

And the nature of the forest lodge is very special. It has been separated from the monitoring of Avalon Pure Land and actually exists in the real world.

Bedyville has been stared at by various spirits recently. Was it because of this guy?

that's terrible!

For the spirits, wearing a magic bracelet and not using the magic of Bediville, it is like a non-resisting delicacies.

And this "delicious food" is still exhaling to the spirits in a moment, only the spirit can feel the sweet smell.

If this continues, even if Biddyville escapes to the ends of the earth, it is useless! ?

At the same time, Da Bu Li, the front of the apartment in the lotus sound.

"I was sent here." Westad landed the iron ride in front of the apartment and put down the mother of the lotus. "Thank you, Master Vistad." Lian Yin holding Husky and nodding his head to the Round Table Knight: "I wasted your night, I am sorry."

"Don't care, this is the command of His Majesty King Arthur," the Cavaliers said to the woman in a mild tone: "And, I am willing to do this, Miss Lian Yin."

The handsome knight looked at the lady in front of her in the soft moonlight.

Even the mother of a child, the lotus sound is still beautiful and radiant, and the radiance of the motherhood is emitted. The canine boy in her arms is already asleep, and the child’s face is so sloppy on the chest of Ms. Patimo. The mother and the child are showing the radiance of a watery spirit in the moonlight, as if holding the baby. Virgin Mary.

Westad swallowed a sip. In this situation, any normal man will be tempted, and the round table Knight Westad is just a mortal.

Of course, that strange idea was immediately suppressed by the Cavaliers with reason. He deliberately turned his gaze away and whispered, "So, let's go ahead in the next line. Under the lower part, you will set up a warning net around your apartment to prevent everything from being close to you. You can rest peacefully."

"Thank you once again, Master Vestad." Lian Yin also blushed and said: "Good night. May you have a good weekend."

The Knight of the Round Table nodded, his face a little bit of reluctant look, launched the engine of the iron ride, and flew away.

When the lotus sound opened the door and returned home, Husky also woke up.


"I'm sorry, have you woke you up?" Lian Yin immediately covered the door behind him. "Is it eaten after dinner? If you are not hungry, take a shower and go to sleep."

The canine boy nodded lightly. He "played" for a day today. He was tired of muscles and didn't want to move any more. He wanted to fall asleep in bed.

But he seemed to think of something, and he whispered in a confused voice: "Mummy, are you okay? Wang? Didn't you get hurt in the fire?"

"I am very good, just some bruises, I will be cured soon."

As a powerful mage, an artificial man created by the ancients for the magic battle - [Patimo], the lotus sound can be used to heal a wound, so there is no special concern about the injury. .

She placed Husky on the sofa, and by the way she poured a glass of milk to her son, but the hand subconsciously touched the handkerchief on the left arm. That was the handkerchief of the Knight of the Round Table Knight, who just used this cotton handkerchief with no white pattern to bandage the wound.

Lian Yin untied his handkerchief, and by the way put a magic, healed the wound of the arm. She took the handkerchief, but there was a complex feeling in her heart.

"Mummy?" Husky saw the lotus sound holding a glass of milk in a daze, and quickly asked: "Where are you hurting? Wang? Do you want to call a doctor?"

"Oh," Lian Yin’s thoughts were pulled back to reality: "No, it doesn't matter. Give, this is your milk -"

The canine boy looked at his mother questioningly and took a sip of milk. By the way, he chatted: "Mummy, Husky just had a dream, dreaming that he and Dad’s friends are together. Husky also The big lizard monsters were defeated and saved the friends of Dad than Wang."

"Hey, is it? Haski is awkward." Lianyin responded in a perfunctory manner, taking some antibiotics from the medicine cabinet to avoid bacterial infections in his wounds.

She did not regard her son's words as one thing. After all, it was a child's absurd dream, and all kinds of imaginative imaginations were possible.

Seeing that the mother answered so well, Husky was a little unhappy: "Mom doesn't believe in Husky's words? This is true Wang! The tiger uncle who was streaking in the sky is also there, and there is Xiaohar. The brothers are also in Wang."

Lian Yin feels funny, it all sounds even more absurd.

Children often confuse reality with imagination, and because of this, they are lovely.

Lian Yin feared that continuing to make fun of his son would hurt his self-respect, so he immediately interrupted: "Well, Mommy believes in Husky. After drinking your milk, go to the bath and go to sleep. It is already ten o'clock, your The time to go to bed has already passed - can you say that you want Mommy to take a shower for you, why are you sleeping?"

The canine boy immediately snorted and said: "Husky can do well Wang! Husky is not a child! Wangsky has also raised two levels with Hal today!"

"Two levels? What two levels?" Lotus sound frowned.

"Hey - nothing Wang!" The canine boy said that he had missed his mouth and immediately stopped. He quickly poured milk into his stomach, held back muscle pain and bounced off the sofa, and walked in the direction of the bathroom: "Husky went to take a shower, Mommy don't come to Wang!"

"Whering" looked at the funny look of his son when he walked. The lotus sound accumulated a whole day of fatigue as if it had been swept away. She did not follow the past, just smiled and said: "Change clothes in In the first cabinet on the left side of the bathroom, the towel is also on the side. After bathing, remember to dry and sleep."

At that time, the canine boy had taken off his shirt and poked half of his body from the door of the bathroom. He shouted a little uncomfortably: "Know, Mommy is so good!"

Lian Yin smiled again, sat down on the chair, and looked thoughtfully at the direction of the bathroom.

It may be because it is too tired, or it may be because of the relationship between drugs. Lianyin feels very sleepy, and her alertness is greatly reduced. She is completely unaware of a dark shadow that is gradually approaching behind her.


When the black shadow waved the dagger at a speed that was too fast, and she wore the woman's left chest from behind the lotus sound, she only made a slight exclamation.

"Has--" When her heart was smashed, blood flowed like a note, and consciousness began to blur, she still remembered her own children.

"Mummy, where is the shampoo?" Husky had a little trouble taking a shower, and looked out from the bathroom for help. I didn't expect to see a scene that made him horrified.

The woman’s chest spurted a lot of blood, and she was half-squatting on the ground, but her eyes fell on her son: "Husky - escape -!"

"Mom, Mommy!!-" The canine boy screamed, and he was soaked with soap bubbles all over his body, desperately flew to his mother.

As a Pattimo, the body of the lotus sound that was fatally wounded began to launch a self-protection mechanism. Her body began to petrify quickly from the wound, and she quickly became an indestructible stone statue, entering a complete petrochemical dormancy state.

The black shadow behind Lian Yin also took the dagger with blood, and gradually went to the canine boy.

"No, don't want Wang!!--" Husky was so scared that he was numb, and he couldn't move on the ground.

"Little devil, shut me up!" The shadow of the shadow sent a strange sound. He extended a hand toward the canine boy, a hand full of blood!

His hand is getting closer, and he will hold the throat of the boy!

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