Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 904: Lost in Tianyuan (seven)

Chapter 904 Lost in the Tianyuan Seven

At the same time, in the virtual world of a game.

The three teenagers walked along the cliff and marched carefully and understated.

They can see a lot of wild wolves squatting in the woods along the way, but it may be because they are in a relatively open rocky place. These wolves did not take the initiative.

"Where!" Leopard, a young boy, whispered his voice and pointed to a hidden cliff in the distance: "It’s a cave."

"I only hope that [Live Shadow Demon] is inside Wang." Husky slid from the shadow of a rock into the shadow of the front rock.

"Before you go in -" The canine boy looked at the hole in the cave 30 yards away: "Do you know anything about the latent shadow demon?"

He didn't want to fight the unsure.

"Hey?" was asked, the leopard was dumbfounded. They just followed the instructions of the list of tasks, and they never thought about what the monsters were facing, even the monsters didn’t know what they looked like.

Knowing that it is a very dangerous kind of monster, but even if it has no intelligence at all, it is really a reckless thing.

Husky frowned. He wants to go home.

"Hey, the information of [Live Shadow Demon], Calvin is there." The little prince of the fisherman raised his nose and said proudly: "If you ask me sincerely, can't Calvin not tell you?"

Husky’s face immediately showed an unpleasant expression. The fisherman’s prince was always cool, and it was quite annoying.

"Forget it", the canine boy climbed up the cave in a crappy way: "We think of it ourselves, not relying on you."

"What?" Calvin was stunned by this unexpected answer: "Hey--"

But he didn't give up, and immediately wrapped up with Husky, behind the canine boy: "Come on, Calvin knows what you want. Don't you pretend? If you ask Calvin, Calvin must I will tell you what it is."

More blue veins emerged from the forehead of the canine boy: "No, really don't need Wang."

"Ha ha ha - don't be so embarrassed." Seeing that the two little friends almost quarreled, they quickly came up and persuaded: "Okay, tell us. What is the [deep shadow demon]?"

"Oh, huh." Calvin saw that there was a market for his topic, and he immediately became angry. The spirit is fascinating, and he still dismissed his body in the opposite direction of Hal: "Okay, but you are far away from me, bringing the unfortunate little black cat."

Hal is also not happy for a while. But he still patience and continued to ask: "Good Hal is far from you. In short, tell us what intelligence is good?"

"Of course." After the fisherman prince hides on a rock, he takes a scroll from the prop bar and reads: "[Live Shadow Demon], also known as the smog demon, is a very mysterious monster. It is often It appears in front of people in the form of a mist, and it can't be seen or caught."

"Yes." Husky leaned on the side of the rock and looked at the forest and the mouth of the cave. "This mysterious and unstoppable monster, we have to catch it, it is really impossible task."

"Hey - you can't just listen to half of it." Calvin shook his fingers and sneered: "According to the Raiders in Calvin's hand, this [deep shadow demon] is actually a physical one. Although there are still unknown parts. A lot, but its entity must be somewhere, and the smoke is just something that it exudes to hide people's ears."

"Is it weak?" Hal couldn't help but wonder. "Which one is clearly identified as one of the most dangerous creatures, why should you use smoke to hide yourself and make such a ghost?"

"It's not dangerous because it's attacking, but because its smoke is highly toxic." Calvin looked at the reel and continued reading: "The usual smoke is white, when the body is in danger." However, it will emit a deep red poisonous smoke. Anyone who touches this deep red smoke will die of flesh and blood, which is a terrible poison."

After the speech, Calvin put down the scroll and smirked: "Calvin really wants to know, how can such a terrible death method be restored in this game."

"You won't want to see Wang." Husky took a cold sentence. The game partially shielded their children. They couldn't see the bright red blood and saw the transparent blood of the water. The inappropriate picture of "the flesh is festering and dying" will certainly not be reflected in their eyes, and will inevitably be replaced by other methods.

However, this method of death is still very unbearable. And they have to face such a dangerous opponent, they have to think of ways to carry out long-distance containment.

Husky glanced at the forest. There is exactly what he wants, but I don't know if the plan will succeed.

He then asked the little friends: "We need to find some materials in the woods and make a few small wooden bows. The manufacturing method Husky has learned more than Dad, but I don't know if the game will let us do this. Wang."

"Try it." Hal raised his tail and agreed: "We were able to use the site to kill the head of the hunting forest yesterday. It is also possible to use weapons from the environment to make weapons."

"Is it necessary? Calvin has magic -"

Husky impatiently said: "There are only fifteen rounds a day, and you only have thirteen rounds of Wang."

Calvin didn't care to pick up his mouth: "Okay, let's take it with you."

"The question is, how do you get resources?" Husky looked at the forest with vaguely shadows. The wolves in this forest are of high rank, not the three of them that can easily be easily provoked.

"What do you need? Hal to get the king." The leopard teenager volunteered. He has the skill of [powerful sprint], and he can slip away from the siege of the monster at the crucial moment.

Moreover, as a cat, he is very good at climbing trees. It is not only convenient to take materials on the trees, but also to take refuge on the top of the tree when the situation is very critical.

"Well," Husky thought about it, and he agreed. He stroked his arm: "There are some branches and vines that are so long, and the more tough they are, the better."

"Hal understood it." The leopard teenager looked at the foggy forest. He had already found several trees in the woods suitable for wooden bows.

Just sneak away in this way, take off the material, and then quickly sneak back, you will be able to detach before the wolves find out.

"So, you are waiting here, and Hal will come back when he goes." The leopard was on the ground and sprinted.

Hey! He lowered his center of gravity and rushed out quickly and almost silently.

Hey. He stopped in front of a big tree. There are no shadows of wild wolves within 30 yards. The leopard teenager did not hesitate to use him as a cat's tree-climbing skill. He squatted on the trunk and climbed up a few times.

There is still no movement around. Husky looked nervously and planned to call his friends back when there was a movement.

The leopard, the young man, sat down on a big branch and tried all the twigs around him. He quickly found two branches of moderate length, full of vitality and flexibility.

Hal did not think much about taking out the dagger and cutting the tree down. As soon as the branches were cut, the leopard teenagers immediately threw these substances to the side of Husky and others.


"Hey!" Husky's low voice came from the rock.

"Sorry!" Hal apologized for the low voice, although he did not know if the other party could hear it.

Still some trees and vines. This is more troublesome. The tree vine is basically not a part of a tree. Strictly speaking, it should be a vine of a parasitic plant on the tree. The surrounding trees are not parasitic by the vines, and they must be found in the woods.

Hal looked around the canopy and used his extraordinary eyesight to find a tree that was parasitic by the vines in the distance.

That's it. Hal didn't think much about it, he grabbed the branch and swayed from the tree he was on to another tree. This kind of tree-turning action has been done countless times in the tree seas of the abruptly moorland when the leopard is a healthy boy.

Hey! He steadily landed on another tree, not a cat. It is about 30 yards away from the target tree, and he can reach it again from the three trees.

A wild wolf appeared under the tree. But the wolf could not climb the tree. At this moment, he did not notice the trace of Hal. There should be no problem. The leopard is bold and daring from the branches and flies to the opposite trunk!

Hey! His hands firmly grasped the branches, and the body was centered on the branches. After a circle in the air, he landed steadily.

There was another wading wild wolf on the ground. But they still haven't noticed the leopard, and everything is going well.

It is only ten yards away from the big tree with tree vines. Hal was measured a little distance, kneeling on the branches, his legs carrying enough strength, and starting [powerful sprint].

No, it should be said to be [powerful jump]. The propulsion of the moment broke out and the leopard boy was bounced out. He flew directly ten yards away and fell to the canopy of the target.

His whole cat plunged into the dense bushes and made a sound of sand.

The wild wolves under the tree looked up at the tree, but did not find the figure of the leopard young man - Hal had already penetrated into the trees and was deeply hidden. The wolves thought it was just a frightened wild bird. They didn't think much and continued to patrol the forest.

"Call." The leopard teenager breathed a sigh of relief and tried to move around in the dense bushes. He cleared the space from the dagger to allow himself to move, and immediately climbed in the direction of the trunk.

The tree vine he wants is close at hand, and the thing is long and thick, and it seems that it should be able to make a very good bowstring!

The leopard teenager happily took out the dagger and cut it on the tree vine!

Hey la la la la la! That tree vine actually made a strange noise, what is wrong! !

The leopard teenager looked in the direction of the sound. God, this is not a tree vine at all. This green and thick "tree vine" is actually a tree with a very clever disguise! !

It was lying on the tree and quietly basking in the sun. He planned to occasionally catch a few unlucky birds that had settled on the tree to fill his stomach. I didn’t expect it to be cut by a little devil who did not know where it came from. Of course, he was surprised. anger!

Big tree 蝰 did not want to bite to the leopard youth!

These pythons lurking in the trees generally have a deadly poison, and ordinary people are bitten, and they will die!

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