Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 908: Lost in Tianyuan (11)

Chapter 908 Lost in Tianyuan

Five minutes ago.

Bediville suddenly had an idea and thought of the way to assist Paramitis over long distances.

He grabbed the photon mirror and folded the mirror like an umbrella.

He just painted the gourd and repeated what Paramitis did at noon yesterday.

"The shell you made yesterday, is there?" The werewolf reached out to the two leopard youths.

"Of course there are flaws." Segrad took out a batch of boned pickets.

These white pointed piles are each thick like an arm, long like an arm, the tip is finely ground, sharp and scary, and the side of the picket is also engraved with a fine spiral engraving, which can quickly release the target. blood.

Its door design is almost exactly the same as the blood-slung stakes used to repel the swamp giants yesterday, but the Leopard youth SGLED switched to the bones of the thunderweed to make these pickets, making them lighter and tougher, as " The projectile has a higher penetration force and a several times more fatality.

Prior to this, Bedieville was also worried that the electricity he produced could not be compared with Paramitis, and the shells fired from the photon mirrors might not be far behind. However, looking at these lightweight bone piles, he suddenly had confidence.

He picked up a bone pile and placed it in a folded mirror. This is ready to be completed, as long as current is supplied to the mirror and the projectile is fired.

There is a means to reinvent the monster. Next, just wait for the opportunity.

Bedyville looked at the mist of the phantom dance and went out. This piece is full of madness, and there are countless fogs that dance indiscriminately. Just staring at it can make people look dizzy. In the end, what can I do to see through this fog and launch the shells to the correct position?

The werewolf looked at Chanel as he turned to help. The elf girl shook her head.

Her hearing is no better, and now it is also a state in which some of the abilities of the magic bracelet are sealed. Now she is only slightly better than the average person's hearing. It is OK to guard against the monster's sneak attack. It is necessary for her to judge the exact position of the enemy from a few tens of yards away, and then direct Biddiville to perform precise shooting. mission Impossible.

Unless Paramitis has a certain kind of useful signal, it is almost impossible to shoot the Nile python from this distance through a chaotic fog!

However, the big cats in the fierce battle will have this spare time, will they signal to Bedieville?

Do not. Everything came so suddenly, Paramitis couldn't even know that Bedieville would prepare the bones and shells and would like to shoot opponents in this way!

I want to rely on the Leopard Warrior to give a signal, maybe it is too ideal!

Just as Bediville was at a loss, there was a glare in the fog in the distance!

This golden light is able to pass through the thick fog and be seen by everyone!

This golden light must be the signal!

The werewolf immediately shakes his spirits, raises the "turret" to the target, and concentrates on the powerful current! !

lb! ! - A burst of sound bursts in the photon mirror and the bone pile is launched!

It keeps spinning in the air, raising a spiral of wind pressure, piercing the thick fog, reaching the center of the monster!

啪扎! ! The sharp bones plunged into the flesh and blood of the Nile python, and broke the pile of human skulls!

I don't know if it is because of scare or painful stimulation, the bone monster's screaming stops. By the hypnotism to control the whole body, Paramitis, which could not be used to make strength, resumed power at this time!

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Of course he will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime almost, immediately exhausted the maximum power he can make, let out amazing current! !

The glare of the electric light spreads along the monster's tentacles on the whole Nile python! It is captured by the electric shock and is constantly twitching!

The situation reversed in an instant! Bedyville took the second picket and fired it without thinking.

Hey! ! The sharp-pile shells are once again plunged into the soft flesh of the monster's hard shell! The transparent blood of the shellfish is constantly spurting, and it is like a fountain from the mouth of the Nile python!

The leopard warrior sends out a more powerful current, scorching the monster from the outside to the inside!

Bedyville continued to launch the picket, blurring the inside of the monster!

Even Albert, who has bows and arrows in his hand, Xiang Nair and Saifei have also made a mess, constantly raising their bows and feeding the half-Warcraft evil spirits with countless arrows!

Oh! ! There is something that clearly breaks the sound, stimulating the cat's ears of Paramitis.

The Nile python was finally overwhelmed by the storm and died! Its clam shell opens weakly and floats on the water, giving off a stench of scorching!

"Hey!" The big cat landed on the open clam shell and looked at the **** and fuzzy things in the center of the giant clam.

Most of them were broken, but those hoes are still slowly creeping. But they lost the dependence of the Nile python, and it seems that they can no longer do evil.

Paramitis stepped forward and knocked the hoes that were inhabited with evil spirits one by one! The red light in the eyes of the hoes gradually merged into one, turning into a group of hard-to-name, dark red things. With the weakness of the evil spirits, the fog around them began to fall back.

"Paramy!" Bediville and others also sailed at this time. The werewolf looked at the dark red object uncomfortably: "Psychology? What should I do to get this thing?"

"Of course it is sinking it -" Paramitis just stopped talking about it. It is not a good thing to sink it like this. It will only find new dependants, and perhaps it will become the second Nile python and continue to harm the local ecology.

It really becomes like that. Although this guy does not seem to be a particularly powerful evil spirit, its ability to change the fog is very annoying, and it will only be more troublesome to deal with it later.

Paramitis frowned again.

The best way, of course, is to destroy this evil spirit.

However, the evil spirits are inexhaustible. This is just a group of photons. How can you kill them?

Waiting for photons?

Paramitis and Bedieville face each other.

"Beddyville, give me another photon mirror." Paramitis came over and reached for the hand.

"Are you sure, Parami?" The werewolf probably guessed what the big cat wanted to do.

However, for this monster, a mirror is wasted -

However, you can't always let it stay here, "pollution environment"?

Bedyville sighed and threw the photon mirror that had just been removed and had been folded, to Paramitis.

"Thank you." The Leopard Warrior immediately removed the silvery, light-stained fabric on the photon mirror.

I only hope that this will be useful. Paramitis approached the dark red thing and wrapped it with a photon reflective cloth.

Roll up!

The thing struggled in the cloth bag for a few times and did not move again.

Although the principle is not too clear, Paramitis successfully captured the evil spirits!

"Call." The Leopard warrior finally breathed a sigh of relief. He tied the cloth bag tightly with a rope and carried it on his body: "It was a waste of time. Let's go. Just hope to reach the destination before noon."

"And, for your blessing, there is only one mirror we can use." Bedyville was slightly dissatisfied. His eyes never leave the wound on the big cat's legs. The wounds are still bleeding, but they are beginning to heal.

Paramitis shrugged: "Don't be like this. We will catch up, don't worry too much."

He jumped back to the raft and jumped into the crowd. The first-class leopard warrior of Bediville boarded the ship and immediately started the photon mirror to push the spacecraft forward.

On the East African Plateau, Lake Victoria, at 10 am - two hours from the final time limit for the exam.

At the same time, in a virtual world.

Hey! ! A large group of bats flew out of the depths of the cave and seemed to be disturbed by the fire, fleeing in vain.

"Wow! It’s terrible! Calvin is so scared!" The fisherman prince took the opportunity to pull the dog's tail.

"Quickly let go!" Husky shouted dissatisfiedly. "If you pull it apart, Husky's tail will be pulled down by you!"

"Well? That seems to be a good idea too!" Calvin grabbed the dog's young, furry, curled-up big tail, and continued to pull and pull: "Hey! If you can tear it down, take it!"

"Stay, live in Wang!" Husky was made to laugh and cry. He wanted to get rid of the fisherman prince, but he did not dare to struggle hard. He was afraid to pull it off with his strength.

"It’s so good to call your feelings." Hal smiled aside.

"It's not Wang!" Husky's face became red under the light of the fire: "Who wants to have a good relationship with this entangled guy! I hate to die! So I like dog tail, why don't I raise a dog myself? Wang!"

"Hey, this prince is having this plan. After returning to Iceland, he will definitely raise a dog." Calvin continued to play with the dogtail happily. "But now, Calvin is traveling outside, temporarily living in a battleship, and the battleship. It is strictly forbidden to bring pets."

"Oh--" Haski put on an indifferent expression to deal with. He was too lazy to take Calvin again, lest the little prince of the fisherman continue to smug and talk nonstop.

But the Leopard, the young boy, was very curious at this time: "War, the battleship? Do you have your own battleship? Cool-"

"Oh, if you are interested, it is okay to bring you to the battleship to play." Calvin laughed with arrogance, and at the same time, the bad eyes attacked, and the leopard teenager was coldly glanced: "However, Your little black cat will bring bad luck. In the end, let's not let you go on board? Calvin will think about it again."

"Hey--" Hal seems to be hit hard, and the cat's ears are pulling.

"Don't listen to him nonsense, focus on the task first." Husky interrupted. He couldn't help but shudder and found that he could get out of the white steam when he spoke.

That's right, with the deepening of the Husky group, the chill that oozes from the depths of the cave is getting more and more aggressive!

They are here!

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