Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 913: Lost in Tianyuan (16)

Chapter 913 Lost in Tianyuan 16

Sleeping in the game, what is a concept? It is like dreaming deeper in a dream, and people are breaking into the deep consciousness of their own hearts.

This is not the first time.

In the heart of Hal, the teenager often saw a tall figure.

Although the body of the figure is unclear and cannot be seen, from the outline, he should be a elephant.

"Is it coming again?" the voice said. Even his voice is ambiguous and it is difficult to tell who it is.

But it doesn't matter. Hal only knows that this is the person he knows, a person who has a close relationship with the leopard, and this is enough.

And that figure, at this moment, is staring at the endless sea of ​​trees in front of him - the sea of ​​trees on the big moor.

The endless canopy forms a large dark green ocean, and as the breeze blows through, the trees swell together, like the waves on the real sea.

This view can only be seen from the top of a giant tree.

It is the sacred tree of the great marsh, the tallest and largest tree in the entire giant forest, and its unique and rare spectacle.

"No matter how many times you look good, it is so beautiful." Hal stared at the sea of ​​trees and sighed low.

"Every time I look at it, my heart is calm." The tall figure is simple and concise.

"Hall also wants to be really afraid of the holy tree, and take a good look at this with his own eyes." The leopard teenager sat next to the tall figure and said: "It is a pity that Hal is too small to climb up." ""

"You can do it. There will be one day." The figure said: "Because you have already done it."

"Well?" The leopard boy snorted in confusion.

However, at this time, the beauty of the tree sea began to change.

Darkness, falling from the sky.

Like a stream of fire and rain, roaring, screaming, and falling.

It ruthlessly tears this beautiful sea of ​​trees, smearing life and bringing death.

The emerald green began to eclipse, and the yellow was replaced.

Countless birds and beasts in the forest fled in the air, but they could not escape the clutches of death, falling like fallen leaves.

The beautiful sea of ​​trees died in an instant, leaving only a yellow and black, ugly sea of ​​corruption.

"What the **** is this going on?!" The leopard was screaming.

"Disaster." The tall figure is indifferent, "I am coming. You must become stronger and defend your home."

"But that's not my hometown--" Hal looked at the terrible scenery, thinking about various excuses and trying to clear the relationship with things.

He is only a seven-year-old leopard teenager, and he is disabled. He can't even take care of himself. What do you want to defend against?

That kind of thing, is it better to leave it to the heroic elephant warriors?

"If you don't work hard, you will regret it." The tall figure was sharp and eloquent: "Love it, give it everything. That's it."

The reasons for the various pushes are just to be said from Hal’s mouth, but the other’s words make the Leopard’s teenager speechless.

The surrounding scene began to blur more and was swallowed up by the darkness.

Hal’s dream is gradually waking up.

The morning light was shot from outside the cave, and a large area of ​​the hole was shimmered by blocking the large ice at the hole. Time is already the second day of the game early in the morning.

The time flow of the game is four times that of reality. It should have been a very long night, and the moment when the teenagers doze off, they passed away.

Hal yawned and habitually rubbed his eyes. He saw that Husky still leaned on his shoulder and slumbered, and then gently shook the canine boy: "Husky? Wake up and wake up."

"Well?" The canine boy gave a lazy roar, "Hal? Good morning."

"Oh - early." Even Calvin was awakened. The little prince slept on the tail of the canine boy. When Husky woke up, he put his tail away, and of course he woke up the fisherman prince.

"Husky, check your inventory and see how many times you can use it." The leopard boy urged. It was boring to be trapped in this cave all night, and it was time to escape from here.

"Hello, Wang." Husky yawned and reached out and opened the inventory. Other small partners also click on the item bar to view their status.

Warfare use status:

Calvin: Ice Arrow m/Ice M: 12/15

auzw.comHusky: Arm burst: 5/10

Self-healing enhancement m: 3/7

Hal: Strong sprint: 8/10

Spiritual unity: 4/5

"Hey?!" Husky exclaimed in disappointment, and his sleepiness completely disappeared: "Hasky's combat skills only recovered half of the Wang? Too sweet!"

"Hal's did not return to full." The leopard was not satisfied with the boy: "Surely, not resting in the town is not awkward."

It should be said that camping at night, and only eating a little bit of food, war skills to return to this point, is already thankful.

Husky frowned. I hope that the only five [arm bursts] can destroy the ice and take them out of the cave.

He picked up the giant sword and went to the ice.

"Don't you try the sword that just got your hand?" Calvin asked with expectation: "It seems to be cut iron, which is good for breaking ice."

"Not Wang." Husky immediately vetoed.

The sword that was obtained from the belly of the gray dragon was sharp, but it was just a standard long sword. It was too light and the blade was relatively short. It is ok to cut off some of the ice, but to crush the whole piece of ice in one fell swoop, you need a heavy and long weapon like a big sword.

So another iron sword in the hands of Husky became the best choice.

"Everything is far away, you have to start Wang." The canine boy raised his martial arts in his hands.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Hal hurriedly gathered up and observed the situation outside the cave through transparent ice.

The wolves are still there.

This group of unsuccessful guys spent a day and night outside the cave and refused to leave. Their obsessions are so deep, it is unbelievable.

Of course, the ice did not completely block the hole. From the gap in the hole, the **** smell of the teenagers may be the culprit that keeps these wolves excited and has long been reluctant to leave.

that's terrible. Even if you can go outside the hole, you will inevitably be attacked by this dangerous World of Warcraft.

"It doesn't matter." Husky gave the returning city reel to the leopard teenager: "We rushed to the open area and immediately used the transfer technique. As long as the leader of the forest did not appear, the returning city scroll can still use Wang. ""

"I hope so embarrassed." The leopard teenager took the reel in uneasiness and took it in his hand. In fact, this is the problem he is most worried about.

They have seen the owner of this foggy forest - the huge wild wolf king. When Hal light saw it, he knew that he was far from the opponent of the leader. It gave people even more pressure than the gray fog dragon.

Their current state is not perfect, and the skills that Husky can use are only less than half (the ice needs to consume some). If you encounter the siege of the Wolf King and the wolves, the young people will surely be wiped out.

The leopard teenager narrowed his eyes and continued to look out of the hole through the big ice, trying to find the figure of the wild wolf from the gap between the forests.

But he really can't find it. Either the Wolf King is hiding too deep, or it is not waiting here. I only hope that the latter.

Although the heart is full of uneasiness, Hal is also very clear that it is not a way to continue to spend here. Only by opening the hole to escape the birth day can the game go smoothly.

"Hello, oh." Hal let him open his body and retreat behind the canine boy: "Get started."

"Worry is useless, we will be better." Husky smiled optimistically, and got together: "Hah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

He set up the frame, prepared for the full swing of the sword, and launched the combat skills, bursting out a powerful arm in an instant, and stabbed the heavy sword in his hand!

lb! ! - After a loud bang like a thunder, the big sword was deeply plunged into the big ice. The ice cubes showed a different thickness and obvious cracks. It refracts the light outside the hole into an irregular number of flaws, showing a rainbow-like beauty.

"哼" Husky's feet are on the surface of the ice, and the whole body's strength is suddenly pulled out, and the big sword is pulled out of the ice.

At that time, the ice has already appeared obvious damage, and once again, it is possible to break the huge ice.

But the wild wolves outside the cave are also excited. They screamed and echoed each other. Husky attacked the ice to make a loud noise, just like the bell that whipped the breakfast for the wolves.

Hal looked more nervously about the situation outside the cave. Other wolves are not a big problem, after all, they can be rid of through the return spool. The leopard man can't help but silently pray, just hope that the loud noise will not attract the wild wolf king!

Husky has once again set the stage and sprinted the sword toward the huge ice.

lb! ! Hey la la la la la la! ! The sound of the big sword hitting the ice and the sound of the ice cracking mixed together to form a harsh tragic song. Plus the cave has an excellent sound reinforcement effect, and the sound may be heard clearly within a few kilometers.

Hal is more worried. They are not facing the problem of "hoping that the wolf king is not there", but "hoping that the wolf king has not yet arrived." The monster can definitely hear this loud noise, it came in person, just a matter of time!

"Hah, Husky, hurry up!" The leopard teenager hurriedly urged the road, and at the same time opened the inventory and was ready to take out the props.

"I will be good soon." The canine boy used his whole body to pull the big sword out of the ice. At the time, the cracks on the ice were getting more and more, and it was nearing the state of complete fragmentation. Send it another slam, and the three teenagers can escape from the cave!

"Hello, ah, ah!" After Husky recovered the big sword, he rushed to the assault and slammed the sword!

Pound la la la la la la! ! Like a series of thunder and explosions at the same time, huge ice cubes (and several wild wolves frozen in ice cubes) shattered into countless fragments to scatter! The storm of ice debris erupted from the mouth of the cave, and it rushed up, and the long-horned wolves that had been peeked at the hole were so bloody!

"It’s now!" The leopard boy took the lead and rushed out of the cave. The props in his hand were ready, and he parabolically flew out under his arm!

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