Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 929: Looking for peace in the heart (2)

Chapter 929 Finding the secluded to the center of the earth

"Well, you are casual." The leopard warrior pretended to be unconscious. Cut a piece of meat from the antelope: "There is a lot of lamb, you want to eat it yourself, don't be polite with us. Come over, Bedieville, we First divide the equipment."

"Well, good." The werewolf sneaked at Sir Kay, then leaned over to the leopard warrior and watched the big cat take all the weapons out of the bag.

There is no shortage of their weapons. In addition to the departure of Chanel and Solar, the shortbow and dagger were given to the Elf girl, and the double scimitar was given to the swordsman. The remaining rhinoceros sword, two lizards and two lizards The shield, a large bow, a short bow, and two short swords, all in it.

The weapons that were damaged because of the last battle were also repaired by the clever Leopard youths and seemed to continue to be used.

The arrow that was squandered by Bedyville was replenished, but only wooden arrows, lightning arrows and burning arrows required extra raw materials and could not be manufactured at all.

"What weapon do you want, Bedyville?" asked the Leopard Warrior.

"If I can, I want that big bow. Give me twenty arrows."

Paramitis half-squinted: "You are sure that if you use the bow, you may not be able to cope with various emergencies."

"Don't forget that I still have this." The werewolf took out the tortoise whip wrapped around his waist. This thing can only be used by Bediville and Paramitis, and it cannot be classified in the inventory of weapons.

"Okay." The big cat saw that the werewolf did have enough weapons in his hand, and then turned to ask Albert: "What about you, little tiger?"

"(You are a little tiger). I want that short bow, give me a short sword, twenty wooden arrows, enough." Albert's request is not high, and he wants almost everything. It is the weapon with the weakest attack power.

"Is there really no problem? It is you who say that you want to divide the weapons so that everyone can have a certain fighting power -"

"I originally wanted the big sword," Albert interrupted the leopard warrior's spit. "But the sword is too heavy, it is best for Elaine. I also use the rifle and shield." - Still, can you improve the dagger to make it longer and more lethal?"

"Give me some time, I will try to improve it." Seglad interjected. His gaze subconsciously looked at the glider that crashed in the distance. The bottom of the ship is made of many bones of the thunder lizard. If the ship's wreckage is rebuilt, it is estimated that it can be used as a weapon such as a long sword.

The big cat nodded. "Well, that's it. - Elaine, the rhinoceros horn sword is yours. You have no opinion?"

"Well? Ok, okay." The white bear was still busy with the barbecue, and was called by Albert, and he replied perfunctoryly.

"And the two shields and the guns returned to Saifeier and Segred, um," Biddivil thought and thought: "Paramitis, you don't have any weapons, really no problem?"

"What are you talking about, Buddy." The leopard warrior sneered, reaching out and knocking on the long gun hanging behind him: "I have Gu Nieer in my hand. There is no better in the world than this." The weapon."

It is no wonder that when it comes to dividing weapons, Paramitis seems so calm. It turns out that this guy is not rare in these earthly weapons, he is better.

The werewolf licked the big cat and protested. Just wanted to say something. I didn’t expect Jazz, who was eating barbecue next to it, to open it first: "On that question, Sir Paramitis, I want to talk to you. The gun you got in this adventure has been a little bit beyond the allowable range of the exam. In order to keep the fairness of the exam, we may have to confiscate it forever -"

It turned out to be the case. Beddyville finally understood. Kay is close to them, and it is indeed another picture. The picture is this 亘Gunnier.

"What?! You dare to confiscate my 亘Gunnier!!" The big cat was not happy right away. His face was flushed, his fork was shaking, and he turned and glared at Kay: "No way! This is me." The treasures that are easy to get, do not violate the rules of the exam! Why do you confiscate it?!"

"But it does not belong to you, it belongs to the Pygmies. It is one of the cultural heritage of the local indigenous people." Red-haired knights continue to pull a bunch of messy reasons.

"Fart! The **** cannibals arbitrarily worship us as gods, they gave me the [Meteor Gun - 亘Gunnier]! This is - I - I - East - - West -!! You have no right to take it away!"

"No, I said it was not stealing, but it was temporarily forfeited. It will be returned to you after the test."

"I don't care!" The big cat is even more angry. "I know that this is the treasure I got during the exam. I should be able to keep it for the next exam. As long as the rules don't say no, you have no power to confiscate my treasure. !"

Kay’s face was a little unpleasant, but the silk disappeared quickly and was immediately covered up by his smirk: "Indeed, if you refuse to do so, we really have no way to forcibly confiscated your weapons. But this way Okay? - Even the mighty Gengir, you can't play the power of one tenth of it in your hands that are now being enchanted.

I dare to assure you that the place you are going to next is very dangerous. If you don't, you will die inside, and the rare soldiers in your hand will be lost forever in that horrible place. return. And in this world, there is one less weapon of the gods - is this really good? Do you like this violent thing? "

This sentence makes the heart of the Leopard warrior immediately: "Are you telling the truth?"

When Kay saw the big cat shaken, he took the opportunity to ask: "What do I use to lie to you?"

"Hom--" Paramitis cast a helpful look at Bediville, and the werewolf could only shrug.

"I can tell you clearly that the round-table test candidates have a high annual mortality rate, and the place you are going to go to will probably set a new high for mortality.

Paramitis, I don't care how good your combat skills are, how strong your ability is, and you are in [the place] equal to the strength of a hand, waiting for the lamb to be slaughtered. You are very likely to die. The organizer of the test may not want to see the artifact in your hand with you.

Although this weapon has amazing power, the user cannot exert its power. With this kind of thing, no death? This has no meaning at all. "

The leopard warrior is even more confused. Kay’s words are indeed correct. As long as wearing a magic bracelet, Paramitis can’t play the true power of Gurnier. The gun in his current hand is nothing more than a sharp rifle.

Bringing such good things into a dangerous place is likely to become a funerary of Paramitis. This is too a pity.

But the Leopard warrior did not make sense to give up the treasures that he had never had. This made him immediately caught in a dilemma.

Kay saw the hesitant expression of Paramitis, knowing that the big cat was finally hooked up and immediately sprinkled more bait: "That's it. We will not ask for your treasure. The organizer will provide you with one." The weapons with fine enchantments are used as a condition for exchanging 亘Gunnier. They are expensive, but not the only ones. Even if you die in that dangerous area, we can afford it."

Kay said so much, but it has always been based on the premise that Paramitis will die. This is really not a pleasant conversation. His father was hurt, and Saifei, who was on the barbecue, couldn’t help but refute: "First of all, Dad will never die. Please manage your mouth, Sir Kay. Second, enchant. Well-made weapons? Hehe--the organizer of the round-table trials is really sour, but it only gives us physical weapons. It must be given to the lightsaber, light gun, or photon shield."

"Oh, believe me!" Kay’s smug smile on his face is even worse. "You have to go to [the place], the photon weapon has no use at all. The weapon with stable enchantment is the best place to explore that place. select."

He was so proud, filled his words with confidence, and suddenly decided to settle in Bediville, who was suspected.

At least, at this point, Kay did not lie.

The [the place] where their second-stage exam is going is estimated to be very special, dangerous and special.

Kay’s proposal may be correct. It is the best choice to replace Paragondi in the hands of Paramitis and harvest a batch of weapons specially prepared to cope with [the place].

At this point, the Knight of the Round Table, Cador, also came with an electronic notebook. It seems that the atmosphere of the people who have been present has changed, knowing that Kaisheng is going to succeed.

"Is it right?" Cador asked without affection.

"It’s going to be settled," Kay promised Cador and turned to Paramitis. "Right? - Are you interested in seeing the weapons we have given you? After reading, maybe Will you be tempted?"

"Yes, let me see it first." The leopard warrior calmly said.

"Dad!" The two leopard youths screamed in unison.

Paramitis waved his hand to the sons: "I have seen it before, I have seen it before. There is no loss in light."

Kay smiled like a winner: "Huh-Cado? Take them to the arsenal of the battleship."

"Of course - please, please." Cador went down the mountain.

"Wait, I will go too." Albert stood up and hurriedly bit a few mouthfuls of roast lamb. This nosy tiger seems to want to join in the fun.

"I will go too." Biddiville did not trust Paramitis, fearing that the Leopard warriors would make a loss of money for a moment, and they could only keep up.

"You are so worried about me? I am not a child." The big cat stunned his head and walked behind the round table knight Cador.

"But sometimes you behave very naively. In short, be careful and be right." Bettiville said that the Leopard warrior could not argue.

I didn't expect Cador to stop just a few steps and say something that Bedieville couldn't understand at all: "It's here."

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