Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 974: Guild Wars in Ziyan (eight)

Chapter 974 Guild Wars in Ziyan Eight

The purple flame column in front of Albert and others is in fact the same as the flame of the [Flame Magic Sword - Revain] sword, belonging to a special ultra-high temperature magic flame.

But Albert has never seen the real [flame sword - Revain] waving in the theory, and of course it is impossible to see the lavender flame blade wrapped around Rewaltin.

The only thing the tiger has ever seen is the black flame that was used by King Arthur seven years ago to burn a certain green knight. What is it that makes the tiger connect this purple flame with the black flame is another mystery.

"In short!" Albert reminded again: "Do not touch this flame. You must be careful when you walk here! You will die if you accidentally!"

"Know, I know." The White Bears replied in trepidation. In fact, without the tiger deliberately reminding, Elaine has already retired a lot of steps, far from the flame column. In addition to the darkness, the young white bears are most afraid of this kind of inexplicable thing - because you never know what kind of suffering you will suffer when you are involved with these unknowns.

"If we are careful to pass through here, there should still be no problem, right?" The tiger asked the Elf girl. "Or, there may be an ambush, it is too dangerous, have to change a road?"

"Let's go over like this." Chanel whispered, "I'm already familiar with the sound of this flame, it won't affect my alert work. There are too many death traps in this place that are inconvenient to act - but if there are enemies here, The situation of the enemy is estimated to be the same as ours. There is nothing to be afraid of when the conditions are the same. We will avoid fierce battles and pass through this cave as soon as possible."

"Very good, just like this." The tiger nodded with satisfaction: "Ilan, are you walking in front of the shield?"

"Hey, me?" The white bear is a bit stunned.

The tiger glanced at the white bear: "Of course it is you. Besides who you still have to take that huge shield?"

It was his reason that Elbert wanted Elaine to be at the forefront. Because the caves are covered with such dangerous purple fire pillars, there will be problems when you touch them. They really have to encounter a monster sneak attack. When they need to dodge, it will be very unfavorable - maybe a roll will fall into the pillar of fire. Let the Elaine Shield walk in front of the road, blocking the opponent's first wave of attacks, it will be relatively easy to play. Although this is only theory.

"In fact... I have one more thing to ask you, Elaine." Chanel laughed. "Stop and stop."

"呃-欸?!" The white bear man who had stood up with a shield and stood up honestly felt a sudden increase in weight on his shoulder. Before he reacted, Chanel had jumped on Elaine's shoulder along the back of the white bear... Riding on the white bear's arm!

"You, you, what are you doing?!" The white bear exclaimed, his face flushed

"Well, the scenery here is not bad." Chanel replied with a smile and set up a bow alert. Her legs crossed the head of the white bear, hugged tightly on Elaine's shoulder. The petite elf girl rides on the shoulders of the tall white bear, and the picture is like a little daughter riding his father's arm.

"You woman--" Albert turned angry and purple, but pretended to say nothing: "I think it's really thoughtful, so you can be sure to be alert and increase the range of bow and arrow shooting. And it can better protect Elaine who is responsible for the defense ahead. Um-"

"You don't have any opinions." Chanel's original idea seemed to be deliberately irritating to Albert, but it didn't matter much, because it really helped the alert work.

"Yes, but I can't breathe, I can't breathe..." Elaine felt like she was about to suffocate.

Chanel's body temperature was uploaded from her two slender and slender legs, slowly infiltrating into the shoulders of the white bears. There is a kind of girl's unique body fragrance that lingers between the white bear's head.

In this scene, this situation is a man who will accelerate his heartbeat and be very excited. Although the white bear is simple and young, it is not deep and stupid, but there will still be a response from a physically sound man. His face rose more and more rosy because of congestion, and the red light appeared on the white hair of the bear man, even if the purple light in the environment could not cover it.

"Huh, blushing. It's a little boy." Chanel chuckled, with a little bit of pious success.

"Hey--" The white bear man made a mutter from the depths of his throat, helplessly lifted the giant shield in his hands and covered his body. At this time, the Lizard Shield is no longer a defensive tool. It also serves as a shame for the white bears.

Seeing this picturesque scene (暧) Li (昧), Albert is even more unhappy: "Why don't you say anything on your shoulder, but I accidentally touched you. Have to swear at me?"

"Because he is a little boy, you are a man." Chanel replied cheerfully.

"The little boy you said is coughing!" Elbert was almost too angry to be killed by his own spit.

"I, let's go, good, okay?" Elaine almost persuaded the two to stop bickering. The reason is not only afraid of wasting time, but he is also afraid that other teams will catch up at this time and see the scene of the white bear being riding the elf girl.

And in fact? I am afraid that many people will be envious of wanting to adjust their identity with Elaine, but the simple white bears did not expect so much.

In this way, the white bear man Elaine set up with his almost ascending big shield to walk in the forefront of the team, while the Elf girl Chanel became a "turret", riding on the shoulders of the white bears, guarding and shooting with bows and arrows, and the tigers Albert is the team behind the palace. This strange team walked into the huge cave full of death traps.

The purple pillars around it didn't stop erupting for a moment, with a slight but constant noise, as if from the depths of hell. This voice is low, as if warning the peers to return as soon as possible, because the road ahead is full of dangers and murder.

Elaine shuddered and did not think about it so much. He adjusted his breathing and stabilized his footsteps. After getting used to it, Chanel’s influence on Elaine is becoming more and more dull—the white bears have to worry too much, so that they have no time to take care of the strange reactions of the physiology, so they have to leave them behind. .

The white bear walked forward step by step and walked.

"Well..." Chanel screamed: "There is movement. At three o'clock."

The White Bears subconsciously moved the shield in that direction. But his vision was obscured by a huge purple fire pillar in that direction, and for the time being, he could not see what was in that direction.

"We are going around. Be careful." Albert ordered behind Elaine. This kind of environment is not convenient to move, it is more unfavorable for combat. If possible, the tiger still wants to avoid fighting as much as possible.

The white bear nodded and retreated. Centering on the pillar of fire, one side of the shield was wound around and turned a corner. They would rather take a long walk and don't want to be close to the suspicious location - God knows what enemies are waiting for them there?

However, their wishful thinking is still playing too early. It seems to have been alarmed, something in that direction began to sound footsteps, and the Albert team, who was on the side of the side, was approaching.

Chanel heard the sound of the other side gradually accelerating, and knew that the big thing was not good: "No... it catches up, can't get rid of at our speed - ready to fight!"

"Touch!" A monster jumped out of the corner and emerged from the corner of a purple pillar of fire!

If so. Albert sighed in his heart. The thing is no different from the ice crystal monster that the tiger had previously encountered, but its rock body is no longer filled with ice crystals, but instead is replaced by purple flamingo crystals. The crystal glows purple, and it seems that the horrible ultra-high temperature flame has been absorbed into it. How do you know how to be hurt by the purple crystal of the monster?

"Ilan, do a good job!" Albert yelled, and had already circled the white bear man, ready to wait for the white bear to block the first blow, and immediately sprinted to give the opponent a fatal blow!

However, the Tiger’s wishful thinking was not heard again. The Amethyst did not use any long-range attacks. Instead, it made a crazy impact and ran into the big shield of Elaine!

Touch the dragon! - The white bears only feel the two hands numb! Elaine, who has a strange power, holds the big shield at the same time, and uses his strength to resist, and barely blocks the collision of the monster!

"Good, heavy!" Elaine muttered, clenching his teeth and holding it!

However, the other party is a monster after all, and its strength seems to be a product of nothing, and ordinary people have no analogy. It increased the intensity of the collision, pressed the whole body's strength on Elaine's shield, and greatly suppressed the meaning of Elaine from the power.

If you stop this way, the white bears will not be able to hold the shield, and the defense will collapse! And ten yards behind him is another purple fire pillar! If you are pushed down by the monster, the consequences are unimaginable!

The situation was critical, Chanel was not idle at this time, she pulled the bow, and it was an arrow on the stone-like body of the monster!


As the crash sounds together, it is Chanel’s exclamation: "What!?"

The arrow hits the monster's hard rock body, making a sharp sound and bounces back!

Obviously, I have already aimed at the stone seam. The wooden arrow still can't penetrate the monster's body. It can be seen that the hardness of the body composed of volcanic rocks has exceeded the ordinary level! The level of bow and arrow attack even to the monster scratching can not reach!

But this arrow is not meaningless! The wooden arrow hit the monster and made a sound, distracting the attention of the Amethyst colossus, and Albert had already circled the monster's body to the left, raised his sea sword, and scribbled a sword!

"Hey!" The sword tapped on the left foot of the monster made up of purple flaming stone crystal, which made a very crisp, slamming sound.

It has no effect at all!

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