Ange Beili was in front of them for a while, and the group focused their attention on Angel Beili, but they didn't realize that Chu Nan was already on the body of the bird-shaped beast. Turn around.

The reason why it is a "body" instead of a "corpse" is because Chu Nan had already hit it seriously in the air and was forced to fall, but its body was too huge, and it took a while. Not so easy to die.

Chu Nan searched it carefully, but did not find any special structure on its outer layer that could clearly show where its inner core is, knowing that it must be hidden in the depths of its huge body. place.

It is obviously unrealistic to directly dissection it in front of so many people, but Chu Nan is not helpless. It slaps the back of the beast and pours Inner Breath into it.

This alien beast has a huge body, and the meridian in its body is extraordinarily thick. Although the Inner Breath in Chu Nan's palm has not undergone a high-turn bonus, it is not weak. After pouring it into the meridian in its body, But it is like a stream pouring into a big river, and it does not cause much impact, but still causes its natural repulsion in meridian.

A strange energy fluctuation arises in the strange beast meridian, rushing towards Chu Nan's Inner Breath.

Chu Nan skillfully manipulated the Inner Breath to avoid direct impact, and went upstream. Following this strange energy fluctuation, it flowed through the alien beast meridian for a while, and finally traced back to the root cause and found the abnormality in its body. The source of energy fluctuations.

Obviously, this should be where its kernel resides.

If we compare ominous beast or alien beast with human Martial Artist, the core is equivalent to dantian, and these special energy fluctuations are equivalent to its Inner Breath.

And just like Martial Artist who is powerful enough to Heavenly Reign Grade will condense nebula in dantian, thus have more direct and easy control of external space energy, ominous beast and alien beast are powerful to a certain extent, also Special energy crystals will condense in the core, similar to nebulae, making them different from other lower-level ominous beasts and alien beasts, and also have easier control over the energy of the surrounding space.

Before Chu Nan obtained the cores of ominous beasts and alien beasts, they were all dug out of their bodies after they died. Because the vitality was exhausted, as long as the remaining energy in the core was stimulated, The kernel also loses its effectiveness.

The current situation is different. This bird and beast is too huge, not only is it not so easy to die, but its exceptionally strong meridian can withstand the intrusion of Chu Nan Inner Breath and even Shock, and in order to resist the Chu Nan Inner Breath's running around, it relies on instinct to continuously drive the core, generating energy fluctuations to compete with Chu Nan Inner Breath.

This gives Chu Nan a very good opportunity to probe the specifics of its kernel.

Before Chu Nan got the core excitation energy, it took at most a few minutes, at most ten minutes, the core energy would be exhausted, and it was only based on the energy probe automatically emitted by the dead core , the effect is actually not good.

Now there is a living alien beast for him to probe, not only for longer, but also much better.

"Bang...peng~ peng~ peng~..."

I don't know how Angel Beili negotiated with that group of people. When the sound came, it was Angel Beili who had already fought with one of them.

Chu Nan glanced at it and found that Angelique obviously did not use all her strength, but fought with the other party, and couldn't help smiling slightly.

Angelbely has a straightforward personality, and even carefree is right, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. After she understands Chu Nan's purpose, she cooperates quite well.

Seeing Angelique and the man fighting together, it looks like she is surrounded by perils, but in fact she is able to do it with ease, Chu Nan relaxes and refocuses on the alien beast below him .

He is not just passive induction and the energy fluctuations generated in the core of the alien beast, but also continuously adjusts the Inner Breath to stimulate the alien beast, forcing it to respond differently.

Chu Nan was very satisfied with the results, even a little unexpected.

From the moment this alien beast first appeared, Chu Nan noticed that he was not able to fly by relying on his bird-like body, because in fact, with its too large body and weight, even with A bird's body like a scene can never fly. It can fly completely relying on its precise control of the space energy around it. With the support of space energy, it can fly easily.

Now after repeated stimulation to its core, Chu Nan has almost discovered the secrets of all the energy fluctuations deep within its core.

After careful calculation in his mind, Chu Nan mobilized the Inner Breath in the dantian, and at the same time moved part of the inner space energy in the body, synchronously entered the dantian, and began to condense another group of nebulae.

The complexity of this nebula is far greater than that of the nebula that Chu Nan had temporarily condensed in his previous attempt, almost replicating the energy structure in the core of the bird and beast under his feet.

As soon as the nebula was formed, Chu Nan had already sensed that the extra viscous and dense space energy in the endless abyss space around him began to be affected by this nebula, and was introduced into Chu Nan's body in a thread-by-strip manner. The meridian flows into the dantian, flows through the nebula, and is subtly transformed into the Inner Breath by Chu Nan.

Through this nebula, Chu Nan's body breath and the external space energy finally reached a circular interaction, becoming the same as outside the endless abyss.

However, after Chu Nan manipulated the energy of the space to circulate for several cycles, it was frowned, and the dantian breath was surging, and the newly condensed nebula was directly destroyed!

The destruction of the nebula caused a shock to Chu Nan's body. He couldn't help shaking his body slightly, a trace of abnormal blush flashed across his face, and a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Not far away, Carola, who has been paying attention to Chu Nan for the most part, blinked her eyes and looked towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan opened his eyes and greeted Carolana, who was still calm, but clearly showed a hint of concern, smiled slightly at her, and looked at the head, indicating that it's okay, body ** The flow of breath and the activation of the cultivation technique of the flame of life have completely healed this little injury.

Then he stood up, jumped off the back of the beast, and came to the sidelines.

At this time, Angelina had already experienced a "hard fight" and "reluctantly" defeated the first opponent. The second opponent had just stood in front of her, and the two were about to start when they suddenly saw Chu Nan jumped down, and Qi Qi couldn't help but looked over in amazement.

Angie Beili's eyes showed doubts, Chu Nan motioned to her nodded, and stood directly in front of her without speaking.

"I'll do it this time."

The second opponent glanced at Chu Nan, turned his head and looked towards his accomplice.

He was a representative of the group who wanted to deal with Chu Nan before, the middle-aged man eyebrows slightly frowned, and then gestured to the two nodded with a kindly expression.


The second opponent was shocked and turned around looking towards Chu Nan.

"Come on."

Chu Nan was not polite, took a step forward and slapped it out with a palm.

The man expressed congeals, looked cautious, took a step back, and made a gesture.

next moment, Chu Nan has already slapped his arms on his chest.

Chu Nan's Inner Breath exploded in his palm, and with the energy surging around his body, a huge force rushed out.

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